Metadata reference for Azure Boards Analytics
Azure DevOps Server 2019
The Analytics service collects all work tracking activity defined and updated through Azure Boards. Analytics stores as properties all work tracking fields, except for HTML/rich-text and History fields. Custom properties for custom fields are automatically added to Analytics.
This article describes the majority of properties that you can use to generate an Analytics report for work tracking. You use a combination of properties to filter a query, aggregate data, or build a report. You can run these queries directly in your browser. For more information, see Define basic queries using OData Analytics. If you're new to work tracking and Azure Boards, we recommend you review the following articles:
Descriptions of the entities, properties, and enumerated types supported by the Analytics data model are provided. This is an early draft. Please provide feedback on areas you would like to have more information. To query the data model, see Construct OData queries for Analytics.
Overview of entity sets
When querying Analytics for work tracking data, use one of the following entity types or entity sets.
- Query
to generate status and rollup reports - Query
to generate trend, burndown, and burnup reports
Use other entity types, such as Area
, Iteration
, Project
, Team
, or other entities to filter data or select properties to report on. For a summary of example reports, see Sample reports and quick reference index.
To generate status and trend reports on test-specific work item types, query the WorkItems
and WorkItemSnapshot
entity types and filter based on the work item type. For information on test runs, test results, or other test data, query the TestRuns
, TestPoints
, TestResultsDaily
, TestSuite
or TestPointHistorySnapshot
entity types. For more information, see Test metadata reference for Azure DevOps.
EntitySet |
EntityType |
Description |
Areas | Area | The work item Area Paths, with properties for grouping and filtering by area hierarchy. |
Dates | CalendarDate | The dates used to filter and group other entities using relationships. |
Iterations | Iteration | The work item Iteration Paths, with properties for grouping and filtering by iteration hierarchy. |
BoardLocations | BoardLocation | The board cell locations, as identified by board column, swimlane, and split, includes historic board settings. For a description of each board field, see Workflow and board fields. |
Processes | Process | Backlog information used to expand or filter work items and work item types. For an example that uses Processes to filter a report, see Requirements tracking sample report. Supported for Analytics v2.0 version and later. |
Projects | Project | All projects defined for an organization (cloud) or project collection (on-premises). |
Tags | Tag | All work item tags for each project. For an example that uses Tags to filter a report, see Release burndown sample report. |
Teams | Team | All teams defined for the project. For an example that uses Teams to filter a report, see Add a Team slicer to a Power BI report. |
Users | User | User information that is used to expand or filter various work item properties, for example Assigned To, Created By. |
WorkItemBoardSnapshot | WorkItemBoardSnapshot | (Composite) The state of each work item on each calendar date, including board location, used to generate trend reports. For a sample report, see Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD) sample report. |
WorkItemLinks | WorkItemLink | The links between work items, for example, Child, Parent, and Related. Includes only the latest revision of links, no history. Hyperlinks aren't included. |
WorkItemRevisions | WorkItemRevision | All historic work item revisions, including the current revision. Doesn't include deleted work items. |
WorkItemSnapshot | WorkItemSnapshot | (Composite) The state of each work item on each calendar date, used to support trend reporting. For a sample report, see Bug trends sample report. |
WorkItems | WorkItem | The current state of work items. Used to support status reports. For a sample report, see Rollup child work item values to parent sample report. |
WorkItemTypeFields | WorkItemTypeField | The work item properties for each work item type and process. Used to support building reports. |
About snapshots
There are two work tracking snapshot entity sets: WorkItemSnapshot
and WorkItemBoardSnapshot
A snapshot provides a record of the values defined for a work item each day. The record is written to Analytics once a day at the same time each day. You use snapshots when you want to generate a trend report. By default, all the snapshot tables are modeled as daily snapshot fact tables. If you query for a time range it will get a value for each day. Long time ranges result in a large number of records. If you don't need such high precision, you can use weekly or even monthly snapshots.
For more information, see OData query guidelines, Do use weekly or monthly snapshots for trend queries that span a long time period.
About work item revisions
Each time you update a work item, the system creates a new revision and records this action in the System.RevisedDate
field, which makes it useful for specifying a history filter. The revised date is represented by RevisedDate
(DateTime) and RevisedDateSK
(Int32) properties. For best performance, use the latter date surrogate key. It represents the date when a revision was created or it has null for active or incomplete revisions.
