
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Version 3 Extensions

An X.509 version 3 certificate contains the fields defined in version 1 and version 2 and adds certificate extensions. The ASN.1 syntax of certificate extensions is shown in the following example.

-- Extensions (beginning with version 3).
Extensions ::= SEQUENCE OF Extension

Extension ::= SEQUENCE 
  Id                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  critical            BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
  extnValue           OCTET STRING

The standard version 3 extensions and their object identifiers (OIDs) are listed in the following table. Microsoft supports these and includes additional custom extensions. For more information, see Extensions.

Extension Description
Authority Key Identifier( Identifies the certification authority (CA) public key that corresponds to the CA private key used to sign the certificate.
Basic Constraints( Specifies whether the entity can be used as a CA and, if so, the number of subordinate CAs that can exist beneath it in the certificate chain.
Certificate Policies( Specifies the policies under which the certificate has been issued and the purposes for which it can be used.
CRL Distribution Points( Contains the URI of the base certificate revocation list (CRL).
Enhanced Key Usage( Specifies the manner in which the public key contained in the certificate can be used.
Issuer Alternative Name( Specifies one or more alternative name forms for the issuer of the certificate request.
Key Usage( Specifies restrictions on the operations that can be performed by the public key contained in the certificate.
Name Constraints( Specifies the namespace within which all subject names in a certificate hierarchy must be located. The extension is used only in a CA certificate.
Policy Constraints( Constrains path validation by prohibiting policy mapping or by requiring that each certificate in the hierarchy contain an acceptable policy identifier. The extension is used only in a CA certificate.
Policy Mappings( Specifies the policies in a subordinate CA that correspond to policies in the issuing CA.
Private Key Usage Period( Specifies a different validity period for the private key than for the certificate with which the private key is associated.
Subject Alternative Name( Specifies one or more alternative name forms for the subject of the certificate request. Example alternative forms include email addresses, DNS names, IP addresses, and URIs.
Subject Directory Attributes( Conveys identification attributes such as the nationality of the certificate subject. The extension value is a sequence of OID-value pairs.
Subject Key Identifier( Differentiates between multiple public keys held by the certificate subject. The extension value is typically a SHA-1 hash of the key.

See also

Basic Fields

Version 2 Fields

X.509 Public Key Certificates