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Bing Maps for Enterprise service retirement

Bing Maps for Enterprise is deprecated and will be retired. Free (Basic) account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2025. Enterprise account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2028. To avoid service disruptions, all implementations using Bing Maps for Enterprise REST APIs and SDKs will need to be updated to use Azure Maps by the retirement date that applies to your Bing Maps for Enterprise account type.

Azure Maps is Microsoft's next-generation maps and geospatial services for developers. Azure Maps has many of the same features as Bing Maps for Enterprise, and more. To get started with Azure Maps, create a free Azure subscription and an Azure Maps account. For more information about azure Maps, see Azure Maps Documentation. For migration guidance, see Bing Maps Migration Overview.

Type ID Description
Bars For establishments that serve primarily alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine, liquor, and cocktails for consumption by the patrons on certain premises.
BarsGrillsAndPubs A casual restaurant that serves substantial amount of food and alcoholic beverages on the menu.
BelgianRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Belgium.
BreweriesAndBrewPubs For businesses or entities which brew and process beer on the premises, typically also serving their products in-house to the public.
BritishRestaurants A restaurant that primarily serves cuisine from the British cultural traditions, including English, Welsh, Cornish and Scottish.
BuffetRestaurants A restaurant where food is presented buffet-style and patrons can serve themselves.
CafeRestaurants This casual eating and drinking place offers significant food options, prepared to order, and seating at the premise.
CaribbeanRestaurants A restaurant that primarily serves cuisine from the Caribbean traditions.
ChineseRestaurants A restaurant that primarily serves cuisine from the Chinese cultural traditions.
CocktailLounges For bars whose focus is serving and selling alcoholic mixed drinks.
CoffeeAndTea For establishments that primarily serve coffee and/or tea.
Delicatessens In the United States, a delicatessen store, or deli, is a type of business that is both a grocery store and serves food.
DeliveryService This type includes business which offer the option to deliver prepared dishes to different locations like home or work.
Diners Diners are characterized by offering a wide range of foods, mostly American, a casual atmosphere, a counter, and late operating hours.
DiscountStores For retail stores that primarily sell products at lower prices than standard retail stores. Discount stores may or may not have various departments offering a wide variety of goods.
Donuts For places that primarily serve donuts.
FastFood For businesses characterized by their quickness, cheap food, and minimal service.
FrenchRestaurants A restaurant that primarily serves cuisine from the French cultural traditions.
FrozenYogurt For entities that primarily serve frozen yogurt such as FroYo and Frogurt.
GermanRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Germany.
GreekRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from the Greek cultural traditions.
Grocers Retail entities that provide food products to consumers, including corner stores.
Grocery Retail entities that provide food products to consumers.
HawaiianRestaurants A restaurant that primarily serves cuisine from Hawaiian traditions.
HungarianRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve food from Hungarian cuisine.
IceCreamAndFrozenDesserts For businesses that primarily serve ice cream and other frozen desserts, like cheese cake.
IndianRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Indian cultural traditions.
ItalianRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Italian cultural traditions.
JapaneseRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Japanese cultural traditions.
Juices For businesses offering juices and smoothies.
KoreanRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Korean cultural traditions.
LiquorStores For retail stores that primarily sell liquor, wine, beer and spirits.
MexicanRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Mexican cultural traditions.
MiddleEasternRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Middle Eastern cultural traditions.
Pizza Restaurants that primarily serve pizza, including pizza deliveries.
PolishRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Polish cultural traditions.
PortugueseRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Portuguese cultural traditions.
Pretzels For businesses, places, kiosks, stands, or carts that primarily sell pretzels.
Restaurants Business entities with the primary purpose of serving prepared-to-order food to the public.
RussianAndUkrainianRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Russian and/or Ukrainian cultural traditions.
Sandwiches Restaurants that primarily serve sandwiches.
SeafoodRestaurants A restaurant that primarily serves seafood, including freshwater fish.
SpanishRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Spanish cultural traditions.
SportsBars Bars with a primary focus on viewing live sporting and entertainment events.
SteakHouseRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve beef steaks.
Supermarkets Large, warehouse-like retail entities that provide food products to consumers.
SushiRestaurants Restaurants that primarily service sushi, including both cooked and raw seafood.
TakeAway A food establishment that offers the option to purchase prepared dishes for the purpose of being eaten elsewhere.
Taverns Similar to bars, but with additional seating; typically these are businesses which were once residences.
ThaiRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Thai cultural traditions.
TurkishRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Turkish cultural traditions.
VegetarianAndVeganRestaurants Restaurant that primarily serve vegetarian and/or vegan cuisine.
VietnameseRestaurants Restaurants that primarily serve cuisine from Vietnamese cultural traditions.