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Create and run your first experiment

In this walkthrough, you will:

  • Create an experimentation project in Partner Center that defines several remote variables that represent the text and color of an app button.
  • Create an app with code that retrieves the remote variable values, uses this data to change the background color of a button, and logs view and conversion event data back to Partner Center.
  • Create an experiment in the project to test whether changing the background color of the app button successfully increases the number of button clicks.
  • Run the app to gather experiment data.
  • Review the experiment results in Partner Center, choose a variation to enable for all users of the app, and complete the experiment.

For an overview of A/B testing with Partner Center, see Run app experiments with A/B testing.


To follow this walkthrough, you must have a Partner Center account and you must configure your development computer as described in Run app experiments with A/B testing.

Create a project with remote variables in Partner Center

  1. Sign in to Partner Center.
  2. If you already have an app in Partner Center that you want to use to create an experiment, select that app in Partner Center. If you do not yet have an app in Partner Center, create a new app by reserving a name and then select that app in Partner Center.
  3. In the navigation pane, click Services and then click Experimentation.
  4. In the Projects section of the next page, click the New project button.
  5. In the New project page, enter the name Button Click Experiments for your new project.
  6. Expand the Remote variables section and click Add variable four times. You should now have four empty variable rows.
  • In the first row, type buttonText for the variable name and type Grey Button in the Default value column.
  • In the second row, type r for the variable name and type 128 in the Default value column.
  • In the third row, type g for the variable name and type 128 in the Default value column.
  • In the fourth row, type b for the variable name and type 128 in the Default value column.
  1. Click Save and make note of the project ID value that appears in the SDK integration section. In the next section, you will update your app code and reference this value in your code.

Code the experiment in your app

  1. In Visual Studio, create a new Universal Windows Platform project using Visual C#. Name the project SampleExperiment.

  2. In Solution Explorer, expand your project node, right-click References, and click Add Reference.

  3. In Reference Manager, expand Universal Windows and click Extensions.

  4. In the list of SDKs, select the check box next to Microsoft Engagement Framework and click OK.

  5. In Solution Explorer, double-click MainPage.xaml to open the designer for the main page in the app.

  6. Drag a Button from Toolbox to the page.

  7. Double-click the button on the designer to open the code file and add an event handler for the Click event.

  8. Replace the entire contents of the code file with the following code. Assign the projectId variable to the project ID value that you obtained from Partner Center in the previous section.

    using System;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Windows.UI;
    using Windows.UI.Core;
    // Namespace for A/B testing.
    using Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement;
    namespace SampleExperiment
        public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
            private StoreServicesExperimentVariation variation;
            private StoreServicesCustomEventLogger logger;
            // Assign this variable to the project ID for your experiment from Dev Center.
            private string projectId = "";
            public MainPage()
                // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method
                // continues before the call is completed.
    #pragma warning disable CS4014
    #pragma warning restore CS4014
            private async Task InitializeExperiment()
                // Get the current cached variation assignment for the experiment.
                var result = await StoreServicesExperimentVariation.GetCachedVariationAsync(projectId);
                variation = result.ExperimentVariation;
                // Check whether the cached variation assignment needs to be refreshed.
                // If so, then refresh it.
                if (result.ErrorCode != StoreServicesEngagementErrorCode.None || result.ExperimentVariation.IsStale)
                    result = await StoreServicesExperimentVariation.GetRefreshedVariationAsync(projectId);
                    // If the call succeeds, use the new result. Otherwise, use the cached value.
                    if (result.ErrorCode == StoreServicesEngagementErrorCode.None)
                        variation = result.ExperimentVariation;
                // Get remote variables named "buttonText", "r", "g", and "b" from the variation
                // assignment. If no variation assignment is available, the variables default
                // to "Grey button" for the button text and grey RGB value for the button color.
                var buttonText = variation.GetString("buttonText", "Grey Button");
                var r = (byte)variation.GetInt32("r", 128);
                var g = (byte)variation.GetInt32("g", 128);
                var b = (byte)variation.GetInt32("b", 128);
                // Assign button text and color.
                await button.Dispatcher.RunAsync(
                    () =>
                        button.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, r, g, b));
                        button.Content = buttonText;
                        button.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                // Log the view event named "userViewedButton" to Dev Center.
                if (logger == null)
                    logger = StoreServicesCustomEventLogger.GetDefault();
                logger.LogForVariation(variation, "userViewedButton");
            private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                // Log the conversion event named "userClickedButton" to Dev Center.
                if (logger == null)
                    logger = StoreServicesCustomEventLogger.GetDefault();
                logger.LogForVariation(variation, "userClickedButton");
  9. Save the code file and build the project.

