List of extensions and modules by version of PostgreSQL

The following extensions and modules are available for the Azure Database for the PostgreSQL service.

Extension Extension version Notes
address_standardizer is used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step. 3.5.0
address_standardizer_data_us is the Address Standardizer US dataset example. 3.5.0
age (Preview) provides graph database capabilities. N/A
amcheck provides functions for verifying relation integrity. 1.4
anon (Preview) provides data anonymization tools. 1.3.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
auto_explain provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically, without having to run EXPLAIN by hand N/A * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
azure_ai provides Azure AI and ML Services integration for PostgreSQL. N/A
azure_storage provides Azure Storage integration for PostgreSQL. N/A
bloom provides an index access method based on Bloom filters. 1.0
btree_gin provides support for indexing common datatypes in GIN. 1.3
btree_gist provides support for indexing common datatypes in GiST. 1.7
citext is a data type for case-insensitive character strings. 1.6
cube is a data type for multidimensional cubes. 1.5
dblink to connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database. 1.2 Read the special considerations for extension dblink in Flexible Server.
dict_int provides a text search dictionary template for integers. 1.0
dict_xsyn provides a text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing. 1.0
earthdistance calculates great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth. 1.2
fuzzystrmatch determines similarities and distance between strings. 1.2
hll introduces a new data type hll which is a HyperLogLog data structure. N/A
hstore is a data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs. 1.8
hypopg provides hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL. 1.4.1
intagg is an obsolete extension that provides an integer aggregator and enumerator. 1.1
intarray provides functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers. 1.5
isn provides data types for international product numbering standards. 1.2
lo provides support for managing Large Objects (also called LOs or BLOBs). This includes a data type lo and a trigger lo_manage. 1.1
login_hook is a hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time. 1.5
ltree is a data type for hierarchical tree-like structures. 1.3
oracle_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for Oracle databases. 1.2
orafce provides functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS. 4.9
pageinspect inspects the contents of database pages at a low level. 1.12
pgaudit provides auditing functionality. 16.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_buffercache examines the shared buffer cache. 1.5 Read the special considerations for extension pg_buffercache in Flexible Server.
pg_cron is a job scheduler for PostgreSQL. 1.6 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_cron in Flexible Server.
pgcrypto provides cryptographic functions. 1.3
pg_diskann (Preview) is a scalable approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm for efficient vector search at any scale. N/A
pg_failover_slots is a logical replication slot manager for failover purposes. 1.0.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_failover_slots in Flexible Server.
pg_freespacemap examines the free space map (FSM). 1.2
pg_hint_plan makes it possible to tweak PostgreSQL execution plans using so-called hints in SQL comments. 1.7.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_hint_plan in Flexible Server.
pglogical manages PostgreSQL Logical Replication. 2.4.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 5.0.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman_bgw manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 5.0.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_prewarm prewarms the cache with relation data. 1.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_prewarm in Flexible Server.
pg_repack reorganizes tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks. 1.5.1 Read the special considerations for extension pg_repack in Flexible Server.
pgrouting provides geospatial routing functionality. N/A
pgrowlocks shows row-level locking information. 1.2
pg_squeeze removes unused space from a relation. 1.7 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_stat_statements tracks execution statistics of all SQL statements executed. 1.11 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_stat_statements in Flexible Server.
pgstattuple shows tuple-level statistics. 1.5 Read the special considerations for extension pgstattuple in Flexible Server.
pg_trgm provides text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams. 1.6
pg_visibility examines the visibility map and page-level visibility info. 1.2
plpgsql pL/pgSQL is a SQL procedural language. 1.0
plv8 pL/JavaScript (v8) is a trusted procedural language. 3.1.7
postgis geometry and geography spatial types and functions. 3.5.0
postgis_raster raster types and functions. 3.5.0
postgis_sfcgal sFCGAL functions. 3.5.0
postgis_tiger_geocoder tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder. 3.5.0
postgis_topology spatial types and functions. 3.5.0
postgres_fdw is a foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers. 1.1 Read the special considerations for extension postgres_fdw in Flexible Server.
