
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Update an app submission

Use this method in the Microsoft Store submission API to update an existing app submission. After you successfully update a submission by using this method, you must commit the submission for ingestion and publishing.

For more information about how this method fits into the process of creating an app submission by using the Microsoft Store submission API, see Manage app submissions.


To use this method, you need to first do the following:

  • If you have not done so already, complete all the prerequisites for the Microsoft Store submission API.
  • Obtain an Azure AD access token to use in the request header for this method. After you obtain an access token, you have 60 minutes to use it before it expires. After the token expires, you can obtain a new one.
  • Create a submission for one of your apps. You can do this in Partner Center, or you can do this by using the create an app submission method.


This method has the following syntax. See the following sections for usage examples and descriptions of the header and request body.

Method Request URI
PUT https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com/v1.0/my/applications/{applicationId}/submissions/{submissionId}

Request header

Header Type Description
Authorization string Required. The Azure AD access token in the form Bearer <token>.

Request parameters

Name Type Description
applicationId string Required. The Store ID of the app for which you want to update a submission. For more information about the Store ID, see View app identity details.
submissionId string Required. The ID of the submission to update. This ID is available in the response data for requests to create an app submission. For a submission that was created in Partner Center, this ID is also available in the URL for the submission page in Partner Center.

Request body

The request body has the following parameters.

Value Type Description
applicationCategory string A string that specifies the category and/or subcategory for your app. Categories and subcategories are combined into a single string with the underscore '_' character, such as BooksAndReference_EReader.
pricing object An object that contains pricing info for the app. For more information, see the Pricing resource section.
visibility string The visibility of the app. This can be one of the following values:
  • Hidden
  • Public
  • Private
  • NotSet
targetPublishMode string The publish mode for the submission. This can be one of the following values:
  • Immediate
  • Manual
  • SpecificDate
targetPublishDate string The publish date for the submission in ISO 8601 format, if the targetPublishMode is set to SpecificDate.
listings object A dictionary of key and value pairs, where each key is a country code and each value is a Listing resource object that contains listing info for the app.
hardwarePreferences array An array of strings that define the hardware preferences for your app. This can be one of the following values:
  • Touch
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Camera
  • NfcHce
  • Nfc
  • BluetoothLE
  • Telephony
automaticBackupEnabled boolean Indicates whether Windows can include your app's data in automatic backups to OneDrive. For more information, see App declarations.
canInstallOnRemovableMedia boolean Indicates whether customers can install your app to removable storage. For more information, see App declarations.
isGameDvrEnabled boolean Indicates whether game DVR is enabled for the app.
gamingOptions object An array that contains one gaming options resource that defines game-related settings for the app.
hasExternalInAppProducts boolean Indicates whether your app allows users to make purchase outside the Microsoft Store commerce system. For more information, see App declarations.
meetAccessibilityGuidelines boolean Indicates whether your app has been tested to meet accessibility guidelines. For more information, see App declarations.
notesForCertification string Contains notes for certification for your app.
applicationPackages array Contains objects that provide details about each package in the submission. For more information, see the Application package section. When calling this method to update an app submission, only the fileName, fileStatus, minimumDirectXVersion, and minimumSystemRam values of these objects are required in the request body. The other values are populated by Partner Center.
packageDeliveryOptions object Contains gradual package rollout and mandatory update settings for the submission. For more information, see Package delivery options object.
enterpriseLicensing string One of the enterprise licensing values values that indicate the enterprise licensing behavior for the app.
allowMicrosftDecideAppAvailabilityToFutureDeviceFamilies boolean Indicates whether Microsoft is allowed to make the app available to future Windows 10 and Windows 11 device families.
allowTargetFutureDeviceFamilies boolean Indicates whether your app is allowed to target future Windows 10 and Windows 11 device families.
trailers array An array that contains up to trailer resources that represent video trailers for the app listing.

Request example

The following example demonstrates how to update an app submission.

