Sdílet prostřednictvím

Hledání, rychlé přeposílání a zpětné přehrávání

Toto téma ukazuje příklad kódu pro správu hledání a hodnocení změn při použití Media Session pro přehrávání.

Při přehrávání pomocí relace médií může aplikace hledat a měnit rychlost přehrávání následujícím způsobem:

Pokud ale chcete vytvořit co nejlepší uživatelské prostředí, musíte vzít v úvahu následující chování:

  • Hledání je asynchronní a relace médií zařadí všechny žádosti o hledání ve frontě FIFO. Pokud odešlete více žádostí o hledání, může uživatelské rozhraní běžet před skutečným stavem přehrávání. Předpokládejme například, že vaše aplikace implementuje panel hledání. Pokud uživatel přetáhne panel hledání dopředu a dozadu, může dojít k prodlevě při provádění hledání vpřed. Zatímco probíhá hledání, měli byste požadavky uživatele uložit do mezipaměti. Po dokončení aktuální operace hledání odešlete poslední žádost o vyhledání uživatele a ostatní zahoďte.
  • Některé přechody rychlosti nejsou v některých dopravních stavech povoleny. Například přepnutí z přeposílání přehrávání na zpětnou zpětnou hudbu není při přehrávání povolené. Podporované přechody jsou popsány v MMFRateControl::SetRate. Změny rychlosti jsou také asynchronní.

Následující pomocná třída lze použít ke správě žádostí o hledání a hodnocení změn. Zatímco asynchronní operace čeká na vyřízení, třída ukládá do mezipaměti všechny žádosti o hledání nebo změnu rychlosti. Po dokončení aktuální operace třída odešle nejnovější požadavek, pokud existuje. Třída také spravuje stav přenosu, aby se zabránilo neplatným změnám rychlosti.

Zde je deklarace PlayerSeeking třídy.

// Implements seeking and rate control functionality.


    - Call SetTopology when you get the MF_TOPOSTATUS_READY session event.
    - Call SessionEvent for each session event.
    - Call Clear before closing the Media Session.
    - To coordinate rate-change requests with transport state, delegate all 
      stop, pause, and play commands to the PlayerSeeking class.


class PlayerSeeking 
    class CritSec
        CRITICAL_SECTION m_criticalSection;
        void Lock()
        void Unlock()

    class AutoLock
        CritSec *m_pCriticalSection;
        AutoLock(CritSec& crit)
            m_pCriticalSection = &crit;


    virtual ~PlayerSeeking();

    HRESULT SetTopology(IMFMediaSession *pSession, IMFTopology *pTopology);
    HRESULT Clear();
    HRESULT SessionEvent(MediaEventType type, HRESULT hrStatus, IMFMediaEvent *pEvent);

    HRESULT CanSeek(BOOL *pbCanSeek);
    HRESULT GetDuration(MFTIME *phnsDuration);
    HRESULT GetCurrentPosition(MFTIME *phnsPosition);
    HRESULT SetPosition(MFTIME hnsPosition);

    HRESULT CanScrub(BOOL *pbCanScrub);
    HRESULT Scrub(BOOL bScrub);

    HRESULT CanFastForward(BOOL *pbCanFF);
    HRESULT CanRewind(BOOL *pbCanRewind);
    HRESULT SetRate(float fRate);
    HRESULT FastForward();
    HRESULT Rewind();

    HRESULT Start();
    HRESULT Pause();
    HRESULT Stop();


    enum Command
        CmdNone = 0,

    HRESULT SetPositionInternal(const MFTIME &hnsPosition);
    HRESULT CommitRateChange(float fRate, BOOL bThin);
    float   GetNominalRate();

    HRESULT OnSessionStart(HRESULT hr);
    HRESULT OnSessionStop(HRESULT hr);
    HRESULT OnSessionPause(HRESULT hr);
    HRESULT OnSessionEnded(HRESULT hr);

    HRESULT UpdatePendingCommands(Command cmd);


    // Describes the current or requested state, with respect to seeking and 
    // playback rate.
    struct SeekState
        Command command;
        float   fRate;      // Playback rate
        BOOL    bThin;      // Thinned playback?
        MFTIME  hnsStart;   // Start position

    BOOL        m_bPending;     // Is a request pending?

