
Sdílet prostřednictvím

EnableTraceEx2 function (evntrace.h)

A trace session controller calls EnableTraceEx2 to configure how an ETW event provider logs events to a trace session.

This function supersedes the EnableTrace and EnableTraceEx functions.


ULONG WMIAPI EnableTraceEx2(
                 CONTROLTRACE_ID          TraceId,
  [in]           LPCGUID                  ProviderId,
  [in]           ULONG                    ControlCode,
  [in]           UCHAR                    Level,
  [in]           ULONGLONG                MatchAnyKeyword,
  [in]           ULONGLONG                MatchAllKeyword,
  [in]           ULONG                    Timeout,
  [in, optional] PENABLE_TRACE_PARAMETERS EnableParameters



[in] ProviderId

The provider ID (control GUID) of the event provider that you want to configure.

[in] ControlCode

You can specify one of the following control codes:

Value Meaning
EVENT_CONTROL_CODE_DISABLE_PROVIDER Update the session configuration so that the session does not receive events from the provider.
EVENT_CONTROL_CODE_ENABLE_PROVIDER Update the session configuration so that the session receives the requested events from the provider.
EVENT_CONTROL_CODE_CAPTURE_STATE Requests that the provider log its state information.

[in] Level

A value that indicates the maximum level of events that you want the provider to write. The provider typically writes an event if the event's level is less than or equal to this value, in addition to meeting the MatchAnyKeyword and MatchAllKeyword criteria.

Microsoft defines the semantics of levels 1-5 as shown below. Lower values indicate more-severe events. Each value of Level enables the specified level and all more-severe levels. For example, if you specify TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, your consumer will receive warning, error, and critical events.

Value Meaning
TRACE_LEVEL_CRITICAL (1) Abnormal exit or termination events
TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR (2) Severe error events
TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING (3) Warning events such as allocation failures
TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION (4) Non-error informational events
TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE (5) Detailed diagnostic events

The TRACE_LEVEL constants are defined in evntrace.h. Equivalent WINMETA_LEVEL constants are defined in winmeta.h.

[in] MatchAnyKeyword

64-bit bitmask of keywords that determine the categories of events that you want the provider to write. The provider typically writes an event if the event's keyword bits match any of the bits set in this value or if the event has no keyword bits set, in addition to meeting the Level and MatchAllKeyword criteria.

[in] MatchAllKeyword

64-bit bitmask of keywords that restricts the events that you want the provider to write. The provider typically writes an event if the event's keyword bits match all of the bits set in this value or if the event has no keyword bits set, in addition to meeting the Level and MatchAnyKeyword criteria.

This value is frequently set to 0.

[in] Timeout

If Timeout is 0, this function will start configuring the provider asynchronously and will return immediately (i.e. it will return without waiting for provider callbacks to complete).

Otherwise, this function will start configuring the provider and will then begin waiting for the configuration to complete, including waiting for all provider callbacks to complete. If configuration completes before the specified timeout, this function will return ERROR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, this function will return ERROR_TIMEOUT.

To wait forever, set to INFINITE.

[in, optional] EnableParameters

The trace parameters used to enable the provider. For details, see ENABLE_TRACE_PARAMETERS.

Return value

If the function is successful, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the system error codes. The following are some common errors and their causes.


    A parameter is incorrect.

    This can occur if any of the following are true:

    • The ProviderId is NULL.
    • The TraceHandle is 0.

    The timeout value expired before the enable callback completed. For details, see the Timeout parameter.


    You cannot update the level when the provider is not registered.


    Exceeded the number of trace sessions that can enable the provider.


    Only users with administrative privileges, users in the Performance Log Users group, and services running as LocalSystem, LocalService, or NetworkService can enable event providers to a cross-process session. To grant a restricted user the ability to enable an event provider, add them to the Performance Log Users group or see EventAccessControl.

    Windows XP and Windows 2000: Anyone can enable an event provider.


Event trace controllers call this function to configure the event providers that write events to the session. For example, a controller might call this function to begin collecting events from a provider, to adjust the level or keywords of the events being collected from a provider, or to stop collecting events from a provider.

The enablement behavior for a provider depends on which APIs the provider uses.

