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Backup Azure Files using Azure Backup via REST API

This article describes how to back up an Azure Files using Azure Backup via REST API.

This article assumes you've already created a Recovery Services vault and policy for configuring backup for your File Share. If you haven’t, refer to the create vault and create policy REST API tutorials for creating new vaults and policies.

For this article, we'll use the following resources:

  • RecoveryServicesVault: azurefilesvault

  • Policy: schedule1

  • Resource group: azurefiles

  • Storage Account: testvault2

  • File Share: testshare

Configure backup for an unprotected Azure Files using REST API

Discover storage accounts with unprotected Azure Files

The vault needs to discover all Azure storage accounts in the subscription with File Shares that can be backed up to the Recovery Services vault. This is triggered using the refresh operation. It's an asynchronous POST operation that ensures the vault gets the latest list of all unprotected Azure File Shares in the current subscription and 'caches' them. Once the File Share is 'cached', Recovery services can access the File Share and protect it.


The POST URI has {subscriptionId}, {vaultName}, {vaultresourceGroupName}, and {fabricName} parameters. In our example, the value for the different parameters will be as follows:

  • {fabricName} is Azure

  • {vaultName} is azurefilesvault

  • {vaultresourceGroupName} is azurefiles

  • $filter=backupManagementType eq 'AzureStorage'

Since all the required parameters are given in the URI, there's no need for a separate request body.

POST$filter=backupManagementType eq 'AzureStorage'

Responses to the refresh operation

The 'refresh' operation is an asynchronous operation. It means this operation creates another operation that needs to be tracked separately.

It returns two responses: 202 (Accepted) when another operation is created, and 200 (OK) when that operation completes.

Example responses to the refresh operation

Once the POST request is submitted, a 202 (Accepted) response is returned.

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
'Pragma': 'no-cache'
'Expires': '-1'
'Location': ‘
'Retry-After': '60'
'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff'
'x-ms-request-id': '6cc12ceb-90a2-430d-a1ec-9b6b6fdea92b'
'x-ms-client-request-id': ‘3da383a5-d66d-4b7c-982a-bc8d94798d61,3da383a5-d66d-4b7c-982a-bc8d94798d61’
'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains'
'X-Powered-By': 'ASP.NET'
'x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-reads': '11996'
'x-ms-correlation-request-id': '6cc12ceb-90a2-430d-a1ec-9b6b6fdea92b'
'x-ms-routing-request-id': CENTRALUSEUAP:20200203T091326Z:6cc12ceb-90a2-430d-a1ec-9b6b6fdea92b'
'Date': 'Mon, 03 Feb 2020 09:13:25 GMT'

Track the resulting operation using the "Location" header with a simple GET command


Once all the Azure Storage accounts are discovered, the GET command returns a 204 (No Content) response. The vault is now able to discover any storage account with File Shares that can be backed up within the subscription.

HTTP/1.1 200 NoContent
Cache-Control  : no-cache
Pragma   : no-cache
X-Content-Type-Options  : nosniff
x-ms-request-id    : d9bdb266-8349-4dbd-9688-de52f07648b2
x-ms-client-request-id  : 3da383a5-d66d-4b7c-982a-bc8d94798d61,3da383a5-d66d-4b7c-982a-bc8d94798d61
Strict-Transport-Security  : max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
X-Powered-By    : ASP.NET
x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-reads: 11933
x-ms-correlation-request-id   : d9bdb266-8349-4dbd-9688-de52f07648b2
x-ms-routing-request-id  : CENTRALUSEUAP:20200127T105304Z:d9bdb266-8349-4dbd-9688-de52f07648b2
Date   : Mon, 27 Jan 2020 10:53:04 GMT

Get List of storage accounts with File Shares that can be backed up with Recovery Services vault

To confirm that “caching” is done, list all the storage accounts in the subscription with File Shares that can be backed up with the Recovery Services vault. Then locate the desired storage account in the response. This is done using the GET ProtectableContainers operation.

GET$filter=backupManagementType eq 'AzureStorage'

The GET URI has all the required parameters. No additional request body is needed.