If you want all the dates since the {startDate}
inclusive, add the following filter to your query.
RevisedDateSK eq null or RevisedDateSK gt {startDateSK}
You use the WorkItemRevisions
entity set to load all the revisions for a given work item. The query returns all historic work item revisions, including the current revision, for the work items you filter on. It doesn't include deleted work items.
Shared properties across several entity types
The properties you can select in an Analytics view correspond to regular work tracking fields and select Analytics properties, such as Cycle Time Days and Lead Time Days. These properties, most of which are listed and described in the following table, are defined for the following entity types, unless otherwise specified.
The Analytics service doesn't store any data for long text fields assigned the HTML or rich text data type. This includes Description and History fields. Analytics doesn't store link or attached file counts either. For a complete list of fields that are defined in the default process templates, see Work item field index. For descriptions of each data type, see Query fields, operators, and macros.
Not all properties associated with Scrum and CMMI process-specific fields are included in the following table. For a list of these fields, see Field descriptions for default and work item fields used in process templates, Fields used to track CMMI work items.
Many properties are date-based or user-based. These properties are associated with the CalendarDate and User entity sets described in Calendar date, Project, and User metadata reference.
Display nameProperty name |
Data type | DescriptionReference name |
Accepted ByMicrosoft_VSTS_CodeReview_AcceptedBy |
UserSK | Name of the person who responded to a code review. (CMMI process)Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.AcceptedBy |
Accepted DateAcceptedDate |
DateTime | Date and time when the person responded to the code review. (CMMI process)Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.AcceptedDate |
Activated ByActivatedBy ActivatedByUserSK |
UserSK | Name of the team member who activated or reactivated the work item.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy |
Activated DateActivatedDate |
DateTime | Date and time when a team member activated or reactivated a bug or work item.Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.ActivatedDate |
ActivityActivity |
String | The type of activity that is required to perform a task.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity The type of activity or discipline that is assigned to a task. Allowed values are: Deployment, Design, Development, Documentation, Requirements, and Testing. (Agile, Scrum, and Basic process) Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity |
AnalyticsUpdatedDate |
DateTimeOffset | The data and time the entity was last updated. |
Application Type | String | The type of application that stakeholders will provide feedback on. The default values are Web Application, Remote Machine, and Client Application. The valid types are specified in the process configuration file for projects that use an On-premises XML process. Microsoft_VSTS_Feedback_ApplicationType |
Area PathAreaPath AreaSK |
String | Groups the work items into product feature or team areas. The area must be a valid node in the project hierarchy.System.AreaPath |
Assigned To AssignedTo AssignedToUserSK |
UserSK | The name of the team member who currently owns the work item.System.AssignedTo |
Automated Test Id AutomatedTestId |
String | The ID of the test that automates the test case.Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestId |
Automated Test Name AutomatedTestName |
String | Name of the team member who activated or reactivated the work item.Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestName |
Automated Test StorageAutomatedTestStorage |
String | The assembly that contains the test that automates the test case.Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestStorage |
Automated Test TypeAutomatedTestType |
String | The type of test that automates the test case.Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestType |
Automation statusAutomatedStatus |
String | The status of a test case with the following accepted values: Automated, Not Automated, or Planned. Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomationStatus |
Backlog PriorityBacklogPriority |
Double | A number assigned by a system background process used to stack rank or track the sequence of items on a backlog or board. (Scrum process) Microsoft.VSTS.Common.BacklogPriority |
BlockedBlocked |
String | Indicates that no further work can be performed on the work item. Valid values are Yes or No. (CMMI process)Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Blocked |
Business ValueBusinessValue |
Double | A subjective unit of measure that captures the relative business value of a product backlog item or feature compared to other items of the same type. An item that is assigned a higher number should be considered as having more business value than an item that is assigned a lower number. Microsoft.VSTS.Common.BusinessValue |
Changed ByChangedBy ChangedByUserSK |
UserSK | The name of the person who modified the work item most recently.System.ChangedBy |
Changed DateChangedDate |
DateTime | Date and time when the work item was modified.System.ChangedDate |
ChangedDateSK |
