
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Additional mitigations

Credential Guard offers mitigations against attacks on derived credentials, preventing the use of stolen credentials elsewhere. However, devices can still be vulnerable to certain attacks, even if the derived credentials are protected by Credential Guard. These attacks can include abusing privileges and use of derived credentials directly from a compromised device, re-using stolen credentials prior to the enablement of Credential Guard, and abuse of management tools and weak application configurations. Because of this, additional mitigation also must be deployed to make the domain environment more robust.

Additional security qualifications

All devices that meet baseline protections for hardware, firmware, and software can use Credential Guard.
Devices that meet more qualifications can provide added protections to further reduce the attack surface.

The following table list qualifications for improved security. We recommend meeting the additional qualifications to strengthen the level of security that Credential Guard can provide.

Protection Requirements Security Benefits
Secure Boot configuration and management - BIOS password or stronger authentication must be supported
- In the BIOS configuration, BIOS authentication must be set
- There must be support for protected BIOS option to configure list of permitted boot devices (for example, Boot only from internal hard drive) and boot device order, overriding BOOTORDER modification made by the operating system
- Prevent other operating systems from starting
-Prevent changes to the BIOS settings
Hardware Rooted Trust Platform Secure Boot - Boot Integrity (Platform Secure Boot) must be supported. See the Windows Hardware Compatibility Program requirements under System.Fundamentals.Firmware.CS.UEFISecureBoot.ConnectedStandby
- Hardware Security Test Interface (HSTI) must be implemented. See Hardware Security Testability Specification
- Boot Integrity (Platform Secure Boot) from Power-On provides protections against physically present attackers, and defense-in-depth against malware.
- HSTI provides security assurance for correctly secured silicon and platform
Firmware Update through Windows Update - Firmware must support field updates through Windows Update and UEFI encapsulation update Helps ensure that firmware updates are fast, secure, and reliable.
Securing Boot Configuration and Management - Required BIOS capabilities: ability of OEM to add ISV, OEM, or Enterprise Certificate in Secure Boot DB at manufacturing time
- Required configurations: Microsoft UEFI CA must be removed from Secure Boot DB. Support for 3rd-party UEFI modules is permitted but should use ISV-provided certificates or OEM certificate for the specific UEFI software
- Enterprises can choose to allow proprietary EFI drivers/applications to run
- Removing Microsoft UEFI CA from Secure Boot DB provides full control to enterprises over software that runs before the operating system boots
VBS enablement of No-Execute (NX) protection for UEFI runtime services - VBS enables NX protection on UEFI runtime service code and data memory regions. UEFI runtime service code must support read-only page protections, and UEFI runtime service data must not be executable. UEFI runtime service must meet the following requirements:
  - Implement UEFI 2.6 EFI_MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE. All UEFI runtime service memory (code and data) must be described by this table
  - PE sections must be page-aligned in memory (not required for in non-volatile storage).
  - The Memory Attributes Table needs to correctly mark code and data as RO/NX for configuration by the OS
  - All entries must include attributes EFI_MEMORY_RO, EFI_MEMORY_XP, or both.
  - No entries may be left with neither of the above attributes, indicating memory that is both executable and writable. Memory must be either readable and executable or writable and non-executable
- Vulnerabilities in UEFI runtime, if any, are blocked from compromising VBS (such as in functions like UpdateCapsule and SetVariable)
- Reduces the attack surface to VBS from system firmware.
Firmware support for SMM protection - The Windows SMM Security Mitigations Table (WSMT) specification contains details of an ACPI table that was created for use with Windows operating systems that support Windows virtualization-based features. - Protects against potential vulnerabilities in UEFI runtime services, if any, will be blocked from compromising VBS (such as in functions like UpdateCapsule and SetVariable)
- Reduces the attack surface to VBS from system firmware
- Blocks additional security attacks against SMM


Regarding VBS enablement of NX protection for UEFI runtime services:

  • It only applies to UEFI runtime service memory, and not UEFI boot service memory
  • The protection is applied by VBS on OS page tables
  • Don't use sections that are both writable and executable
  • Don't attempt to directly modify executable system memory
  • Don't use dynamic code

Restrict domain users to specific domain-joined devices

Credential theft attacks allow the attacker to steal secrets from one device and use them from another device. If a user can sign on to multiple devices then any device could be used to steal credentials. How do you ensure that users only sign on with devices that have Credential Guard enabled? By deploying authentication policies that restrict them to specific domain-joined devices that have been configured with Credential Guard. For the domain controller to know what device a user is signing on from, Kerberos armoring must be used.

