Tutorial: Create a policy assignment to identify non-compliant resources

The first step in understanding compliance in Azure is to identify the status of your resources. Azure Policy supports auditing the state of your Azure Arc-enabled server with machine configuration policies. Azure Policy's machine configuration definitions can audit or apply settings inside the machine.

This tutorial steps you through the process of creating and assigning a policy in order to identify which of your Azure Arc-enabled servers don't have Microsoft Defender for Servers enabled.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to:

  • Create policy assignment and assign a definition to it
  • Identify resources that aren't compliant with the new policy
  • Remove the policy from non-compliant resources


If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

Create a policy assignment

Use the following procedure to create a policy assignment and assign the policy definition Azure Defender for servers should be enabled.

  1. Launch the Azure Policy service in the Azure portal by searching for and selecting Policy.

  2. In the service menu, under Authoring, select Assignments. An assignment is a policy assigned to take place within a specific scope.

  3. Select Assign Policy from the top of the Assignments pane.

    Screenshot of the Policy Assignments page in the Azure portal.

  4. On the Assign Policy page, select the Scope by selecting the ellipsis and selecting either a management group or subscription. Optionally, select a resource group. The scope determines which resources or grouping of resources the policy assignment gets enforced on. Then, choose Select at the bottom of the Scope pane.

  5. Resources can be excluded based on the Scope. Exclusions start at one level lower than the level of the Scope. Exclusions are optional, so leave it blank for now.

  6. Select the Policy definition ellipsis to open the list of available definitions. Azure Policy comes with many built-in policy definitions you can use, such as:

    • Enforce tag and its value
    • Apply tag and its value
    • Inherit a tag from the resource group if missing

    For a partial list of available built-in policies, see Azure Policy samples.

  7. Search through the policy definitions list to find the Azure Defender for servers should be enabled definition. Choose that policy and select Add.

  8. The Assignment name is automatically populated with the policy name you selected, but you can change it. For this example, leave the policy name as is, and don't change any of the remaining options on the page.

  9. For this example, we don't need to change any settings on the other tabs. Select Review + Create to review your new policy assignment, then select Create.

You're now ready to identify non-compliant resources to understand the compliance state of your environment.

Identify non-compliant resources

In the service menu, select Compliance. Then locate the Azure Defender for servers should be enabled policy assignment you created.

Screenshot of Policy Compliance page showing policy compliance for the selected scope.

If there are any existing resources that aren't compliant with this new assignment, they appear under Non-compliant resources.

When a condition is evaluated against your existing resources and found true, those resources are marked as non-compliant with the policy. The following table shows how different policy effects work with the condition evaluation for the resulting compliance state. Although you don't see the evaluation logic in the Azure portal, the compliance state results are shown. The compliance state result is either compliant or non-compliant.

Resource state Effect Policy evaluation Compliance state
Exists Deny, Audit, Append*, DeployIfNotExist*, AuditIfNotExist* True Non-compliant
Exists Deny, Audit, Append*, DeployIfNotExist*, AuditIfNotExist* False Compliant
New Audit, AuditIfNotExist* True Non-compliant
New Audit, AuditIfNotExist* False Compliant

* The Append, DeployIfNotExist, and AuditIfNotExist effects require the IF statement to be TRUE. The effects also require the existence condition to be FALSE to be non-compliant. When TRUE, the IF condition triggers evaluation of the existence condition for the related resources.

Clean up resources

To remove the assignment created, follow these steps:

  1. In the service menu, select Compliance (or select Assignments under Authoring).
  2. Locate the Azure Defender for servers should be enabled policy assignment you created.
  3. Right-click the policy assignment, then select Delete assignment.

Next steps

In this tutorial, you assigned a policy definition to a scope and evaluated its compliance report. The policy definition validates that all the resources in the scope are compliant and identifies which ones aren't. Now you're ready to monitor your Azure Arc-enabled servers machine by enabling VM insights.

To learn how to monitor and view the performance, running process, and dependencies from your machine, continue to the tutorial: