msacm.h header
This header is used by Windows Multimedia. For more information, see:
msacm.h contains the following programming interfaces:
acmDriverAdd The acmDriverAdd function (msacm.h) adds a driver to the list of available ACM drivers. (acmDriverAddW) |
acmDriverAddA The acmDriverAdd function adds a driver to the list of available ACM drivers. (acmDriverAddA) |
acmDriverAddW The acmDriverAddW (Unicode) function (msacm.h) adds a driver to the list of available ACM drivers. (acmDriverAddW) |
acmDriverClose The acmDriverClose function closes a previously opened ACM driver instance. If the function is successful, the handle is invalidated. |
acmDriverDetails The acmDriverDetails function (msacm.h) queries a specified ACM driver to determine its capabilities. (acmDriverDetailsW) |
acmDriverDetailsA The acmDriverDetails function queries a specified ACM driver to determine its capabilities. (acmDriverDetailsA) |
acmDriverDetailsW The acmDriverDetails (Unicode) function queries a specified ACM driver to determine its capabilities. (acmDriverDetailsW) |
acmDriverEnum The acmDriverEnum function enumerates the available ACM drivers, continuing until there are no more drivers or the callback function returns FALSE. |
acmDriverID The acmDriverID function returns the handle of an ACM driver identifier associated with an open ACM driver instance or stream handle. |
acmDriverMessage The acmDriverMessage function sends a user-defined message to a given ACM driver instance. |
acmDriverOpen The acmDriverOpen function opens the specified ACM driver and returns a driver instance handle that can be used to communicate with the driver. |
acmDriverPriority The acmDriverPriority function modifies the priority and state of an ACM driver. |
acmDriverRemove The acmDriverRemove function removes an ACM driver from the list of available ACM drivers. The driver will be removed for the calling application only. If the driver is globally installed, other applications will still be able to use it. |
acmFilterChoose The acmFilterChoose function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio filter. |
acmFilterChooseA The acmFilterChoose function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio filter. (acmFilterChooseA) |
acmFilterChooseW The acmFilterChoose (Unicode) function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio filter. (acmFilterChooseW) |
acmFilterDetails The acmFilterDetails function queries the ACM for details about a filter with a specific waveform-audio filter tag. |
acmFilterDetailsA The acmFilterDetails function queries the ACM for details about a filter with a specific waveform-audio filter tag. (acmFilterDetailsA) |
acmFilterDetailsW The acmFilterDetails (Unicode) function queries the ACM for details about a filter with a specific waveform-audio filter tag. (acmFilterDetailsW) |
acmFilterEnum The acmFilterEnum function enumerates waveform-audio filters available for a given filter tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filters for the filter tag or the callback function returns FALSE. |
acmFilterEnumA The acmFilterEnum function enumerates waveform-audio filters available for a given filter tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filters for the filter tag or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFilterEnumA) |
acmFilterEnumW The acmFilterEnum (Unicode) function enumerates waveform-audio filters available for a given filter tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filters for the filter tag or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFilterEnumW) |
acmFilterTagDetails The acmFilterTagDetails function queries the ACM for details about a specific waveform-audio filter tag. |
acmFilterTagDetailsA The acmFilterTagDetails function queries the ACM for details about a specific waveform-audio filter tag. (acmFilterTagDetailsA) |
acmFilterTagDetailsW The acmFilterTagDetails (Unicode) function queries the ACM for details about a specific waveform-audio filter tag. (acmFilterTagDetailsW) |
acmFilterTagEnum The acmFilterTagEnum function enumerates waveform-audio filter tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filter tags or the callback function returns FALSE. |
acmFilterTagEnumA The acmFilterTagEnum function enumerates waveform-audio filter tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filter tags or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFilterTagEnumA) |
acmFilterTagEnumW The acmFilterTagEnum (Unicode) function enumerates waveform-audio filter tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filter tags or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFilterTagEnumW) |
acmFormatChoose The acmFormatChoose function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio format. |
acmFormatChooseA The acmFormatChoose function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio format. (acmFormatChooseA) |
acmFormatChooseW The acmFormatChoose (Unicode) function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio format. (acmFormatChooseW) |
acmFormatDetails The acmFormatDetails function queries the ACM for format details for a specific waveform-audio format tag. |
acmFormatDetailsA The acmFormatDetails function queries the ACM for format details for a specific waveform-audio format tag. (acmFormatDetailsA) |
acmFormatDetailsW The acmFormatDetails (Unicode) function queries the ACM for format details for a specific waveform-audio format tag. (acmFormatDetailsW) |
acmFormatEnum The acmFormatEnum function enumerates waveform-audio formats available for a given format tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable formats for the format tag or the callback function returns FALSE. |
acmFormatEnumA The acmFormatEnum function enumerates waveform-audio formats available for a given format tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable formats for the format tag or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFormatEnumA) |
acmFormatEnumW The acmFormatEnum (Unicode) function enumerates waveform-audio formats available for a given format tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable formats for the format tag or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFormatEnumW) |