Kerberos armoring

Kerberos armoring is part of RFC 6113. When a device supports Kerberos armoring, its TGT is used to protect the user's proof of possession which can mitigate offline dictionary attacks. Kerberos armoring also provides the additional benefit of signed KDC errors this mitigates tampering which can result in things such as downgrade attacks.

To enable Kerberos armoring for restricting domain users to specific domain-joined devices:

  • Users need to be in domains that are running Windows Server 2012 R2 or higher
  • All the domain controllers in these domains must be configured to support Kerberos armoring. Set the KDC support for claims, compound authentication, and Kerberos armoring Group Policy setting to either Supported or Always provide claims
  • All the devices with Credential Guard that the users will be restricted to must be configured to support Kerberos armoring. Enable the Kerberos client support for claims, compound authentication and Kerberos armoring Group Policy settings under Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Kerberos.

Protect domain-joined device secrets

Since domain-joined devices also use shared secrets for authentication, attackers can steal those secrets as well. By deploying device certificates with Credential Guard, the private key can be protected. Then authentication policies can require that users sign on to devices that authenticate using those certificates. This prevents shared secrets stolen from the device to be used with stolen user credentials to sign on as the user.

Domain-joined device certificate authentication has the following requirements:

  • Devices' accounts are in Windows Server 2012 domain functional level or higher.
  • All domain controllers in those domains have KDC certificates that satisfy strict KDC validation certificate requirements:
    • KDC EKU present
    • DNS domain name matches the DNSName field of the SubjectAltName (SAN) extension
  • Windows devices have the CA issuing the domain controller certificates in the enterprise store.
  • A process is established to ensure the identity and trustworthiness of the device in a similar manner as you would establish the identity and trustworthiness of a user before issuing them a smartcard.

Deploy domain-joined device certificates

To guarantee that certificates with the required issuance policy are only installed on the devices these users must use, they must be deployed manually on each device. The same security procedures used for issuing smart cards to users should be applied to device certificates.

For example, let's say you wanted to use the High Assurance policy only on these devices. Using a Windows Server Enterprise certificate authority, you would create a new template.

Create a new certificate template

  1. From the Certificate Manager console, right-click Certificate Templates > Manage
  2. Right-click Workstation Authentication > Duplicate Template
  3. Right-click the new template, and then select Properties
  4. On the Extensions tab, select Application Policies > Edit
  5. Select Client Authentication, and then select Remove
  6. Add the ID-PKInit-KPClientAuth EKU. Select Add > New, and then specify the following values:
    • Name: Kerberos Client Auth
    • Object Identifier:
  7. On the Extensions tab, select Issuance Policies > Edit
  8. Under Issuance Policies, select High Assurance
  9. On the Subject name tab, clear the DNS name check box, and then select the User Principal Name (UPN) check box

Then on the devices that are running Credential Guard, enroll the devices using the certificate you created.

Enroll devices in a certificate

Run the following command:

CertReq -EnrollCredGuardCert MachineAuthentication


You must restart the device after enrolling the machine authentication certificate.

How a certificate issuance policy can be used for access control

Beginning with the Windows Server 2008 R2 domain functional level, domain controllers support for authentication mechanism assurance provides a way to map certificate issuance policy OIDs to universal security groups. Windows Server 2012 domain controllers with claim support can map them to claims. To learn more about authentication mechanism assurance, see Authentication Mechanism Assurance for AD DS in Windows Server 2008 R2 Step-by-Step Guide on TechNet.

