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Format of a Text Log Section Body

A text log section body contains zero or more log entries that apply to the operation that is associated with a text log section. The format of a section body log entry includes an entry_prefix field, a time_stamp field, an event_category field, an indentation field, and a formatted_message field, as follows:

entry_prefix time_stamp event_category indentation formatted_message
The maximum length, in characters, of a section body log entry is 336.

entry_prefix field
Indicates whether the log entry is an error message, a warning message, or an information message. The entry_prefix field is always present and contains one of the strings that are listed in the following table:

Entry_prefix field Type of message
"!!!    " An error message
"!      " A warning message
"       " Information message other than an error message or a warning message

time_stamp field
Indicates the system time when the logged event occurred. The time_stamp field is optional and SetupAPI doesn't include a time stamp by default. However, SetupWriteTextLog supports including a time stamp in a log entry. The format of the time_stamp field is the same as the format of the time_stamp field that is described in Format of a Text Log Section Header.

event_category field
Indicates the category of SetupAPI operation that made the log entry. The event_category field is usually present, but isn't required. If the event_category field is present, it will contain one of the strings that are listed in the following table:

Event_category field strings SetupAPI operation
"...: " Vendor-supplied operation
"bak: " Backup data
"cci: " Class installer or co-installer operation
"cpy: " Copy files
"dvi: " Device installation
"flq: " Manage file queues
"inf: " Manage INF files
"ndv: " New device wizard
"prp: " Manage device and driver properties
"reg: " Manage registry settings
"set: " General setup
"sig: " Verify digital signatures
"sto: " Manage the driver store
"ui : " Manage user interface dialog boxes
"ump: " User-mode PnP manager

indentation field
Consists of a sequence of zero or more indentation units, where an indentation unit is a monospace string that contains five spaces. The indentation field is optional and SetupAPI doesn't include indentation by default. SetupWriteTextLog supports changing the number of indentation units that are included in a log entry.

formatted_message field
Contains the specific information that applies to the log entry.

The section body entries that are logged depend on the event level that is set for the log and the category levels that are enabled for the log. For more information about these settings, see SetupAPI Logging Registry Settings.

When SetupAPI creates a section that groups operations that apply to a device installation, it also recursively groups section body log entries in subsections. SetupAPI distinguishes subsections by the way it annotates and indents log entries. One such subsection appears in the following excerpt from a typical device installation section. The subsection begins with the log entry "dvi: {Build Driver List}" and ends with the log entry "dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)}". This subsection shows a typical sequence of log entries that include the entry_prefix, event_category, indentation, and formatted_message fields. The SetupAPI operations that wrote the log entries also created the indentation and supplied the content of the formatted messages. The event level for this example was set to TXTLOG_DETAILS and all category levels were enabled for this example.

>>>  [Device Install - PCI\VEN_104C&DEV_8019&SUBSYS_8010104C&REV_00\3&61aaa01&0&38]
>>>  2005/02/13 22:06:28.109: Section start
 Additional section body log entries
     dvi: {Build Driver List}
     dvi:      Enumerating all INFs...
     dvi:      Found driver match:
     dvi:           HardwareID - PCI\VEN_104C&DEV_8019
     dvi:           InfName    - C:\WINDOWS\inf\1394.inf
     dvi:           DevDesc    - Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller
     dvi:           DrvDesc    - Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller
     dvi:           Provider   - Microsoft
     dvi:           Mfg        - Texas Instruments
     dvi:           InstallSec - TIOHCI_Install
     dvi:           ActualSec  - TIOHCI_Install.NT
     dvi:           Rank       - 0x00002001
     dvi:           DrvDate    - 10/01/2002
     dvi:           Version    - 6.0.5033.0 
!!!  inf:      InfCache: Error flagging 1394.inf for match string pci\ven_104c&dev_8019
     dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)}
 Additional section body log entries 
<<<  [2005/02/13 22:06:29.000: Section end]
<<<  [Exit Status(0x00000000)]