postgres_protobuf provides protocol buffers for PostgreSQL. 0.2
semver provides a semantic version data type. 0.32.1
session_variable provides registration and manipulation of session variables and constants. 3.3
sslinfo provides information about SSL certificates. 1.2
tablefunc provides functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab. 1.0
tdigest implements t-digest, a data structure for on-line accumulation of rank-based statistics such as quantiles and trimmed means. 1.4.2
tds_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (SAP ASE or SQL Server). 2.0.3
timescaledb enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data. 2.17.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
topn returns the top values in a database according to some criteria. 2.7.0
tsm_system_rows is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit. 1.0
tsm_system_time is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit. 1.0
unaccent provides a text search dictionary that removes accents. 1.1
uuid-ossp generates universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). 1.1
vector is a vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods. 0.8.0
wal2json is an output plugin for logical decoding. It means that the plugin have access to tuples produced by INSERT and UPDATE. Also, UPDATE/DELETE old row versions can be accessed depending on the configured replica identity. 2.6 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Extension Extension version Notes
address_standardizer is used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step. 3.3.3
address_standardizer_data_us is the Address Standardizer US dataset example. 3.3.3
age (Preview) provides graph database capabilities. 1.5.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
amcheck provides functions for verifying relation integrity. 1.3
anon (Preview) provides data anonymization tools. 1.3.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
auto_explain provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically, without having to run EXPLAIN by hand N/A * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
azure_ai provides Azure AI and ML Services integration for PostgreSQL. 1.1.0
azure_storage provides Azure Storage integration for PostgreSQL. 1.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
bloom provides an index access method based on Bloom filters. 1.0
btree_gin provides support for indexing common datatypes in GIN. 1.3
btree_gist provides support for indexing common datatypes in GiST. 1.7
citext is a data type for case-insensitive character strings. 1.6
cube is a data type for multidimensional cubes. 1.5
dblink to connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database. 1.2 Read the special considerations for extension dblink in Flexible Server.
dict_int provides a text search dictionary template for integers. 1.0
dict_xsyn provides a text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing. 1.0
earthdistance calculates great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth. 1.2
fuzzystrmatch determines similarities and distance between strings. 1.2
hll introduces a new data type hll which is a HyperLogLog data structure. 2.18
hstore is a data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs. 1.8
hypopg provides hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL. 1.4.0
intagg is an obsolete extension that provides an integer aggregator and enumerator. 1.1
intarray provides functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers. 1.5
isn provides data types for international product numbering standards. 1.2
lo provides support for managing Large Objects (also called LOs or BLOBs). This includes a data type lo and a trigger lo_manage. 1.1
login_hook is a hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time. 1.5
ltree is a data type for hierarchical tree-like structures. 1.2
oracle_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for Oracle databases. 1.2
orafce provides functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS. 4.4
pageinspect inspects the contents of database pages at a low level. 1.12
pgaudit provides auditing functionality. 16.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_buffercache examines the shared buffer cache. 1.4 Read the special considerations for extension pg_buffercache in Flexible Server.
pg_cron is a job scheduler for PostgreSQL. 1.6 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_cron in Flexible Server.
pgcrypto provides cryptographic functions. 1.3
pg_diskann (Preview) is a scalable approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm for efficient vector search at any scale. 0.5.0
pg_failover_slots is a logical replication slot manager for failover purposes. 1.0.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_failover_slots in Flexible Server.
pg_freespacemap examines the free space map (FSM). 1.2
pg_hint_plan makes it possible to tweak PostgreSQL execution plans using so-called hints in SQL comments. 1.6.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_hint_plan in Flexible Server.
pglogical manages PostgreSQL Logical Replication. 2.4.4 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 5.0.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman_bgw manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 5.0.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_prewarm prewarms the cache with relation data. 1.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_prewarm in Flexible Server.
pg_repack reorganizes tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks. 1.5.1 Read the special considerations for extension pg_repack in Flexible Server.
pgrouting provides geospatial routing functionality. N/A
pgrowlocks shows row-level locking information. 1.2
pg_squeeze removes unused space from a relation. 1.6 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_stat_statements tracks execution statistics of all SQL statements executed. 1.10 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_stat_statements in Flexible Server.
pgstattuple shows tuple-level statistics. 1.5 Read the special considerations for extension pgstattuple in Flexible Server.
pg_trgm provides text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams. 1.6
pg_visibility examines the visibility map and page-level visibility info. 1.2
plpgsql pL/pgSQL is a SQL procedural language. 1.0
plv8 pL/JavaScript (v8) is a trusted procedural language. 3.1.7
postgis geometry and geography spatial types and functions. 3.3.3
postgis_raster raster types and functions. 3.3.3
postgis_sfcgal sFCGAL functions. 3.3.3
postgis_tiger_geocoder tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder. 3.3.3
postgis_topology spatial types and functions. 3.3.3
postgres_fdw is a foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers. 1.1 Read the special considerations for extension postgres_fdw in Flexible Server.
