
Sdílet prostřednictvím

CfUpdatePlaceholder function (cfapi.h)

This API changes characteristics of an existing placeholder. The most likely use of this API is when a file has been modified in the cloud, and the sync provider wishes to incorporate the effects of that modification into a placeholder. To support this scenario, the caller may pass in new file system metadata (timestamps, file size, etc.) to apply, and/or a new FileIdentity blob.


HRESULT CfUpdatePlaceholder(
  [in]                HANDLE               FileHandle,
  [in, optional]      const CF_FS_METADATA *FsMetadata,
  [in, optional]      LPCVOID              FileIdentity,
  [in]                DWORD                FileIdentityLength,
  [in, optional]      const CF_FILE_RANGE  *DehydrateRangeArray,
  [in]                DWORD                DehydrateRangeCount,
  [in]                CF_UPDATE_FLAGS      UpdateFlags,
  [in, out, optional] USN                  *UpdateUsn,
  [in, out, optional] LPOVERLAPPED         Overlapped


[in] FileHandle

FileHandle is a handle to the file or directory whose metadata is to be updated. In the case of a file, the caller must acquire an exclusive handle to the file if it also intends to dehydrate the file at the same time or data corruption can occur. To minimize the impact on user applications, it is highly recommended that the caller obtain the exclusiveness using proper oplocks (via CfOpenFileWithOplock) as opposed to using a share-nothing handle.

[in, optional] FsMetadata

FsMetadata contains file system metadata about the placeholder to be updated, including all timestamps, file attributes, and file size (optional for directories). This is an optional field. If not provided, all these fields remain intact after the call.

  • A 0 value in a timestamp field (CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, and ChangeTime) means no change to the current timestamp on the file.
  • A 0 value in FileAttributes means no change to the current file attributes on the file.
  • There is no special value in FileSize; a 0 value in FileSize truncates the file size to 0.

[in, optional] FileIdentity

FileIdentity is a user mode buffer that contains the opaque file or directory information supplied by the caller. The FileIdentity blob should not exceed 4KB in size. FileIdentity gets passed back to the sync provider in all callbacks. This is optional if an update is not needed or if the caller wants to remove the FileIdentity blob from the placeholder to be updated.

[in] FileIdentityLength

Length, in bytes, of the FileIdentity.

[in, optional] DehydrateRangeArray

This array specifies ranges of the existing placeholder that will no longer be considered valid after the update.

The simplest use of this parameter is to pass a single range, telling the platform that the entire byte range of data is now invalid. A more complex use of this parameter is to provide a series of discrete ranges to be considered invalid. This implies that the sync provider can distinguish changes on a sub-file level. All the offsets and lengths should be PAGE_SIZE Aligned. The platform will ensure that all the ranges specified get dehydrated as part of the update. If dehydration of any ranges fails the API will fail rather than result in torn file contents.


Passing a single range with Offset 0 and Length CF_EOF will invalidate the entire file - This has the same effect as passing the flag CF_UPDATE_FLAG_DEHYDRATE instead. Also, passing CF_UPDATE_FLAG_DEHYDRATE causes DehydrateRangeArray to be silently dropped

[in] DehydrateRangeCount

The count of a series of discrete DehydrateRangeArray partitions of placeholder data.

[in] UpdateFlags

Update flags for placeholders. UpdateFlags can be set to the following values:

Flag Description
CF_UPDATE_FLAG_VERIFY_IN_SYNC The update will fail if the IN_SYNC attribute is not currently set on the placeholder. This is to prevent a race between syncing changes from the cloud down to a local placeholder and the placeholder’s data stream getting locally modified.
CF_UPDATE_FLAG_MARK_IN_SYNC The platform marks the placeholder as in-sync upon a successful update placeholder operation.
CF_UPDATE_FLAG_DEHYDRATE Applicable for files only. When specified, the platform dehydrates the file after updating the placeholder successfully. The caller must acquire an exclusive handle when specifying this flag or data corruptions can occur. Note that the platform does not validate the exclusiveness of the handle.
CF_UPDATE_FLAG_ENABLE_ON_DEMAND_POPULATION Applicable for directories only. When specified, it marks the updated placeholder directory partially populated such that any future access to it will result in a FETCH_PLACEHOLDERS callback sent to the sync provider.
CF_UPDATE_FLAG_DISABLE_ON_DEMAND_POPULATION Applicable for directories only. When specified, it marks the updated placeholder directory fully populated such that any future access to it will be handled by the platform without any callbacks to the sync provider.
CF_UPDATE_FLAG_REMOVE_FILE_IDENTITY FileIdentity and FileIdentityLength are ignored and the platform will remove the existing file identity blob on the placeholder upon a successful update call.
CF_UPDATE_FLAG_CLEAR_IN_SYNC The platform marks the placeholder as not in-sync upon a successful update placeholder operation.
CF_UPDATE_FLAG_REMOVE_PROPERTY The platform removes all existing extrinsic properties on the placeholder.
CF_UPDATE_FLAG_PASSTHROUGH_FS_METADATA The platform passes CF_FS_METADATA to the file system without any filtering; otherwise the platform skips setting any fields whose value is 0.
CF_UPDATE_FLAG_ALWAYS_FULL Effective on placeholder files only. When specified, the placeholder to be updated is marked always full. Once hydrated, any attempt to dehydrate such a placeholder file will fail with error code ERROR_CLOUD_FILE_DEHYDRATION_DISALLOWED.
CF_UPDATE_FLAG_ALLOW_PARTIAL Effective on placeholder files only. When specified, the always full state on a placeholder file, if present, is cleared thus allowing it to be dehydrated again. It is invalid to specify this flag along with CF_UPDATE_FLAG_ALWAYS_FULL and error code ERROR_CLOUD_FILE_INVALID_REQUEST will be returned as a result.

[in, out, optional] UpdateUsn

On input, UpdateUsn instructs the platform to only perform the update if the file still has the same USN value as the one passed in. This serves a similar purpose to CF_UPDATE_FLAG_VERIFY_IN_SYNC but also encompasses local metadata changes. Passing a pointer to a USN value of 0 on input is the same as passing a NULL pointer.

On return, UpdateUsn receives the final USN value after update actions were performed.

[in, out, optional] Overlapped

When specified and combined with an asynchronous FileHandle, Overlapped allows the platform to perform the CfUpdatePlaceholder call asynchronously. See the Remarks for more details.

If not specified, the platform will perform the API call synchronously, regardless of how the handle was created.

Return value

If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


To update a placeholder:

  • The placeholder to be updated must be contained in a registered sync root tree; it can be the sync root directory itself, or any descendant directory; otherwise, the call will be failed with HRESULT(ERROR_CLOUD_FILE_NOT_UNDER_SYNC_ROOT).
  • If dehydration is requested, the sync root must be registered with a valid hydration policy that is not CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_ALWAYS_FULL; otherwise the call will be failed with HRESULT(ERROR_CLOUD_FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED).
  • If dehydration is requested, the placeholder must not be pinned locally or the call will be failed with HRESULT(ERROR_CLOUD_FILE_PINNED).
  • If dehydration is requested, the placeholder must be in sync or the call will be failed with HRESULT(ERROR_CLOUD_FILE_NOT_IN_SYNC).
  • The caller must have WRITE_DATA or WRITE_DAC access to the placeholder to be updated. Otherwise the operation will be failed with HRESULT(ERROR_CLOUD_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED).

If the API returns HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_IO_PENDING) when using Overlapped asynchronously, the caller can then wait using GetOverlappedResult.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1709 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header cfapi.h
Library CldApi.lib
DLL CldApi.dll

See also
