
Sdílet prostřednictvím

WMI_QUERY_REGINFO_CALLBACK callback function (wmilib.h)

The DpWmiQueryReginfo routine provides information about the data blocks and event blocks to be registered by a driver. This routine is required.



NTSTATUS WmiQueryReginfoCallback(
  [in]  PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
  [out] PULONG RegFlags,
  [out] PUNICODE_STRING InstanceName,
  [out] PUNICODE_STRING *RegistryPath,
  [out] PUNICODE_STRING MofResourceName,


[in] DeviceObject

A pointer to the driver's WDM DEVICE_OBJECT structure.

[out] RegFlags

This parameter indicates common characteristics of all blocks being registered. Any flag set in RegFlags is applied to all blocks. A driver can supplement RegFlags for a given block by setting Flags in the block's WMIGUIDREGINFO structure. For example, a driver might clear WMIREG_FLAG_EXPENSIVE in RegFlags, but set it in Flags to register a given block as expensive to collect.

The driver sets one of the following flags in RegFlags:


Requests WMI to generate static instance names from a base name provided by the driver at the InstanceName. WMI generates instance names by appending a counter to the base name.


Requests WMI to generate static instance names from the device instance ID for the PDO. If the driver sets this flag, it must also set Pdo to the PDO passed to the driver's AddDevice routine. WMI generates instance names from the device instance path of the PDO. Using the device instance path as a base for static instance names is efficient because such names are guaranteed to be unique. WMI automatically supplies a "friendly" name for the instance as an item in a data block that can be queried by data consumers.

A driver might also set one or more of the following flags in RegFlags, but more typically would set them in Flags of a block's WMIGUIDREGINFO structure:


The blocks can be enabled or disabled as events only, and cannot be queried or set. If this flag is clear, the blocks can also be queried or set.


Requests WMI to send an IRP_MN_ENABLE_COLLECTION request the first time a data consumer opens a data block and an IRP_MN_DISABLE_COLLECTION request when the last data consumer closes the data block. This is recommended if collecting such data affects performance, because a driver need not collect the data until a data consumer explicitly requests it by opening the block.


Requests WMI to remove support for the blocks. This flag is valid only in response to a request to update registration information (IRP_MN_REGINFO or IRP_MN_REGINFO_EX with Parameters.WMI.DataPath set to WMIUPDATE).

[out] InstanceName

A pointer to a single counted Unicode string that serves as the base name for all instances of all blocks to be registered by the driver. WMI frees the string with ExFreePool. If WMIREG_FLAG_INSTANCE_BASENAME is clear, InstanceName is ignored.

[out] RegistryPath

A pointer to a pointer to a counted Unicode string that specifies the registry path passed to the driver's DriverEntry routine.

[out] MofResourceName

A pointer to a single counted Unicode string that indicates the name of the MOF resource attached to the driver's binary image file. Typically this string would be a static defined by the driver. WMI makes a copy of this string after the driver returns from this routine. This string can be dynamically allocated by the driver. In the case of an allocated string, the driver is responsible for freeing the string which should be done after WmiSystemControl returns. If the driver does not have a MOF resource attached, it can leave MofResourceName unchanged.

[out] Pdo

A pointer to the physical device object (PDO) passed to the driver's AddDevice routine. If WMIREG_FLAG_INSTANCE_PDO is set, WMI uses the device instance path of this PDO as a base from which to generate static instance names. If WMIREG_FLAG_INSTANCE_PDO is clear, WMI ignores Pdo.

Return value

DpWmiQueryReginfo always returns STATUS_SUCCESS.


WMI calls a driver's DpWmiQueryReginfo routine after the driver calls WmiSystemControl in response to an IRP_MN_REGINFO or IRP_MN_REGINFO_EX request. The driver must place the address of its DpWmiQueryReginfo routine in the WMILIB_CONTEXT structure that it passes to WmiSystemControl.

WMI sends the IRP after a driver calls IoWMIRegistrationControl with WMIREG_ACTION_REGISTER, WMIREG_ACTION_REREGISTER, or WMIREG_ACTION_UPDATE. WMI transparently handles the differences between IRP_MN_REGINFO and IRP_MN_REGINFO_EX on behalf of the driver.

WMI does not send an IRP_MN_REGINFO or IRP_MN_REGINFO_EX request after a driver calls IoWMIRegistrationControl with WMIREG_ACTION_DEREGISTER, because WMI requires no further information from the driver. A driver typically deregisters its blocks in response to an IRP_MN_REMOVE_DEVICE request.

The driver provides new or updated registration information about individual blocks, or indicates blocks to remove, in the WMILIB_CONTEXT structure it passes to WmiSystemControl. After the initial call, which establishes the driver's registry path and MOF resource name, a driver's DpWmiQueryReginfo routine can change flags common to all of a driver's blocks, provide a different base name string used to generate instance names, or change the basis for instance names from a string to the device instance path of the PDO.

The driver must not return STATUS_PENDING or block the request. The driver must not complete the request by calling WmiCompleteRequest from its DpWmiQueryReginfo routine or by calling IoCompleteRequest after WmiSystemControl returns.

This routine can be pageable.

For more information about implementing this routine, see Calling WmiSystemControl to Handle WMI IRPs.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header wmilib.h (include Wmilib.h)

See also




