
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Extended Error Information Detection Locations

The following table lists the Extended Error Information detection locations for Windows XP.

Code Name Description and parameters
10 DealWithLRPCRequest10 The server is not listening. The first parameter is a ULONG indicating whether RpcServerListen has been called, and the second parameter is the number of registered auto listen interfaces.
11 DealWithLRPCRequest20 Allocation/initialization of a server-side call object failed.
12 WithLRPCRequest30 A call could not be queued on the server due to lack of memory.
13 WithLRPCRequest40 A thread could not be created on the server.
20 LrpcMessageToRpcMessage10 RPC could not allocate memory on the server to hold the message sent from the client. The first parameter is a ULONG with the amount of memory in bytes that was requested.
21 LrpcMessageToRpcMessage20 An LPC call to NtReadRequestData failed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the NTSTATUS code returned from LPC.
22 LrpcMessageToRpcMessage30 A reply could not be sent from the server to the client. The first parameter is a ULONG describing the NTSTATUS with which the operation failed.
30 DealWithRequestMessage10 The requested interface is not available on the server. The first parameter is a ULONG describing the internal RPC identifier of the interface. This identifier does not correspond to any part of the interface name or interface UUID.
31 DealWithRequestMessage20 The server is not listening.
32 DealWithRequestMessage30 A dispatch to the server routine failed.
40 CheckSecurity10 The security callback for the given interface returned a value other than RPC_S_OK. The returned value is in the first parameter, which is a ULONG.
50 DealWithBindMessage10 Saving the token of the client failed.
51 DealWithBindMessage20 Information from the client token could not be retrieved. The first parameter is a ULONG and contains the error with which the operation failed.
52 DealWithBindMessage30 Allocating of a server-side security context failed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the number of bytes that RPC tried to allocate.
53 DealWithBindMessage40 Inserting the server security context into the dictionary failed due to low memory.
54 DealWithBindMessage50 Processing the presentation context sent by the client failed. Either the presentation context was invalid or there was not enough memory.
55 DealWithBindMessage60 An improperly formed request was received by the server from the client. The first parameter is a ULONG with the total number of contexts. The second parameter is a ULONG with the expected size of the request. The third parameter is a ULONG with the actual size of the request.
60 FindServerCredentials10 Getting the server credentials failed. The first parameter is ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level.
61 FindServerCredentials20 A call to the security interface AcquireCredentialsHandle failed. The error code is the error returned from AcquireCredentialsHandle. The first parameter is a Unicode string to the principal name. The second is a Unicode string to the security package name.
62 FindServerCredentials30 A call to the security interface AcquireCredentialsHandle failed. The error code is the mapped by RPC error code. The first parameter is a ULONG with the error code returned from AcquireCredentialsHandle.
70 AcceptFirstTime10 A call to the security interface AcceptSecurityContext failed on the first leg. The error code is the error returned from AcceptSecurityContext. The first parameter is ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level. Third parameter is ULONG with the context requirements.
71 AcceptThirdLeg10 A call to the security interface AcceptSecurityContext failed on second or subsequent legs. The error code is the error returned from AcceptSecurityContext. The first parameter is ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level. Third parameter is ULONG with the result from GetLastError.
72 AcceptThirdLeg20 A call to the security interface AcceptSecurityContext failed on second or subsequent legs. The error code is the error returned from AcceptSecurityContext. The first parameter is ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level.
73 AcceptFirstTime20 A call to the security interface AcceptSecurityContext failed on the first leg. The error code is the mapped by RPC error code. The first parameter is a ULONG with the error code returned from AcceptSecurityContext.
74 AcceptThirdLeg40 A call to the security interface AcceptSecurityContext failed on second or subsequent legs. The error code is the mapped by RPC error code. The first parameter is a ULONG with the error code returned from AcceptSecurityContext.
80 AssociationRequested10 The client has requested to establish a connection on an existing association but this association does not exist on the server. The first parameter is the association identifier requested by the client (ULONG). The second and third parameters are ULONGLONG and are a debug identifier of the client which depends on the protocol sequence.
81 AssociationRequested20 Could not allocate association on the server due to lack of memory. The first parameter is a ULONG of the size necessary for the association block.
82 AssociationRequested30 RPC failed to acquire the credentials for the server. The first parameter is ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level.
