Nastavte funkce založené na jazyce, jako je osnova, definováním typů textových oblastí, které chcete rozbalit nebo sbalit. Oblasti můžete definovat v kontextu služby jazyka nebo definovat vlastní příponu názvu souboru a typ obsahu a použít definici oblasti pouze na tento typ nebo použít definice oblasti u existujícího typu obsahu (například "text"). Tento názorný postup ukazuje, jak definovat a zobrazit oblasti osnovy.
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Vytvoření projektu MEF
Vytvořte projekt VSIX. Pojmenujte řešení OutlineRegionTest.
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Implementace osnovy taggeru
Oblasti osnovy jsou označené druhem značky (OutliningRegionTag). Tato značka poskytuje standardní chování osnovy. Obrysová oblast se dá rozbalit nebo sbalit. Obrysová oblast je označená symbolem plus (+), pokud je sbalená nebo znaménko minus (-), pokud je rozbalená, a rozbalená oblast je oddělená svislou čárou.
Následující kroky ukazují, jak definovat tagger, který vytvoří osnovu pro všechny oblasti oddělené hranatými závorkami ([,]).
Implementace osnovy taggeru
Přidejte soubor třídy a pojmenujte ho OutliningTagger.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Outlining;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
internal sealed class OutliningTagger : ITagger<IOutliningRegionTag>
Friend NotInheritable Class OutliningTagger
Implements ITagger(Of IOutliningRegionTag)
Přidejte některá pole ke sledování textové vyrovnávací paměti a snímku a k nashromáždění sad řádků, které by se měly označit jako oblasti osnovy. Tento kód obsahuje seznam objektů oblastí (které se mají definovat později), které představují oblasti osnovy.
string startHide = "["; //the characters that start the outlining region
string endHide = "]"; //the characters that end the outlining region
string ellipsis = "..."; //the characters that are displayed when the region is collapsed
string hoverText = "hover text"; //the contents of the tooltip for the collapsed span
ITextBuffer buffer;
ITextSnapshot snapshot;
List<Region> regions;
'the characters that start the outlining region
Private startHide As String = "["
'the characters that end the outlining region
Private endHide As String = "]"
'the characters that are displayed when the region is collapsed
Private ellipsis As String = "..."
'the contents of the tooltip for the collapsed span
Private hoverText As String = "hover text"
Private buffer As ITextBuffer
Private snapshot As ITextSnapshot
Private regions As List(Of Region)
Přidejte konstruktor taggeru, který inicializuje pole, analyzuje vyrovnávací paměť a přidá obslužnou rutinu události do Changed události.
public OutliningTagger(ITextBuffer buffer)
this.buffer = buffer;
this.snapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
this.regions = new List<Region>();
this.buffer.Changed += BufferChanged;
Public Sub New(ByVal buffer As ITextBuffer)
Me.buffer = buffer
Me.snapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot
Me.regions = New List(Of Region)()
AddHandler Me.buffer.Changed, AddressOf BufferChanged
End Sub
Implementujte metodu GetTags , která vytvoří instanci značky. Tento příklad předpokládá, že rozsahy předávané NormalizedSpanCollection metodě jsou souvislé, i když to nemusí být vždy případ. Tato metoda vytvoří instanci nového rozsahu značek pro každou oblast osnovy.
public IEnumerable<ITagSpan<IOutliningRegionTag>> GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
if (spans.Count == 0)
yield break;
List<Region> currentRegions = this.regions;
ITextSnapshot currentSnapshot = this.snapshot;
SnapshotSpan entire = new SnapshotSpan(spans[0].Start, spans[spans.Count - 1].End).TranslateTo(currentSnapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive);
int startLineNumber = entire.Start.GetContainingLine().LineNumber;
int endLineNumber = entire.End.GetContainingLine().LineNumber;
foreach (var region in currentRegions)
if (region.StartLine <= endLineNumber &&
region.EndLine >= startLineNumber)
var startLine = currentSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(region.StartLine);
var endLine = currentSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(region.EndLine);
//the region starts at the beginning of the "[", and goes until the *end* of the line that contains the "]".
yield return new TagSpan<IOutliningRegionTag>(
new SnapshotSpan(startLine.Start + region.StartOffset,
new OutliningRegionTag(false, false, ellipsis, hoverText));
Public Function GetTags(ByVal spans As NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection) As IEnumerable(Of ITagSpan(Of IOutliningRegionTag)) Implements ITagger(Of Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging.IOutliningRegionTag).GetTags
If spans.Count = 0 Then
Return Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Dim currentRegions As List(Of Region) = Me.regions
Dim currentSnapshot As ITextSnapshot = Me.snapshot
Dim entire As SnapshotSpan = New SnapshotSpan(spans(0).Start, spans(spans.Count - 1).[End]).TranslateTo(currentSnapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive)
Dim startLineNumber As Integer = entire.Start.GetContainingLine().LineNumber
Dim endLineNumber As Integer = entire.[End].GetContainingLine().LineNumber
Dim list As List(Of ITagSpan(Of IOutliningRegionTag))
list = New List(Of ITagSpan(Of IOutliningRegionTag))()
For Each region In currentRegions
If region.StartLine <= endLineNumber AndAlso region.EndLine >= startLineNumber Then
Dim startLine = currentSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(region.StartLine)
Dim endLine = currentSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(region.EndLine)
'the region starts at the beginning of the "[", and goes until the *end* of the line that contains the "]".
list.Add(New TagSpan(Of IOutliningRegionTag)(New SnapshotSpan(startLine.Start + region.StartOffset, endLine.End),
New OutliningRegionTag(False, False, ellipsis, hoverText)))
End If
Return list
End Function
void BufferChanged(object sender, TextContentChangedEventArgs e)
// If this isn't the most up-to-date version of the buffer, then ignore it for now (we'll eventually get another change event).
if (e.After != buffer.CurrentSnapshot)
Private Sub BufferChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As TextContentChangedEventArgs)
' If this isn't the most up-to-date version of the buffer, then ignore it for now (we'll eventually get another change event).
