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Setting a Receive Filter on a Virtual Port

After a virtual port (VPort) is created on the NIC switch of the network adapter, overlying drivers can set receive filters on the VPort. Only the driver that created the VPort can set a receive filter on that VPort

This topic contains the following information:

Setting a Receive Filter on a VPort


Using the Filter Identifier

Handling Receive Filters on a VPort

For more information on how to create a VPort, see Creating a Virtual Port.

Note  Because the default VPort always exists and is never explicitly created, any overlying driver can set a receive filter on the default VPort. Overlying drivers do not own the default VPort. Therefore, all protocol drivers that are bound to a network adapter can use the default VPort. The default VPort has an identifier value of NDIS_DEFAULT_VPORT_ID.

Setting a Receive Filter on a VPort

To set and configure a filter on a VPort, an overlying driver issues an object identifier (OID) method request of OID_RECEIVE_FILTER_SET_FILTER. The InformationBuffer member of the NDIS_OID_REQUEST structure initially contains a pointer to an NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_PARAMETERS structure.

Before the overlying driver issues this OID method request, it must initialize an NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_PARAMETERS structure. The driver must set the members of this structure in the following way:

  • The FilterType member must be set to an NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_TYPE enumeration value.

    Note  Starting with NDIS 6.30, only NdisReceiveFilterTypeVMQueue filter types are supported for the single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) interface.

  • The QueueId member must be set to NDIS_DEFAULT_RECEIVE_QUEUE_ID.

  • The VPortId member must be set to the identifier associated with the VPort. The overlying driver obtains the VPort identifier through one of the following ways:

  • The FilterId member must be set to NDIS_DEFAULT_RECEIVE_FILTER_ID.

    Note  NDIS assigns a unique filter identifier in this member before it forwards the OID request to the miniport driver for processing.

  • The FieldParametersArrayOffset, FieldParametersArrayNumElements, and FieldParametersArrayElementSize members of the NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_PARAMETERS structure must be set appropriately to define an array of NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMETERS structures. Each NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMETERS structure in the array sets the filter test criterion for one field in a network header.

    For the SR-IOV interface, the following field test parameters are defined:

    • The destination media access control (MAC) address in the packet equals the specified MAC address.

    • The virtual LAN (VLAN) identifier in the packet equals the specified VLAN identifier.

After a successful return from the OID method request, the InformationBuffer member of the NDIS_OID_REQUEST structure contains a pointer to an NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_PARAMETERS structure with a new filter identifier.


The Flags member of the NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMETERS structure specify actions to be performed for the receive filter. The following points apply to the NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FIELD_MAC_HEADER_VLAN_UNTAGGED_OR_ZERO flag:

  • If the NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FIELD_MAC_HEADER_VLAN_UNTAGGED_OR_ZERO flag is set in the Flags member, the network adapter must indicate only received packets that match all of the following test criteria:

    • A packet with a matching MAC address.

    • A packet that has no VLAN tag or has a VLAN identifier of zero.

    If the NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FIELD_MAC_HEADER_VLAN_UNTAGGED_OR_ZERO flag is set, the network adapter must not indicate packets that have a matching MAC address and a nonzero VLAN identifier.

    Note  If the virtualization stack sets the MAC address filter and no VLAN identifier filter is configured by the OID_RECEIVE_FILTER_SET_FILTER set request, the switch also sets the NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FIELD_MAC_HEADER_VLAN_UNTAGGED_OR_ZERO flag.

  • Starting with NDIS 6.30, if the NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FIELD_MAC_HEADER_VLAN_UNTAGGED_OR_ZERO flag is not set and there is no VLAN identifier filter configured by the OID_RECEIVE_FILTER_SET_FILTER method request, the miniport driver must do either one of the following:

    • The miniport driver must return a failed status for the OID_RECEIVE_FILTER_SET_FILTER method request.

    • The miniport driver must configure the network adapter to inspect and filter the specified MAC address fields. If a VLAN tag is present in the received packet, the network adapter must remove it from the packet data. The miniport driver must put the VLAN tag in an NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_8021Q_INFO that is associated with the packet's NET_BUFFER_LIST structure.

  • If a protocol driver sets a MAC address filter and a VLAN identifier filter with the OID_RECEIVE_FILTER_SET_FILTER method request, it does not set the NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FIELD_MAC_HEADER_VLAN_UNTAGGED_OR_ZERO flag in either of the filter fields. In this case, the miniport driver should indicate packets that match both the specified MAC address and the VLAN identifier. That is, the miniport driver should not indicate packets with a matching MAC address that have a zero VLAN identifier or are untagged packets.

Using the Filter Identifier

NDIS assigns a filter identifier in the FilterId member of the NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_PARAMETERS structure and passes the OID method request of OID_RECEIVE_FILTER_SET_FILTER to the underlying miniport driver. Each filter that is set on a VPort has a unique filter identifier for a network adapter. That is, the filter identifiers are not duplicated on different queues that the network adapter manages.

The overlying driver must use the filter identifier that NDIS provides in later OID requests to change the filter parameters or to free a filter.

When NDIS receives an OID request to set a filter on a VPort, it verifies the filter parameters. After NDIS allocates the necessary resources and the filter identifier, it submits the OID request to the underlying network adapter. If the network adapter can successfully allocate the necessary software and hardware resources for the filter, it completes the OID request with NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS.

The miniport driver must retain the filter identifiers for the allocated receive filters. NDIS uses the filter identifier of a filter with later OID requests to change the receive filter parameters or clear the receive filter. For more information about how to change parameters and clear filters, see Obtaining and Updating VM Queue Parameters and Clearing a VMQ Filter.

Handling Receive Filters on a VPort

The miniport driver programs the network adapter based on the filters in the following way:

  • All field test parameters for a particular filter must match to assign a packet to the VPort.

  • Multiple filters can be set on a VPort.

  • Packets must be assigned to the VPort if any of the filters pass.

The network adapter combines the results from all the field tests with a logical AND operation. That is, if any field test that is included in the array of NDIS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMETERS structures fails, the network packet does not meet the specified filter criterion.

When a network adapter tests a received packet against these filter criteria, it must ignore all fields in the packet that have no test criteria that were specified.