To see the issuance policies available

  • The get-IssuancePolicy.ps1 shows all of the issuance policies that are available on the certificate authority.
    From a Windows PowerShell command prompt, run the following command:
.\get-IssuancePolicy.ps1 -LinkedToGroup:All

To link an issuance policy to a universal security group

  • The set-IssuancePolicyToGroupLink.ps1 creates a Universal security group, creates an organizational unit, and links the issuance policy to that Universal security group.
    From a Windows PowerShell command prompt, run the following command:
.\set-IssuancePolicyToGroupLink.ps1 -IssuancePolicyName:"<name of issuance policy>" -groupOU:"<Name of OU to create>" -groupName:"<name of Universal security group to create>"

Restrict user sign-on

So we now have completed the following:

  • Created a special certificate issuance policy to identify devices that meet the deployment criteria required for the user to be able to sign on
  • Mapped that policy to a universal security group or claim
  • Provided a way for domain controllers to get the device authorization data during user sign-on using Kerberos armoring. Now what is left to do is to configure the access check on the domain controllers. This is done using authentication policies

Authentication policies have the following requirements:

  • User accounts are in a Windows Server 2012 domain functional level or higher domain

Create an authentication policy restricting users to the specific universal security group

  1. Open Active Directory Administrative Center
  2. Select Authentication > New > Authentication Policy
  3. In the Display name box, enter a name for this authentication policy
  4. Under the Accounts heading, select Add
  5. In the Select Users, Computers, or Service Accounts dialog box, type the name of the user account you wish to restrict, and then select OK
  6. Under the User Sign On heading, select the Edit button
  7. Select Add a condition
  8. In the Edit Access Control Conditions box, ensure that it reads User > Group > Member of each > Value, and then select Add items
  9. In the Select Users, Computers, or Service Accounts dialog box, type the name of the universal security group that you created with the set-IssuancePolicyToGroupLink script, and then select OK
  10. Select OK to close the Edit Access Control Conditions box
  11. Select OK to create the authentication policy
  12. Select Active Directory Administrative Center


When the authentication policy enforces policy restrictions, users will not be able to sign on using devices that do not have a certificate with the appropriate issuance policy deployed. This applies to both local and remote sign on scenarios. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to first only audit policy restrictions to ensure you don't have unexpected failures.

Discover authentication failures due to authentication policies

To make tracking authentication failures due to authentication policies easier, an operational log exists with just those events. To enable the logs on the domain controllers, in Event Viewer, navigate to Applications and Services Logs\Microsoft\Windows\Authentication, right-click AuthenticationPolicyFailures-DomainController, and then select Enable Log.

To learn more about authentication policy events, see Authentication Policies and Authentication Policy Silos.

Appendix: Scripts

Here's a list of scripts mentioned in this article.

Get the available issuance policies on the certificate authority

Save this script file as get-IssuancePolicy.ps1.