Int32 | The date the work item was modified, expressed as YYYYMMDD in the time zone defined for the organization. Used by external tools to join related entities. |
ChangedOn |
Navigation | Navigational property to the Date entity for the date the work item was modified, in the time zone defined for the organization. Commonly used to reference properties from the Date entity in groupby statements. |
Closed ByClosedBy ClosedByUserSK |
UserSK | The name of the person who closed a work item. Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ClosedBy |
Closed DateClosedDate ClosedDateSK ClosedOn |
DateTime | Date and time when a work item was closed.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ClosedDate |
Comment CountCommentCount |
Int32 | The number of comments added to the Discussion section of the work item.System.CommentCount |
CommittedCommitted |
String | Indicates if the requirement is committed in the project. Valid values are Yes or No. (CMMI process)Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Committed |
CompletedDateSK |
Int32 | Navigational property date captured by Analytics that stores when the work item entered a workflow State associated with the Completed workflow state category. |
CompletedOn |
Navigation | Navigational property to the Date entity for the date the work item entered a workflow State associated with the Completed workflow state category, in the time zone defined for the organization. Commonly used to reference properties from the Date entity in groupby statements. |
Completed WorkCompletedWork |
Double | A measure of the amount of work spent on a task.Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork |
Created ByCreatedBy CreatedByUserSK |
UserSK | The name of the person who created the work item. Microsoft.VSTS.Common.CreatedBy |
Created DateCreatedDate CreatedDateSK |
DateTime | The date the work item was created, expressed in the time zone defined for the organization. Commonly used for filtering and for display. Microsoft.VSTS.Common.CreatedDate |
CreatedDateSK |
Int32 | The date the work item was created, expressed as YYYYMMDD in the time zone defined for the organization. Used by external tools to join related entities. |
CreatedOn |
Navigation | Navigation property to the Date entity for the date the work item was created, in the time zone defined for the organization. Commonly used to reference properties from the Date entity in groupby statements. |
Cycle Time DaysCycleTimeDays |
Double | Cycle time is calculated from first entering an In Progress or Resolved state category to entering a Completed state category. For more information, see Lead Time and Cycle Time widgets. |
DisciplineDiscipline |
String | The type of activity or discipline that is assigned to a task. Allowed values are: Analysis*, Development, Test, User Education, and User Experience. (CMMI process) Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity |
Due DateDueDate |
DateTime | The forecasted due date by which an issue or work item will be resolved. (Agile process)Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.DueDate |
EffortEffort |
Double | An estimate for the amount of work that a product backlog item (Scrum process) or issue (Basic process) will require to implement. Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.Effort |
Finish DateFinishDate |
DateTime | Date and time when the schedule indicates that a work item will be completed.Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.FinishDate |
Found InFoundIn |
String | The product build number, also known as a revision, in which a bug was found.Microsoft.VSTS.Build.FoundIn |
InProgress Date InProgressDate |
DateTime | Analytics stored date that captures the date-time when a work item was moved into a State that belongs to the In Progress state category. |
InProgressDateSK |
Int32 | The date the work item was moved into a State that belongs to the In Progress state category, expressed as YYYYMMDD in the time zone defined for the organization. Used by external tools to join related entities. |
Integration BuildIntegrationBuild |
String | The product build number that incorporates the code or fixes a bug.Microsoft.VSTS.Build.IntegrationBuild |
Is CurrentIsCurrent |
Boolean | Supports filtering the data to view the most recent snapshot of the filtered set of work items by setting the value to True .Valid for these entity types: WorkItemRevision , WorkItemBoardSnapshot , and BoardLocation . |
Is Last Revision of DayIsLastRevisionOfDay |
Boolean | Indicates that the snapshot represents the last revision of the day when set to True . |
Is Last Revision of PeriodIsLastRevisionOfPeriod |
Boolean | Indicates that the snapshot represents the last revision of the period when set to True . |
IssueIssue |
String | Indicates that the shared step is associated with an expected result. Allowed values are Yes and No. Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Issue |
Lead Time DaysLeadTimeDays |
Double | Lead time is calculated from work item creation or entering a Proposed state category to entering a Completed state category. For more information, see Lead Time and Cycle Time widgets. |
Original EstimateOriginalEstimate |
Double | A measure of the amount of work that is required to complete a task. Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.OriginalEstimate |
Parent Work Item Id ParentWorkItemId |
