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Example: Adding a Helper Token to a BITS Transfer Job

You can configure a Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) transfer job with an additional security token. The BITS transfer job uses this helper token for authentication and to access resources.

For more information, see Helper tokens for BITS transfer jobs.

The following procedure creates a BITS transfer job in the context of the local user, gets credentials of a second user, creates a helper token with these credentials, and then sets the helper token on the BITS transfer job.

This example uses the header and implementation defined in Example: Common Classes.

To add a helper token to a BITS transfer job

  1. Initialize COM parameters by calling the CCoInitializer function. For more information about the CCoInitializer function, see Example: Common Classes.

  2. Get a pointer to the IBackgroundCopyJob interface. This example uses the CComPtr Class to manage COM interface pointers.

  3. Initialize COM process security by calling CoInitializeSecurity. BITS requires at least the IMPERSONATE level of impersonation. BITS fails with E_ACCESSDENIED if the correct impersonation level is not set.

  4. Get a pointer to the IBackgroundCopyManager interface, and obtain the initial locator to BITS by calling the CoCreateInstance function.

  5. Create a BITS transfer job by calling the IBackgroundCopyManager::CreateJob method.

  6. Get a pointer to the CNotifyInterface callback interface, and call the IBackgroundCopyJob::SetNotifyInterface method to receive notification of job-related events. For more information about CNotifyInterface, see Example: Common Classes.

  7. Call the IBackgroundCopyJob::SetNotifyFlags method to set the types of notifications to receive. In this example, the BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED and BG_NOTIFY_JOB_ERROR flags are set.

  8. Get a pointer to the IBitsTokenOptions interface by calling the IBackgroundCopyJob::QueryInterface method with the proper interface identifier.

  9. Attempt to log on the user of the helper token. Create an impersonation handle, and call the LogonUser Function to populate the impersonation handle. If successful, call the ImpersonateLoggedOnUser Function. If unsuccessful, the example calls the RevertToSelf Function to terminate the impersonation of the logged-on user, an error is thrown, and the handle is closed.

  10. Call the IBitsTokenOptions::SetHelperToken method to impersonate the token of the logged-on user. If this method fails, the example calls the RevertToSelf Function to terminate the impersonation of the logged-on user, an error is thrown, and the handle is closed.


    In supported versions of Windows before Windows 10, version 1607, the job owner must have administrative credentials to call the IBitsTokenOptions::SetHelperToken method.

    Starting with Windows 10, version 1607, non-administrator job owners can set non-administrator helper tokens on BITS jobs they own. Job owners must still have administrative credentials to set helper tokens with administrator privileges.


  11. Call the IBitsTokenOptions::SetHelperTokenFlags method to specify which resources to access using the helper token's security context.

  12. After the impersonation is complete, the example calls the RevertToSelf Function to terminate the impersonation of logged on user, and the handle is closed.

  13. Add files to the BITS transfer job by calling IBackgroundCopyJob::AddFile.

  14. After the file is added, call IBackgroundCopyJob::Resume to resume the job.

  15. Set up a while loop to wait for the quit message from the callback interface while the job is transferring. The while loop uses the GetTickCount function to retrieve the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the job started transferring.

  16. After the BITS transfer job is complete, remove the job from the queue by calling IBackgroundCopyJob::Complete.

The following code example adds a helper token to a BITS transfer job.

#include <bits.h>
#include <bits4_0.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include "CommonCode.h"

void HelperToken(const LPWSTR &remoteFile, const LPWSTR &localFile, const LPWSTR &domain, const LPWSTR &username, const LPWSTR &password)
// If CoInitializeEx fails, the exception is unhandled and the program terminates   
CCoInitializer coInitializer(COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED);

CComPtr<IBackgroundCopyJob> pJob; 

        //The impersonation level must be at least RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE.
        HRESULT hr = CoInitializeSecurity(

        if (FAILED(hr))
            throw MyException(hr, L"CoInitializeSecurity");

        // Connect to BITS.
        CComPtr<IBackgroundCopyManager> pQueueMgr;
        hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(BackgroundCopyManager), NULL,
            (void **)&pQueueMgr);

        if (FAILED(hr))
            // Failed to connect.
            throw MyException(hr, L"CoCreateInstance");

        // Create a job.
        wprintf(L"Creating Job...\n");

        GUID guidJob;
        hr = pQueueMgr->CreateJob(L"HelperTokenSample",

            // Failed to create job.
            throw MyException(hr, L"CreateJob");

        // Set the File Completed call.
        CComPtr<CNotifyInterface> pNotify;    
        pNotify = new CNotifyInterface();
        hr = pJob->SetNotifyInterface(pNotify);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            // Failed to SetNotifyInterface.
            throw MyException(hr, L"SetNotifyInterface");
        hr = pJob->SetNotifyFlags(BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED | 

        if (FAILED(hr))
            // Failed to SetNotifyFlags.
            throw MyException(hr, L"SetNotifyFlags");

        //Retrieve the IBitsTokenOptions interface pointer from the BITS transfer job.
        CComPtr<IBitsTokenOptions> pTokenOptions;
        hr = pJob->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IBitsTokenOptions), (void** ) &pTokenOptions);

        if (FAILED(hr))
            // Failed to QueryInterface.
            throw MyException(hr, L"QueryInterface");

        // Log on user of the helper token.
        wprintf(L"Credentials for helper token %s\\%s %s\n", domain, username, password);

        HANDLE hImpersonation = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
        if(LogonUser(username, domain, password, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &hImpersonation))
            // Impersonate the logged-on user.
                // Configure the impersonated logged-on user's token as the helper token.
                hr = pTokenOptions->SetHelperToken();        
                if (FAILED(hr))
                    //Failed to set helper token.
                    throw MyException(hr, L"SetHelperToken");

                hr = pTokenOptions->SetHelperTokenFlags(BG_TOKEN_LOCAL_FILE);
                if (FAILED(hr))
                    //Failed to set helper token flags.
                    throw MyException(hr, L"SetHelperTokenFlags");


        // Add a file.
        // Replace parameters with variables that contain valid paths.
        wprintf(L"Adding File to Job\n");
        hr = pJob->AddFile(remoteFile,localFile);

            //Failed to add file to job.
            throw MyException(hr, L"AddFile");

        //Resume the job.
        wprintf(L"Resuming Job...\n");
        hr = pJob->Resume();
        if (FAILED(hr))
            // Resume failed.                   
            throw MyException(hr, L"Resume");
    catch(const std::bad_alloc &)
        wprintf(L"Memory allocation failed");
        if (pJob)

    catch(const MyException &ex)
        wprintf(L"Error 0x%x occurred during operation", ex.Error);
        if (pJob)


    wprintf(L"Transferring file and waiting for callback.\n");

    // Wait for QuitMessage from CallBack
    DWORD dwLimit = GetTickCount() + (15 * 60 * 1000);  // set 15 minute limit
    while (dwLimit > GetTickCount())
        MSG msg;

        while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) 
            // If it is a quit message, exit.
            if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) 

            // Otherwise, dispatch the message.
        } // End of PeekMessage while loop


void _cdecl _tmain(int argc, LPWSTR* argv)
    if (argc != 6)
        wprintf(L"%s ", argv[0]);
        wprintf(L"[remote name] [local name] [helpertoken domain] [helpertoken userrname] [helpertoken password]\n");



Helper tokens for BITS transfer jobs


Example: Common Classes