##     Parameters to be defined      ##
##     by the user                   ##
Param (
##     Strings definitions           ##
Data getIP_strings {
# culture="en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData -stringdata @'
help1 = This command can be used to retrieve all available Issuance Policies in a forest. The forest of the currently logged on user is targeted.
help2 = Usage:
help3 = The following parameter is mandatory:
help4 = -LinkedToGroup:<yes|no|all>
help5 = "yes" will return only Issuance Policies that are linked to groups. Checks that the linked Issuance Policies are linked to valid groups.
help6 = "no" will return only Issuance Policies that are not currently linked to any group.
help7 = "all" will return all Issuance Policies defined in the forest. Checks that the linked Issuance policies are linked to valid groups.
help8 = The following parameter is optional:
help9 = -Identity:<Name, Distinguished Name or Display Name of the Issuance Policy that you want to retrieve>. If you specify an identity, the option specified in the "-LinkedToGroup" parameter is ignored.
help10 = Output: This script returns the Issuance Policy objects meeting the criteria defined by the above parameters.
help11 = Examples:
errorIPNotFound = Error: no Issuance Policy could be found with Identity "{0}"
ErrorNotSecurity = Error: Issuance Policy "{0}" is linked to group "{1}" which is not of type "Security".
ErrorNotUniversal = Error: Issuance Policy "{0}" is linked to group "{1}" whose scope is not "Universal".
ErrorHasMembers = Error: Issuance Policy "{0}" is linked to group "{1}" which has a non-empty membership. The group has the following members:
LinkedIPs = The following Issuance Policies are linked to groups:
displayName = displayName : {0}
Name = Name : {0}
dn = distinguishedName : {0}
        InfoName = Linked Group Name: {0}
        InfoDN = Linked Group DN: {0}
NonLinkedIPs = The following Issuance Policies are NOT linked to groups:
##Import-LocalizedData getIP_strings
import-module ActiveDirectory
##           Help                    ##
function Display-Help {
"     " + $getIP_strings.help4
"             " + $getIP_strings.help5
    "             " + $getIP_strings.help6
    "             " + $getIP_strings.help7
    "     " + $getIP_strings.help9
    "     " + '$' + "myIPs = .\get-IssuancePolicy.ps1 -LinkedToGroup:All"
    "     " + '$' + "myLinkedIPs = .\get-IssuancePolicy.ps1 -LinkedToGroup:yes"
    "     " + '$' + "myIP = .\get-IssuancePolicy.ps1 -Identity:""Medium Assurance"""
$root = get-adrootdse
$domain = get-addomain -current loggedonuser
$configNCDN = [String]$root.configurationNamingContext
if ( !($Identity) -and !($LinkedToGroup) ) {
if ($Identity) {
    $OIDs = get-adobject -Filter {(objectclass -eq "msPKI-Enterprise-Oid") -and ((name -eq $Identity) -or (displayname -eq $Identity) -or (distinguishedName -like $Identity)) } -searchBase $configNCDN -properties *
    if ($OIDs -eq $null) {
$errormsg = $getIP_strings.ErrorIPNotFound -f $Identity
write-host $errormsg -ForegroundColor Red
    foreach ($OID in $OIDs) {
        if ($OID."msDS-OIDToGroupLink") {
# In case the Issuance Policy is linked to a group, it is good to check whether there is any problem with the mapping.
            $groupDN = $OID."msDS-OIDToGroupLink"
            $group = get-adgroup -Identity $groupDN
    $groupName = $group.Name
# Analyze the group
            if ($group.groupCategory -ne "Security") {