acmFormatSuggest The acmFormatSuggest function queries the ACM or a specified ACM driver to suggest a destination format for the supplied source format. |
acmFormatTagDetails The acmFormatTagDetails function queries the ACM for details on a specific waveform-audio format tag. |
acmFormatTagDetailsA The acmFormatTagDetails function queries the ACM for details on a specific waveform-audio format tag. (acmFormatTagDetailsA) |
acmFormatTagDetailsW The acmFormatTagDetails (Unicode) function queries the ACM for details on a specific waveform-audio format tag. (acmFormatTagDetailsW) |
acmFormatTagEnum The acmFormatTagEnum function enumerates waveform-audio format tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable format tags or the callback function returns FALSE. |
acmFormatTagEnumA The acmFormatTagEnum function enumerates waveform-audio format tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable format tags or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFormatTagEnumA) |
acmFormatTagEnumW The acmFormatTagEnum (Unicode) function enumerates waveform-audio format tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable format tags or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFormatTagEnumW) |
acmGetVersion The acmGetVersion function returns the version number of the ACM. |
acmMetrics The acmMetrics function returns various metrics for the ACM or related ACM objects. |
acmStreamClose The acmStreamClose function closes an ACM conversion stream. If the function is successful, the handle is invalidated. |
acmStreamConvert The acmStreamConvert function requests the ACM to perform a conversion on the specified conversion stream. A conversion may be synchronous or asynchronous, depending on how the stream was opened. |
acmStreamMessage The acmStreamMessage function sends a driver-specific message to an ACM driver. |
acmStreamOpen The acmStreamOpen function opens an ACM conversion stream. Conversion streams are used to convert data from one specified audio format to another. |
acmStreamPrepareHeader The acmStreamPrepareHeader function prepares an ACMSTREAMHEADER structure for an ACM stream conversion. |
acmStreamReset The acmStreamReset function stops conversions for a given ACM stream. All pending buffers are marked as done and returned to the application. |
acmStreamSize The acmStreamSize function returns a recommended size for a source or destination buffer on an ACM stream. |
acmStreamUnprepareHeader The acmStreamUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the acmStreamPrepareHeader function for an ACM stream. |
Callback functions
ACMDRIVERENUMCB The acmDriverEnumCallback function specifies a callback function used with the acmDriverEnum function. The acmDriverEnumCallback name is a placeholder for an application-defined function name. |
ACMDRIVERPROC The acmDriverProc function specifies a callback function used with the ACM driver. |
ACMFILTERCHOOSEHOOKPROC The acmFilterChooseHookProc function specifies a user-defined function that hooks the acmFilterChoose dialog box. |
ACMFILTERENUMCB The ACMFILTERENUMCB callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterEnum function. |
ACMFILTERENUMCBA The acmFilterEnumCallback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterEnum function. The acmFilterEnumCallback name is a placeholder for an application-defined function name. (ACMFILTERENUMCBA) |
ACMFILTERENUMCBW The ACMFILTERENUMCBW (Unicode) callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterEnum function. |
ACMFILTERTAGENUMCB The ACMFILTERTAGENUMCB callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterTagEnum function. |
ACMFILTERTAGENUMCBA The acmFilterTagEnumCallback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterTagEnum function. The acmFilterTagEnumCallback function name is a placeholder for an application-defined function name. (ACMFILTERTAGENUMCBA) |
ACMFILTERTAGENUMCBW The ACMFILTERTAGENUMCBW (Unicode) callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterTagEnum function. |
ACMFORMATCHOOSEHOOKPROC The acmFormatChooseHookProc function specifies a user-defined function that hooks the acmFormatChoose dialog box. The acmFormatChooseHookProc name is a placeholder for an application-defined name. |
ACMFORMATENUMCB The ACMFORMATENUMCB callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatEnum function. |
ACMFORMATENUMCBA The acmFormatEnumCallback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatEnum function. The acmFormatEnumCallback name is a placeholder for the application-defined function name. (ACMFORMATENUMCBA) |
ACMFORMATENUMCBW The ACMFORMATENUMCBW (Unicode) callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatEnum function. |
ACMFORMATTAGENUMCB The ACMFORMATTAGENUMCB callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatTagEnum function. |
ACMFORMATTAGENUMCBA The acmFormatTagEnumCallback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatTagEnum function. The acmFormatTagEnumCallback name is a placeholder for an application-defined function name. (ACMFORMATTAGENUMCBA) |
ACMFORMATTAGENUMCBW The ACMFORMATTAGENUMCBW (Unicode) callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatTagEnum function. |
ACMDRIVERDETAILS The ACMDRIVERDETAILS structure describes the features of an ACM driver. |
ACMFILTERCHOOSE The ACMFILTERCHOOSE structure contains information the ACM uses to initialize the system-defined waveform-audio filter selection dialog box. |
ACMFILTERDETAILS The ACMFILTERDETAILS structure details a waveform-audio filter for a specific filter tag for an ACM driver. |
ACMFILTERTAGDETAILS The ACMFILTERTAGDETAILS structure details a waveform-audio filter tag for an ACM filter driver. |
ACMFORMATCHOOSE The ACMFORMATCHOOSE structure contains information the ACM uses to initialize the system-defined waveform-audio format selection dialog box. |
ACMFORMATDETAILS The ACMFORMATDETAILS structure details a waveform-audio format for a specific format tag for an ACM driver. |
ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS The ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS structure details a waveform-audio format tag for an ACM driver. |
ACMSTREAMHEADER The ACMSTREAMHEADER structure defines the header used to identify an ACM conversion source and destination buffer pair for a conversion stream. |