
Sdílet prostřednictvím

ID3D12ShaderReflection::GetRequiresFlags method (d3d12shader.h)

Retrieves a group of flags that indicate the requirements of a shader.


UINT64 GetRequiresFlags();

Return value

Type: UINT64

A value that contains a combination of one or more shader requirements #define flags; each flag specifies a requirement of the shader. A default value of 0 means that there are no requirements.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_DOUBLES. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support the double data type.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_EARLY_DEPTH_STENCIL. Shader requires an early depth stencil.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_UAVS_AT_EVERY_STAGE. Shader requires unordered access views (UAVs) at every pipeline stage.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_64_UAVS. Shader requires 64 UAVs.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_MINIMUM_PRECISION. Shader requires the graphics driver and hardware to support minimum precision. For more info, see Using HLSL minimum precision.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_11_1_DOUBLE_EXTENSIONS. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support extended doubles instructions. For more info, see the ExtendedDoublesShaderInstructions member of D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_11_1_SHADER_EXTENSIONS. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support the msad4 intrinsic function in shaders. For more info, see the SAD4ShaderInstructions member of D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_LEVEL_9_COMPARISON_FILTERING. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support Direct3D 9 shadow support.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_TILED_RESOURCES. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support tiled resources.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_STENCIL_REF. Shader requires a reference value for depth stencil tests. For more info, see the PSSpecifiedStencilRefSupported member of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS structure, and ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::OMSetStencilRef.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_INNER_COVERAGE. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support inner coverage. For more info, see the enumeration constants D3D_NAME_INNER_COVERAGE and D3D11_NAME_INNER_COVERAGE in D3D_NAME.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_TYPED_UAV_LOAD_ADDITIONAL_FORMATS. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support the loading of additional formats for typed unordered-access views (UAVs). See the TypedUAVLoadAdditionalFormats member of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_ROVS. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support rasterizer ordered views (ROVs). See Rasterizer Ordered Views.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_VIEWPORT_AND_RT_ARRAY_INDEX_FROM_ANY_SHADER_FEEDING_RASTERIZER. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support viewport and render target array index values from any shader-feeding rasterizer. For more info, see the member VPAndRTArrayIndexFromAnyShaderFeedingRasterizerSupportedWithoutGSEmulation of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_WAVE_OPS. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support wave ops. For more info, see the member WaveOps of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS1 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_INT64_OPS. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support 64-bit integer ops. For more info, see the member Int64ShaderOps of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS1 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_VIEW_ID. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support view instancing using SV_ViewID. For more info, see the member ViewInstancingTier of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS3 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_BARYCENTRICS. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support barycentrics using SV_Barycentrics. For more info, see the member BarycentricsSupported of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS3 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_NATIVE_16BIT_OPS. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support native 16-bit ops. For more info, see the member Native16BitShaderOpsSupported of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS4 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_SHADING_RATE. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support the Variable Shading Rate (VRS) feature. For more info, see the member VariableShadingRateTier of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS6 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_RAYTRACING_TIER_1_1. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support DXR tier 1.1. For more info, see the member RaytracingTier of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS5 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support Sampler Feedback. For more info, see the member SamplerFeedbackTier of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS7 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_ATOMIC_INT64_ON_TYPED_RESOURCE. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support int64 atomics on typed resources. For more info, see the member AtomicInt64OnTypedResourceSupported of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS9 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_ATOMIC_INT64_ON_GROUP_SHARED. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support int64 atomics on groupshared memory. For more info, see the member AtomicInt64OnGroupSharedSupported of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS9 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_DERIVATIVES_IN_MESH_AND_AMPLIFICATION_SHADERS. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support derivatives in mesh and amplification shaders. For more info, see the member DerivativesInMeshAndAmplificationShadersSupported of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS9 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_INDEXING. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support Dynamic Resources (a requirement for Shader Model 6.6) and the ResourceDescriptorHeap in particular. For more info, see the HLSL dynamic resources spec on GitHub.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_SAMPLER_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_INDEXING. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support Dynamic Resources (a requirement for Shader Model 6.6) and the SamplerDescriptorHeap in particular. For more info, see the HLSL dynamic resources spec on GitHub.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_WAVE_MMA. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support Wave MMA. For more info, see the member WaveMMATier of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS9 structure.

D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_ATOMIC_INT64_ON_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_RESOURCE. Shader requires that the graphics driver and hardware support int64 atomics on descriptor heap resources. For more info, see the member AtomicInt64OnDescriptorHeapResourceSupported of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS11 structure.


Here's how the d3d12shader.h header file defines the shader requirements flags:

#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_DOUBLES                                                         0x00000001
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_EARLY_DEPTH_STENCIL                                             0x00000002
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_UAVS_AT_EVERY_STAGE                                             0x00000004
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_64_UAVS                                                         0x00000008
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_MINIMUM_PRECISION                                               0x00000010
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_11_1_DOUBLE_EXTENSIONS                                          0x00000020
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_11_1_SHADER_EXTENSIONS                                          0x00000040
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_LEVEL_9_COMPARISON_FILTERING                                    0x00000080
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_TILED_RESOURCES                                                 0x00000100
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_STENCIL_REF                                                     0x00000200
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_INNER_COVERAGE                                                  0x00000400
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_TYPED_UAV_LOAD_ADDITIONAL_FORMATS                               0x00000800
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_ROVS                                                            0x00001000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_WAVE_OPS                                                        0x00004000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_INT64_OPS                                                       0x00008000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_VIEW_ID                                                         0x00010000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_BARYCENTRICS                                                    0x00020000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_NATIVE_16BIT_OPS                                                0x00040000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_SHADING_RATE                                                    0x00080000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_RAYTRACING_TIER_1_1                                             0x00100000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK                                                0x00200000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_ATOMIC_INT64_ON_TYPED_RESOURCE                                  0x00400000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_ATOMIC_INT64_ON_GROUP_SHARED                                    0x00800000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_INDEXING                               0x02000000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_SAMPLER_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_INDEXING                                0x04000000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_WAVE_MMA                                                        0x08000000
#define D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_ATOMIC_INT64_ON_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_RESOURCE                        0x10000000


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d12shader.h

See also