Example of response body:


  "value": [

​    {

​      "id": "/Subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/azurefiles/providers


​      "name": "StorageContainer;Storage;AzureFiles;testvault2",

​      "type": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectableContainers",

​      "properties": {

​        "friendlyName": "testvault2",

​        "backupManagementType": "AzureStorage",

​        "protectableContainerType": "StorageContainer",

​        "healthStatus": "Healthy",

​        "containerId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/

​      }

​    }



Since we can locate the testvault2 storage account in the response body with the friendly name, the refresh operation performed above was successful. The Recovery Services vault can now successfully discover storage accounts with unprotected files shares in the same subscription.

Register storage account with Recovery Services vault

This step is only needed if you didn't register the storage account with the vault earlier. You can register the vault via the ProtectionContainers-Register operation.


Set the variables for the URI as follows:

  • {resourceGroupName} - azurefiles
  • {fabricName} - Azure
  • {vaultName} - azurefilesvault
  • {containerName} - This is the name attribute in the response body of the GET ProtectableContainers operation. In our example, it's StorageContainer;Storage;AzureFiles;testvault2


Always take the name attribute of the response and fill it in this request. Don't hard-code or create the container-name format. If you create or hard-code it, the API call will fail if the container-name format changes in the future.


The create request body is as follows:


 "properties": {

  "containerType": "StorageContainer",

  "sourceResourceId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/AzureFiles/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/testvault2",

  "resourceGroup": "AzureFiles",

  "friendlyName": "testvault2",

  "backupManagementType": "AzureStorage"


For the complete list of definitions of the request body and other details, refer to ProtectionContainers-Register.

This is an asynchronous operation and returns two responses: "202 Accepted" when the operation is accepted and "200 OK" when the operation is complete. To track the operation status, use the location header to get the latest status of the operation.


Example of response body when operation is complete:

    "id": "/Subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/AzureFiles/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/azurefilesvault/backupFabrics/Azure/
    "name": "StorageContainer;Storage;AzureFiles;testvault2",
    "properties": {
        "sourceResourceId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/AzureFiles/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/testvault2",
        "protectedItemCount": 0,
        "friendlyName": "testvault2",
        "backupManagementType": "AzureStorage",
        "registrationStatus": "Registered",
        "healthStatus": "Healthy",
        "containerType": "StorageContainer",
        "protectableObjectType": "StorageContainer"

You can verify if the registration was successful from the value of the registrationstatus parameter in the response body. In our case, it shows the status as registered for testvault2, so the registration operation was successful.

Inquire all unprotected files shares under a storage account

You can inquire about protectable items in a storage account using the Protection Containers-Inquire operation. It's an asynchronous operation and the results should be tracked using the location header.


Set the variables for the above URI as follows:

  • {vaultName} - azurefilesvault
  • {fabricName} - Azure
  • {containerName}- Refer to the name attribute in the response body of the GET ProtectableContainers operation. In our example, it's StorageContainer;Storage;AzureFiles;testvault2;Storage;AzureFiles;testvault2/inquire?api-version=2016-12-01

Once the request is successful, it returns the status code “OK”

Cache-Control : no-cache
Pragma   : no-cache
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
x-ms-request-id  : 68727f1e-b8cf-4bf1-bf92-8e03a9d96c46
x-ms-client-request-id  : 3da383a5-d66d-4b7c-982a-bc8d94798d61,3da383a5-d66d-4b7c-982a-bc8d94798d61
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
Server  : Microsoft-IIS/10.0
X-Powered-B : ASP.NET
x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-reads: 11932
x-ms-correlation-request-id  : 68727f1e-b8cf-4bf1-bf92-8e03a9d96c46
x-ms-routing-request-id   : CENTRALUSEUAP:20200127T105305Z:68727f1e-b8cf-4bf1-bf92-8e03a9d96c46
Date  : Mon, 27 Jan 2020 10:53:05 GMT

Select the File Share you want to back up

You can list all protectable items under the subscription and locate the desired File Share to be backed up using the GET backupprotectableItems operation.


