Query for linked work items
Azure DevOps Server 2019
Querying work items across links is much like using typical navigation properties. Links themselves are entities though, so there's some extra complexity.
There are two ways to query for linked work items. The first is the Parent/Child hierarchy, and the second is the Links navigation property.
In this article you'll learn:
- How to construct a query to return hierarchically (parent-child) linked work items
- How to construct a query to return non-hierarchically (related, direct) linked work items
The Analytics service is in preview for Azure DevOps Server 2019. You can enable or install it for a project collection. Power BI integration and access to the OData feed of the Analytics Service are in Preview. We encourage you to use it and give us feedback.
Available data is version-dependent. The latest supported version is v2.0
, and the latest preview version is v4.0-preview
. For more information, see OData API versioning.
Category | Requirements |
Access levels | - Project member. - At least Basic access. |
Permissions | By default, project members have permission to query Analytics and create views. For more information about other prerequisites regarding service and feature enablement and general data tracking activities, see Permissions and prerequisites to access Analytics. |
The examples shown in this article are based on an Azure DevOps Services URL. For Azure DevOps Server, you need to substitute the URL for the on-premises server.
Parent-child hierarchy
You can include items related through Parent/Child links by using $expand
on the Parent and Children properties.
Example: Parent to child query
To return information about an item's children, use $expand
on the Children navigation property.
The following code snippet requests to return the children of work item ID 359 from the Fabrikam Fiber project.
https://analytics.dev.azure.com/fabrikam/Fabrikam Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/WorkItems?$filter=WorkItemId eq 359&$select=WorkItemId, Title, WorkItemType, State&$expand=Children($select=WorkItemId,Title, WorkItemType, State)
The response returns features 479 and 480, which are children of the epic 359.
Most OData queries that request work item link information will return results but also a warning. The warning is a reminder to follow recommended query guidelines described in OData Analytics query guidelines. However, the query examples provided are valid.
@odata.context "https://analytics.dev.azure.com/fabrikam/Fabrikam%20Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/$metadata#WorkItems(WorkItemId,Title,WorkItemType,State,Children(WorkItemId,Title,WorkItemType,State))"
vsts.warnings@odata.type "#Collection(String)"
0 "VS403508: Using the Parent, Children, Descendants or Revision properties in a filter or expand is not recommended. Details on recommended query patterns are available here: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=861060."
WorkItemId 359
Title "Phase 1 - Customer access and engagement 5"
WorkItemType "Epic"
State "In Progress"
WorkItemId 480
Title "Customer Phone - Phase 1"
WorkItemType "Feature"
State "In Progress"
WorkItemId 479
Title "Customer Web - Phase 1"
WorkItemType "Feature"
State "In Progress"
Example: Child to parent query
By replacing Children with Parent in the $expand
option, you can retrieve an item's ancestry.
The following query requests to return the parent of work item ID 1048 from the Fabrikam Fiber project.
https://analytics.dev.azure.com/fabrikam/Fabrikam%20Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/WorkItems?$select=WorkItemId,Title,State&$expand=Parent($select=WorkItemId,Title,WorkItemType, State)&$filter=WorkItemId eq 1048
The response returns feature 480, which is the parent to product backlog item 1048.
@odata.context "https://analytics.dev.azure.com/fabrikam/Fabrikam%20Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/$metadata#WorkItems(WorkItemId,Title,WorkItemType,State,Parent(WorkItemId,Title,WorkItemType,State))"
vsts.warnings@odata.type "#Collection(String)"
0 "VS403508: Using the Parent, Children, Descendants or Revision properties in a filter or expand is not recommended. Details on recommended query patterns are available here: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=861060."
WorkItemId 1048
Title "Support reset"
WorkItemType "Product Backlog Item"
State "New"
WorkItemId 480
Title "Customer Phone - Phase 1"
WorkItemType "Feature"
State "In Progress"
Query for non-hierarchical links
In addition to the Parent/Child hierarchy, items can be directly related to other items with link types like Related or Duplicate. The Links navigation property allows you to request these relationships.