Int32 | The unique ID that identifies the work item linked to as a parent. Useful for generating rollup reports. The Parent field is available from Azure DevOps Server 2020 and later versions. Valid for these entity types: WorkItemRevision and WorkItem . System.Parent |
PriorityPriority |
Int32 | A subjective rating of the bug, issue, task, or test case as it relates to the business. Values include: - 1, 2, or 3. Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority |
Project NameProjectName |
Navigation | Name of the project to which the work item belongs. For details, see Calendar date, Project, and User metadata reference, Project properties.System.TeamProject |
ProjectSK |
GUID | GUID assigned to the project to which the work item belongs. |
Rating Reason |
String | The number of stars that an item receives from a reviewer in a star-based ranking system. (Feedback Response) The number is stored in the system and written as follows:- 0 - Not Rated, 1 - Poor, 2 - Fair, 3 - Good, 4 - Very Good, and 5 - Excellent. Valid for these entity types: WorkItemRevision and WorkItem .Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Rating |
Reason Reason |
String | The reason why the work item is in the current state. Each transition from one workflow state to another is associated with a corresponding reason. System.Reason |
Remaining Work RemainingWork |
Double | A measure of the amount of work that remains to finish a task.Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork |
Resolved By ResolvedBy ResolvedByUserSK |
UserSK | The name of the team member who resolved the bug or user story.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedBy |
Resolved Date ResolvedDate |
DateTime | The date and time when the bug or user story was resolved. Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedDate |
ResolvedDateSK |
Int32 | The date the work item was resolved, expressed as YYYYMMDD in the time zone defined for the organization. Used by external tools to join related entities. |
ResolvedOn |
Navigation | Navigation property to the Date entity for the date the work item was resolved, in the time zone defined for the organization. Commonly used to reference properties from the Date entity in groupby statements. |
Resolved ReasonResolvedReason |
String | The reason that the bug was resolved (for example, it was fixed).Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason |
RevisionRevision |
Int32 | A number that is assigned to the historical revision of a work item.System.Rev |
Revised DateRevisedDate |
DateTime | Date and time when a work item was modified or updated. |
RevisedDateSK |
Int32 | The date the work item was revised, expressed as YYYYMMDD in the time zone defined for the organization. Used by external tools to join related entities. |
RevisedOn |
Navigation | Navigation property to the Date entity for the date the work item was revised, in the time zone defined for the organization. Commonly used to reference properties from the Date entity in groupby statements. |
Risk Risk |
Double | A subjective rating of the relative uncertainty about the successful completion of the user story. Valid values include: 1 - High, 2 - Medium, and 3 - Low. Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Risk |
SeveritySeverity |
Double | A subjective rating of the effect of a bug, issue, or risk on the project. Valid values include: 1 - Critical, 2 - High, 3 - Medium, and 4 - Low. Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Severity |
Size Size |
Double | An estimate for the amount of work that a requirement (CMMI process) requires to implement. Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.Size |
Stack Rank StackRank |
Double | A number assigned by a system background process used to stack rank or track the sequence of items on a backlog or board. (Agile, Scrum, and Basic processes) Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StackRank |
Start DateStartDate |
DateTime | Date and time assigned to a work item for work to start. Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.StartDate |
State State |
String | The current state of the work item. The valid values for state are specific to each type of work item and customizations made to it.System.State |
State Category StateCategory |
String | State categories determine how Azure Boards and select dashboard widgets treat each workflow state. The state categories in use include: Proposed, In Progress, Resolved, Removed, and Completed. For more information, see How to use workflow states and state categories. Valid only for the WorkItemRevision entity type. |
State Change Date StateChangeDate |
DateTime | The date and time when the value of the State field changed. Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate |
StateChangeSK |
Int32 | The date the State for a work item was changed, expressed as YYYYMMDD in the time zone defined for the organization. Used by external tools to join related entities. |
StateChangeOn |
Navigation | Navigation property to the Date entity for the date the State for a work item was changed, in the time zone defined for the organization. Commonly used to reference properties from the Date entity in groupby statements. |
Story Points StoryPoints |
Double | An estimate for the amount of work that a user story (Agile process) requires to implement, commonly aggregated as a sum. Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.StoryPoints |
TagsTagNames |
