Grant free products
Use this method in the Microsoft Store purchase API to grant a free app or add-on (also known as in-app product or IAP) to a given user.
Currently, you can only grant free products. If your service attempts to use this method to grant a product that is not free, this method will return an error.
To use this method, you will need:
- An Azure AD access token that has the audience URI value
. - A Microsoft Store ID key that represents the identity of the user for whom you want to grant a free product.
For more information, see Manage product entitlements from a service.
Request syntax
Method | Request URI |
POST | |
Request header
Header | Type | Description |
Authorization | string | Required. The Azure AD access token in the form Bearer <token>. |
Host | string | Must be set to the value |
Content-Length | number | The length of the request body. |
Content-Type | string | Specifies the request and response type. Currently, the only supported value is application/json. |
Request body
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
availabilityId | string | The availability ID of the product to be granted from the Microsoft Store catalog. | Yes |
b2bKey | string | The Microsoft Store ID key that represents the identity of the user for whom you want to grant a product. | Yes |
devOfferId | string | A developer-specified offer ID that will appear in the Collection item after purchase. | |
language | string | The language of the user. | Yes |
market | string | The market of the user. | Yes |
orderId | guid | A GUID generated for the order. This value be unique for the user, but it is not required to be unique across all orders. | Yes |
productId | string | The Store ID for the product in the Microsoft Store catalog. An example Store ID for a product is 9NBLGGH42CFD. | Yes |
quantity | int | The quantity to purchase. Currently, the only supported value is 1. If not specified, the default is 1. | No |
skuId | string | The Store ID for the product's SKU in the Microsoft Store catalog. An example Store ID for a SKU is 0010. | Yes |
Request example
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJK……
Content-Length: 1863
Content-Type: application/json
"b2bKey" : "eyJ0eXAiOiJK……",
"availabilityId" : "9RT7C09D5J3W",
"productId" : "9NBLGGH5WVP6",
"skuId" : "0010",
"language" : "en-us",
"market" : "us",
"orderId" : "3eea1529-611e-4aee-915c-345494e4ee76",
Response body
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
clientContext | ClientContextV6 | Client contextual information for this order. This will be assigned to the clientID value from the Azure AD token. | Yes |
createdtime | datetimeoffset | The time the order was created. | Yes |
currencyCode | string | Currency code for totalAmount and totalTaxAmount. N/A for free items. | Yes |
friendlyName | string | The friendly name for the order. N/A for orders made using the Microsoft Store purchase API. | Yes |
isPIRequired | boolean | Indicates whether a payment instrument (PI) is required as part of the purchase order. | Yes |
language | string | The language ID for the order (for example, “en”). | Yes |
market | string | The market ID for the order (for example, “US”). | Yes |
orderId | string | An ID that identifies the order for a particular user. | Yes |
orderLineItems | list<OrderLineItemV6> | The list of line items for the order. Typically there is 1 line item per order. | Yes |
orderState | string | The state of the order. The valid states are Editing, CheckingOut, Pending, Purchased, Refunded, ChargedBack, and Cancelled. | Yes |
orderValidityEndTime | string | The last time the order pricing is valid before it is submitted. N/A for free apps. | Yes |
orderValidityStartTime | string | The first time the order pricing is valid before it is submitted. N/A for free apps. | Yes |
purchaser | IdentityV6 | An object that describes the identity of the purchaser. | Yes |
totalAmount | decimal | The total purchase amount of all items in the order including tax. | Yes |
totalAmountBeforeTax | decimal | Total purchase amount of all items in the order before tax. | Yes |
totalChargedToCsvTopOffPI | decimal | If using a separate payment instrument and stored value (CSV), the amount charged to CSV. | Yes |
totalTaxAmount | decimal | The total amount of tax for all line items. | Yes |
The ClientContext object contains the following parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
client | string | The client ID that created the order. | No |
The OrderLineItemV6 object contains the following parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
agent | IdentityV6 | The agent that last edited the line item. For more information about this object, see the table below. | No |