  • A provider that uses RegisterTraceGuids (e.g. a provider using TMF-based WPP or MOF) uses the legacy enablement system (sometimes called "classic ETW"). When a legacy provider is enabled or reconfigured for a session, the ETW runtime notifies the provider and provides access to the level, the low 32 bits of the MatchAnyKeyword mask, and the session ID. The provider then uses its own logic to decide which events should be enabled and sends those events directly to the specified session. The event data sent to ETW at runtime includes the event's decode GUID and message ID but does not include the event's control GUID, level or keywords. ETW verifies that the provider has the necessary permissions and then adds the event data to the specified session.
    • Because the events are sent directly to a specific session with no control GUID, level or keyword information, ETW cannot perform any additional filtering or routing for providers that use the legacy enablement system. Each event can be routed to no more than one session.
  • A provider that uses EventRegister (e.g. a manifest-based provider or a TraceLogging provider) uses the modern enablement system (sometimes called "crimson ETW"). When a modern provider is enabled or reconfigured for a session, the ETW runtime notifies the provider with the level, the 64-bit MatchAnyKeyword mask, the 64-bit MatchAllKeyword mask, and any custom provider-side filtering data specified by the trace controller. The provider then uses its own logic to decide which events should be enabled, though most providers just duplicate the logic of EventProviderEnabled. The provider sends the enabled events to ETW for routing. The event data sent to ETW includes the event's control GUID, message ID, level, and keywords. ETW then performs additional filtering as appropriate, routing the event to the appropriate session(s).
    • Because the events are sent to ETW with descriptive information, ETW can perform additional filtering and routing before adding the event to the session. Events can be routed to more than one session if appropriate.

For providers that use the modern enablement system (i.e. providers using EventRegister), ETW supports several features that can be requested by the trace session controller via EnableTraceEx2 EnableParameters. (See EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR for details.)

  • Schematized filtering - This is the traditional filtering setup, also called provider-side filtering. The controller defines a custom set of filters as a binary object that is passed to the provider in EnableCallback FilterData. It is incumbent on the controller and provider to define and interpret these filters. The provider can then use the EventWriteEx Filter parameter to indicate sessions to which an event should not be sent due to the provider-side filtering. This requires a close coupling of the controller and provider since the type and format of the binary object of what can be filtered is not defined. The TdhEnumerateProviderFilters function can be used to retrieve the filters defined in a manifest.
  • Scope filtering - Certain providers are enabled or not enabled to a session based on whether or not they meet the criteria specified by the scope filters. There are several types of scope filters that allow filtering based on the process ID (PID), executable filename, the app ID, and the app package name. This feature is supported on Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, and later.
  • Stackwalk filtering - This notifies ETW to only perform a stack walk for a given set of event IDs or (for TraceLogging events) event names. This feature is supported on Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, and later.
  • Attribute filtering - For manifest providers, events can be filtered based on event attributes such as level, keyword, event ID, or event name.
  • Event payload filtering - For manifest providers, events can be filtered on-the-fly based on whether or not they satisfy a logical expression based on one or more predicates.


Even though ETW supports powerful payload and attribute filtering, events should primarily be filtered based scope filters or via control GUID, level, and keyword. Providers usually perform control GUID, level, and keyword filtering directly in the provider's code before the event is generated or sent to ETW. In most providers, events that are disabled by level or keyword have almost no impact on system performance. Similarly, providers disabled by scope filters are have almost no impact on system performance. Other kinds of filtering (based on payload or attributes other than level and keyword) are usually performed after the provider has generated the event and sent it to the ETW runtime, meaning the event has impact on system performance (the CPU time spent preparing the event and sending it to ETW) even if the ETW filtering determines that the event should not be recorded by any sessions. This kind of filtering is only effective in reducing trace data volume and is not as effective for reducing trace CPU overhead.

Every time EnableTraceEx2 is called, the filters for the provider in that session are replaced by the new parameters defined by the parameters passed to the EnableTraceEx2 function. Multiple filters passed in a single EnableTraceEx2 call can be combined with an additive effect, but filters passed in a subsequent call will replace the previous set of filters.

To disable filtering and thereby enable all providers/events in the logging session, call EnableTraceEx2 with the EnableParameters parameter pointing at an ENABLE_TRACE_PARAMETERS structure with the FilterDescCount member set to 0.