$errormsg = $getIP_strings.ErrorNotSecurity -f $Identity, $groupName
                write-host $errormsg -ForegroundColor Red
            if ($group.groupScope -ne "Universal") {
                $errormsg = $getIP_strings.ErrorNotUniversal -f $Identity, $groupName
write-host $errormsg -ForegroundColor Red
            $members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group
            if ($members) {
                $errormsg = $getIP_strings.ErrorHasMembers -f $Identity, $groupName
write-host $errormsg -ForegroundColor Red
                foreach ($member in $members) {
                    write-host "          "  $member -ForeGroundColor Red
    return $OIDs
if (($LinkedToGroup -eq "yes") -or ($LinkedToGroup -eq "all")) {
    $LDAPFilter = "(&(objectClass=msPKI-Enterprise-Oid)(msDS-OIDToGroupLink=*)(flags=2))"
    $LinkedOIDs = get-adobject -searchBase $configNCDN -LDAPFilter $LDAPFilter -properties *
    write-host ""
    write-host "*****************************************************"
    write-host $getIP_strings.LinkedIPs
    write-host "*****************************************************"
    write-host ""
    if ($LinkedOIDs -ne $null){
      foreach ($OID in $LinkedOIDs) {
# Display basic information about the Issuance Policies
  $getIP_strings.displayName -f $OID.displayName
  $getIP_strings.Name -f $OID.Name
  $getIP_strings.dn -f $OID.distinguishedName
# Get the linked group.
          $groupDN = $OID."msDS-OIDToGroupLink"
          $group = get-adgroup -Identity $groupDN
          $getIP_strings.InfoName -f $group.Name
          $getIP_strings.InfoDN -f $groupDN
# Analyze the group
          $OIDName = $OID.displayName
    $groupName = $group.Name
          if ($group.groupCategory -ne "Security") {
          $errormsg = $getIP_strings.ErrorNotSecurity -f $OIDName, $groupName
          write-host $errormsg -ForegroundColor Red
          if ($group.groupScope -ne "Universal") {
          $errormsg = $getIP_strings.ErrorNotUniversal -f $OIDName, $groupName
          write-host $errormsg -ForegroundColor Red
          $members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group
          if ($members) {
          $errormsg = $getIP_strings.ErrorHasMembers -f $OIDName, $groupName
          write-host $errormsg -ForegroundColor Red
              foreach ($member in $members) {
                  write-host "          "  $member -ForeGroundColor Red
          write-host ""
write-host "There are no issuance policies that are mapped to a group"
    if ($LinkedToGroup -eq "yes") {
        return $LinkedOIDs
if (($LinkedToGroup -eq "no") -or ($LinkedToGroup -eq "all")) {
    $LDAPFilter = "(&(objectClass=msPKI-Enterprise-Oid)(!(msDS-OIDToGroupLink=*))(flags=2))"
    $NonLinkedOIDs = get-adobject -searchBase $configNCDN -LDAPFilter $LDAPFilter -properties *
    write-host ""
    write-host "*********************************************************"
    write-host $getIP_strings.NonLinkedIPs
    write-host "*********************************************************"
    write-host ""
    if ($NonLinkedOIDs -ne $null) {
      foreach ($OID in $NonLinkedOIDs) {
# Display basic information about the Issuance Policies
write-host ""
$getIP_strings.displayName -f $OID.displayName
$getIP_strings.Name -f $OID.Name
$getIP_strings.dn -f $OID.distinguishedName
write-host ""
write-host "There are no issuance policies which are not mapped to groups"
    if ($LinkedToGroup -eq "no") {
        return $NonLinkedOIDs