PUT https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com/v1.0/my/applications/9NBLGGH4R315/submissions/1152921504621230023 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your access token>
Content-Type: application/json
  "applicationCategory": "BooksAndReference_EReader",
  "pricing": {
    "trialPeriod": "FifteenDays",
    "marketSpecificPricings": {},
    "sales": [],
    "priceId": "Tier2"
  "visibility": "Public",
  "targetPublishMode": "Manual",
  "targetPublishDate": "1601-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "listings": {
    "en-us": {
      "baseListing": {
        "copyrightAndTrademarkInfo": "",
        "keywords": [
        "licenseTerms": "",
        "privacyPolicy": "",
        "supportContact": "",
        "websiteUrl": "",
        "description": "Description",
        "features": [
		      "Free ebook reader"
        "releaseNotes": "",
        "images": [
            "fileName": "contoso.png",
            "fileStatus": "Uploaded",
            "id": "1152921504672272757",
            "imageType": "Screenshot"
        "recommendedHardware": [],
        "title": "Contoso ebook reader"
      "platformOverrides": {
        "Windows81": {
          "description": "Ebook reader for Windows 8.1"
  "hardwarePreferences": [
  "automaticBackupEnabled": false,
  "canInstallOnRemovableMedia": true,
  "isGameDvrEnabled": false,
  "gamingOptions": [],
  "hasExternalInAppProducts": false,
  "meetAccessibilityGuidelines": true,
  "notesForCertification": "",
  "applicationPackages": [
      "fileName": "contoso_app.appx",
      "fileStatus": "PendingUpload",
      "minimumDirectXVersion": "None",
      "minimumSystemRam": "None"
  "packageDeliveryOptions": {
    "packageRollout": {
        "isPackageRollout": false,
        "packageRolloutPercentage": 0.0,
        "packageRolloutStatus": "PackageRolloutNotStarted",
        "fallbackSubmissionId": "0"
    "isMandatoryUpdate": false,
    "mandatoryUpdateEffectiveDate": "1601-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z"
  "enterpriseLicensing": "Online",
  "allowMicrosoftDecideAppAvailabilityToFutureDeviceFamilies": true,
  "allowTargetFutureDeviceFamilies": {
    "Desktop": false,
    "Mobile": true,
    "Holographic": true,
    "Xbox": false,
    "Team": true
  "trailers": []


The following example demonstrates the JSON response body for a successful call to this method. The response body contains information about the updated submission. For more details about the values in the response body, see App submission resource.

  "id": "1152921504621243540",
  "applicationCategory": "BooksAndReference_EReader",
  "pricing": {
    "trialPeriod": "FifteenDays",
    "marketSpecificPricings": {},
    "sales": [],
    "priceId": "Tier2"
  "visibility": "Public",
  "targetPublishMode": "Manual",
  "targetPublishDate": "1601-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "listings": {
    "en-us": {
      "baseListing": {
        "copyrightAndTrademarkInfo": "",
        "keywords": [
        "licenseTerms": "",
        "privacyPolicy": "",
        "supportContact": "",
        "websiteUrl": "",
        "description": "Description",
        "features": [
          "Free ebook reader"
        "releaseNotes": "",
        "images": [
            "fileName": "contoso.png",
            "fileStatus": "Uploaded",
            "id": "1152921504672272757",
            "imageType": "Screenshot"
        "recommendedHardware": [],
        "title": "Contoso ebook reader"
      "platformOverrides": {
        "Windows81": {
          "description": "Ebook reader for Windows 8.1",
  "hardwarePreferences": [
  "automaticBackupEnabled": false,
  "canInstallOnRemovableMedia": true,
  "isGameDvrEnabled": false,
  "gamingOptions": [],
  "hasExternalInAppProducts": false,
  "meetAccessibilityGuidelines": true,
  "notesForCertification": "",
  "status": "PendingCommit",
  "statusDetails": {
    "errors": [],
    "warnings": [],
    "certificationReports": []
  "fileUploadUrl": "https://productingestionbin1.blob.core.windows.net/ingestion/387a9ea8-a412-43a9-8fb3-a38d03eb483d?sv=2014-02-14&sr=b&sig=sdd12JmoaT6BhvC%2BZUrwRweA%2Fkvj%2BEBCY09C2SZZowg%3D&se=2016-06-17T18:32:26Z&sp=rwl",
  "applicationPackages": [
      "fileName": "contoso_app.appx",
      "fileStatus": "PendingUpload",
      "id": "1152921504620138797",
      "version": "",
      "architecture": "ARM",
      "languages": [
      "capabilities": [
      "minimumDirectXVersion": "None",
      "minimumSystemRam": "None",
      "targetDeviceFamilies": [
        "Windows.Mobile min version 10.0.10240.0"
  "packageDeliveryOptions": {
    "packageRollout": {
        "isPackageRollout": false,
        "packageRolloutPercentage": 0.0,
        "packageRolloutStatus": "PackageRolloutNotStarted",
        "fallbackSubmissionId": "0"
    "isMandatoryUpdate": false,
    "mandatoryUpdateEffectiveDate": "1601-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z"
  "enterpriseLicensing": "Online",
  "allowMicrosoftDecideAppAvailabilityToFutureDeviceFamilies": true,
  "allowTargetFutureDeviceFamilies": {
    "Desktop": false,
    "Mobile": true,
    "Holographic": true,
    "Xbox": false,
    "Team": true
  "friendlyName": "Submission 2",
  "trailers": []

Error codes

If the request cannot be successfully completed, the response will contain one of the following HTTP error codes.

Error code Description
400 The submission could not be updated because the request is invalid.
409 The submission could not be updated because of the current state of the app, or the app uses a Partner Center feature that is currently not supported by the Microsoft Store submission API.