Construct the URI as follows:

  • {vaultName} - azurefilesvault
  • {$filter} - backupManagementType eq 'AzureStorage'
GET$filter=backupManagementType eq 'AzureStorage'&api-version=2016-12-01

Sample response:

Status Code:200

    "value": [
            "id": "/Subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/azurefiles/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/azurefilesvault/backupFabrics/Azure/protectionContainers/storagecontainer;storage;azurefiles;afaccount1/protectableItems/azurefileshare;azurefiles1",
            "name": "azurefileshare;azurefiles1",
            "type": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectableItems",
            "properties": {
                "parentContainerFabricId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/AzureFiles/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/afaccount1",
                "parentContainerFriendlyName": "afaccount1",
                "azureFileShareType": "XSMB",
                "backupManagementType": "AzureStorage",
                "workloadType": "AzureFileShare",
                "protectableItemType": "AzureFileShare",
                "friendlyName": "azurefiles1",
                "protectionState": "NotProtected"
            "id": "/Subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/azurefiles/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/azurefilesvault/backupFabrics/Azure/protectionContainers/storagecontainer;storage;azurefiles;afsaccount/protectableItems/azurefileshare;afsresource",
            "name": "azurefileshare;afsresource",
            "type": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectableItems",
            "properties": {
                "parentContainerFabricId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/AzureFiles/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/afsaccount",
                "parentContainerFriendlyName": "afsaccount",
                "azureFileShareType": "XSMB",
                "backupManagementType": "AzureStorage",
                "workloadType": "AzureFileShare",
                "protectableItemType": "AzureFileShare",
                "friendlyName": "afsresource",
                "protectionState": "NotProtected"
            "id": "/Subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/azurefiles/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/azurefilesvault/backupFabrics/Azure/protectionContainers/storagecontainer;storage;azurefiles;testvault2/protectableItems/azurefileshare;testshare",
            "name": "azurefileshare;testshare",
            "type": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectableItems",
            "properties": {
                "parentContainerFabricId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/AzureFiles/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/testvault2",
                "parentContainerFriendlyName": "testvault2",
                "azureFileShareType": "XSMB",
                "backupManagementType": "AzureStorage",
                "workloadType": "AzureFileShare",
                "protectableItemType": "AzureFileShare",
                "friendlyName": "testshare",
                "protectionState": "NotProtected"

The response contains the list of all unprotected File Shares and contains all the information required by the Azure Recovery Service to configure the backup.

Enable backup for the File Share

After the relevant File Share is "identified" with the friendly name, select the policy to protect. To learn more about existing policies in the vault, refer to list Policy API. Then select the relevant policy by referring to the policy name. To create policies, refer to create policy tutorial.

Enabling protection is an asynchronous PUT operation that creates a "protected item".


Set the containername and protecteditemname variables using the ID attribute in the response body of the GET backupprotectableitems operation.

In our example, the ID of File Share we want to protect is:

  • {containername} - storagecontainer;storage;azurefiles;testvault2
  • {protectedItemName} - azurefileshare;testshare

Or you can refer to the name attribute of the protection container and protectable item responses.


Always take the name attribute of the response and fill it in this request. Don't hard-code or create the container-name format or protected item name format. If you create or hard-code it, the API call will fail if the container-name format or protected item name format changes in the future.


Create a request body:

The following request body defines properties required to create a protected item.

  "properties": {
    "protectedItemType": "AzureFileShareProtectedItem",
    "sourceResourceId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/AzureFiles/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/testvault2",
    "policyId": "/Subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/azurefiles/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/azurefilesvault/backupPolicies/schedule1"

The sourceResourceId is the parentcontainerFabricID in response of GET backupprotectableItems.

Sample Response

The creation of a protected item is an asynchronous operation, which creates another operation that needs to be tracked. It returns two responses: 202 (Accepted) when another operation is created and 200 (OK) when that operation completes.

Once you submit the PUT request for protected item creation or update, the initial response is 202 (Accepted) with a location header.