String | Semicolon delimited list of tags assigned to one or more work items for the purposes of filtering or querying.System.Tags |
Target Date TargetDate |
DateTime | The forecasted due date by which an issue or other work item will be resolved or completed.Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.TargetDate |
Test Suite Type | String | Specifies the type of test suite. Valid values include: Query Based, Requirement Based, and Static.Microsoft_VSTS_TCM_TestSuiteType |
Test Suite Type Id | Int64 | A system assigned number that corresponds to the test suite category and only applicable to test suites. Assigned values are: 1 (Static), 2 (Query-based), and 3 (Requirement-based).Microsoft_VSTS_TCM_TestSuiteTypeId |
Time Criticality TimeCriticality |
Double | A subjective unit of measure that captures how the business value lessens over time. Higher values indicate that the epic or feature is inherently more time critical than those items with lower values. Microsoft.VSTS.Common.TimeCriticality |
Title Title |
String | A short description that summarizes what the work item is and helps team members distinguish it from other work items in a list. System.Title |
Value Area ValueArea |
String | The area of customer value addressed by the epic, feature, or backlog item. Values include: Architectural or Business.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ValueArea |
WatermarkWatermark |
String | A system-managed field that increments with changes made to a work item. Valid for these entity types: WorkItemRevision and WorkItem .System.Watermark |
Work Item IdWorkItemId |
Int32 | The unique identifier that is assigned to a work item. Work item IDs are unique across all projects and within an organization or project collection.System.Id |
WorkItemRevisionSK |
Int32 | The Analytics unique key for the work item revision that is used by external tools to join related entities. |
Work Item Type WorkItemType |
String | The name of the work item type. Work item types are defined based on the process used when you created your project. For more information, see About processes and process templates. System.WorkItemType |
Navigation properties
Navigation properties in OData are the reference attributes of an entity that points to another entity. The following table provides a summary of the navigational properties, their referential constraints, and the entity types for which they're valid.
Display name | Name Referential constraint and property |
Valid for Entity Types |
ChangedOn ChangedDateSK , DateSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
ClosedOn ClosedDateSK , DateSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
CreatedOn CreatedDateSK , DateSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
ResolvedOn ResolvedDateSK , DateSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
StateChangeOn StateChangeDateSK , DateSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
InProgressOn InProgressDateSK , DateSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
CompletedOn CompletedDateSK , DateSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
ChangedOn ChangedDateSK , DateSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
RevisedOn RevisedDateSK , DateSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItemSnapshot |
Date DateSK , DateSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
Areas | Area AreaSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
BoardLocation | WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
Iterations | Iteration IterationSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
Assigned To | AssignedTo AssignedToUserSK , UserSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
Changed By | ChangedBy ChangedByUserSK , UserSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
Created By | CreatedBy CreatedByUserSK , UserSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
Activated By | ActivatedBy ActivatedByUserSK , UserSK |
WorkItemRevision ,WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
Closed By | ClosedBy ClosedBySK , UserSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
ResolvedBy | ResolvedBy ResolvedByUserSK , UserSK |
WorkItemRevision , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
Teams | Area , BoardLocation , Iteration , WorkItemRevision , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
Tags | WorkItem , WorkItemRevision , WorkItemBoardSnapshot |
Project | Project ProjectSK , ProjectSK |
Tag , WorkItemBoardSnapshot , WorkItemLink , WorkItemRevision , WorkItemSnapshot , WorkItemTypeField , |
Processes | WorkItemRevision , WorkItem , WorkItemSnapshot |
Revisions | WorkItem |
Links | WorkItem |
Children | WorkItem |
Parent | WorkItem |
Descendants | WorkItem |
WorkItem | WorkItemId |
WorkItemRevision |
Predict functions
The following two functions are supported for the WorkItem entity. These functions are used in supporting predictive trends on select Analytics built-in reports and widgets.
BoardLocation and WorkItemBoardSnapshot
Properties listed and described in the following table are defined for the following entity types, unless specifically noted. With these fields, you can filter work item data based on the status of a work item within a team's board column, swimlane, or backlog level.
For an example that queries the WorkItemBoardSnapshot
entity set, see Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD) sample report.