postgres_protobuf provides protocol buffers for PostgreSQL. 0.2
semver provides a semantic version data type. 0.32.1
session_variable provides registration and manipulation of session variables and constants. 3.3
sslinfo provides information about SSL certificates. 1.2
tablefunc provides functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab. 1.0
tdigest implements t-digest, a data structure for on-line accumulation of rank-based statistics such as quantiles and trimmed means. 1.4.2
tds_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (SAP ASE or SQL Server). 2.0.3
timescaledb enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data. 2.13.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
topn returns the top values in a database according to some criteria. 2.7.0
tsm_system_rows is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit. 1.0
tsm_system_time is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit. 1.0
unaccent provides a text search dictionary that removes accents. 1.1
uuid-ossp generates universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). 1.1
vector is a vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods. 0.8.0
wal2json is an output plugin for logical decoding. It means that the plugin have access to tuples produced by INSERT and UPDATE. Also, UPDATE/DELETE old row versions can be accessed depending on the configured replica identity. 2.4 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Extension Extension version Notes
address_standardizer is used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step. 3.3.1
address_standardizer_data_us is the Address Standardizer US dataset example. 3.3.1
age (Preview) provides graph database capabilities. 1.5.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
amcheck provides functions for verifying relation integrity. 1.3
anon (Preview) provides data anonymization tools. 1.3.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
auto_explain provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically, without having to run EXPLAIN by hand N/A * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
azure_ai provides Azure AI and ML Services integration for PostgreSQL. 1.1.0
azure_storage provides Azure Storage integration for PostgreSQL. 1.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
bloom provides an index access method based on Bloom filters. 1.0
btree_gin provides support for indexing common datatypes in GIN. 1.3
btree_gist provides support for indexing common datatypes in GiST. 1.7
citext is a data type for case-insensitive character strings. 1.6
cube is a data type for multidimensional cubes. 1.5
dblink to connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database. 1.2 Read the special considerations for extension dblink in Flexible Server.
dict_int provides a text search dictionary template for integers. 1.0
dict_xsyn provides a text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing. 1.0
earthdistance calculates great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth. 1.1
fuzzystrmatch determines similarities and distance between strings. 1.1
hll introduces a new data type hll which is a HyperLogLog data structure. 2.18
hstore is a data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs. 1.8
hypopg provides hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL. 1.4.0
intagg is an obsolete extension that provides an integer aggregator and enumerator. 1.1
intarray provides functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers. 1.5
isn provides data types for international product numbering standards. 1.2
lo provides support for managing Large Objects (also called LOs or BLOBs). This includes a data type lo and a trigger lo_manage. 1.1
login_hook is a hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time. 1.4
ltree is a data type for hierarchical tree-like structures. 1.2
oracle_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for Oracle databases. 1.2
orafce provides functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS. 3.24
pageinspect inspects the contents of database pages at a low level. 1.11
pgaudit provides auditing functionality. 1.7 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_buffercache examines the shared buffer cache. 1.3 Read the special considerations for extension pg_buffercache in Flexible Server.
pg_cron is a job scheduler for PostgreSQL. 1.6 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_cron in Flexible Server.
pgcrypto provides cryptographic functions. 1.3
pg_diskann (Preview) is a scalable approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm for efficient vector search at any scale. 0.5.0
pg_failover_slots is a logical replication slot manager for failover purposes. 1.0.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_failover_slots in Flexible Server.
pg_freespacemap examines the free space map (FSM). 1.2
pg_hint_plan makes it possible to tweak PostgreSQL execution plans using so-called hints in SQL comments. 1.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_hint_plan in Flexible Server.
pglogical manages PostgreSQL Logical Replication. 2.4.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 4.7.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman_bgw manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 4.7.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_prewarm prewarms the cache with relation data. 1.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_prewarm in Flexible Server.
pg_repack reorganizes tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks. 1.5.1 Read the special considerations for extension pg_repack in Flexible Server.
pgrouting provides geospatial routing functionality. 3.5.0
pgrowlocks shows row-level locking information. 1.2
pg_squeeze removes unused space from a relation. 1.6 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_stat_statements tracks execution statistics of all SQL statements executed. 1.10 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_stat_statements in Flexible Server.
