
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Transfer Manifest Schema

These elements make up the XML schema used in the Web Publishing and Online Print Ordering wizards' transfer manifest.

The following elements are defined for the transfer manifest.


Specifies the server-side HTML page to display before the wizard is closed when the user clicks the Cancel button.


    href = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
href Required. The URL of the server-side HTML page to display when the user clicks the Cancel button.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
uploadinfo None



Specifies the server-side HTML page to display if the upload is not successful.


    href = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
href Required. The URL of the server-side HTML page to display if the upload is not successful.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
uploadinfo None. Text is allowed.



Instructs the wizard to create a favorite website entry in the Favorites menu for the given URL. If this element is not specified, then the htmlui element is used in its place.


    comment = "string"
    href = "string"
    name = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
comment Required. The comment associated with the Favorites entry.
href Required. The URL of the Favorites entry.
name Required. The name for the URL that appears in the Favorites menu.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
uploadinfo None. Text is allowed.



Describes a single file to be copied. Multiple file elements may be contained under a single filelist node.


    contenttype = "string"
    destination = "string"
    extension = "string"
    id = "string"
    size = "string"
    source = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
contenttype Optional. The MIME type of the file.
destination Required. A suggested path for the file once it is uploaded. This path is relative to the upload site's destination URL. The upload site can modify this value as necessary.
extension Optional. The file name extension of the file.
id Required. The numerical index of the file.
size Optional. The size of the file, in bytes.
source Required. The full file system path for the file.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
filelist metadata, post, resize



A container for elements describing the files to be copied. Multiple filelist elements may be contained under a single transfermanifest node.


    usesfolders = "1"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
usesfolders Not implemented.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
transfermanifest file



Describes a folder in which files are stored. Multiple folder elements may be contained under a single folderlist node.


    destination = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
destination Required. A suggested path for the folder once it is uploaded. This path is relative to the upload site's destination URL. The upload site can modify this value as necessary.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
folderlist None



A container for elements describing the files to be copied. Multiple folderlist elements may be contained under a single transfermanifest node.


<!-- child elements -->



Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
transfermanifest folder



Describes optional HTML encoded form data that may be transferred with the files. This element is added by the service if it elects to upload the files as a multi-part post. The form data, together with information from the post element, is used to create the post header.

Multiple formdata elements may be contained under a single uploadinfo node.


    name = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
name Required. Defines the form data name associated with this section of the upload.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
uploadinfo None



The URL of the server-side HTML page to display when the wizard is closed. This element creates a favorite webpage entry in the Favorites menu if the favorite element is absent and the upload site's friendly name is specified.


    href = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
href Required. The URL of the server-side HTML page to display when the wizard is closed.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
uploadinfo None. Text is allowed.



Specifies an image property relating to the file. Multiple imageproperty elements may be contained under a single metadata node.


    id = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
id Required. The ID of the particular property.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
metadata None. Text is allowed.



A container for elements and text defining metadata for the particular file. Multiple metadata elements may be contained under a single file node.


<!-- child elements -->



Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
file imageproperty



Defines the target for a network place that is created in My Network Places when the upload is complete. Creation of a network place can be prevented through the IPublishingWizard::Initialize method.


    comment = "string"
    href = "string"
    name = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
comment Required. The comment displayed for the network place icon when the cursor rests on it.
href Required. The URL of the network place entry.
name Required. The name for the network place icon that appears in the My Network Places folder.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
uploadinfo None. Text is allowed.



URL to which the file should be posted. This element is added by the service when the transfer is done as a multi-part post and, with formdata, is used to build the post header. If the service chooses to perform the file transfer using World Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV), it should not add this element. Multiple post elements may be contained under a single file node.


    filename = "string"
    href = "string"
    name = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
filename Optional. The file name for the posted file.
href Required. The URL of the destination folder.
name Required. Defines the form data name associated with this section of the post.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
file formdata



Defines the scaling and recompression of an image file into JPEG format. If the source file is already in JPEG format and is less than or equal to the specified width and height, it is not sized. If the source file is not a JPEG file, it is converted. Scaling, recompression, and conversion of the file can be prevented through the IPublishingWizard::Initialize method. Multiple resize elements may be contained under a single file node.


    cx = "string"
    cy = "string"
    quality = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
cx Required. The width of the image, in pixels, after uploading. If this value is 0, then cx is calculated from the cy value to preserve relative dimensions.
cy Required. The height of the image, in pixels, after uploading. If this value is 0, then cy is calculated from the cx value to preserve relative dimensions.
quality Required. The JPEG quality value, between 0 and 100, with 100 being the highest quality.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
file None.



Specifies the server-side HTML page to display if the upload is successful.


    href = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
href Required. The URL of the server-side HTML page to display if the upload is successful.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
uploadinfo None. Text is allowed.



A destination folder specified in Universal Naming Convention (UNC) format or as a WebDAV server. The service adds this target to specify a destination folder if the transfer uses a WebDAV or file system protocol. If the service chooses to perform the file transfer as a multi-part post, it should not add this element.


    href = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
href Required. The URL of the destination folder. Use the https:// form for WebDAV or the \\server\share form for UNC.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
uploadinfo None. Text is allowed.



The parent node of the transfer manifest file.


<!-- child elements -->



Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
None filelist, folderlist, uploadinfo



A container for elements providing information from the upload site used in the transaction. Multiple uploadinfo elements may be contained under a single transfermanifest node.


    friendlyname = "string"
<!-- child elements -->


Attribute Description
friendlyname Required. A friendly name for the website which is displayed in the wizard.


Element Information

Parent Element Child Elements
transfermanifest cancelledpage, failurepage, favorite, htmlui, netplace, successpage, target