Each filter passed to the EnableTraceEx2 function is specified by a Type member in the EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR. An array of EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR structures is passed in the ENABLE_TRACE_PARAMETERS structure passed in the EnableParameters parameter to the EnableTraceEx2 function.

Each type of filter (a specific Type member) may only appear once in a call to the EnableTraceEx2 function. Some filter types allow multiple conditions to be included in a single filter. The maximum number of filters that can be included in a call to EnableTraceEx2 is set by MAX_EVENT_FILTERS_COUNT (defined in the Evntprov.h header file; value may change in future versions of the Windows SDK).

Each filter type has its own size or entity limits based on the specific Type member in the EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR structure. The list below indicates these limits.


    • Filter size limit: MAX_EVENT_FILTER_DATA_SIZE (1024)
    • Number of elements allowed: Defined by provider and controller

    • Filter size limit: MAX_EVENT_FILTER_DATA_SIZE (1024)
    • Number of elements allowed: MAX_EVENT_FILTER_PID_COUNT (8)

    • Filter size limit: MAX_EVENT_FILTER_DATA_SIZE (1024)
    • Number of elements allowed: A single string that can contain multiple executable file names separated by semicolons.

    • Filter size limit: MAX_EVENT_FILTER_DATA_SIZE (1024)
    • Number of elements allowed: A single string that can contain multiple package IDs separated by semicolons.

    • Filter size limit: MAX_EVENT_FILTER_DATA_SIZE (1024)
    • Number of elements allowed: A single string that can contain multiple package relative app IDs (PRAIDs) separated by semicolons.

    • Filter size limit: MAX_EVENT_FILTER_PAYLOAD_SIZE (4096)
    • Number of elements allowed: 1

    • Filter size limit: Not defined
    • Number of elements allowed: MAX_EVENT_FILTER_EVENT_ID_COUNT (64)

    • Filter size limit: Not defined
    • Number of elements allowed: MAX_EVENT_FILTER_EVENT_ID_COUNT (64)

Keywords define event categories. For example, if the provider defines InitializationKeyword = 0x1 (keyword bit 0), FileOperationKeyword = 0x2 (keyword bit 1), and CalculationKeyword = 0x4 (keyword bit 2), you can set MatchAnyKeyword to (InitializationKeyword | CalculationKeyword) = 5 to receive initialization and calculation events but not file events.

When used with modern (manifest-based or TraceLogging) providers, a MatchAnyKeyword value of 0 is treated the same as a MatchAnyKeyword value of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, i.e. it enables all event keywords. However, this behavior does not apply to legacy (MOF or TMF-based WPP) providers. To enable all event keywords from a legacy provider, set MatchAnyKeyword to 0xFFFFFFFF. To enable all event keywords from both legacy and modern providers, set MatchAnyKeyword to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

If an event's keyword is zero, the provider will write the event to the session regardless of the MatchAnyKeyword and MatchAllKeyword masks. (This behavior can be disabled by using the EVENT_ENABLE_PROPERTY_IGNORE_KEYWORD_0 flag.)

To indicate that you wish to enable a Provider Group, use the EVENT_ENABLE_PROPERTY_PROVIDER_GROUP flag on the EnableProperty member of EnableParameters.

When you call EnableTraceEx2, the provider may or may not already be registered. If the provider is already registered, ETW calls the provider's callback function (if any), and the session begins receiving events. If the provider is not already registered, ETW will call the provider's callback function (if any) immediately after the provider registers and the session will then begin receiving events. If the provider is not already registered, the provider's callback function will not receive the source ID.

If the provider is registered and already enabled to your session, you can call EnableTraceEx2 again to update the Level, MatchAnyKeyword, MatchAllKeyword parameters and the EnableProperty and EnableFilterDesc members of EnableParameters.

On Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, and later, event payload, scope, and stack walk filters can be used by the EnableTraceEx2 function and the ENABLE_TRACE_PARAMETERS and EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR structures to filter on specific conditions in a logger session. For more information on event payload filters, see the TdhCreatePayloadFilter, and TdhAggregatePayloadFilters functions and the ENABLE_TRACE_PARAMETERS, EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR, and PAYLOAD_FILTER_PREDICATE structures.

Special system trace provider events cannot be enabled or disabled by EnableTraceEx2. They can only be enabled via the EnableFlags field of EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES when the trace is first started by StartTrace.