pgstattuple shows tuple-level statistics. 1.5 Read the special considerations for extension pgstattuple in Flexible Server.
pg_trgm provides text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams. 1.6
pg_visibility examines the visibility map and page-level visibility info. 1.2
plpgsql pL/pgSQL is a SQL procedural language. 1.0
plv8 pL/JavaScript (v8) is a trusted procedural language. 3.1.7
postgis geometry and geography spatial types and functions. 3.3.1
postgis_raster raster types and functions. 3.3.1
postgis_sfcgal sFCGAL functions. 3.3.1
postgis_tiger_geocoder tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder. 3.3.1
postgis_topology spatial types and functions. 3.3.1
postgres_fdw is a foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers. 1.1 Read the special considerations for extension postgres_fdw in Flexible Server.
postgres_protobuf provides protocol buffers for PostgreSQL. 0.2
semver provides a semantic version data type. 0.32.0
session_variable provides registration and manipulation of session variables and constants. 3.3
sslinfo provides information about SSL certificates. 1.2
tablefunc provides functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab. 1.0
tdigest implements t-digest, a data structure for on-line accumulation of rank-based statistics such as quantiles and trimmed means. 1.4.2
tds_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (SAP ASE or SQL Server). 2.0.3
timescaledb enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data. 2.10.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
topn returns the top values in a database according to some criteria. 2.7.0
tsm_system_rows is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit. 1.0
tsm_system_time is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit. 1.0
unaccent provides a text search dictionary that removes accents. 1.1
uuid-ossp generates universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). 1.1
vector is a vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods. 0.8.0
wal2json is an output plugin for logical decoding. It means that the plugin have access to tuples produced by INSERT and UPDATE. Also, UPDATE/DELETE old row versions can be accessed depending on the configured replica identity. 2.4 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Extension Extension version Notes
address_standardizer is used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step. 3.2.3
address_standardizer_data_us is the Address Standardizer US dataset example. 3.2.3
age (Preview) provides graph database capabilities. 1.5.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
amcheck provides functions for verifying relation integrity. 1.3
anon (Preview) provides data anonymization tools. 1.3.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
auto_explain provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically, without having to run EXPLAIN by hand N/A * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
azure_ai provides Azure AI and ML Services integration for PostgreSQL. 1.1.0
azure_storage provides Azure Storage integration for PostgreSQL. 1.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
bloom provides an index access method based on Bloom filters. 1.0
btree_gin provides support for indexing common datatypes in GIN. 1.3
btree_gist provides support for indexing common datatypes in GiST. 1.6
citext is a data type for case-insensitive character strings. 1.6
cube is a data type for multidimensional cubes. 1.5
dblink to connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database. 1.2 Read the special considerations for extension dblink in Flexible Server.
dict_int provides a text search dictionary template for integers. 1.0
dict_xsyn provides a text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing. 1.0
earthdistance calculates great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth. 1.1
fuzzystrmatch determines similarities and distance between strings. 1.1
hll introduces a new data type hll which is a HyperLogLog data structure. 2.18
hstore is a data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs. 1.8
hypopg provides hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL. 1.4.0
intagg is an obsolete extension that provides an integer aggregator and enumerator. 1.1
intarray provides functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers. 1.5
isn provides data types for international product numbering standards. 1.2
lo provides support for managing Large Objects (also called LOs or BLOBs). This includes a data type lo and a trigger lo_manage. 1.1
login_hook is a hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time. 1.4
ltree is a data type for hierarchical tree-like structures. 1.2
oracle_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for Oracle databases. 1.2
orafce provides functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS. 3.18
pageinspect inspects the contents of database pages at a low level. 1.9
pgaudit provides auditing functionality. 1.6.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_buffercache examines the shared buffer cache. 1.3 Read the special considerations for extension pg_buffercache in Flexible Server.
pg_cron is a job scheduler for PostgreSQL. 1.6 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_cron in Flexible Server.
pgcrypto provides cryptographic functions. 1.3
pg_diskann (Preview) is a scalable approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm for efficient vector search at any scale. 0.5.0
pg_failover_slots is a logical replication slot manager for failover purposes. 1.0.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_failover_slots in Flexible Server.
pg_freespacemap examines the free space map (FSM). 1.2
pg_hint_plan makes it possible to tweak PostgreSQL execution plans using so-called hints in SQL comments. 1.4 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_hint_plan in Flexible Server.