Display nameProperty name |
Data type | DescriptionReference name |
Board Id BoardId |
Guid | The unique GUID assigned to a board. Each team is associated with one or more boards. |
Board Category Reference NameBoardCategoryReferenceName |
String | The name assigned to the category of work item types used to populate a board. For example, the product backlog board is associated with the Requirements category. For more information, see Customize your backlogs or boards (Inheritance process). |
Board Name BoardName |
String | The name assigned to the board. For example, Stories, Backlog Items, Features, and Epics. |
Board LevelBoardLevel |
Int32 | The number assigned to the board based on where it sits within the hierarchy of boards. |
Backlog Type BacklogType |
String | The name of the type of backlog. For example, Iteration, Requirement, or Portfolio. |
Column NameColumnName |
String | The name of the board column that a work item is currently assigned, such as Active, Closed, Committed, Done, or other custom column label. System.BoardColumn |
Column OrderColumnOrder |
Int32 | The number assigned to the board column in terms of its sequence within the board. |
Done Done |
Enumerated | Indicates the split-column location. Valid values are listed below for BoardColumnSplit. |
Column Item LimitColumnItemLimit |
Int32 | The number assigned to the board column in terms of its sequence. |
Is Board Visible IsBoardVisible |
Boolean | Indicates if the team has elected to make a board visible or not. |
Is Column SplitIsColumnSplit |
Boolean | Indicates if a column has been split into Doing and Done columns as described in Split columns on your board to show work in progress. |
Is Current IsCurrent |
Boolean | Property that supports filtering the data to view the most recent snapshot of the filtered set of work items by setting the value to True . |
Is Default Lane IsDefaultLane |
Boolean | Property that indicates the work item is assigned to the default swimlane (True) or not (False). |
Is Done IsDone |
Boolean | The current assignment of the work item to Doing (False) or Done (True) within a column. Only assigned when split-columns is enabled for a board column. System.BoardColumnDone |
Lane Id LaneId |
Guid | The unique GUID assigned to a board swim lane. Each team can add one or more swim lanes to a board. For more information about swimlanes, see Speed up your team's work by using swimlanes in your board. |
Lane NameLaneName |
String | The name assigned to the board swimlane.System.BoardLane |
Lane OrderLaneOrder |
Int32 | The number assigned to the board swimlane in terms of its sequence. |
BoardColumnSplit enumerated members
The following table lists the member names for the BoardColumnSplit
enumerated type, which can be used to filter on work items in the Doing or Done board column.
Member name | Value | Display name |
Doing |
0 | Doing |
Done |
1 | Done |
Unknown |
2 | Unknown (not split) |
For more information about board columns for a team, see the following articles:
- Add columns to your board to manage your workflow
- Split columns on your board to show work in progress
The following properties are valid for the Areas entity set, which is associated with the Area Path field. Surrogate keys associated with Area include AreaSK
and ProjectSK
. You can use these properties to filter or report on work tracking data based on Area Path assignments.
Display name | Name | Data type | Description |
AnalyticsUpdatedDate |
DateTime | Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated. | |
Number |
Int32 | An integer value assigned to an Area Path node when it's created. | |
Depth | Depth |
Int32 | The level at which the Area Path is defined based on its depth from the root level. |
Area Id | AreaId |
GUID | Unique identifier assigned to an Area Path when it's created. |
Area Level 1 through Area Level 14 |
AreaLevel1 throughAreaLevel14 |
String | The name associated with the node level of an area path. Up to 14 nested levels are supported. For example, Area Level 1 always corresponds to the root node and the project name. |
Area Name | AreaName |
String | Name defined for the Area Path when it's created. |
Area Path | AreaPath |
String | Full path of the Area Path starting with the root node. |
- Deleting Area Paths or reconfiguring Iteration Paths causes irreversible data loss. For example:
- Burndown and burnup widget charts
- Sprint burndown charts
- Velocity charts for teams with changed Area Paths
- Historical trend charts that reference the Area Path and Iteration Path as they were defined at the time for each work item.
- Once deleted, you can't retrieve historical data for these paths.
- You can only delete area and iteration paths that are no longer used by any work items.
