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Still Image Properties

Windows Portable Devices supports the following still-image properties.

Property VarType Description
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_ARTIST VT_LPWSTR The name of the owner/user of the device.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_BURST_INTERVAL VT_UI4 In a burst-mode image capture, the time delay between image captures, in milliseconds.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_BURST_NUMBER VT_UI4 In a burst-mode image capture, the number of images to capture.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_CAPTURE_DELAY VT_UI4 Specifies the time delay between the command to capture an image and the actual capture, in milliseconds.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_CAPTURE_FORMAT VT_CLSID The format to use to capture the image. This is one of the format GUID values that is defined by Windows Portable Devices.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_CAPTURE_MODE VT_UI4 A WPD_CAPTURE_MODES enumerator that specifies the capture mode to use to capture an image.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_CAPTURE_RESOLUTION VT_LPWSTR A string that specifies the image size to capture. The image size is specified in pixels, in the format "widthxheight". For example: "800x600".
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_SETTING VT_UI8 Describes the image compression settings that are used when capturing an image. This is device-specific.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_CONTRAST VT_UI4 A number that specifies the contrast setting to apply when capturing an image, with zero being the least contrast and larger numbers indicating greater contrast.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_DIGITAL_ZOOM VT_UI4 A number that specifies the amount of digital zoom to use when capturing an image. The number is 1 or higher, scaled by a factor of 10. A value of 1 (representing 10) indicates no digital zoom; a value of 2 (representing 20) indicates a 2x zoom (1/4 of the image seen by a 1x zoom will be captured).
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_EFFECT_MODE VT_UI4 A WPD_EFFECT_MODES enumerator that specifies an image effect to use when capturing an image.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_EXPOSURE_BIAS_COMPENSATION VT_UI4 A number that specifies the APEX units to adjust the exposure. Units are stops x 1,000. Specifying zero indicates the factory default.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_EXPOSURE_INDEX VT_UI4 A number that specifies the ISO film speed to emulate when capturing an image. A value of 0xFFFF indicates that this value should be set automatically.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_EXPOSURE_METERING_MODE VT_UI4 A WPD_EXPOSURE_METERING_MODES enumerator that specifies the metering mode to use when capturing an image.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM_MODE VT_UI4 A WPD_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM_MODES enumerator that specifies the exposure program to use when capturing an image.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_EXPOSURE_TIME VT_UI4 The shutter speed to use when capturing an image, in seconds x 10,000.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_FLASH_MODE VT_UI4 A WPD_FLASH_MODES enumerator that specifies the flash mode to use when capturing an image.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_FNUMBER VT_UI4 A number that specifies the aperture of the lens when capturing an image. The number is the f-stop number 100 (so 14 would indicate f/1.4).This property is typically only valid when WPD_STILL_IMAGE_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM_MODE is set to manual or aperture priority.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_FOCAL_LENGTH VT_UI4 The focal length, in millimeters x 100, to use when capturing an image. So, for example, 35mm would be 3500.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_FOCUS_DISTANCE VT_UI4 The focus distance that a device should use, in millimeters. A value of 0xFFFF indicates infinite focus (more than 655 meters).
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_FOCUS_METERING_MODE VT_UI4 A WPD_FOCUS_METERING_MODES enumerator that specifies which focus mode an image capture device should use when deciding how to focus on a subject.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_FOCUS_MODE VT_UI4 A WPD_FOCUS_MODES enumerator that specifies the focus mode to use when capturing an image.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_RGB_GAIN VT_LPWSTR A null-terminated string that specifies the RGB gain to use when capturing an image. The string is three colon-delimited numbers with no intervening spaces, in the format "R:G:B".
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_SHARPNESS VT_UI4 A number that specifies the sharpness to use when capturing an image, where zero is the least sharp and larger numbers indicate increasing sharpness.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_TIMELAPSE_INTERVAL VT_UI4 The time delay between image captures in a time-lapse image capture, in milliseconds.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_TIMELAPSE_NUMBER VT_UI4 The number of images to capture in a time-lapse mode image capture.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_UPLOAD_URL VT_LPWSTR Specifies a URL where the device should send the image after it is captured.
WPD_STILL_IMAGE_WHITE_BALANCE VT_UI4 A WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_SETTINGS enumerated value that specifies the white balance settings to use when capturing an image.


Requirement Value

See also

WPD Properties and Attributes