
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Use symbols in .NET TraceProcessing

TraceProcessor supports loading symbols and getting stacks from several data sources. The following console application looks at CPU samples and outputs the estimated duration that a specific function was running (based on the trace's statistical sampling of CPU usage).

using Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing;
using Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Cpu;
using Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Symbols;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length != 3)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: GetCpuSampleDuration.exe <trace.etl> <imageName> <functionName>");

        string tracePath = args[0];
        string imageName = args[1];
        string functionName = args[2];
        Dictionary<string, Duration> matchDurationByCommandLine = new Dictionary<string, Duration>();

        using (ITraceProcessor trace = TraceProcessor.Create(tracePath))
            IPendingResult<ISymbolDataSource> pendingSymbolData = trace.UseSymbols();
            IPendingResult<ICpuSampleDataSource> pendingCpuSamplingData = trace.UseCpuSamplingData();


            ISymbolDataSource symbolData = pendingSymbolData.Result;
            ICpuSampleDataSource cpuSamplingData = pendingCpuSamplingData.Result;

            symbolData.LoadSymbolsForConsoleAsync(SymCachePath.Automatic, SymbolPath.Automatic).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            IThreadStackPattern pattern = AnalyzerThreadStackPattern.Parse($"{imageName}!{functionName}");

            foreach (ICpuSample sample in cpuSamplingData.Samples)
                if (sample.Stack != null && sample.Stack.Matches(pattern))
                    string commandLine = sample.Process.CommandLine;

                    if (!matchDurationByCommandLine.ContainsKey(commandLine))
                        matchDurationByCommandLine.Add(commandLine, Duration.Zero);

                    matchDurationByCommandLine[commandLine] += sample.Weight;

            foreach (string commandLine in matchDurationByCommandLine.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine($"{commandLine}: {matchDurationByCommandLine[commandLine]}");

Running this program produces output similar to the following:

C:\GetCpuSampleDuration\bin\Debug\> GetCpuSampleDuration.exe C:\boot.etl user32.dll LoadImageInternal
0.0% (0 of 1165; 0 loaded)
100.0% (1165 of 1165; 791 loaded)
wininit.exe: 15.99 ms
C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE: 5 ms
winlogon.exe: 20.15 ms
"C:\Users\AdminUAC\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe" /background: 2.09 ms

(Output details will vary depending on the trace).

Symbols format

Internally, TraceProcessor uses the SymCache format, which is a cache of some of the data stored in a PDB. When loading symbols, TraceProcessor requires specifying a location to use for these SymCache files (a SymCache path) and supports optionally specifying a SymbolPath to access PDBs. When a SymbolPath is provided, TraceProcessor will create SymCache files out of PDB files as needed, and subsequent processing of the same data can use the SymCache files directly for better performance.

Next steps

In this tutorial, you learned how to load symbols when processing traces.

The next step is to learn how to use streaming to access trace data without buffering everything in memory.