Navigation properties for the Area entity type and Areas entity set include Project
and Teams
For more information about Area Paths, see the following articles:
The following properties are valid for the Iterations entity set, which is associated with the Iteration Path field. Surrogate keys associated with Iteration include IterationSK
and ProjectSK
. You can use these properties to filter or report on work tracking data based on Iteration Path assignments.
Display name | Name | Data type | Description |
AnalyticsUpdatedDate |
DateTime | Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated. | |
Number |
Int32 | An integer value assigned to an Iteration Path node when it's created. | |
Depth | Depth |
Int32 | The level at which the Iteration Path is defined based on its depth from the root level. |
End Date | EndDate |
DateTime | End date defined for the Iteration Path. |
IsEnded | IsEnded |
Boolean | When set to True, indicates that the Iteration Path End Date is in the past. |
Iteration Id | IterationId |
GUID | Unique identifier assigned to an Iteration Path when it's created. |
Iteration Level 1 through Iteration Level 14 |
IterationLevel1 throughIterationLevel14 |
String | The name associated with the node level of an iteration path. Up to 14 nested levels are supported. For example, the Iteration Level 1 always corresponds to the root node and the project name. |
Iteration Name | IterationName |
String | Name defined for an Iteration Path when it's created. |
Iteration Path | IterationPath |
String | Full path of the Iteration Path starting with the root node. The iteration must be a valid node in the project hierarchy. System.IterationPath |
Start Date | StartDate |
DateTime | Start date defined for the Iteration Path. |
- Deleting Area Paths or reconfiguring Iteration Paths causes irreversible data loss. For example:
- Burndown and burnup widget charts
- Sprint burndown charts
- Velocity charts for teams with changed Area Paths
- Historical trend charts that reference the Area Path and Iteration Path as they were defined at the time for each work item.
- Once deleted, you can't retrieve historical data for these paths.
- You can only delete area and iteration paths that are no longer used by any work items.
Navigation properties for the Iteration entity type and Iterations entity set include Project
and Teams
For more information about Iteration Paths, see the following articles:
- About area and iteration (sprint) paths
- Define iteration paths (sprints) and configure team iterations
The following properties are valid for the Process entity type and Processes entity set. Surrogate keys associated with Process include ProcessSK
, ProjectSK
, and TeamSK
. You can use these properties to filter or report on work tracking data based on work item types used by a project or team.
The Process entity type and Processes entity set are supported with v-2.0, v3.0-preview and v4.0-preview versions of Analytics.
You can use these properties to filter on work tracking data based on a backlog level
Display name | Name | Data type | Description |
AnalyticsUpdatedDate |
DateTime | Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated. | |
ProjectSK |
GUID | Project key associated with the process. | |
TeamSK |
GUID | Team key associated with the process. | |
Backlog Category Reference Name | BacklogCategoryReferenceName |
String | The category reference name assigned to the backlog associated with the work item type. Examples include Microsoft.EpicCategory , Microsoft.FeatureCategory , Microsoft.RequirementCategory , Microsoft.TaskCategory . |
Backlog Name | BacklogName |
Boolean | The reference name assigned to the backlog associated with the work item type |
Backlog Type | BacklogType |
GUID | Unique identifier assigned to an Iteration Path when it's created. |
Backlog Level | BacklogLevel |
String | Specifies the backlog level associated with the work item type. If the work item type isn't associated with a backlog level, the value returned is null . |
Work Item Type | WorkItemType |
String | Name defined for a work item type. |
Has Backlog | HasBacklog |
String | Indicates if the work item type belongs to a backlog. |
Is Hidden Type | IsHiddenType |
Boolean | Indicates if the work item type has been disabled. |
Is Bug Type | IsBugType |
Boolean | Indicates if the work item type belongs to the Bug category. |
Is Deleted | IsDeleted |
Boolean | Indicates if the work item type has been deleted. |
For more information about process backlogs and work item types, see the following articles:
- Create and manage inherited processes
- Add and manage work item types
- Customize your backlogs or boards (Inheritance process)
Custom work item types and custom backlog categories
Data for custom work item types are automatically added to the Analytics service.