90 CompleteSecurityToken10 A call to the security interface CompleteAuthToken failed. The error is the error returned by CompleteAuthToken. The first parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level.
91 CompleteSecurityToken20 A call to the security interface CompleteAuthToken failed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the error from the CompleteAuthToken error.
100 AcquireCredentialsForClient10 A call to the security interface AcquireCredentialsHandle failed on the client side. The error is the error returned by AcquireCredentialsHandle. The first parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level.
101 AcquireCredentialsForClient20 Error while acquiring the credentials on the client. The specified security package could not be found. The first parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level.
102 AcquireCredentialsForClient30 The version of the SCHANNEL credentials given to RPC was invalid. The first parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level.
110 InquireDefaultPrincName10 A call to the security interface QueryCredentialsAttributes failed. The error is the error returned by QueryCredentialsAttributes. The first parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service.
111 InquireDefaultPrincName20 A call to the security interface QueryCredentialsAttributes failed. The error is the RPC error that was mapped to the security error. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original security error.
120 SignOrSeal10 A failure occurred while trying to sign or encrypt a message. The error is the original security error code. The first parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level.
130 VerifyOrUnseal10 A failure occurred while trying to verify the signature or decrypt a message. The first parameter is the original security error code. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. The third parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level.
131 VerifyOrUnseal20 The third leg of authentication has failed, and a subsequent attempt to verify or unseal a packet also failed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the error with which the third leg failed.
140 InitializeFirstTime10 A call to the security interface InitializeSecurityContext failed on first leg of security context negotiation. The error is the error returned by InitializeSecurityContext. The first parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level. The third parameter is a Unicode string with the specified server principal name. The fourth parameter is the context requirements.
141 InitializeFirstTime20 A call to the security interface InitializeSecurityContext failed on first leg of security context negotiation. The error is the error RPC mapped to the security error returned by InitializeSecurityContext. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original security error.
142 InitializeFirstTime30 A call to the security interface QueryContextAttributes failed during first leg of security context negotiation. The first parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level. The third parameter is a ULONG with the context requirements.
150 InitializeThirdLeg10 A call to the security interface InitializeSecurityContext failed on second or subsequent legs of security context negotiation. The error is the error returned by InitializeSecurityContext. The first parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level. The third parameter is the context attributes.
151 InitializeThirdLeg20 A call to the security interface InitializeSecurityContext failed on second or subsequent legs of security context negotiation. The error is the error RPC mapped to the security error returned by InitializeSecurityContext. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original security error.
152 InitializeThirdLeg30 A security context was established, but the caller asked RPC for RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY impersonation, and the security context does not support that. The first parameter is a ULONG with SEC_E_SECURITY_QOS_FAILED. The second parameter is the impersonation type asked by the caller. The third parameter is the attributes of the security context.
153 InitializeThirdLeg40 A security context was established, but the caller asked RPC for RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DELEGATE impersonation, and the security context does not support that. The first parameter is a ULONG with SEC_E_SECURITY_QOS_FAILED. The second parameter is the impersonation type asked by the caller. The third parameter is the attributes of the security context.
154 InitializeThirdLeg50 A security context was established, but the caller asked RPC for mutual authentication, and the security context does not support that. The first parameter is a ULONG with SEC_E_SECURITY_QOS_FAILED. The second parameter is the impersonation type asked by the caller. The third parameter is the attributes of the security context.
155 InitializeThirdLeg60 A call to the security interface QueryContextAttributes failed during certificate verification. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error returned from the security interface.
160 ImpersonateClient10 A call to the security interface ImpersonateSecurityContext failed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error returned from the security interface. The second parameter is the authentication service. The third parameter is the authentication level.
170 DispatchToStub10 No type was registered for this interface.
171 DispatchToStub20 This interface has been unregistered.
180 DispatchToStubWorker10 A call to an autolisten interface was made, but the number of calls active inside this autolisten interface has exceeded the maximum number of calls for this interface. The first parameter is a ULONG with the number of active calls inside the autolisten interface. The second parameter is a ULONG with the maximum number of calls allowed for the autolisten interface.