Starting with Windows 11, system trace provider events can be enabled using EnableTraceEx2.

Up to eight trace sessions can enable and receive events from the same modern (manifest-based or TraceLogging) provider. However, only one trace session can enable a legacy (MOF, TMF-based WPP) provider. If more than one session tries to enable a legacy provider, the first session would stop receiving events when the second session enables the same provider. For example, if Session A enabled a legacy provider and then Session B enabled the same provider, only Session B would receive events from that provider.

A provider remains enabled for the session until the session disables the provider. If the application that started the session ends without disabling the provider, the provider remains enabled.

To determine the level and keywords used to enable a manifest-based provider, use one of the following commands:

  • logman query providers provider-name
  • wevtutil gp provider-name

For classic providers, it is up to the provider to document and make available to potential controllers the severity levels or enable flags that it supports. If the provider wants to be enabled by any controller, the provider should accept 0 for the severity level and enable flags and interpret 0 as a request to perform default logging (whatever that may be).

If you use EnableTraceEx2 to enable a classic provider, the following translation occurs:

  • The Level parameter is the same as setting the EnableLevel parameter in EnableTrace.
  • The MatchAnyKeyword is the same as setting the EnableFlag parameter in EnableTrace except that the keyword value is truncated from a 64-bit value to a 32-bit value.
  • In the ControlCallback callback, the provider can call GetTraceEnableLevel to get the level and GetTraceEnableFlags to get the enable flag.
  • The other parameter are not used.


The following example shows use of the EnableTraceEx2 with payload filters using the TdhCreatePayloadFilter and TdhAggregatePayloadFilters functions to filter on specific conditions in a logger session.

#define INITGUID
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
#include <tdh.h>


#define PATH_TO_MANIFEST_FILE L"c:\\ExampleManifest.man"

// The following definitions would be found in the include file generated by
// message compiler from the manifest file.

// Provider Example-Provider Event Count 2
EXTERN_C __declspec(selectany) const GUID EXAMPLE_PROVIDER = {0x37a59b93, 0xbb25, 0x4cee, {0x97, 0xaa, 0x8b, 0x6a, 0xcd, 0xc, 0x4d, 0xf8}};

// Event Descriptors
EXTERN_C __declspec(selectany) const EVENT_DESCRIPTOR Example_Event_1 = { 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 };
#define Example_Event_1_value 0x1
EXTERN_C __declspec(selectany) const EVENT_DESCRIPTOR Example_Event_2 = { 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 };
#define Example_Event_2_value 0x2

// (End of snippet from include file)

// Allocate an EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES structure and set the needed logging session properties
PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES AllocateTraceProperties(
    _In_opt_ PCWSTR LoggerName,
    _In_opt_ PCWSTR LogFileName
    ULONG BufferSize;

    BufferSize = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) +

    TraceProperties = (PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES)malloc(BufferSize);
    if (TraceProperties == NULL) {
        printf("Unable to allocate %d bytes for properties structure.\n", BufferSize);
        goto Exit;

    // Set the session properties.
    ZeroMemory(TraceProperties, BufferSize);
    TraceProperties->Wnode.BufferSize = BufferSize;
    TraceProperties->Wnode.Flags = WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID;
    TraceProperties->LoggerNameOffset = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES);
    TraceProperties->LogFileNameOffset = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) +
        (MAXIMUM_SESSION_NAME * sizeof(WCHAR));

    if (LoggerName != NULL) {
        StringCchCopyW((LPWSTR)((PCHAR)TraceProperties + TraceProperties->LoggerNameOffset),

    if (LogFileName != NULL) {
        StringCchCopyW((LPWSTR)((PCHAR)TraceProperties + TraceProperties->LogFileNameOffset),

    return TraceProperties;

// Free the EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES structure previously allocated
VOID FreeTraceProperties(
    _In_ PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES TraceProperties

// Set the values needed in a PAYLOAD_FILTER_PREDICATE for a single payload filter
FORCEINLINE VOID PayloadPredicateCreate(
    _In_ PCWSTR FieldName,
    USHORT CompareOp,
    PCWSTR Value
    Predicate->FieldName = (PWSTR)FieldName;
    Predicate->CompareOp = CompareOp;
    Predicate->Value = (PWSTR)Value;

int __cdecl wmain()
    UINT i;
    PVOID EventFilters[2];
    UINT PredicateCount;
    ULONG FilterCount;
    TRACEHANDLE SessionHandle = 0;
    BOOLEAN TraceStarted = FALSE;
    PCWSTR LoggerName = L"MyTrace";