    SeekState   m_state;        // Current nominal state.
    SeekState   m_request;      // Pending request.

    CritSec     m_critsec;      // Protects the seeking and rate-change states.

    DWORD       m_caps;         // Session caps.
    BOOL        m_bCanScrub;    // Does the current session support rate = 0.

    MFTIME      m_hnsDuration;  // Duration of the current presentation.
    float       m_fPrevRate;

    IMFMediaSession         *m_pSession;
    IMFRateControl          *m_pRate;
    IMFRateSupport          *m_pRateSupport;
    IMFPresentationClock    *m_pClock;

Zde je implementace PlayerSeeking třídy.

#include <assert.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <mfapi.h>
#include <mfidl.h>
#include <mferror.h>
#include "seeking.h"

template <class T> void SafeRelease(T **ppT)
    if (*ppT)
        *ppT = NULL;

#define CMD_PENDING      0x01
#define CMD_PENDING_SEEK 0x02
#define CMD_PENDING_RATE 0x04

// Given a topology, returns a pointer to the presentation descriptor.

HRESULT GetPresentationDescriptorFromTopology(
    IMFTopology *pTopology,
    IMFPresentationDescriptor **ppPD
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    IMFCollection *pCollection = NULL;
    IUnknown *pUnk = NULL;
    IMFTopologyNode *pNode = NULL;
    IMFPresentationDescriptor *pPD = NULL;

    // Get the collection of source nodes from the topology.
    hr = pTopology->GetSourceNodeCollection(&pCollection);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    // Any of the source nodes should have the PD, so take the first
    // object in the collection.

    hr = pCollection->GetElement(0, &pUnk);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pNode));
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    // Get the PD, which is stored as an attribute.
    hr = pNode->GetUnknown(
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    *ppPD = pPD;

    return hr;

    : m_pClock(NULL),


// Clears any resources for the current topology.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::Clear()
    m_caps = 0;
    m_bCanScrub = FALSE;

    m_hnsDuration = 0;
    m_fPrevRate = 1.0f;

    m_bPending = FALSE;


    ZeroMemory(&m_state, sizeof(m_state));
    m_state.command = CmdStop;
    m_state.fRate = 1.0f;

    ZeroMemory(&m_request, sizeof(m_request));
    m_request.command = CmdNone;
    m_request.fRate = 1.0f;

    return S_OK;

// Call when the full playback topology is ready.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::SetTopology(IMFMediaSession *pSession, IMFTopology *pTopology)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    HRESULT hrTmp = S_OK;   // For non-critical failures.

    IMFClock *pClock = NULL;
    IMFPresentationDescriptor *pPD = NULL;


    // Get the session capabilities.
    hr = pSession->GetSessionCapabilities(&m_caps);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    // Get the presentation descriptor from the topology.
    hr = GetPresentationDescriptorFromTopology(pTopology, &pPD);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    // Get the duration from the presentation descriptor (optional)
    (void)pPD->GetUINT64(MF_PD_DURATION, (UINT64*)&m_hnsDuration);

    // Get the presentation clock (optional)
    hrTmp = pSession->GetClock(&pClock);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp))
        hr = pClock->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_pClock));
        if (FAILED(hr))
            goto done;

    // Get the rate control interface (optional)
    hrTmp = MFGetService(
        pSession, MF_RATE_CONTROL_SERVICE, IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_pRate));

    // Get the rate support interface (optional)
    if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp))
        hrTmp = MFGetService(
            pSession, MF_RATE_CONTROL_SERVICE, IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_pRateSupport));
    if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp))
        // Check if rate 0 (scrubbing) is supported.
        hrTmp = m_pRateSupport->IsRateSupported(TRUE, 0, NULL);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp))
        m_bCanScrub = TRUE;