pglogical manages PostgreSQL Logical Replication. 2.4.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 4.6.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman_bgw manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 4.6.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_prewarm prewarms the cache with relation data. 1.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_prewarm in Flexible Server.
pg_repack reorganizes tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks. 1.5.1 Read the special considerations for extension pg_repack in Flexible Server.
pgrouting provides geospatial routing functionality. 3.3.0
pgrowlocks shows row-level locking information. 1.2
pg_squeeze removes unused space from a relation. 1.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_stat_statements tracks execution statistics of all SQL statements executed. 1.9 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_stat_statements in Flexible Server.
pgstattuple shows tuple-level statistics. 1.5 Read the special considerations for extension pgstattuple in Flexible Server.
pg_trgm provides text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams. 1.6
pg_visibility examines the visibility map and page-level visibility info. 1.2
plpgsql pL/pgSQL is a SQL procedural language. 1.0
plv8 pL/JavaScript (v8) is a trusted procedural language. 3.0.0
postgis geometry and geography spatial types and functions. 3.2.3
postgis_raster raster types and functions. 3.2.3
postgis_sfcgal sFCGAL functions. 3.2.3
postgis_tiger_geocoder tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder. 3.2.3
postgis_topology spatial types and functions. 3.2.3
postgres_fdw is a foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers. 1.1 Read the special considerations for extension postgres_fdw in Flexible Server.
postgres_protobuf provides protocol buffers for PostgreSQL. 0.2
semver provides a semantic version data type. 0.32.0
session_variable provides registration and manipulation of session variables and constants. 3.3
sslinfo provides information about SSL certificates. 1.2
tablefunc provides functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab. 1.0
tdigest implements t-digest, a data structure for on-line accumulation of rank-based statistics such as quantiles and trimmed means. 1.4.2
tds_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (SAP ASE or SQL Server). 2.0.3
timescaledb enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data. 2.10.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
topn returns the top values in a database according to some criteria. 2.7.0
tsm_system_rows is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit. 1.0
tsm_system_time is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit. 1.0
unaccent provides a text search dictionary that removes accents. 1.1
uuid-ossp generates universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). 1.1
vector is a vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods. 0.8.0
wal2json is an output plugin for logical decoding. It means that the plugin have access to tuples produced by INSERT and UPDATE. Also, UPDATE/DELETE old row versions can be accessed depending on the configured replica identity. 2.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Extension Extension version Notes
address_standardizer is used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step. 3.2.3
address_standardizer_data_us is the Address Standardizer US dataset example. 3.2.3
age (Preview) provides graph database capabilities. 1.5.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
amcheck provides functions for verifying relation integrity. 1.2
anon (Preview) provides data anonymization tools. 1.3.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
auto_explain provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically, without having to run EXPLAIN by hand N/A * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
azure_ai provides Azure AI and ML Services integration for PostgreSQL. 1.1.0
azure_storage provides Azure Storage integration for PostgreSQL. 1.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
bloom provides an index access method based on Bloom filters. 1.0
btree_gin provides support for indexing common datatypes in GIN. 1.3
btree_gist provides support for indexing common datatypes in GiST. 1.5
citext is a data type for case-insensitive character strings. 1.6
cube is a data type for multidimensional cubes. 1.4
dblink to connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database. 1.2 Read the special considerations for extension dblink in Flexible Server.
dict_int provides a text search dictionary template for integers. 1.0
dict_xsyn provides a text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing. 1.0
earthdistance calculates great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth. 1.1
fuzzystrmatch determines similarities and distance between strings. 1.1
hll introduces a new data type hll which is a HyperLogLog data structure. 2.18
hstore is a data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs. 1.7
hypopg provides hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL. 1.4.0
intagg is an obsolete extension that provides an integer aggregator and enumerator. 1.1
intarray provides functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers. 1.3
isn provides data types for international product numbering standards. 1.2
lo provides support for managing Large Objects (also called LOs or BLOBs). This includes a data type lo and a trigger lo_manage. 1.1
login_hook is a hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time. 1.4
ltree is a data type for hierarchical tree-like structures. 1.2
oracle_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for Oracle databases. 1.2
orafce provides functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS. 3.18
pageinspect inspects the contents of database pages at a low level. 1.8
pgaudit provides auditing functionality. 1.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_buffercache examines the shared buffer cache. 1.3 Read the special considerations for extension pg_buffercache in Flexible Server.
