Storage Adapter Wrappers
The following wrapper functions are defined in Winbio_adapter.h. You can use them to call functions on your storage adapter.
Function | Description |
WbioStorageActivate |
Calls the StorageAdapterActivate function. This wrapper function is supported starting in Windows 10. |
WbioStorageAddRecord |
Calls the StorageAdapterAddRecord function. |
WbioStorageAttach |
Calls the StorageAdapterAttach function. |
WbioStorageClearContext |
Calls the StorageAdapterClearContext function. |
WbioStorageCloseDatabase |
Calls the StorageAdapterCloseDatabase function. |
WbioStorageControlUnit |
Calls the StorageAdapterControlUnit function. |
WbioStorageControlUnitPrivileged |
Calls the StorageAdapterControlUnitPrivileged function. |
WbioStorageCreateDatabase |
Calls the StorageAdapterCreateDatabase function. |
WbioStorageDeactivate |
Calls the StorageAdapterDeactivate function. This wrapper function is supported starting in Windows 10. |
WbioStorageDeleteRecord |
Calls the StorageAdapterDeleteRecord function. |
WbioStorageDetach |
Calls the StorageAdapterDetach function. |
WbioStorageEraseDatabase |
Calls the StorageAdapterEraseDatabase function. |
WbioStorageFirstRecord |
Calls the StorageAdapterFirstRecord function. |
WbioStorageGetCurrentRecord |
Calls the StorageAdapterGetCurrentRecord function. |
WbioStorageGetDatabaseSize |
Calls the StorageAdapterGetDatabaseSize function. |
WbioStorageGetDataFormat |
Calls the StorageAdapterGetDataFormat function. |
WbioStorageGetRecordCount |
Calls the StorageAdapterGetRecordCount function. |
WbioStorageNextRecord |
Calls the StorageAdapterNextRecord function. |
WbioStorageNotifyPowerChange |
Calls the StorageAdapterNotifyPowerChange function. This wrapper function is supported starting in Windows 8. |
WbioStorageOpenDatabase |
Calls the StorageAdapterOpenDatabase function. |
WbioStoragePipelineCleanup |
Calls the StorageAdapterPipelineCleanup function. This wrapper function is supported starting in Windows 10. |
WbioStoragePipelineInit |
Calls the StorageAdapterPipelineInit function. This wrapper function is supported starting in Windows 10. |
WbioStorageQueryByContent |
Calls the StorageAdapterQueryByContent function. |
WbioStorageQueryBySubject |
Calls the StorageAdapterQueryBySubject function. |
WbioStorageQueryExtendedInfo |
Calls the StorageAdapterQueryExtendedInfo function. This wrapper function is supported starting in Windows 10. |