Prepare to install Azure CLI extensions
This how-to guide explains the steps for installing the required az CLI and extensions required to interact with Operator Nexus.
Azure CLI is required to be installed before the extensions installations. Follow Install Azure CLI instructions to install it.
Installations of the following CLI extensions are required:
for Microsoft.NetworkCloud APIsmanagednetworkfabric
for Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric APIs
Any upgrade of the Azure CLI downloads the latest stable version of the installed extension.
The --allow-preview=True
needs to be explicitly set to install the preview version of the extensions.
Install networkcloud
CLI extension
For list of available versions, see the extension release history.
Upgrade any previously installed version of the extension
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name networkcloud
Install and test the latest version of
CLI extensionaz extension add --name networkcloud az networkcloud --help
Install managednetworkfabric
CLI extension
For list of available versions, see the extension release history.
Upgrade any previously installed version of the extension
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name managednetworkfabric
Install and test the
CLI extensionaz extension add --name managednetworkfabric az networkfabric --help
Install other Azure extensions
Install the other Azure CLI extensions that Nexus makes use of.
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name customlocation
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name k8s-extension
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name k8s-configuration
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name connectedmachine
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name monitor-control-service
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name ssh
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name connectedk8s
List installed CLI extensions and versions
List the extension version running:
az extension list --query "[].{Name:name,Version:version}" -o table
Example output:
Name Version
----------------------- -------------
monitor-control-service 0.4.1
connectedmachine 0.7.0
connectedk8s 1.9.2
k8s-extension 1.4.3
networkcloud 1.1.0
k8s-configuration 2.0.0
managednetworkfabric 6.4.0
customlocation 0.1.3
ssh 2.0.5