availabilityId | string | The availability ID of the product to be purchased from the Microsoft Store catalog. | Yes |
beneficiary | IdentityV6 | The identity of the beneficiary of the order. | No |
billingState | string | The billing state of the order. This is set to Charged when completed. | No |
campaignId | string | The campaign ID for this order. | No |
currencyCode | string | The currency code used for price details. | Yes |
description | string | A localized description of the line item. | Yes |
devofferId | string | The offer ID for the particular order, if present. | No |
fulfillmentDate | datetimeoffset | The date the fulfillment occurred. | No |
fulfillmentState | string | The state of the fulfillment of this item. This is set to Fulfilled when completed. | No |
isPIRequired | boolean | Indicates whether a payment instrument is required for this line item. | Yes |
isTaxIncluded | boolean | Indicated whether tax is included in the pricing details of the item. | Yes |
legacyBillingOrderId | string | The legacy billing ID. | No |
lineItemId | string | The line item ID for the item in this order. | Yes |
listPrice | decimal | The list price of the item in this order. | Yes |
productId | string | The Store ID for the product that represents the line item in the Microsoft Store catalog. An example Store ID for a product is 9NBLGGH42CFD. | Yes |
productType | string | The type of the product. The supported values are Durable, Application, and UnmanagedConsumable. | Yes |
quantity | int | The quantity of the item ordered. | Yes |
retailPrice | decimal | The retail price of the item ordered. | Yes |
revenueRecognitionState | string | The revenue recognition state. | Yes |
skuId | string | The Store ID for the SKU of the line item in the Microsoft Store catalog. An example Store ID for a SKU is 0010. | Yes |
taxAmount | decimal | The tax amount for the line item. | Yes |
taxType | string | The tax type for the applicable taxes. | Yes |
Title | string | The localized title of the line item. | Yes |
totalAmount | decimal | The total purchase amount of the line item including tax. | Yes |
The IdentityV6 object contains the following parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
identityType | string | Contains the value "pub". | Yes |
identityValue | string | The string value of the publisherUserId from the specified Microsoft Store ID key. | Yes |
Response example
Content-Length: 1203
Content-Type: application/json
MS-CorrelationId: aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
MS-RequestId: c1bc832c-f742-47e4-a76c-cf061402f698
MS-CV: XjfuNWLQlEuxj6Mt.8
MS-ServerId: 030032362
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 21:21:51 GMT
"clientContext": {
"client": "86b78998-d05a-487b-b380-6c738f6553ea"
"createdTime": "2015-10-13T21:21:51.1863494+00:00",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"isPIRequired": false,
"language": "en-us",
"market": "us",
"orderId": "3eea1529-611e-4aee-915c-345494e4ee76",
"orderLineItems": [{
"availabilityId": "9RT7C09D5J3W",
"beneficiary": {
"identityType": "pub",
"identityValue": "user1"
"billingState": "Charged",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"description": "Jewels, Jewels, Jewels - Consumable 2",
"fulfillmentDate": "2015-10-13T21:21:51.639478+00:00",
"fulfillmentState": "Fulfilled",
"isPIRequired": false,
"isTaxIncluded": true,
"lineItemId": "2814d758-3ee3-46b3-9671-4fb3bdae9ffe",
"listPrice": 0.0,
"payments": [],
"productId": "9NBLGGH5WVP6",
"productType": "UnmanagedConsumable",
"quantity": 1,
"retailPrice": 0.0,
"revenueRecognitionState": "None",
"skuId": "0010",
"taxAmount": 0.0,
"taxType": "NoApplicableTaxes",
"title": "Jewels, Jewels, Jewels - Consumable 2",
"totalAmount": 0.0
"orderState": "Purchased",
"orderValidityEndTime": "2015-10-14T21:21:51.1863494+00:00",
"orderValidityStartTime": "2015-10-13T21:21:51.1863494+00:00",
"purchaser": {
"identityType": "pub",
"identityValue": "user1"
"testScenarios": "None",
"totalAmount": 0.0,
"totalTaxAmount": 0.0
Error codes
Code | Error | Inner error code | Description |
401 | Unauthorized | AuthenticationTokenInvalid | The Azure AD access token is invalid. In some cases the details of the ServiceError will contain more information, such as when the token is expired or the appid claim is missing. |
401 | Unauthorized | PartnerAadTicketRequired | An Azure AD access token was not passed to the service in the authorization header. |
401 | Unauthorized | InconsistentClientId | The clientId claim in the Microsoft Store ID key in the request body and the appid claim in the Azure AD access token in the authorization header do not match. |
400 | BadRequest | InvalidParameter | The details contain information regarding the request body and which fields have an invalid value. |