Create the experiment in Partner Center

  1. Return to the Button Click Experiments project page in Partner Center.
  2. In the Experiments section, click the New experiment button.
  3. In the Experiment details section, type the name Optimize Button Clicks in the Experiment name field.
  4. In the View event section, type userViewedButton in the View event name field. Note that this name matches the view event string that you logged in the code you added in the previous section.
  5. In the Goals and conversion events section, enter the following values:
  • In the Goal name field, type Increase Button Clicks.
  • In the Conversion event name field, type the name userClickedButton. Note that this name matches the conversion event string that you logged in the code you added in the previous section.
  • In the Objective field, choose Maximize.
  1. In the Remote variables and variations section, confirm that the Distribute equally check box is selected so that the variations will be distributed equally to your app.
  2. Add variables to your experiment:
    1. Click the drop-down control, choose buttonText, and click Add variable. The string Grey Button should automatically appear in the Variation A column (this value is derived from the project settings). In the Variation B column, type Blue Button.
    2. Click the drop-down control again, choose r, and click Add variable. The string 128 should automatically appear in the Variation A column. In the Variation B column, type 1.
    3. Click the drop-down control again, choose g, and click Add variable. The string 128 should automatically appear in the Variation A column. In the Variation B column, type 1.
    4. Click the drop-down control again, choose b, and click Add variable. The string 128 should automatically appear in the Variation A column. In the Variation B column, type 255.
  3. Click Save and then click Activate.


After you activate an experiment, you can no longer modify the experiment parameters unless it you clicked the Editable experiment check box when you created the experiment. Typically, we recommend that you code the experiment in your app before activating your experiment.

Run the app to gather experiment data

  1. Run the SampleExperiment app you created earlier.
  2. Confirm that you see either a grey or blue button. Click the button and then close the app.
  3. Repeat the above steps several times on the same computer to confirm that your app shows the same button color.

Review the results and complete the experiment

Wait at least several hours after completing the previous section, and then follow these steps to review the results of your experiment and complete the experiment.


As soon as you activate an experiment, Partner Center immediately starts collecting data from any apps that are instrumented to log data for your experiment. However, it can take several hours for experiment data to appear in Partner Center.

  1. In Partner Center, return to the Experimentation page for your app.

  2. In the Active experiments section, click Optimize Button Clicks to go to the page for this experiment.

  3. Confirm that the results shown in the Results summary and Results details sections matches what you expect to see. For more details about these sections, see Manage your experiment in Partner Center.


    Partner Center reports only the first conversion event for each user in a 24-hour time period. If a user triggers multiple conversion events in your app within a 24-hour period, only the first conversion event is reported. This is intended to help prevent a single user with many conversion events from skewing the experiment results for a sample group of users.

  4. Now you are ready to end the experiment. In the Results summary section, in the Variation B column, click Switch. This switches all users of your app to the blue button.

  5. Click OK to confirm that you want to end the experiment.

  6. Run the SampleExperiment app you created in the previous section.

  7. Confirm that you see a blue button. Note that it may take up to two minutes for your app to receive an updated variation assignment.