181 DispatchToStubWorker20 A call was made, but the server is not listening.
182 DispatchToStubWorker30 A call was made but the number of maximum calls allowed for the server was exceeded.
183 DispatchToStubWorker40 A call was made but the procedure requested does not exist for this interface.
190 NMPOpen10 A call to CreateFile to open a named pipe to the server failed. The first parameter is a Unicode string to the pipe. The second parameter is a ULONG with the Security QOS flags for the pipe.
191 NMPOpen20 The server did not accept the named pipe connection for a given time out. The first parameter is a Unicode string to the pipe.
192 NMPOpen30 The network address passed to RPC was invalid. The first argument is a Unicode string with the network address.
193 NMPOpen40 A call to CreateFile to open a named pipe to the server failed. The error code is the error RPC mapped to the error code from CreateFile.
200 NMPSyncSend10 A call to WriteFile failed. Parameters 1, 2 and 4 are values internal to RPC. The third parameter is the length of the data given to WriteFile.
210 NMPSyncSendReceive10 A call to TransactNamedPipe failed. Parameters 1 and 2 are internal to RPC. The third parameter is the size of the data that were sent.
220 NMPSyncSendReceive20 The data read from the pipe was invalid, or not all data could be read. Parameters 1 and 2 are internal to RPC. The third parameter is a ULONG with the data that were sent to the server.
221 NMPSyncSendReceive30 The data read from the pipe was invalid, or not all data could be read.
230 COSend10 An attempt to send data failed. The error is the original error code from the IO system. Parameters 1 and 2 are internal to RPC. The third parameter is the size of the data RPC was trying to send.
240 COSubmitRead10 RPC failed to submit a read for data to the IO system. The error code is the original error from the IO system.
250 COSubmitSyncRead10 RPC failed to submit a receive for data to the IO subsystem. The error is the original error from the IO system.
251 COSubmitSyncRead20 RPC failed to submit a receive for data to the IO subsystem. The error is the original error from the IO system.
260 COSyncRecv10 RPC tried to receive data from the IO subsystem, but the operation failed. The error is the original error from the IO system.
270 WSCheckForShutdowns10 RPC received a shutdown notification from the server.
271 WSCheckForShutdowns20 RPC received a fault packet from the server. The first parameter is a ULONG with the status from the fault packet. The second parameter is the number of iterations completed.
272 WSCheckForShutdowns30 RPC received a fault packet from the server. The first parameter is a ULONG with the status from the fault packet. The second parameter is the number of iterations completed.
273 WSCheckForShutdowns40 RPC received unrecognized packet from the server. The first parameter is a ULONG with the type of the packet. The second parameter is the number of iterations completed.
274 WSCheckForShutdowns50 RPC failed to submit a receive for data to the IO subsystem. The error is the original error from the IO system. The first parameter is the number of completed iterations.
280 WSSyncSend10 An error was encountered while RPC was checking for shutdowns from the server.
281 WSSyncSend20 RPC failed to send data. The error is the error received from the IO system.
282 WSSyncSend30 RPC failed to send data.
290 WSSyncRecv10 RPC failed to receive data from Windows Sockets (Winsock). The error is the error received from Winsock. If the error is 0, The first parameter is the number of bytes received.
291 WSSyncRecv20 The time out for the connection was exceeded while trying to receive data from Winsock.
292 WSSyncRecv30 RPC failed to receive data from Winsock. The error is the error received from Winsock.
300 WSServerListenCommon10 RPC could not open a socket. The first parameter is a ULONG with the address family for the socket. The second parameter is a ULONG with the socket type. Third parameter is a ULONG with the protocol.
301 WSServerListenCommon20 RPC called the Winsock listen API but it failed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error code from Winsock. The second parameter is internal to RPC. Third parameter is a ULONG with the queue size.
302 WSServerListenCommon30 RPC could not open a socket. The error code is the RPC error that was mapped to the original Winsock error.
310 WSOpen10 RPC could not open a socket. The first parameter is a ULONG with the address family for the socket. The second parameter is a ULONG with the socket type. Third parameter is a ULONG with the protocol.
311 WSOpen20 RPC failed to bind or connect to the server. The first parameter is the server port. The second and third parameters are ULONGs that contain portions of the server IP address. If the protocol is IPv4, the third parameter contains the full IP address, and the second is 0. If the protocol is IPv6, the third parameter contains the last 8 bytes from the server IP address and the second parameter contains the previous 8 bytes.