    // if m_pRate is NULL, m_bCanScrub must be FALSE.
    assert(m_pRate || !m_bCanScrub); 

    // Cache a pointer to the session.
    m_pSession = pSession;

    return hr;

// Call when media session fires an event.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::SessionEvent(
    MediaEventType type, 
    HRESULT hrStatus, 
    IMFMediaEvent *pEvent
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    switch (type)
    case MESessionStarted:

    case MESessionStopped:

    case MESessionPaused:

    case MESessionRateChanged:
        // If the rate change succeeded, we've already got the rate
        // cached. If it failed, try to get the actual rate.
        if (FAILED(hrStatus))

            hr = pEvent->GetValue(&var);

            if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (var.vt == VT_R4))
                m_state.fRate = var.fltVal;

    case MESessionEnded:

    case MESessionCapabilitiesChanged:
        // The session capabilities changed. Get the updated capabilities.
        m_caps = MFGetAttributeUINT32(pEvent, MF_EVENT_SESSIONCAPS, m_caps);
    return S_OK;

// Starts playback.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::Start()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    AutoLock lock(m_critsec);

    // If another operation is pending, cache the request.
    // Otherwise, start the media session.
    if (m_bPending)
       m_request.command = CmdStart;
        PROPVARIANT varStart;

        hr =  m_pSession->Start(NULL, &varStart);

        m_state.command = CmdStart;
        m_bPending = CMD_PENDING;
    return hr;

// Pauses playback.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::Pause()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    AutoLock lock(m_critsec);

    // If another operation is pending, cache the request.
    // Otherwise, pause the media session.
    if (m_bPending)
        m_request.command = CmdPause;
        hr =  m_pSession->Pause();

        m_state.command = CmdPause;
        m_bPending = CMD_PENDING;
    return hr;

// Stops playback.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::Stop()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    AutoLock lock(m_critsec);

    // If another operation is pending, cache the request.
    // Otherwise, stop the media session.
    if (m_bPending)
        m_request.command = CmdStop;
        hr =  m_pSession->Stop();

        m_state.command = CmdStop;
        m_bPending = CMD_PENDING;
    return hr;

// Queries whether the current session supports seeking.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::CanSeek(BOOL *pbCanSeek)
    if (pbCanSeek == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;

    // Note: The MFSESSIONCAP_SEEK flag is sufficient for seeking. However, to
    // implement a seek bar, an application also needs the duration (to get 
    // the valid range) and a presentation clock (to get the current position).

    *pbCanSeek = (
        (m_hnsDuration > 0) &&
        (m_pClock != NULL)

    return S_OK;

// Gets the duration of the current presentation.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::GetDuration(MFTIME *phnsDuration)
    if (phnsDuration == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;

    *phnsDuration = m_hnsDuration;

    if (m_hnsDuration == 0)
        return MF_E_NO_DURATION;
        return S_OK;

// Gets the current playback position.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::GetCurrentPosition(MFTIME *phnsPosition)
    if (phnsPosition == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    AutoLock lock(m_critsec);

    if (m_pClock == NULL)
        return MF_E_NO_CLOCK;

    // Return, in order:
    // 1. Cached seek request (nominal position).
    // 2. Pending seek operation (nominal position).
    // 3. Presentation time (actual position).

    if (m_request.command == CmdSeek)
        *phnsPosition = m_request.hnsStart;
    else if (m_bPending & CMD_PENDING_SEEK)
        *phnsPosition = m_state.hnsStart;
        hr = m_pClock->GetTime(phnsPosition);

    return hr;

// Sets the current playback position.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::SetPosition(MFTIME hnsPosition)
    AutoLock lock(m_critsec);

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (m_bPending)
        // Currently seeking or changing rates, so cache this request.
        m_request.command = CmdSeek;
        m_request.hnsStart = hnsPosition;
        hr = SetPositionInternal(hnsPosition);

    return hr;

// Queries whether the current session supports scrubbing.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::CanScrub(BOOL *pbCanScrub)
    if (pbCanScrub == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;

    *pbCanScrub = m_bCanScrub;
    return S_OK;

// Enables or disables scrubbing.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::Scrub(BOOL bScrub)
    // Scrubbing is implemented as rate = 0.

