User-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join: Install the Intune Connector
Windows Autopilot user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join steps:
- Step 2: Install the Intune Connector
- Step 3: Increase the computer account limit in the Organizational Unit (OU)
- Step 4: Register devices as Windows Autopilot devices
- Step 5: Create a device group
- Step 6: Configure and assign Windows Autopilot Enrollment Status Page (ESP)
- Step 7: Create and assign Microsoft Entra hybrid join Windows Autopilot profile
- Step 8: Configure and assign domain join profile
- Step 9: Assign Windows Autopilot device to a user (optional)
- Step 10: Deploy the device
For an overview of the Windows Autopilot user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join workflow, see Windows Autopilot user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join overview.
If the Intune Connector is already installed and configured, skip this step and move on to Step 3: Increase the computer account limit in the Organizational Unit (OU).
Install the Intune Connector for Active Directory
The purpose of the Intune Connector for Active Directory, also known as the Offline Domain Join (ODJ) Connector, is to join computers to an on-premises domain during the Windows Autopilot process. The Intune Connector for Active Directory creates computer objects in a specified Organizational Unit (OU) in Active Directory during the domain join process.
Starting with Intune 2501, Intune uses an updated Intune Connector for Active Directory that strengthens security and follows least privilege principles by using a Managed Service Account (MSA). When the Intune Connector for Active Directory is downloaded from within Intune, the updated Intune Connector for Active Directory is downloaded. The previous legacy Intune Connector for Active Directory is still available for download at Intune Connector for Active Directory, but Microsoft recommends using the updated Intune Connector for Active Directory installer going forward. The previous legacy Intune Connector for Active Directory will continue to work through sometime in May 2025. However, it needs to be updated to the updated Intune Connector for Active Directory before then to avoid loss of functionality. For more information, see Intune Connector for Active Directory with low-privileged account for Autopilot Hybrid Microsoft Entra join deployments.
Updating of the Intune Connector for Active Directory to the updated version isn't done automatically. The legacy Intune Connector for Active Directory needs to be manually uninstalled followed by the updated connector manually downloaded and installed. Instructions for the manual uninstall and install process of the Intune Connector for Active Directory are provided in the following sections.
Select the tab that corresponds to the version of the Intune Connector for Active Directory that is being installed:
Before beginning the installation, make sure that all of the Intune connector server requirements are met.
It's preferable, but not required, that the administrator installing and configuring the Intune Connector for Active Directory has appropriate domain rights as documented in Intune Connector for Active Directory requirements. This requirement allows the Intune Connector for Active Directory installer and configuration process to properly set permissions for the MSA on the Computer container or OUs where computer objects are created. If the administrator doesn't have these permissions, an administrator that does have the appropriate permissions needs to follow the section Increase the computer account limit in the Organizational Unit.
Turn off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration
By default Windows Server has Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration turned on. Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration might cause problems signing into the Intune Connector for Active Directory. Since Internet Explorer is deprecated and in most instances, not even installed on Windows Server, Microsoft recommends turning off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. To turn off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration:
Sign into the server where the Intune Connector for Active Directory is being installed with an account that has local administrator rights.
Open Server Manager.
In the left pane of Server Manager, select Local Server.
In the right PROPERTIES pane of Server Manager, select the On or Off link next to IE Enhanced Security Configuration.
In the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration window, select Off under Administrators:, and then select OK.
Download the Intune Connector for Active Directory
On the server where the Intune Connector for Active Directory is being installed, sign into the Microsoft Intune admin center.
In the Home screen, select Devices in the left hand pane.
In the Devices | Overview screen, under By platform, select Windows.
In the Windows | Windows devices screen, under Device onboarding, select Enrollment.
In the Windows | Windows enrollment screen, under Windows Autopilot, select Intune Connector for Active Directory.
In the Intune Connector for Active Directory screen, select Add.
In the Add connector window that opens, under Configuring the Intune Connector for Active Directory, select Download the on-premises Intune Connector for Active Directory. The link downloads a file called
Install the Intune Connector for Active Directory on the server
The Intune Connector for Active Directory installation needs to be done with an account that has the following domain rights:
- Required - Create msDs-ManagedServiceAccount objects in the Managed Service Accounts container.
- Optional - Modify permissions in OUs in Active Directory - if the administrator installing the updated Intune Connector for Active Directory doesn't have this right, additional configuration steps are required by an administrator who has these rights. For more information, see the step/section Increase the computer account limit in the Organizational Unit.
Sign into the server where the Intune Connector for Active Directory is being installed with an account that has local administrator rights.
If the previous legacy Intune Connector for Active Directory is installed, uninstall it first before installing the updated Intune Connector for Active Directory. For more information, see Uninstall the Intune Connector for Active Directory.
When uninstalling the previous legacy Intune Connector for Active Directory, make sure to run the legacy Intune Connector for Active Directory installer as part of the uninstall process. If the legacy Intune Connector for Active Directory installer prompts to Uninstall it when it's run, select to uninstall it. This step ensures that the previous legacy Intune Connector for Active Directory is fully uninstalled. The legacy Intune Connector for Active Directory installer can be downloaded from Intune Connector for Active Directory.
In domains with only a single Intune Connector for Active Directory, Microsoft recommends first installing the updated Intune Connector for Active Directory on another server. Installing the updated Intune Connector for Active Directory on another server should be done before uninstalling the legacy Intune Connector for Active Directory on the current server. Installing the Intune Connector for Active Directory on another first avoids any downtime while the Intune Connector for Active Directory is being updated on the current server.
Open the
file that downloaded to launch the Intune Connector for Active Directory Setup install.Step through the Intune Connector for Active Directory Setup install.