312 WSOpen30 RPC could not open a socket. The error code is the RPC error that was mapped to the original Winsock error.
313 WSOpen40 RPC failed to bind or connect to the server. The error code is the RPC error that was mapped to the original Winsock error.
314 WSOpen50 RPC initiated a connect operation to the server but the call time out expired before the connect completed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the time out.
315 WSOpen60 RPC failed to bind the socket. The error code is the original error code received from Winsock.
316 WSOpen70 RPC failed to retrieve the address of the ConnectEx function from Winsock. Chances are the Winsock provider does not support ConnectEx.
317 WSOpen80 RPC called ConnectEx but it failed. The error is the original Winsock error code.
318 WSOpen90 RPC called ConnectEx but it failed. The error is the original NTSTATUS error code.
320 NextAddress10 RPC called Winsock's getaddrinfo API to resolve the server's name, but this failed. The error code is the original error code received from Winsock. The first parameter is a Unicode string with the server DNS name that RPC attempted to resolve.
321 NextAddress20 RPC called Winsock's getaddrinfo API but failed because of insufficient memory.
322 NextAddress30 RPC called Winsock's getaddrinfo API but failed for reasons other than insufficient memory.
323 NextAddress40 RPC has reached the end of the list of IP addresses resolved for a given DNS name.
330 WSBind10 RPC failed to allocate a port from the reserved range specified by the firewall settings. Most likely the firewall settings are invalid.
331 WSBind20 RPC failed to set a socket option.
332 WSBind30 RPC failed to bind to a port. Most likely there were no ports available.
333 WSBind40 RPC failed to bind to a port due to low memory.
334 WSBind50 RPC failed to bind to a port for other reasons. The error is the original error code received from Winsock.
335 WSBind45 RPC failed to bind to a port because the port is already in use. The first parameter is a ULONG with the port RPC is trying to use.
340 IPBuildAddressVector10 RPC failed to allocate memory to build an address vector. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error from the allocation.
350 GetStatusForTimeout10 A call time out was hit. The first parameter is a hex constant. The second parameter is a ULONG with the call time out in milliseconds.
351 GetStatusForTimeout20 A time out was hit while binding to the server. The first parameter is ULONG with a large hex constant. The second parameter is a ULONG with the time out in milliseconds that was hit.
360 OSF_CCONNECTION__SendFragment10 A time out was hit while sending/receiving data to/from the server. The first parameter is ULONG with a large hex constant. The second parameter is a ULONG with the time out in milliseconds that was hit.
361 OSF_CCONNECTION__SendFragment20 A time out was hit while sending/receiving data to/from the server. The first parameter is ULONG with a large hex constant. The second parameter is a ULONG with the time out in milliseconds that was hit.
370 OSF_CCALL__ReceiveReply10 A failure was hit while receiving data from the server. The first parameter is a ULONG with a value internal to Microsoft.
371 OSF_CCALL__ReceiveReply20 A time out was hit while receiving data from the server. The first parameter is ULONG with a large hex constant. The second parameter is a ULONG with the time out in milliseconds that was hit.
380 OSF_CCALL__FastSendReceive10 A failure was hit while receiving data from the server. The first parameter is a ULONG with a value internal to Microsoft.
381 OSF_CCALL__FastSendReceive20 A failure was hit while receiving data from the server. The first parameter is a ULONG with a value internal to Microsoft.
382 OSF_CCALL__FastSendReceive30 A time out was hit while receiving data from the server. The first parameter is ULONG with a large hex constant. The second parameter is a ULONG with the time out in milliseconds that was hit.
390 LRPC_BINDING_HANDLE__AllocateCCall10 A network address was specified in the LRPC binding handle that was different than the local computer name. LRPC supports only calls with an empty network address or a network address that is the same as the local computer name. The first parameter is a Unicode string with the network address from the binding handle. The second parameter is a Unicode string with the local computer name.
391 LRPC_BINDING_HANDLE__AllocateCCall20 RPC encountered a failure while resolving a dynamic endpoint. Error code is the original error code with which resolving failed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the first DWORD of the Interface UUID of the interface on which the call was made.
400 LRPC_ADDRESS__ServerSetupAddress10 The server endpoint length exceeded the maximum allowed endpoint length. The first parameter is a Unicode string with the endpoint name. The second parameter is a ULONG with the calculated length of that string. Third parameter is a ULONG with the maximum allowed length for the endpoint.
