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DrvStretchBlt function (winddi.h)

The DrvStretchBlt function provides stretching bit-block transfer capabilities between any combination of device-managed and GDI-managed surfaces.


BOOL DrvStretchBlt(
  [in, out]      SURFOBJ         *psoDest,
  [in, out]      SURFOBJ         *psoSrc,
  [in, optional] SURFOBJ         *psoMask,
  [in]           CLIPOBJ         *pco,
  [in, optional] XLATEOBJ        *pxlo,
  [in, optional] COLORADJUSTMENT *pca,
  [in]           POINTL          *pptlHTOrg,
  [in]           RECTL           *prclDest,
  [in]           RECTL           *prclSrc,
  [in, optional] POINTL          *pptlMask,
  [in]           ULONG           iMode


[in, out] psoDest

Pointer to the SURFOBJ structure that identifies the surface on which to draw.

[in, out] psoSrc

Pointer to the SURFOBJ structure that defines the source for the bit-block transfer operation.

[in, optional] psoMask

Optional pointer to a SURFOBJ structure that defines a surface that provides a mask for the source. The mask is defined by a logic map, which is a bitmap with 1 bit per pixel.

The mask limits the area of the source that is copied. If this parameter is specified, it has an implicit rop4 of 0xCCAA, meaning the source should be copied wherever the mask is one, but the destination should be left alone wherever the mask is zero.

When this parameter is NULL, there is an implicit rop4 of 0xCCCC, which means that the source should be copied everywhere in the source rectangle.

The mask will always be large enough to contain the relevant source; tiling is unnecessary.

[in] pco

Pointer to a CLIPOBJ structure that limits the area to be modified in the destination. GDI services are provided to enumerate the clip region as a set of rectangles.

Whenever possible, GDI simplifies the clipping involved. However, unlike DrvBitBlt, DrvStretchBlt can be called with a single clipping rectangle. This prevents rounding errors in clipping the output.

[in, optional] pxlo

Pointer to a XLATEOBJ structure that specifies how color indices are to be translated between the source and target surfaces. If pxlo is NULL, no translation is needed.

The XLATEOBJ structure can also be queried to find the RGB color for any source index. A high quality stretching bit-block transfer will need to interpolate colors in some cases.

[in, optional] pca

Pointer to a COLORADJUSTMENT structure that defines the color adjustment values to be applied to the source bitmap before stretching the bits. (See the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.)

[in] pptlHTOrg

Pointer to a POINTL structure that specifies the origin of the halftone brush. Device drivers that use halftone brushes should align the upper left pixel of the brush's pattern with this point on the device surface.

[in] prclDest

Pointer to a RECTL structure that defines the area to be modified in the coordinate system of the destination surface. This rectangle is defined by two points that are not necessarily well ordered, meaning the coordinates of the second point are not necessarily larger than those of the first point. The rectangle they describe does not include the lower and right edges. This function is never called with an empty destination rectangle.

DrvStretchBlt should interchange the two x values and/or the two y values when the destination rectangle is not well ordered.

[in] prclSrc

Pointer to a RECTL structure that defines the area that will be copied in the coordinate system of the source surface. The rectangle is defined by two points, and will map onto the rectangle defined by prclDest. The points of the source rectangle are well ordered. This function is never given an empty source rectangle.

The mapping is defined by prclSrc and prclDest. The points specified in prclDest and prclSrc lie on integer coordinates, which correspond to pixel centers. A rectangle defined by two such points is considered to be a geometric rectangle with two vertices whose coordinates are the given points, but with 0.5 subtracted from each coordinate. (POINTL structures should be considered a shorthand notation for specifying these fractional coordinate vertices.)

The edges of any rectangle never intersect a pixel, but go around a set of pixels. The pixels inside the rectangle are those expected for a "lower-right exclusive" rectangle. DrvStretchBlt will map the geometric source rectangle exactly onto the geometric destination rectangle.

[in, optional] pptlMask

Pointer to a POINTL structure that specifies which pixel in the given mask corresponds to the upper left pixel in the source rectangle. Ignore this parameter if no mask is specified.

[in] iMode

Specifies how source pixels are combined to get output pixels. The HALFTONE mode is slower than the other modes, but produces higher quality images.

Value Meaning
BLACKONWHITE On a shrinking bit-block transfer, pixels should be combined with a Boolean AND operation. On a stretching bit-block transfer, pixels should be replicated.
COLORONCOLOR On a shrinking bit-block transfer, enough pixels should be ignored so that pixels don't need to be combined. On a stretching bit-block transfer, pixels should be replicated.
HALFTONE The driver can use groups of pixels in the output surface to best approximate the color or gray level of the input.
WHITEONBLACK On a shrinking bit-block transfer, pixels should be combined with a Boolean OR operation. On a stretching bit-block transfer, pixels should be replicated.

Return value

The return value is TRUE if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE, and an error code is logged.


DrvStretchBlt enables the device driver to write to GDI bitmaps, especially when the driver can perform halftoning. This function allows the same halftoning algorithm to be applied to GDI bitmaps and device surfaces.

This function can be provided to handle only certain forms of stretching, such as by integer multiples. If the driver has hooked the call and is asked to perform an operation it does not support, the driver should forward the data to EngStretchBlt for GDI to handle.

If the driver wants GDI to handle halftoning, and wants to ensure the proper iMode value, the driver can hook DrvStretchBlt, set iMode to HALFTONE, and call back to GDI with EngStretchBlt with the set iMode value.

DrvStretchBlt is optional for display drivers.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header winddi.h (include Winddi.h)

See also


