Sdílet prostřednictvím

INF Syntax Test

This automated test checks the syntax in INF files for printer and scanner device drivers. The INFGate tool runs this test.

Test details

  • Device.Imaging.Printer.Base.infFile
  • Device.Imaging.Printer.Base.configurationFiles
  • Device.Imaging.Printer.Base.DriverCategory
  • Device.Imaging.Printer.Base.DriverEventFiles
  • Device.Imaging.Printer.Base.driverPackage
  • Windows 10, client editions (x86)
  • Windows 10, client editions (x64)
  • Windows Server 2016 (x64)
  • Windows 10, client editions (Arm64)
Supported Releases
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 10, version 1511
  • Windows 10, version 1607
  • Windows 10, version 1703
  • Windows 10, version 1709
  • Windows 10, version 1803
  • Windows 10, version 1809
  • Windows 10, version 1903
  • Next update to Windows 10
Expected run time (in minutes) 2
Category Development
Timeout (in minutes) 120
Requires reboot false
Requires special configuration false
Type automatic


Additional documentation

Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):

Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Printer Testing Prerequisites.

In addition, if the device is using an in-box driver, you'll need to specify "/MS" for the "Inbox" parameter.


For generic troubleshooting of HLK test failures, see Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures.

For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Device.Imaging Testing.

More information

INFGate is the tool that checks syntax, format, and validity for both printing and imaging INF files. You can run the tool on an installed printer or on a stand-alone INF file. If you select an installed printer, the tool looks for an INF file for the specified printer, and then runs.

Creating valid INFs for virtual printers

Virtual printers must specify a null hardware ID. To specify a null hardware ID, in the models-section-name of the device's INF file, add a second comma between the install-section-name and the compatible-id.




Parameter name Parameter description
LLU_NetAccessOnly Logical Local User: Network Access only.
TestExecutableName Test executable name.
WDKPrinterName Printer name.
WDKDataWhqlQualification Data WHQL Qualification.
Inbox Put "/MS" if the printer uses an inbox driver