
Sdílet prostřednictvím

IoReportTargetDeviceChangeAsynchronous function (wdm.h)

The IoReportTargetDeviceChangeAsynchronous routine notifies the PnP manager that a custom event has occurred on a device.


NTSTATUS IoReportTargetDeviceChangeAsynchronous(
  [in]           PDEVICE_OBJECT                   PhysicalDeviceObject,
  [in]           PVOID                            NotificationStructure,
  [in, out]      PVOID                            Context


[in] PhysicalDeviceObject

Pointer to the PDO of the device being reported.

[in] NotificationStructure

Pointer to a caller-supplied TARGET_DEVICE_CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION structure describing the custom event. The PnP manager sends this structure to drivers that registered for notification of the event.

This caller-supplied structure can be freed once the routine returns, as the PnP manager makes a shallow copy and uses the copy to notify drivers. The copy is automatically freed by the PnP manager once it is no longer needed. See Remarks section about allocation pool requirements.

NotificationStructure.FileObject must be NULL. NotificationStructure.Event must contain the custom GUID for the event. The other fields of the NotificationStructure must be filled in as appropriate for the custom event.

The PnP manager fills in the NotificationStructure.FileObject field when it sends notifications to registrants.

[in, optional] Callback

Optionally points to a caller-supplied routine that the PnP manager calls after it finishes notifying drivers that registered for this custom event.

The callback routine has the following type:

    IN PVOID Context

A device-change-complete callback routine should not block and must not call synchronous routines that generate PnP events.

The PnP manager calls device-change-complete callback routines at IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL.

[in, out] Context

Optionally points to a caller-supplied context structure that the PnP manager passes to the Callback routine. The caller must allocate this structure from nonpaged memory.

Return value

Return code Description
STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST The caller specified a system PnP event, such as GUID_TARGET_DEVICE_QUERY_REMOVE. This routine is only for custom events.


After the IoReportTargetDeviceChangeAsynchronous routine notifies the PnP manager that a custom event has occurred on a device, the routine returns immediately; it does not wait while the PnP manager sends notification of the event to drivers that registered for notification on the device. Do not use this routine to report system PnP events, such as GUID_TARGET_DEVICE_REMOVE_COMPLETE.

A driver that defines a custom device event calls IoReportTargetDeviceChangeAsynchronous to inform the PnP manager that the custom event has occurred. Custom notification can be used for events like a volume label change.

The custom notification structure contains a driver-defined event with its own GUID. Driver writers can generate GUIDs with Uuidgen.exe or Guidgen.exe (which are included in the Microsoft Windows SDK).

When a driver calls this routine while handling an event, an IRP_MN_REMOVE_DEVICE, or an IRP_MN_SURPRISE_REMOVAL, the PnP manager calls the driver's Callback routine after the driver returns and the stack unwinds.

Callers of IoReportTargetDeviceChangeAsynchronous must be running at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL. If a driver writer calls this routine at IRQL = DISPATCH_LEVEL, the NotificationStructure must be allocated from nonpaged memory.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Universal
Header wdm.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, Ntifs.h)
Library NtosKrnl.lib
DLL NtosKrnl.exe
IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL (see Remarks section)
DDI compliance rules HwStorPortProhibitedDDIs(storport)

See also