A custom category is created when a custom work item type and backlog level are defined. Custom_
is prepended to the category GUID. For example, for the Portfolio custom work item type with a Portfolios backlog, a GUID is assigned to the custom category, such as Custom.49b81c4e-9c4f-4c04-94fd-d660cbf3a000
The following properties are valid for the Tags entity set. Surrogate keys associated with Tag include TagSK
and ProjectSK
. Navigational properties include Project
and its referential constraint ProjectSK
. For more information about using tags, see Add work item tags to categorize and filter lists and boards.
You can use these properties to filter or report on work tracking data.
Display name | Name | Data type | Description |
Tag Id | TagId |
GUID | The unique ID assigned to the tag when it's created. |
Tag Name | TagName |
String | The tag name. |
The following properties are valid for the Team entity type and Teams entity set. Surrogate keys associated with Team include TeamSK
and ProjectSK
. You can use these properties to filter or report on work tracking data based on team assignments. For information on using and adding teams, see About teams and Agile tools and Create or add a team.
Display name | Name | Data type | Description |
AnalyticsUpdatedDate |
DateTime | Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated. | |
Team Id | TeamId |
GUID | The unique ID assigned to the team when it's created. |
Team Name | TeamName |
String | The team name. |
Navigation properties for the Teams entity set include Projects
, Areas
, and Iterations
The following properties are valid for the WorkItemLinks entity set. The property reference surrogate key is WorkItemLinkSK
Query WorkItemLinks to report on parent/child, related, predecessor/successor or other link types.
Display name | Name | Data type | Description |
AnalyticsUpdatedDate |
DateTime | Watermark that indicates the last time the Analytics data was updated. | |
WorkItemLinkSK |
Int32 | The surrogate key assigned to the WorkItemLink entity. |
Created Date | CreatedDate |
GUID | Date when the link was created. |
Comment | Comment |
String | Comment added when the link was created. |
Deleted Date | DeletedDate |
String | Date when the link was deleted. |
Link Type Id | LinkTypeId |
Int32 | The ID assigned to the target work item linked to. |
Link Type Name | LinkTypeName |
String | The friendly name assigned to the link type. |
Link Type Reference Name | LinkTypeReferenceName |
String | The reference name assigned to the link type. |
Link Type Is Acyclic | LinkTypeIsAcyclic |
Boolean | The value of the link type attribute that indicates the link type allows circular relationships when the value is set to True. For example, tree type links restrict circular relationships. |
Link Type Is Directional | LinkTypeIsDirectional |
Boolean | The value of the link type attribute that indicates the link type is directional. Directional link types are defined in pairs with a forward and reverse component. |
Source Work Item Id | SourceWorkItemId |
Int32 | The ID assigned to the source work item linked to. |
Target Work Item Id | TargetWorkItemId |
Int32 | The ID assigned to the target work item linked to. |
Navigation properties for the WorkItemLink entity type include Projects
, SourceWorkItem
, and TargetWorkItem
For more information about links and link types, see the following articles:
- Use links to view dependencies and track related work
- Reference guide for link types used in Azure DevOps
The following properties are valid for the WorkItemTypeFields entity set. The property reference keys are FieldName
, ProjectSK
, and WorkItemType
Display name | Name | Data type | Description |
Field Name | FieldName |
String | Friendly name assigned to a field by the system or when it's created. |
Field Reference Name | FieldReferenceName |
String | Reference name assigned to a field by the system or when a custom field is created. |
Field Type | FieldType |
String | Data type assigned to a field. |
Work Item Type | WorkItemType |
String | Name of work item types that a field is defined for. |
Navigation properties include Project
For an index of all fields defined for a project, see Field descriptions for work item fields. For additional information, see the following articles:
Custom properties
Custom fields are automatically added to the Analytics service as a custom property. Custom_
or Custom.
is prepended to the property name. Check your collection's metadata as described in Construct OData queries for Analytics, URL components to query the metadata. The following example provides the metadata syntax for the custom field, Risk Opportunity.
<Property Name="Custom_RiskOpportunity" Type="Edm.Double">
<Annotation Term="Display.DisplayName" String="Risk Opportunity"/>
<Annotation Term="Ref.ReferenceName" String="Custom.RiskOpportunity"/>
<Annotation Term="Display.Description" String="Risk Reduction | Opportunity Enablement Value. Enter a value from 1 to 5. 5 represents high risk reduction or high opportunity enablement."/>