Example: Request an item's links
To retrieve the links associated with an item, you can $expand
the Links navigation property. In this example the SourceWorkItemId, TargetWorkItemId, and LinkTypeName are retrieved for all links associated with the work item 363.
https://analytics.dev.azure.com/fabrikam/Fabrikam Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/WorkItems?$select=WorkItemId,Title,WorkItemType,State&$filter=WorkItemId%20eq%20363&$expand=Links($select=SourceWorkItemId,TargetWorkItemId,LinkTypeName)
"@odata.context": "https://analytics.dev.azure.com/fabrikam/Fabrikam%20Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/$metadata#WorkItems(WorkItemId,Title,WorkItemType,State,Links(SourceWorkItemId,TargetWorkItemId,LinkTypeName))",
"value": [{
"WorkItemId": 363,
"Title": "Welcome back page",
"WorkItemType": "Product Backlog Item",
"State": "Done",
"Links": [{
"SourceWorkItemId": 363,
"TargetWorkItemId": 400,
"LinkTypeName": "Related"
}, {
"SourceWorkItemId": 363,
"TargetWorkItemId": 470,
"LinkTypeName": "Tested By"
}, {
"SourceWorkItemId": 363,
"TargetWorkItemId": 501,
"LinkTypeName": "Related"
}, {
"SourceWorkItemId": 363,
"TargetWorkItemId": 1079,
"LinkTypeName": "Tested By"
Example: Request details of linked items
You can include the details of your linked work items by using $expand
on the TargetWorkItem or SourceWorkItem navigation properties. In this example, we retrieve the WorkItemId, Title, and State of the target work item for each link.
https://analytics.dev.azure.com/fabrikam/Fabrikam Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/WorkItems?$select=WorkItemId,Title,WorkItemType,State&$filter=WorkItemId%20eq%20103&$expand=Links($select=SourceWorkItemId,TargetWorkItemId,LinkTypeName;$expand=TargetWorkItem($select=WorkItemId,Title,State))
"@odata.context": "https://analytics.dev.azure.com/fabrikam/Fabrikam%20Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/$metadata#WorkItems(WorkItemId,Title,WorkItemType,State,Links(SourceWorkItemId,TargetWorkItemId,LinkTypeName,TargetWorkItem(WorkItemId,Title,State)))",
"value": [{
"WorkItemId": 103,
"Title": "Feature Y",
"WorkItemType": "Feature",
"State": "New",
"Links": [{
"SourceWorkItemId": 103,
"TargetWorkItemId": 48,
"LinkTypeName": "Child",
"TargetWorkItem": {
"WorkItemId": 48,
"Title": "Story 15",
"State": "Resolved"
}, {
"SourceWorkItemId": 103,
"TargetWorkItemId": 50,
"LinkTypeName": "Child",
"TargetWorkItem": {
"WorkItemId": 50,
"Title": "Story 17",
"State": "Active"
}, {
"SourceWorkItemId": 103,
"TargetWorkItemId": 55,
"LinkTypeName": "Child",
"TargetWorkItem": {
"WorkItemId": 55,
"Title": "Story 22",
"State": "New"
}, {
"SourceWorkItemId": 103,
"TargetWorkItemId": 112,
"LinkTypeName": "Related",
"TargetWorkItem": {
"WorkItemId": 112,
"Title": "Some issue",
"State": "Active"
Example: Links of a specific type
You may also be interested in a particular type of link between items. Specify the LinkTypeName property in a $filter
clause. The following query example expands all Related links and filters out all other link types for work item 103.
https://analytics.dev.azure.com/fabrikam/Fabrikam Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/WorkItems?$select=WorkItemId,Title,WorkItemType,State&$filter=WorkItemId eq 103&$expand=Links($select=SourceWorkItemId,TargetWorkItemId,LinkTypeName;$filter=LinkTypeName eq 'Related';$expand=TargetWorkItem($select=WorkItemId,Title,State))
"@odata.context": "https://analytics.dev.azure.com/fabrikam/Fabrikam%20Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/$metadata#WorkItems(WorkItemId,Title,WorkItemType,State,Links(SourceWorkItemId,TargetWorkItemId,LinkTypeName,TargetWorkItem(WorkItemId,Title,State)))",
"value": [{
"WorkItemId": 103,
"Title": "Feature Y",
"WorkItemType": "Feature",
"State": "New",
"Links": [{
"SourceWorkItemId": 103,
"TargetWorkItemId": 112,
"LinkTypeName": "Related",
"TargetWorkItem": {
"WorkItemId": 112,
"Title": "Some issue",
"State": "Active"