410 LRPC_ADDRESS__HandleInvalidAssociationReference10 The client has sent a packet to a server endpoint that is no longer valid. The first parameter is a ULONG with an index internal to Microsoft.
420 InitializeAuthzSupportIfNecessary10 RPC failed to load Authz.dll. The error code is the original error code from LoadLibrary. The first parameter is a Unicode string with the Authz.dll string.
421 InitializeAuthzSupportIfNecessary20 RPC failed to retrieve the address of a routine from Authz.dll. The error is the original error code from GetProcAddress. The first parameter is an ANSI string with the name of the routine that RPC could not get the procedure address for.
430 CreateDummyResourceManagerIfNecessary10 RPC failed to retrieve the address of a routine from Authz.dll. The error is the original error code from GetProcAddress. The first parameter is an ANSI string with the name of the routine that RPC could not get the procedure address for.
431 CreateDummyResourceManagerIfNecessary20 RPC called AuthzInitializeResourceManager, but this failed. The error code with which it failed is in the Status field.
440 LRPC_SCALL__GetAuthorizationContext10 RPC failed to impersonate the client. The status field is the original error with which the impersonation call failed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the value of the ImpersonateOnReturn parameter. The second parameter is a ULONGLONG with a value internal to Microsoft.
441 LRPC_SCALL__GetAuthorizationContext20 RPC failed to open the current thread token. Status is the original error with which opening the thread token failed. The first parameter is the identifier of the thread for which the operation failed.
442 LRPC_SCALL__GetAuthorizationContext30 RPC failed to retrieve an authorization context from the anonymous user SID. Status is the error from the AuthzInitializeContextFromSid function. The first parameter is a ULONG with the thread identifier of the thread. The second parameter is a ULONGLONG with a value internal to Microsoft.
450 SCALL__DuplicateAuthzContext10 RPC called AuthzInitializeContextFromAuthzContext but it failed. The Status field is the original error from the AuthzInitializeContextFromAuthzContext API. The first parameter is a ULONG with the identifier of the thread on which the error occurred. The second parameter is a ULONGLONG with a value internal to Microsoft.
460 SCALL__CreateAndSaveAuthzContextFromToken10 RPC called AuthzInitializeContextFromToken but it failed. The Status field is the original error from the AuthzInitializeContextFromToken API. The first parameter is a ULONG with the identifier of the thread on which the error occurred. The second parameter is a ULONGLONG with a value internal to Microsoft.
470 SECURITY_CONTEXT__GetAccessToken10 RPC called a security provider to retrieve the context attributes, but this operation failed (QueryContextAttributes). The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error from the SSPI API. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. Third parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level.
471 SECURITY_CONTEXT__GetAccessToken20 RPC called a security provider to retrieve the context token, but this operation failed (QuerySecurityContextToken). The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error from the SSPI API. The second parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. Third parameter is a ULONG with the authentication level.
480 OSF_SCALL__GetAuthorizationContext10 RPC failed to impersonate the client. The status field is the original error with which the impersonation call failed. The first parameter is a ULONGLONG with a value internal to Microsoft. The second parameter is a ULONGLONG with 0.
500 EpResolveEndpoint10 RPC has reached the end of the endpoint list returned by the server. The first parameter is a Unicode string with the protocol sequence. The second parameter is a Unicode string with the network address of the server. Third parameter is a ULONG with the first DWORD of the interface UUID for the interface for which the call is made. Fourth parameter is a ULONG. The high word of the ULONG is the index of the last endpoint returned. The low word is the total number of endpoints returned by the server.
501 EpResolveEndpoint20 RPC failed to resolve an endpoint, because an error was returned from the server. The first parameter is a Unicode string with the protocol sequence. The second parameter is a Unicode string with the network address of the server. Third parameter is a ULONG with the first DWORD of the interface UUID for the interface for which the call is made. Fourth parameter is a ULONGLONG value internal to Microsoft.
510 OSF_SCALL__GetBuffer10 RPC failed to allocate memory. The first parameter is a ULONG with the amount of memory RPC tried to allocate.
520 LRPC_SCALL__ImpersonateClient10 RPC called NtImpersonateAnonymousToken, but it failed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error code returned from NtImpersonateAnonymousToken. The second parameter is a ULONG with the current thread identifier.