If you're having trouble running this script, try replacing the single quote after the ConvertFrom-StringData parameter.

Save the script file as set-IssuancePolicyToGroupLink.ps1.

##     Parameters to be defined      ##
##     by the user                   ##
Param (
##     Strings definitions           ##
Data ErrorMsg {
# culture="en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData -stringdata @'
help1 = This command can be used to set the link between a certificate issuance policy and a universal security group.
help2 = Usage:
help3 = The following parameters are required:
help4 = -IssuancePolicyName:<name or display name of the issuance policy that you want to link to a group>
help5 = -groupName:<name of the group you want to link the issuance policy to>. If no name is specified, any existing link to a group is removed from the Issuance Policy.
help6 = The following parameter is optional:
help7 = -groupOU:<Name of the Organizational Unit dedicated to the groups which are linked to issuance policies>. If this parameter is not specified, the group is looked for or created in the Users container.
help8 = Examples:
help9 = This command will link the issuance policy whose display name is "High Assurance" to the group "HighAssuranceGroup" in the Organizational Unit "OU_FOR_IPol_linked_groups". If the group or the Organizational Unit do not exist, you will be prompted to create them.
help10 = This command will unlink the issuance policy whose name is "402.164959C40F4A5C12C6302E31D5476062" from any group.
MultipleIPs = Error: Multiple Issuance Policies with name or display name "{0}" were found in the subtree of "{1}"
NoIP = Error: no issuance policy with name or display name "{0}" could be found in the subtree of "{1}".
IPFound = An Issuance Policy with name or display name "{0}" was successfully found: {1}
MultipleOUs = Error: more than 1 Organizational Unit with name "{0}" could be found in the subtree of "{1}".
confirmOUcreation = Warning: The Organizational Unit that you specified does not exist. Do you want to create it?
OUCreationSuccess = Organizational Unit "{0}" successfully created.
OUcreationError = Error: Organizational Unit "{0}" could not be created.
OUFoundSuccess = Organizational Unit "{0}" was successfully found.
multipleGroups = Error: More than one group with name "{0}" was found in Organizational Unit "{1}".
confirmGroupCreation = Warning: The group that you specified does not exist. Do you want to create it?
groupCreationSuccess = Univeral Security group "{0}" successfully created.
groupCreationError = Error: Univeral Security group "{0}" could not be created.
GroupFound = Group "{0}" was successfully found.
confirmLinkDeletion = Warning: The Issuance Policy "{0}" is currently linked to group "{1}". Do you really want to remove the link?
UnlinkSuccess = Certificate issuance policy successfully unlinked from any group.
UnlinkError = Removing the link failed.
UnlinkExit = Exiting without removing the link from the issuance policy to the group.
IPNotLinked = The Certificate issuance policy is not currently linked to any group. If you want to link it to a group, you should specify the -groupName option when starting this script.
ErrorNotSecurity = Error: You cannot link issuance Policy "{0}" to group "{1}" because this group is not of type "Security".
ErrorNotUniversal = Error: You cannot link issuance Policy "{0}" to group "{1}" because the scope of this group is not "Universal".
ErrorHasMembers = Error: You cannot link issuance Policy "{0}" to group "{1}" because it has a non-empty membership. The group has the following members:
ConfirmLinkReplacement = Warning: The Issuance Policy "{0}" is currently linked to group "{1}". Do you really want to update the link to point to group "{2}"?
LinkSuccess = The certificate issuance policy was successfully linked to the specified group.
LinkError = The certificate issuance policy could not be linked to the specified group.
ExitNoLinkReplacement = Exiting without setting the new link.
# import-localizeddata ErrorMsg
function Display-Help {
write-host $ErrorMsg.help1
write-host $ErrorMsg.help2
write-host $ErrorMsg.help3
write-host "`t" $ErrorMsg.help4
write-host "`t" $ErrorMsg.help5
write-host $ErrorMsg.help6
write-host "`t" $ErrorMsg.help7
write-host $ErrorMsg.help8
write-host $ErrorMsg.help9
".\Set-IssuancePolicyToGroupMapping.ps1 -IssuancePolicyName ""High Assurance"" -groupOU ""OU_FOR_IPol_linked_groups"" -groupName ""HighAssuranceGroup"" "
write-host $ErrorMsg.help10
'.\Set-IssuancePolicyToGroupMapping.ps1 -IssuancePolicyName "402.164959C40F4A5C12C6302E31D5476062" -groupName $null '
# Assumption:  The group to which the Issuance Policy is going
#              to be linked is (or is going to be created) in
#              the domain the user running this script is a member of.
import-module ActiveDirectory
$root = get-adrootdse
$domain = get-addomain -current loggedonuser
if ( !($IssuancePolicyName) ) {
##     Find the OID object           ##
##     (aka Issuance Policy)         ##
$searchBase = [String]$root.configurationnamingcontext
$OID = get-adobject -searchBase $searchBase -Filter { ((displayname -eq $IssuancePolicyName) -or (name -eq $IssuancePolicyName)) -and (objectClass -eq "msPKI-Enterprise-Oid")} -properties *
if ($OID -eq $null) {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.NoIP -f $IssuancePolicyName, $searchBase
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Red
elseif ($OID.GetType().IsArray) {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.MultipleIPs -f $IssuancePolicyName, $searchBase
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Red
else {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.IPFound -f $IssuancePolicyName, $OID.distinguishedName
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Green