pg_cron is a job scheduler for PostgreSQL. 1.6 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_cron in Flexible Server.
pgcrypto provides cryptographic functions. 1.3
pg_diskann (Preview) is a scalable approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm for efficient vector search at any scale. N/A
pg_failover_slots is a logical replication slot manager for failover purposes. 1.0.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_failover_slots in Flexible Server.
pg_freespacemap examines the free space map (FSM). 1.2
pg_hint_plan makes it possible to tweak PostgreSQL execution plans using so-called hints in SQL comments. 1.3.7 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_hint_plan in Flexible Server.
pglogical manages PostgreSQL Logical Replication. 2.4.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 4.5.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman_bgw manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 4.5.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_prewarm prewarms the cache with relation data. 1.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_prewarm in Flexible Server.
pg_repack reorganizes tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks. 1.5.1 Read the special considerations for extension pg_repack in Flexible Server.
pgrouting provides geospatial routing functionality. 3.3.0
pgrowlocks shows row-level locking information. 1.2
pg_squeeze removes unused space from a relation. 1.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_stat_statements tracks execution statistics of all SQL statements executed. 1.8 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_stat_statements in Flexible Server.
pgstattuple shows tuple-level statistics. 1.5 Read the special considerations for extension pgstattuple in Flexible Server.
pg_trgm provides text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams. 1.5
pg_visibility examines the visibility map and page-level visibility info. 1.2
plpgsql pL/pgSQL is a SQL procedural language. 1.0
plv8 pL/JavaScript (v8) is a trusted procedural language. 3.0.0
postgis geometry and geography spatial types and functions. 3.2.3
postgis_raster raster types and functions. 3.2.3
postgis_sfcgal sFCGAL functions. 3.2.3
postgis_tiger_geocoder tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder. 3.2.3
postgis_topology spatial types and functions. 3.2.3
postgres_fdw is a foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers. 1.0 Read the special considerations for extension postgres_fdw in Flexible Server.
postgres_protobuf provides protocol buffers for PostgreSQL. 0.2
semver provides a semantic version data type. 0.32.0
session_variable provides registration and manipulation of session variables and constants. 3.3
sslinfo provides information about SSL certificates. 1.2
tablefunc provides functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab. 1.0
tdigest implements t-digest, a data structure for on-line accumulation of rank-based statistics such as quantiles and trimmed means. 1.4.2
tds_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (SAP ASE or SQL Server). 2.0.3
timescaledb enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data. 2.10.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
topn returns the top values in a database according to some criteria. 2.7.0
tsm_system_rows is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit. 1.0
tsm_system_time is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit. 1.0
unaccent provides a text search dictionary that removes accents. 1.1
uuid-ossp generates universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). 1.1
vector is a vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods. 0.8.0
wal2json is an output plugin for logical decoding. It means that the plugin have access to tuples produced by INSERT and UPDATE. Also, UPDATE/DELETE old row versions can be accessed depending on the configured replica identity. 2.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Extension Extension version Notes
address_standardizer is used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step. 3.2.3
address_standardizer_data_us is the Address Standardizer US dataset example. 3.2.3
age (Preview) provides graph database capabilities. N/A
amcheck provides functions for verifying relation integrity. 1.2
anon (Preview) provides data anonymization tools. 1.3.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
auto_explain provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically, without having to run EXPLAIN by hand N/A * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
azure_ai provides Azure AI and ML Services integration for PostgreSQL. 1.1.0
azure_storage provides Azure Storage integration for PostgreSQL. 1.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
bloom provides an index access method based on Bloom filters. 1.0
btree_gin provides support for indexing common datatypes in GIN. 1.3
btree_gist provides support for indexing common datatypes in GiST. 1.5
citext is a data type for case-insensitive character strings. 1.6
cube is a data type for multidimensional cubes. 1.4
dblink to connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database. 1.2 Read the special considerations for extension dblink in Flexible Server.