530 SetMaximumLengths10 RPC called a security provider to retrieve the security context attributes (QueryContextAttributes) but it failed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error code returned from the security provider. The second parameter is the result of GetLastError after QueryContextAttributes failed. Third parameter is a ULONG with the authentication service. Fourth parameter is a ULONGLONG value internal to Microsoft.
540 LRPC_CASSOCIATION__ActuallyDoBinding10 Either initializing asynchronous RPC failed, or establishing a connection between the client and the server failed. The first parameter is a Unicode string with the endpoint.
541 LRPC_CASSOCIATION__ActuallyDoBinding20 RPC failed to establish a connection between the client and the server. The first parameter is a Unicode string with the endpoint.
542 LRPC_CASSOCIATION__ActuallyDoBinding30 RPC failed to bind to the server because the server returned an error. The error returned from the server is in the Status field.
543 LRPC_CASSOCIATION__ActuallyDoBinding40 RPC failed to send a bind packet to the server. The original error code from LPC is a ULONG on the first parameter.
550 LRPC_CASSOCIATION__CreateBackConnection10 RPC failed to establish a connection between the client and the server. The first parameter is a Unicode string with the endpoint.
551 LRPC_CASSOCIATION__CreateBackConnection20 RPC failed to send a bind packet to the server. The original error code from LPC is a ULONG on the first parameter.
552 LRPC_CASSOCIATION__CreateBackConnection30 RPC failed to bind to the server because the server returned an error. The error returned from the server is in the Status field.
560 LRPC_CASSOCIATION__OpenLpcPort10 RPC failed to resolve the server principal name to a SID. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error from LookupAccountName.
561 LRPC_CASSOCIATION__OpenLpcPort20 RPC tried to bind to the server, but could not because the server rejected the connection. The Status field is the error with which the server rejected the connection. The first parameter is a ULONG with STATUS_PORT_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
562 LRPC_CASSOCIATION__OpenLpcPort30 RPC tried to bind to the server, but could not because the server was not available. The first parameter is a ULONG with STATUS_PORT_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
563 LRPC_CASSOCIATION__OpenLpcPort40 RPC tried to establish a connection with the server but an error occurred. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error returned from LPC.
570 RegisterEntries10 RPC tried to register an endpoint in the endpoint mapper database but an error occurred. The first parameter is a ULONG with the error code with which the operation failed.
571 RegisterEntries20 RPC tried to register an endpoint in the endpoint mapper database but an error occurred. The first parameter is a ULONG with the remapped error code.
580 NDRSContextUnmarshall2_10 The client passed a context handle to the server that the server doesn't recognize. Either this context handle doesn't exist on the server, or the given interface uses strict_context_handle and the given context handle was created on an interface other than the one on which this call is made. The first and second parameters are ULONGLONGs that taken together uniquely identify a context handle.
581 NDRSContextUnmarshall2_20 The context handle passed from the client to the server is currently being deleted by the server. The first and second parameters are ULONGLONGs that taken together uniquely identify a context handle.
582 NDRSContextUnmarshall2_30 RPC failed to allocate memory for new context handle. The first parameter is a ULONG to the size of the block that RPC tried to allocate.
583 NDRSContextUnmarshall2_40 RPC tried to lock the context handle for exclusive or shared use but the operation failed.
584 NDRSContextUnmarshall2_50 RPC tried to add the context handle to the list of active context handles but the operation failed due to insufficient memory.
590 NDRSContextMarshall2_10 RPC failed while it was either trying to allocate a unique identifier for the context handle or while it was trying to add the context handle to the list of active context handles.
600 WinsockDatagramSend10 The Winsock WSASendTo function failed. The first and second parameters identify the address to which the datagram was addressed.
601 WinsockDatagramSend20 RPC attempted to receive data from the server, but the operation failed. The Status field contains the original error returned from Winsock. The first parameter is a ULONG with a value internal to Microsoft.
610 WinsockDatagramReceive10 RPC attempted to post a receive to Winsock but the operation failed. The Status field contains the original error returned from Winsock. The first parameter is a ULONG with a value internal to Microsoft.
620 WinsockDatagramSubmitReceive10 RPC attempted to post a receive to Winsock but the operation failed. The Status field contains the original error returned from Winsock. The first parameter is a ULONG with a value internal to Microsoft.