    AutoLock lock(m_critsec);

    if (!m_pRate)
        return MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST;
    if (!m_bCanScrub)
        return MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST;

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (bScrub)
        // Enter scrubbing mode. Cache the current rate.

        if (GetNominalRate() != 0)
            m_fPrevRate = m_state.fRate;

        hr = SetRate(0.0f);
        // Leaving scrubbing mode. Restore the old rate.

        if (GetNominalRate() == 0)
            hr = SetRate(m_fPrevRate);

    return hr;

// Queries whether the current session supports fast-forward.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::CanFastForward(BOOL *pbCanFF)
    if (pbCanFF == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;

    *pbCanFF = 
    return S_OK;

// Queries whether the current session supports rewind (reverse play).

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::CanRewind(BOOL *pbCanRewind)
    if (pbCanRewind == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;

    *pbCanRewind = 
    return S_OK;

// Switches to fast-forward playback, as follows:
// - If the current rate is < 0 (reverse play), switch to 1x speed.
// - Otherwise, double the current playback rate.
// Note: This method is for convenience; the application can also call SetRate.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::FastForward()
    if (!m_pRate)
        return MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST;

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    float   fTarget = GetNominalRate() * 2;

    if (fTarget <= 0.0f)
        fTarget = 1.0f;

    hr = SetRate(fTarget);

    return hr;

// Switches to reverse playback, as follows:
// - If the current rate is > 0 (forward playback), switch to -1x speed.
// - Otherwise, double the current (reverse) playback rate.
// Note: This method is for convenience; the application can also call SetRate.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::Rewind()
    if (!m_pRate)
        return MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST;

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    float   fTarget = GetNominalRate() * 2;

    if (fTarget >= 0.0f)
        fTarget = -1.0f;

    hr = SetRate(fTarget);

    return hr;

// Sets the playback rate.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::SetRate(float fRate)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    BOOL bThin = FALSE;

    AutoLock lock(m_critsec);

    if (fRate == GetNominalRate())
        return S_OK; // no-op

    if (m_pRateSupport == NULL)
        return MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST;

    // Check if this rate is supported. Try non-thinned playback first,
    // then fall back to thinned playback.

    hr = m_pRateSupport->IsRateSupported(FALSE, fRate, NULL);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        bThin = TRUE;
        hr = m_pRateSupport->IsRateSupported(TRUE, fRate, NULL);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        // Unsupported rate.
        return hr;

    // If there is an operation pending, cache the request.
    if (m_bPending)
        m_request.fRate = fRate;
        m_request.bThin = bThin;

        // Remember the current transport state (play, paused, etc), so that we
        // can restore it after the rate change, if necessary. However, if 
        // anothercommand is already pending, that one takes precedent.

        if (m_request.command == CmdNone)
            m_request.command = m_state.command;

        // No pending operation. Commit the new rate.
        hr  = CommitRateChange(fRate, bThin);

    return hr;


// Sets the playback position.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::SetPositionInternal(const MFTIME &hnsPosition)
    assert (!m_bPending);

    if (m_pSession == NULL)
        return MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST;

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    PROPVARIANT varStart;
    varStart.vt = VT_I8;
    varStart.hVal.QuadPart = hnsPosition;

    hr =  m_pSession->Start(NULL, &varStart);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Store the pending state.
        m_state.command = CmdStart;
        m_state.hnsStart = hnsPosition;
        m_bPending = CMD_PENDING_SEEK;
    return hr;

// Sets the playback rate.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::CommitRateChange(float fRate, BOOL bThin)
    assert (!m_bPending);

    // Caller holds the lock.