    ZeroMemory(EventFilters, sizeof(EventFilters));
    ZeroMemory(Predicates, sizeof(Predicates));
    TraceProperties = NULL;
    FilterCount = 0;

    // Load the manifest for the provider
    Status = TdhLoadManifest((PWSTR)PATH_TO_MANIFEST_FILE);
    if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        printf("TdhCreatePayloadFilter() failed with %lu\n", Status);
        goto Exit;

    // Create predicates that match the following high-level expression:
    // INCLUDE Example_Event_1 IF
    //     Example_Event_1.Initiator == "User" AND
    //     7 <= Example_Event_1.Level <= 16
    PredicateCount = 0;



    Status = TdhCreatePayloadFilter(
        FALSE,      // Match all predicates (AND)
    if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        printf("TdhCreatePayloadFilter() failed with %lu\n", Status);
        goto Exit;

    // Create predicates that match the following high-level expression:
    // INCLUDE Example_Event_2 IF
    //      Example_Event_2.Title CONTAINS "UNI" OR
    //      Example_Event_2.InstanceId == {0E95CFBC-58D4-44BA-BE40-E63A853536DF} OR
    //      Example_Event_2.ErrorCode != 0      //
    PredicateCount = 0;


        L" {0E95CFBC-58D4-44BA-BE40-E63A853536DF}");


    Status = TdhCreatePayloadFilter(
        FALSE,      // Match any predicates (OR)
    if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        printf("TdhCreatePayloadFilter() failed with %lu\n", Status);
        goto Exit;

    // Combine the interim filters into a final filter descriptor.
    Status = TdhAggregatePayloadFilters(
    if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        printf("TdhAggregatePayloadFilters() failed with %lu\n", Status);
        goto Exit;

    // Clean up the interim filters
    for (i = 0; i < FilterCount; i++) {

        Status = TdhDeletePayloadFilter(&EventFilters[i]);
        if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            printf("TdhDeletePayloadFilter() failed with %lu\n", Status);
            goto Exit;

    // Create a new trace session
    // Allocate EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES structure and perform some
    // basic initialization.
    // N.B. LoggerName will be populated during StartTrace call.
    TraceProperties = AllocateTraceProperties(NULL, L"SystemTrace.etl");
    if (TraceProperties == NULL) {
        Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
        goto Exit;

    TraceProperties->MaximumFileSize = 100; // Limit file size to 100MB max
    TraceProperties->BufferSize = 512; // Use 512KB trace buffers
    TraceProperties->MinimumBuffers = 8;
    TraceProperties->MaximumBuffers = 64;

    Status = StartTraceW(&SessionHandle, LoggerName, TraceProperties);
    if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        printf("StartTrace() failed with %lu\n", Status);
        goto Exit;

    TraceStarted = TRUE;

    // Enable the provider to a trace session with filtering enabled on the
    // provider
    ZeroMemory(&EnableParameters, sizeof(EnableParameters));
    EnableParameters.Version = ENABLE_TRACE_PARAMETERS_VERSION_2;
    EnableParameters.EnableFilterDesc = &FilterDescriptor;
    EnableParameters.FilterDescCount = 1;

    Status = EnableTraceEx2(
    if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        printf("EnableTraceEx2() failed with %lu\n", Status);
        goto Exit;

    // Clean up the payload descriptor
    Status = TdhCleanupPayloadEventFilterDescriptor(&FilterDescriptor);
    if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        printf("TdhCleanupPayloadEventFilterDescriptor() failed with %lu\n", Status);
        goto Exit;

    // Collect trace for 30 seconds
    Sleep(30 * 1000);


    // Stop tracing.
    if (TraceStarted != FALSE) {
        Status = ControlTraceW(SessionHandle, NULL, TraceProperties, EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP);
        if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            printf("StopTrace() failed with %lu\n", Status);

    if (TraceProperties != NULL) {


    return Status;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header evntrace.h
Library Sechost.lib on Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2; Advapi32.lib on Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
DLL Sechost.dll on Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2; Advapi32.dll on Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2

See also