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Cache-Control  : no-cache
Pragma  : no-cache
Location :;Storage;AzureFiles;testvault2/protectedItems/azurefileshare;testshare/operationResults/c3a52d1d-0853-4211-8141-477c65740264?api-version=2016-12-01
Retry-Afte  : 60
Azure-AsyncOperation  :;Storage;AzureFiles;testvault2/protectedItems/azurefileshare;testshare/operationResults/c3a52d1d-0853-4211-8141-477c65740264?api-version=2016-12-01
X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff
x-ms-request-id : b55527fa-f473-4f09-b169-9cc3a7a39065
x-ms-client-request-id: 3da383a5-d66d-4b7c-982a-bc8d94798d61,3da383a5-d66d-4b7c-982a-bc8d94798d61
Strict-Transport-Security : max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
X-Powered-By  : ASP.NET
x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-writes: 1198
x-ms-correlation-request-id : b55527fa-f473-4f09-b169-9cc3a7a39065
x-ms-routing-request-id  : CENTRALUSEUAP:20200127T105412Z:b55527fa-f473-4f09-b169-9cc3a7a39065
Date : Mon, 27 Jan 2020 10:54:12 GMT

Then track the resulting operation using the location header or Azure-AsyncOperation header with a GET command.


Once the operation completes, it returns 200 (OK) with the protected item content in the response body.

Sample Response Body:

    "id": "c3a52d1d-0853-4211-8141-477c65740264",
    "name": "c3a52d1d-0853-4211-8141-477c65740264",
    "status": "Succeeded",
    "startTime": "2020-02-03T18:10:48.296012Z",
    "endTime": "2020-02-03T18:10:48.296012Z",
    "properties": {
        "objectType": "OperationStatusJobExtendedInfo",
        "jobId": "e2ca2cf4-2eb9-4d4b-b16a-8e592d2a658b"

This confirms that protection is enabled for the File Share and the first backup will be triggered according to the policy schedule.

Trigger an on-demand backup for File Share

Once an Azure Files is configured for backup, backups run according to the policy schedule. You can wait for the first scheduled backup or trigger an on-demand backup anytime.

Triggering an on-demand backup is a POST operation.


{containerName} and {protectedItemName} are as constructed above while enabling backup. For our example, this translates to:


Create request body

To trigger an on-demand backup, following are the components of the request body.

Name Type Description
Properties AzurefilesharebackupReques BackupRequestResource properties

For the complete list of definitions of the request body and other details, refer to trigger backups for protected items REST API document.

Request Body example





Responses to the on-demand backup operation

Triggering an on-demand backup is an asynchronous operation. It means this operation creates another operation that needs to be tracked separately.

It returns two responses: 202 (Accepted) when another operation is created and 200 (OK) when that operation completes.

Example responses to the on-demand backup operation

Once you submit the POST request for an on-demand backup, the initial response is 202 (Accepted) with a location header or Azure-async-header.

'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
'Pragma': 'no-cache'
'Expires': '-1'
'Retry-After': '60'
'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff'
'x-ms-request-id': '2e03b8d4-66b1-48cf-8094-aa8bff57e8fb'
'x-ms-client-request-id': 'a644712a-4895-11ea-ba57-0a580af42708, a644712a-4895-11ea-ba57-0a580af42708'
'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains'
'X-Powered-By': 'ASP.NET'
'x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-writes': '1199'
'x-ms-correlation-request-id': '2e03b8d4-66b1-48cf-8094-aa8bff57e8fb'
'x-ms-routing-request-id': 'WESTEUROPE:20200206T040339Z:2e03b8d4-66b1-48cf-8094-aa8bff57e8fb'
'Date': 'Thu, 06 Feb 2020 04:03:38 GMT'
'Content-Length': '0'

Then track the resulting operation using the location header or Azure-AsyncOperation header with a GET command.


Once the operation completes, it returns 200 (OK) with the ID of the resulting backup job in the response body.

Sample response body

    "id": "dc62d524-427a-4093-968d-e951c0a0726e",
    "name": "dc62d524-427a-4093-968d-e951c0a0726e",
    "status": "Succeeded",
    "startTime": "2020-02-06T11:06:02.1327954Z",
    "endTime": "2020-02-06T11:06:02.1327954Z",
    "properties": {
        "objectType": "OperationStatusJobExtendedInfo",
        "jobId": "39282261-cb52-43f5-9dd0-ffaf66beeaef"

Since the backup job is a long running operation, it needs to be tracked as explained in the monitor jobs using REST API document.

Next steps