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    MFTIME  hnsSystemTime = 0;
    MFTIME  hnsClockTime = 0;

    Command cmdNow = m_state.command;

    IMFClock *pClock = NULL;

    // Allowed rate transitions:

    // Positive <-> negative:   Stopped
    // Negative <-> zero:       Stopped
    // Postive <-> zero:        Paused or stopped

    if ((fRate > 0 && m_state.fRate <= 0) || (fRate < 0 && m_state.fRate >= 0))
        // Transition to stopped.
        if (cmdNow == CmdStart)
            // Get the current clock position. This will be the restart time.
            hr = m_pSession->GetClock(&pClock);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                goto done;

            (void)pClock->GetCorrelatedTime(0, &hnsClockTime, &hnsSystemTime);

            assert(hnsSystemTime != 0);

            // Stop and set the rate
            hr = Stop();
            if (FAILED(hr))
                goto done;

            // Cache Request: Restart from stop.
            m_request.command = CmdSeek;
            m_request.hnsStart = hnsClockTime;
        else if (cmdNow == CmdPause)
            // The current state is paused.

            // For this rate change, the session must be stopped. However, the 
            // session cannot transition back from stopped to paused. 
            // Therefore, this rate transition is not supported while paused.

            goto done;
    else if (fRate == 0 && m_state.fRate != 0)
        if (cmdNow != CmdPause)
           // Transition to paused.

            // This transition requires the paused state.

            // Pause and set the rate.
            hr = Pause();
            if (FAILED(hr))
                goto done;

            // Request: Switch back to current state.
            m_request.command = cmdNow;

    // Set the rate.
    hr = m_pRate->SetRate(bThin, fRate);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    // Adjust our current rate and requested rate.
    m_request.fRate = m_state.fRate = fRate;

    return hr;

float PlayerSeeking::GetNominalRate()
    return m_request.fRate;

// Called when playback starts or restarts.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::OnSessionStart(HRESULT hrStatus)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (FAILED(hrStatus))
        return hrStatus;

    // The Media Session completed a start/seek operation. Check if there
    // is another seek request pending.

    return hr;

// Called when playback stops.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::OnSessionStop(HRESULT hrStatus)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (FAILED(hrStatus))
        return hrStatus;

    // The Media Session completed a transition to stopped. This might occur
    // because we are changing playback direction (forward/rewind). Check if
    // there is a pending rate-change request.


    return hr;

// Called when playback pauses.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::OnSessionPause(HRESULT hrStatus)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (FAILED(hrStatus))
        return hrStatus;

    hr = UpdatePendingCommands(CmdPause);

    return hr;

// Called when the session ends.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::OnSessionEnded(HRESULT hr)
    // After the session ends, playback starts from position zero. But if the
    // current playback rate is reversed, playback would end immediately 
    // (reversing from position 0). Therefore, reset the rate to 1x.

    if (GetNominalRate() < 0.0f)
        m_state.command = CmdStop;

        hr = CommitRateChange(1.0f, FALSE);

    return hr;

// Called after an operation completes.
// This method executes any cached requests.

HRESULT PlayerSeeking::UpdatePendingCommands(Command cmd)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    PROPVARIANT varStart;

    AutoLock lock(m_critsec);

    if (m_bPending && m_state.command == cmd)
        m_bPending = FALSE;

        // The current pending command has completed.

        // First look for rate changes.
        if (m_request.fRate != m_state.fRate)
            hr = CommitRateChange(m_request.fRate, m_request.bThin);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                goto done;

        // Now look for seek requests.
        if (!m_bPending)
            switch (m_request.command)
            case CmdNone:
                // Nothing to do.

            case CmdStart:

            case CmdPause:

            case CmdStop:

            case CmdSeek:
            m_request.command = CmdNone;

    return hr;

řízení rychlosti

přehrávání zvuku nebo videa