dict_int provides a text search dictionary template for integers. 1.0
dict_xsyn provides a text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing. 1.0
earthdistance calculates great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth. 1.1
fuzzystrmatch determines similarities and distance between strings. 1.1
hll introduces a new data type hll which is a HyperLogLog data structure. 2.18
hstore is a data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs. 1.6
hypopg provides hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL. 1.4.0
intagg is an obsolete extension that provides an integer aggregator and enumerator. 1.1
intarray provides functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers. 1.2
isn provides data types for international product numbering standards. 1.2
lo provides support for managing Large Objects (also called LOs or BLOBs). This includes a data type lo and a trigger lo_manage. 1.1
login_hook is a hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time. 1.4
ltree is a data type for hierarchical tree-like structures. 1.1
oracle_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for Oracle databases. 1.2
orafce provides functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS. 3.18
pageinspect inspects the contents of database pages at a low level. 1.7
pgaudit provides auditing functionality. 1.4.3 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_buffercache examines the shared buffer cache. 1.3 Read the special considerations for extension pg_buffercache in Flexible Server.
pg_cron is a job scheduler for PostgreSQL. 1.6 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_cron in Flexible Server.
pgcrypto provides cryptographic functions. 1.3
pg_diskann (Preview) is a scalable approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm for efficient vector search at any scale. N/A
pg_failover_slots is a logical replication slot manager for failover purposes. 1.0.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_failover_slots in Flexible Server.
pg_freespacemap examines the free space map (FSM). 1.2
pg_hint_plan makes it possible to tweak PostgreSQL execution plans using so-called hints in SQL comments. 1.3.7 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_hint_plan in Flexible Server.
pglogical manages PostgreSQL Logical Replication. 2.4.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 4.5.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman_bgw manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 4.5.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_prewarm prewarms the cache with relation data. 1.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_prewarm in Flexible Server.
pg_repack reorganizes tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks. 1.4.7 Read the special considerations for extension pg_repack in Flexible Server.
pgrouting provides geospatial routing functionality. 3.3.0
pgrowlocks shows row-level locking information. 1.2
pg_squeeze removes unused space from a relation. 1.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_stat_statements tracks execution statistics of all SQL statements executed. 1.7 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_stat_statements in Flexible Server.
pgstattuple shows tuple-level statistics. 1.5 Read the special considerations for extension pgstattuple in Flexible Server.
pg_trgm provides text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams. 1.4
pg_visibility examines the visibility map and page-level visibility info. 1.2
plpgsql pL/pgSQL is a SQL procedural language. 1.0
plv8 pL/JavaScript (v8) is a trusted procedural language. 3.0.0
postgis geometry and geography spatial types and functions. 3.2.3
postgis_raster raster types and functions. 3.2.3
postgis_sfcgal sFCGAL functions. 3.2.3
postgis_tiger_geocoder tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder. 3.2.3
postgis_topology spatial types and functions. 3.2.3
postgres_fdw is a foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers. 1.0 Read the special considerations for extension postgres_fdw in Flexible Server.
postgres_protobuf provides protocol buffers for PostgreSQL. 0.2
semver provides a semantic version data type. 0.32.0
session_variable provides registration and manipulation of session variables and constants. 3.3
sslinfo provides information about SSL certificates. 1.2
tablefunc provides functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab. 1.0
tdigest implements t-digest, a data structure for on-line accumulation of rank-based statistics such as quantiles and trimmed means. 1.4.2
tds_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (SAP ASE or SQL Server). 2.0.3
timescaledb enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data. 2.10.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
topn returns the top values in a database according to some criteria. N/A
tsm_system_rows is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit. 1.0
tsm_system_time is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit. 1.0
unaccent provides a text search dictionary that removes accents. 1.1
uuid-ossp generates universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). 1.1
vector is a vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods. 0.7.0
wal2json is an output plugin for logical decoding. It means that the plugin have access to tuples produced by INSERT and UPDATE. Also, UPDATE/DELETE old row versions can be accessed depending on the configured replica identity. 2.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Extension Extension version Notes
address_standardizer is used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step. 3.2.3
address_standardizer_data_us is the Address Standardizer US dataset example. 3.2.3
age (Preview) provides graph database capabilities. N/A
amcheck provides functions for verifying relation integrity. 1.1
anon (Preview) provides data anonymization tools. 1.3.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
auto_explain provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically, without having to run EXPLAIN by hand N/A * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
azure_ai provides Azure AI and ML Services integration for PostgreSQL. N/A
azure_storage provides Azure Storage integration for PostgreSQL. N/A
bloom provides an index access method based on Bloom filters. 1.0
btree_gin provides support for indexing common datatypes in GIN. 1.3
btree_gist provides support for indexing common datatypes in GiST. 1.5
citext is a data type for case-insensitive character strings. 1.5
cube is a data type for multidimensional cubes. 1.4
dblink to connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database. 1.2 Read the special considerations for extension dblink in Flexible Server.