##  Find the container of the group  ##
if ($groupOU -eq $null) {
# default to the Users container
$groupContainer = $domain.UsersContainer
else {
$searchBase = [string]$domain.DistinguishedName
$groupContainer = get-adobject -searchBase $searchBase -Filter { (Name -eq $groupOU) -and (objectClass -eq "organizationalUnit")}
if ($groupContainer.count -gt 1) {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.MultipleOUs -f $groupOU, $searchBase
write-host $tmp -ForegroundColor Red
elseif ($groupContainer -eq $null) {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.confirmOUcreation
write-host $tmp " ( (y)es / (n)o )" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
$userChoice = read-host
if ( ($userChoice -eq "y") -or ($userChoice -eq "yes") ) {
new-adobject -Name $groupOU -displayName $groupOU -Type "organizationalUnit" -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $true -path $domain.distinguishedName
if ($?){
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.OUCreationSuccess -f $groupOU
write-host $tmp -ForegroundColor Green
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.OUCreationError -f $groupOU
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Red
$groupContainer = get-adobject -searchBase $searchBase -Filter { (Name -eq $groupOU) -and (objectClass -eq "organizationalUnit")}
else {
else {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.OUFoundSuccess -f $groupContainer.name
write-host $tmp -ForegroundColor Green
##  Find the group               ##
if (($groupName -ne $null) -and ($groupName -ne "")){
##$searchBase = [String]$groupContainer.DistinguishedName
$searchBase = $groupContainer
$group = get-adgroup -Filter { (Name -eq $groupName) -and (objectClass -eq "group") } -searchBase $searchBase
if ($group -ne $null -and $group.gettype().isarray) {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.multipleGroups -f $groupName, $searchBase
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Red
elseif ($group -eq $null) {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.confirmGroupCreation
write-host $tmp " ( (y)es / (n)o )" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
$userChoice = read-host
if ( ($userChoice -eq "y") -or ($userChoice -eq "yes") ) {
new-adgroup -samAccountName $groupName -path $groupContainer.distinguishedName -GroupScope "Universal" -GroupCategory "Security"
if ($?){
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.GroupCreationSuccess -f $groupName
write-host $tmp -ForegroundColor Green
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.groupCreationError -f $groupName
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Red
$group = get-adgroup -Filter { (Name -eq $groupName) -and (objectClass -eq "group") } -searchBase $searchBase
else {
else {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.GroupFound -f $group.Name
write-host $tmp -ForegroundColor Green
else {
## If the group is not specified, we should remove the link if any exists
if ($OID."msDS-OIDToGroupLink" -ne $null) {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.confirmLinkDeletion -f $IssuancePolicyName, $OID."msDS-OIDToGroupLink"
write-host $tmp " ( (y)es / (n)o )" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
$userChoice = read-host
if ( ($userChoice -eq "y") -or ($userChoice -eq "yes") ) {
set-adobject -Identity $OID -Clear "msDS-OIDToGroupLink"
if ($?) {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.UnlinkSuccess
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Green
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.UnlinkError
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Red
else {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.UnlinkExit
write-host $tmp
else {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.IPNotLinked
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Yellow
##  Verify that the group is         ##
##  Universal, Security, and         ##
##  has no members                   ##
if ($group.GroupScope -ne "Universal") {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.ErrorNotUniversal -f $IssuancePolicyName, $groupName
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Red
if ($group.GroupCategory -ne "Security") {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.ErrorNotSecurity -f $IssuancePolicyName, $groupName
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Red
$members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group
if ($members -ne $null) {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.ErrorHasMembers -f $IssuancePolicyName, $groupName
write-host $tmp -ForeGroundColor Red
foreach ($member in $members) {write-host "   $member.name" -ForeGroundColor Red}
##  We have verified everything. We  ##
##  can create the link from the     ##
##  Issuance Policy to the group.    ##
if ($OID."msDS-OIDToGroupLink" -ne $null) {
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.ConfirmLinkReplacement -f $IssuancePolicyName, $OID."msDS-OIDToGroupLink", $group.distinguishedName
write-host $tmp  "( (y)es / (n)o )" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline
$userChoice = read-host
if ( ($userChoice -eq "y") -or ($userChoice -eq "yes") ) {
$tmp = @{'msDS-OIDToGroupLink'= $group.DistinguishedName}
set-adobject -Identity $OID -Replace $tmp
if ($?) {
$tmp = $Errormsg.LinkSuccess
write-host $tmp -Foreground Green
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.LinkError
write-host $tmp -Foreground Red
} else {
$tmp = $Errormsg.ExitNoLinkReplacement
write-host $tmp
else {
$tmp = @{'msDS-OIDToGroupLink'= $group.DistinguishedName}
set-adobject -Identity $OID -Add $tmp
if ($?) {
$tmp = $Errormsg.LinkSuccess
write-host $tmp -Foreground Green
$tmp = $ErrorMsg.LinkError
write-host $tmp -Foreground Red


If you're having trouble running this script, try replacing the single quote after the ConvertFrom-StringData parameter.