
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Configure the machine for testing

This topic outlines the steps required to install WDTF and TAEF, copy the data-driven tests, and configure the machine for testing. Note that the following commands must be executed from an elevated/administrator command prompt because WDTF installation installs drivers on the system. The instructions below assume the system architecture is x64. The following steps may need to be adjusted for other architectures.

Step 1: Obtain the packages and files from the latest EWDK by accepting the licensing terms and saving the EWDK ISO file to the machine on which the tests will run. The EWDK does not require the installation of Visual Studio. Simply download the EWDK ISO, mount the ISO, and copy the files specified below. To mount the ISO, right-click the ISO file and the click Mount. When it is mounted, an ISO drive letter is assigned to the mounted ISO.

Step 2: Install TAEF by navigating to the location of the TAEF MSI in the mounted ISO and installing the package for the desired architecture. Specify a location and name for the installation log file, %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\TAEFInstall.log in this example:

cd <ISO drive>\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Runtimes

msiexec /i "Test Authoring and Execution Framework x64-x64_en-us.msi" /l* "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\TAEFInstall.log"

The TAEF MSI installs TAEF to %PROGRAMFILES%\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Runtimes\TAEF\x64. Add this directory to the system PATH environment variable and restart the elevated command prompt.

If it’s not already running, start the TAEF service (Te.service) and set to Autostart by following these steps.

  1. Launch Services: services.msc
  2. Double-click Te.Service
  3. Set "Startup" type to "Automatic"
  4. Click Start to start the service

If Te.Service is not listed as a service in services.msc, go to %PROGRAMFILES%\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Runtimes\TAEF\x64 and run the following commands to get the service started:

  1. wex.services.exe /install:te.service

    Verify te.service was installed successfully

  2. sc start te.service

    Verify 'STATE' is 'START_PENDING'

  3. sc query te.service

    Verify 'STATE' is 'RUNNING'

  4. sc qc te.service

    Verify 'START_TYPE' is 'AUTO_START'

Step 3: Install WDTF by navigating to the location of the WDTF MSI (same location as the TAEF MSI in the mounted ISO above) and installing the package for the desired architecture. Specify a location and name for the installation log file, %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\WDTFInstall.log in this example:

cd <ISO drive>\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Runtimes
msiexec /i "Windows Driver Testing Framework (WDTF) Runtime Libraries-x64_en-us.msi" /l* "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\WDTFInstall.log"

The WDTF MSI installs WDTF to %PROGRAMFILES%\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Runtimes\WDTF.

Step 4: Configure the machine for testing:

  1. Configure the machine to collect full dumps or attach a kernel debugger.
  2. Because the tests can potentially reboot the machine and need to control the sleep cycles, configure the machine to never sleep, never turn off display, and autologon to a test account (netplwiz.exe). Note that autologon should be used with caution.

Step 5: Obtain the data-driven test binaries by copying all files from <ISO drive>\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Tests\Additional Tests\x64\DevFund\DataDriven to a local folder such as %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Tests. Unmount the ISO.