dict_int provides a text search dictionary template for integers. 1.0
dict_xsyn provides a text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing. 1.0
earthdistance calculates great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth. 1.1
fuzzystrmatch determines similarities and distance between strings. 1.1
hll introduces a new data type hll which is a HyperLogLog data structure. N/A
hstore is a data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs. 1.5
hypopg provides hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL. 1.4.0
intagg is an obsolete extension that provides an integer aggregator and enumerator. 1.1
intarray provides functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers. 1.2
isn provides data types for international product numbering standards. 1.2
lo provides support for managing Large Objects (also called LOs or BLOBs). This includes a data type lo and a trigger lo_manage. 1.1
login_hook is a hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time. 1.4
ltree is a data type for hierarchical tree-like structures. 1.1
oracle_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for Oracle databases. N/A
orafce provides functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS. 3.7
pageinspect inspects the contents of database pages at a low level. 1.7
pgaudit provides auditing functionality. 1.3.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_buffercache examines the shared buffer cache. 1.3 Read the special considerations for extension pg_buffercache in Flexible Server.
pg_cron is a job scheduler for PostgreSQL. 1.4-1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_cron in Flexible Server.
pgcrypto provides cryptographic functions. 1.3
pg_diskann (Preview) is a scalable approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm for efficient vector search at any scale. N/A
pg_failover_slots is a logical replication slot manager for failover purposes. 1.0.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_failover_slots in Flexible Server.
pg_freespacemap examines the free space map (FSM). 1.2
pg_hint_plan makes it possible to tweak PostgreSQL execution plans using so-called hints in SQL comments. 1.3.7 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_hint_plan in Flexible Server.
pglogical manages PostgreSQL Logical Replication. 2.4.1 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 4.5.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_partman_bgw manages partitioned tables by time or ID. 4.5.0 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_prewarm prewarms the cache with relation data. 1.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_prewarm in Flexible Server.
pg_repack reorganizes tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks. 1.4.7 Read the special considerations for extension pg_repack in Flexible Server.
pgrouting provides geospatial routing functionality. 3.3.0
pgrowlocks shows row-level locking information. 1.2
pg_squeeze removes unused space from a relation. 1.5 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
pg_stat_statements tracks execution statistics of all SQL statements executed. 1.6 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
Read the special considerations for extension pg_stat_statements in Flexible Server.
pgstattuple shows tuple-level statistics. 1.5 Read the special considerations for extension pgstattuple in Flexible Server.
pg_trgm provides text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams. 1.4
pg_visibility examines the visibility map and page-level visibility info. 1.2
plpgsql pL/pgSQL is a SQL procedural language. 1.0
plv8 pL/JavaScript (v8) is a trusted procedural language. 3.0.0
postgis geometry and geography spatial types and functions. 3.2.3
postgis_raster raster types and functions. 3.2.3
postgis_sfcgal sFCGAL functions. 3.2.3
postgis_tiger_geocoder tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder. 3.2.3
postgis_topology spatial types and functions. 3.2.3
postgres_fdw is a foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers. 1.0 Read the special considerations for extension postgres_fdw in Flexible Server.
postgres_protobuf provides protocol buffers for PostgreSQL. N/A
semver provides a semantic version data type. 0.32.0
session_variable provides registration and manipulation of session variables and constants. 3.3
sslinfo provides information about SSL certificates. 1.2
tablefunc provides functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab. 1.0
tdigest implements t-digest, a data structure for on-line accumulation of rank-based statistics such as quantiles and trimmed means. N/A
tds_fdw is a foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (SAP ASE or SQL Server). 2.0.3
timescaledb enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data. 1.7.4 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.
topn returns the top values in a database according to some criteria. N/A
tsm_system_rows is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit. 1.0
tsm_system_time is a TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit. 1.0
unaccent provides a text search dictionary that removes accents. 1.1
uuid-ossp generates universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). 1.1
vector is a vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods. 0.5.1
wal2json is an output plugin for logical decoding. It means that the plugin have access to tuples produced by INSERT and UPDATE. Also, UPDATE/DELETE old row versions can be accessed depending on the configured replica identity. 2.2 * * Enable corresponding libraries in the shared_preload_libraries server parameter.