At the end of the install, select the checkbox Launch Intune Connector for Active Directory.
If Intune Connector for Active Directory Setup install is accidentally closed without selecting the checkbox Launch Intune Connector for Active Directory, the Intune Connector for Active Directory configuration can be reopened by selecting Intune Connector for Active Directory > Intune Connector for Active Directory from the Start menu.
Sign in to the Intune Connector for Active Directory
In the Intune Connector for Active Directory window, under the Enrollment tab, select Sign In.
Under the Sign In tab, sign in with the Microsoft Entra ID credentials of an Intune administrator role. The user account must have an assigned Intune license. The sign in process might take a few minutes to complete.
The account used to enroll the Intune Connector for Active Directory is only a temporary requirement at the time of installation. The account isn't used going forward after the server is enrolled.
Once the sign in process completes:
- A The Intune Connector for Active Directory successfully enrolled confirmation window appears. Select OK to close the window.
- An A Managed Service Account with name "<MSA_name>" was successfully set up confirmation window appears. The name of the MSA is in the format
where ##### are five random characters. Notate the name of the MSA that was created, and then select OK to close the window. The name of the MSA might be needed later to configure the MSA to allow creating computer objects in OUs.
The Enrollment tab shows Intune Connector for Active Directory is enrolled. The Sign In button is greyed out and Configure Managed Service Account is enabled.
Close the Intune Connector for Active Directory window.
Verify the Intune Connector for Active Directory is active
After authenticating, the Intune Connector for Active Directory finishes installing. Once it finishes installing, verify that it's active in Intune by following these steps:
Go to the Microsoft Intune admin center if it's still open. If the Add connector window is still displayed, close it.
If the Microsoft Intune admin center isn't still open:
Sign into the Microsoft Intune admin center.
In the Home screen, select Devices in the left hand pane.
In the Devices | Overview screen, under By platform, select Windows.
In the Windows | Windows devices screen, under Device onboarding, select Enrollment.
In the Windows | Windows enrollment screen, under Windows Autopilot, select Intune Connector for Active Directory.
In the Intune Connector for Active Directory page:
- Confirm that the server is displayed under Connector name and shows as Active under Status
- For the updated Intune Connector for Active Directory, make sure the version is greater than or equal to 6.2501.2000.5.
If the server isn't displayed, select Refresh or navigate away from the page, and then navigate back to the Intune Connector for Active Directory page.
It can take several minutes for the newly enrolled server to appear in the Intune Connector for Active Directory page of the Microsoft Intune admin center. The enrolled server only appears if it can successfully communicate with the Intune service.
Inactive Intune Connectors for Active Directory still appear in the Intune Connector for Active Directory page and will automatically be cleaned up after 30 days.
After the Intune Connector for Active Directory is installed, it will start logging in the Event Viewer under the path Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Intune > ODJConnectorService. Under this path, Admin and Operational logs can be found.
Configure the MSA to allow creating objects in OUs (optional)
By default, MSAs only have access to create computer objects in the Computers container. MSAs don't have access to create computer objects in Organizational Units (OUs). To allow the MSA to create objects in OUs, the OUs need to be added to the ODJConnectorEnrollmentWizard.exe.config
XML file found in ODJConnectorEnrollmentWizard
directory where the Intune Connector for Active Directory was installed, normally C:\Program Files\Microsoft Intune\ODJConnector\
To configure the MSA to allow creating objects in OUs, follow these steps:
On the server where the Intune Connector for Active Directory is installed, navigate to
directory where the Intune Connector for Active Directory was installed, normallyC:\Program Files\Microsoft Intune\ODJConnector\
.In the
directory, open theODJConnectorEnrollmentWizard.exe.config
XML file in a text editor, for example, Notepad.In the
XML file, add in any desired OUs that the MSA should have access to create computer objects in. The OU name should be the distinguished name and if applicable, needs to be escaped. The following example is an example XML entry with the OU distinguished name:<appSettings> <!-- Semicolon separated list of OUs that will be used for Hybrid Autopilot, using LDAP distinguished name format. The ODJ Connector will only have permission to create computer objects in these OUs. The value here should be the same as the value in the Hybrid Autopilot configuration profile in the Azure portal - Usage example (NOTE: PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE DISTINGUISHED NAME IS ESCAPED PROPERLY): Domain contains the following OUs: - OU=HybridDevices,DC=contoso,DC=com - OU=HybridDevices2,OU=IntermediateOU,OU=TopLevelOU,DC=contoso,DC=com Value: "OU=HybridDevices,DC=contoso,DC=com;OU=HybridDevices2,OU=IntermediateOU,OU=TopLevelOU,DC=contoso,DC=com" --> <add key="OrganizationalUnitsUsedForOfflineDomainJoin" value="OU=SubOU,OU=TopLevelOU,DC=contoso,DC=com;OU=Mine,DC=contoso,DC=com" /> </appSettings>
Once all desired OUs are added, save the
XML file.As an administrator that has appropriate permissions to modify OU permissions, open the Intune Connector for Active Directory by navigating to Intune Connector for Active Directory > Intune Connector for Active Directory from the Start menu.
If the administrator installing and configuring the Intune Connector for Active Directory doesn't have permissions to modify OU permissions, then the section/steps Increase the computer account limit in the Organizational Unit need to be followed instead by an administrator that does have permissions to modify OU permissions.
Under the Enrollment tab in the Intune Connector for Active Directory window, select Configure Managed Service Account.
An A Managed Service Account with name "<MSA_name>" was successfully set up confirmation window appears. Select OK to close the window.