
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Windows Admin Center network requirements

This article describes the networking requirements for using Windows Admin center to manage your servers and clusters.

Networking configuration

Windows Admin Center communicates outbound securely to endpoints over TCP port 443. By default, the Windows Admin Center gateway and browser uses the default route to the internet to perform actions. You can optionally configure the gateway to use a proxy server if your network requires it.

Endpoints need to be opened on two sources:

  • The gateway - this is the server or client machine where the Windows Admin Center gateway (.msi) is installed.
  • The browser - this is the machine where the Windows Admin Center web service is being accessed from.

If outbound connectivity is restricted by your firewall or proxy server, make sure the URLs listed below are not blocked.

Gateway URLs

URL Description When required
aka.ms Acquiring and maintaining Windows Admin Center Always
download.microsoft.com Acquiring and maintaining Windows Admin Center Always
pkgs.dev.azure.com Extension management Always
*.vsblob.vsassets.io Extension management Always
login.microsoftonline.com Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure Public Cloud
graph.microsoft.com Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure Public Cloud
graph.windows.net Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure Public Cloud
management.azure.com Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure Public Cloud
login.microsoftonline.us Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure US Government Cloud
management.usgovcloudapi.net Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure US Government Cloud
graph.windows.net Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure US Government Cloud
management.core.usgovcloudapi.net Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure US Government Cloud
login.partner.microsoftonline.cn Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure China Cloud
management.chinacloudapi.cn Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure China Cloud
graph.chinacloudapi.cn Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure China Cloud
management.core.chinacloudapi.cn Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure China Cloud

Browser URLs

URL Description When required
winadmincenterassets.blob.core.windows.net Extension management Always
js.monitor.azure.com Extension management Always
nuget.org Extension management Always
announcements.blob.core.windows.net Extension management Always
browser.events.data.microsoft.com Acquiring and maintaining Windows Admin Center Optionally
login.microsoftonline.com Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure Public Cloud
graph.microsoft.com Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure Public Cloud
graph.windows.net Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure Public Cloud
portal.azure.com Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure Public Cloud
login.microsoftonline.us Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure US Government Cloud
management.usgovcloudapi.net Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure US Government Cloud
graph.windows.net Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure US Government Cloud
portal.azure.us Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure US Government Cloud
login.partner.microsoftonline.cn Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure China Cloud
management.chinacloudapi.cn Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure China Cloud
graph.chinacloudapi.cn Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure China Cloud
portal.azure.cn Azure endpoints for communication When using Azure Hybrid Services in the Azure China Cloud

Next steps