630 DG_CCALL__CancelAsyncCall10 The asynchronous call was canceled. The first parameter is a ULONG that contains 0 if the call was canceled non-abortively and non-zero otherwise.
640 DG_CCALL__DealWithTimeout10 A cancel was issued for an RPC call and the time out for the cancel expired. The first parameter is a ULONG with the time out for the cancel. The second parameter is a ULONG with the time elapsed since the cancel was issued.
641 DG_CCALL__DealWithTimeout20 RPC hit a time out limit. The first parameter is a ULONG with the time out limit. The second parameter is the time elapsed since the last receive.
642 DG_CCALL__DealWithTimeout30 RPC encountered a time out while talking with the server.
650 DG_CCALL__DispatchPacket10 A packet was received from the server, but the client has already encountered a cancel time out for the call. The first parameter is a ULONG with the time out for the cancel. The second parameter is a ULONG with the time elapsed since the cancel was issued.
660 DG_CCALL__ReceiveSinglePacket10 RPC attempted to receive data from the server, but the operation failed.
661 DG_CCALL__ReceiveSinglePacket20 If the client gets an ICMP reject packet it may decide to auto reconnect and retry the call. This error record is added at the beginning of the auto reconnect. The first parameter is a ULONG with the auto reconnect flag for the connection. The second parameter is a ULONG with the buffer flags/
662 DG_CCALL__ReceiveSinglePacket30 RPC failed to receive data from the server.
670 WinsockDatagramResolve10 RPC failed to resolve a DNS name to an IP address. The first parameter is a Unicode string with the DNS name on which resolution was attempted.
680 WinsockDatagramCreate10 RPC failed to open a datagram socket. The first parameter is a ULONG with the address family. The second parameter is a ULONG with the protocol.
690 TCP_QueryLocalAddress10 The getsockname API failed. The first parameter is a ULONGLONG internal to Microsoft. The second parameter is the original error returned from Winsock.
691 TCP_QueryLocalAddress20 The setsockopt (with SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT option) API failed. The first parameter is a ULONGLONG internal to Microsoft. The second parameter is the original error returned from Winsock.
700 OSF_CASSOCIATION__ProcessBindAckOrNak10 RPC received a packet from the server that was below the minimum acceptable length for this type of packet. The first parameter is a ULONG with the length of the packet in bytes. The second parameter is a ULONG with the minimum acceptable length of the packet in bytes.
701 OSF_CASSOCIATION__ProcessBindAckOrNak20 RPC failed to bind to the server because the server returned an error. The first parameter is a ULONG with the error returned from the server. The second parameter is a ULONG with the number of failures attempting to bind to this server/endpoint.
710 MatchMsPrincipalName10 Decoding the principal name failed.
720 CompareRdnElement10 The CertGetNameString call failed. The original error returned from CertGetNameString is encoded as a ULONG in the first parameter.
730 MatchFullPathPrincipalName10 Processing of the principal name failed.
731 MatchFullPathPrincipalName20 RPC failed to find a matching principal name. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error code from the crypto APIs.
732 MatchFullPathPrincipalName30 The CertOpenStore call for the CA store failed.
733 MatchFullPathPrincipalName40 The CertOpenStore call for the ROOT store failed.
734 MatchFullPathPrincipalName50 RPC encountered an error processing the certificate. The first parameter is a ULONG with an additional error code.
740 RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName10 RPC encountered an error while generating the server principal name.
741 RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName20 RPC encountered an error while generating the server principal name.
742 RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName30 The CertGetNameString call failed. The first parameter is a ULONG with the original error code from CertGetNameString.
750 RpcCertVerifyContext10 The CertOpenStore call for the CA store failed.
751 RpcCertVerifyContext20 The CertGetCertificateChain call failed.
752 RpcCertVerifyContext30 The CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy call failed.
753 RpcCertVerifyContext40 The CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy call succeeded but an error was returned in the PolicyStatus. The first parameter is a ULONG with the result of GetLastError.
761 OSF_BINDING_HANDLE__NegotiateTransferSyntax10 RPC has encountered an error using a particular endpoint or the list of endpoints was exhausted. The first parameter is a Unicode string with the last tried endpoint.