
Sdílet prostřednictvím

MxdcGetPDEVAdjustment function (mxdc.h)

The MxdcGetPDEVAdjustment function is exported by a printer interface DLL and supplies printer configuration data for the Microsoft XPS Document Converter (MXDC).


HRESULT MxdcGetPDEVAdjustment(
  [in]           HANDLE                    hPrinter,
  [in]           ULONG                     cbDevMode,
  [in]           const DEVMODE             *pDevMode,
  [in]           ULONG                     cbIn,
  [in, optional] const VOID                *pvIn,
  [in]           ULONG                     cbPrintPropertiesCollection,
                 PrintPropertiesCollection *pPrintPropertiesCollection


[in] hPrinter

The handle of the currently instantiated printer.

[in] cbDevMode

The size of the DEVMODE structure, in bytes, including the driver's private DEVMODE data.

[in] pDevMode

A copy of the DEVMODE structure that the MXDC received. The printer interface DLL uses information from this structure to return the requested data.

[in] cbIn

An input parameter that designates the size of the pvIn parameter, in bytes. This parameter is currently not used and its value is zero.

[in, optional] pvIn

A parameter that consists of data that is sent to the printer interface DLL from the MXDC. This parameter is currently not used and its value is NULL.

[in] cbPrintPropertiesCollection

The size of the PrintPropertiesCollection data structure, in bytes.


The PrintPropertiesCollection data structure from which the printer interface's DLL gets the requested data. This structure is defined in WinSpool.h. The requested fields might be pre-filled with the MXDC's default data. The printer interface DLL must ignore the fields that it does not understand.

Return value

MxdcGetPDEVAdjustment should return one of the following values:

Return code Description
S_OK The printer interface DLL successfully returned an adjusted imageable area, compression type, or DPI based on the given DEVMODE structure. The MXDC will validate the returned imageable area and then use it to populate the GDIINFO structure to the respective fields.
E_NOTIMPL The MxdcGetPDEVAdjustment function is not implemented by the printer interface. The printer interface must not modify the fields that it does not support. The MXDC defaults to its current defaults. For the imageable area case, MXDC defaults to using the physical page size. For the compression option, MXDC defaults to medium JPEG compression.
E_FAIL For this value or any other failure values, the MXDC returns -1 to the DrvEnablePDEV function, catches the internal exception, and sets a flag to fail and end the print job.


The MxdcGetPDEVAdjustment function is implemented by the hardware vendor. The MXDC calls this function to obtain printer configuration data in the form of a property bag that includes the following data:

MXDC enables the printer interface DLL to adjust DPI through the MxdcGetPDEVAdjustment function only if the print job's dmPrintQuality field has a value that is less than or equal to 0. If the DPI value is not adjusted, MXDC maps negative dmPrintQuality values to the following resolutions.

GDI name (Wingdi.h) GDI value(Wingdi.h) MXDC default interpretation(dots per inch)
DMRES_HIGH -4 2400
DMRES_LOW -2 600

The name of the MXDC property that stores the MXDC default DPI value is L"MxdcDotsPerInch".

The following table lists the MXDC's property types and property-bag fields for the properties:

Property (propertyName) Property type (ePropertyValue) Property-bag fields
L"MxdcImageableArea" kPropertyTypeBuffer PrintPropertiesCollection::propertiesCollection[i].propertyValue.value.propertyBlob.cbBuf = sizeof(RECT) PrintPropertiesCollection::propertiesCollection[i].propertyValue.value.propertyBlob.pBuf
L"MxdcImageCompressionType" kPropertyTypeInt32 PrintPropertiesCollection::propertiesCollection[i].propertyValue.value.propertyInt32
L"MxdcDotsPerInch" kPropertyTypeInt32 PrintPropertiesCollection::propertiesCollection[i].propertyValue.value.propertyInt32
L"MxdcLandscapeRotation" kPropertyTypeInt32 PrintPropertiesCollection::propertiesCollection[i].propertyValue.value.propertyInt32

The following table lists the MXDC's supported data types and data values for the properties:

Property (propertyName) Data types and values
L"MxdcImageableArea" Data Type: RECT


RECT::left (Same as FORM_INFO_1)

RECT::right (Same as FORM_INFO_1)

RECT::top (Same as FORM_INFO_1)

RECT::bottom (Same as FORM_INFO_1)
L"MxdcImageCompressionType" Data Type: LONG


1 = JPEG High Compression

2 = JPEG Medium Compression

3 = JPEG Low Compression

4 = PNG Compression
L"MxdcDotsPerInch" Data Type: LONG


A positive value for Dots Per Inch
L"MxdcLandscapeRotation" Data Type: LONG





The MxdcGetPDEVAdjustment function is not a part of the MXDC. The MXDC calls back to this function in the driver's configuration DLL to obtain data for configuring the printer.

The MXDC expects the imageable area to be expressed in unrotated coordinates (portrait orientation). The MXDC rotates both the page size and the imageable area according to the value of the dmOrientation member of the DEVMODE structure pointed to by pDevMode. Thus, the hardware vendor's implementation of MxdcGetPDEVAdjustment should avoid specifying the imageable area in rotated coordinates (landscape orientation) because this will cause landscape print jobs to print incorrectly.

The default value in the MXDC will be MXDC_LANDSCAPE_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE_270_DEGREES, which is its current legacy behavior.

All rotation will be done on the imageable area. If a configuration component (UniDrv/PostScript, XPSDrv Monolithic) does not understand the new property bag values, then it should ignore them as is in the current design.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header mxdc.h (include Mxdc.h)

See also



IPrintOemUIMXDC Interface