If e.After IsNot buffer.CurrentSnapshot Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Přidejte metodu, která analyzuje vyrovnávací paměť. Příklad uvedený tady je jenom pro ilustraci. Synchronně analyzuje vyrovnávací paměť do vnořených oblastí osnovy.
void ReParse()
ITextSnapshot newSnapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
List<Region> newRegions = new List<Region>();
//keep the current (deepest) partial region, which will have
// references to any parent partial regions.
PartialRegion currentRegion = null;
foreach (var line in newSnapshot.Lines)
int regionStart = -1;
string text = line.GetText();
//lines that contain a "[" denote the start of a new region.
if ((regionStart = text.IndexOf(startHide, StringComparison.Ordinal)) != -1)
int currentLevel = (currentRegion != null) ? currentRegion.Level : 1;
int newLevel;
if (!TryGetLevel(text, regionStart, out newLevel))
newLevel = currentLevel + 1;
//levels are the same and we have an existing region;
//end the current region and start the next
if (currentLevel == newLevel && currentRegion != null)
newRegions.Add(new Region()
Level = currentRegion.Level,
StartLine = currentRegion.StartLine,
StartOffset = currentRegion.StartOffset,
EndLine = line.LineNumber
currentRegion = new PartialRegion()
Level = newLevel,
StartLine = line.LineNumber,
StartOffset = regionStart,
PartialParent = currentRegion.PartialParent
//this is a new (sub)region
currentRegion = new PartialRegion()
Level = newLevel,
StartLine = line.LineNumber,
StartOffset = regionStart,
PartialParent = currentRegion
//lines that contain "]" denote the end of a region
else if ((regionStart = text.IndexOf(endHide, StringComparison.Ordinal)) != -1)
int currentLevel = (currentRegion != null) ? currentRegion.Level : 1;
int closingLevel;
if (!TryGetLevel(text, regionStart, out closingLevel))
closingLevel = currentLevel;
//the regions match
if (currentRegion != null &&
currentLevel == closingLevel)
newRegions.Add(new Region()
Level = currentLevel,
StartLine = currentRegion.StartLine,
StartOffset = currentRegion.StartOffset,
EndLine = line.LineNumber
currentRegion = currentRegion.PartialParent;
//determine the changed span, and send a changed event with the new spans
List<Span> oldSpans =
new List<Span>(this.regions.Select(r => AsSnapshotSpan(r, this.snapshot)
.TranslateTo(newSnapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive)
List<Span> newSpans =
new List<Span>(newRegions.Select(r => AsSnapshotSpan(r, newSnapshot).Span));
NormalizedSpanCollection oldSpanCollection = new NormalizedSpanCollection(oldSpans);
NormalizedSpanCollection newSpanCollection = new NormalizedSpanCollection(newSpans);
//the changed regions are regions that appear in one set or the other, but not both.
NormalizedSpanCollection removed =
NormalizedSpanCollection.Difference(oldSpanCollection, newSpanCollection);
int changeStart = int.MaxValue;
int changeEnd = -1;
if (removed.Count > 0)
changeStart = removed[0].Start;
changeEnd = removed[removed.Count - 1].End;
if (newSpans.Count > 0)
changeStart = Math.Min(changeStart, newSpans[0].Start);
changeEnd = Math.Max(changeEnd, newSpans[newSpans.Count - 1].End);
this.snapshot = newSnapshot;
this.regions = newRegions;
if (changeStart <= changeEnd)
ITextSnapshot snap = this.snapshot;
if (this.TagsChanged != null)
this.TagsChanged(this, new SnapshotSpanEventArgs(
new SnapshotSpan(this.snapshot, Span.FromBounds(changeStart, changeEnd))));
Private Sub ReParse()
Dim newSnapshot As ITextSnapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot
Dim newRegions As New List(Of Region)()
'keep the current (deepest) partial region, which will have
' references to any parent partial regions.
Dim currentRegion As PartialRegion = Nothing
For Each line In newSnapshot.Lines
Dim regionStart As Integer = -1
Dim text As String = line.GetText()
'lines that contain a "[" denote the start of a new region.
If text.IndexOf(startHide, StringComparison.Ordinal) <> -1 Then
regionStart = text.IndexOf(startHide, StringComparison.Ordinal)
Dim currentLevel As Integer = If((currentRegion IsNot Nothing), currentRegion.Level, 1)
Dim newLevel As Integer
If Not TryGetLevel(text, regionStart, newLevel) Then
newLevel = currentLevel + 1
End If
'levels are the same and we have an existing region;
'end the current region and start the next
If currentLevel = newLevel AndAlso currentRegion IsNot Nothing Then
Dim newRegion = New Region()
newRegion.Level = currentRegion.Level
newRegion.StartLine = currentRegion.StartLine
newRegion.StartOffset = currentRegion.StartOffset
newRegion.EndLine = line.LineNumber
currentRegion = New PartialRegion()
currentRegion.Level = newLevel
currentRegion.StartLine = line.LineNumber
currentRegion.StartOffset = regionStart
currentRegion.PartialParent = currentRegion.PartialParent
'this is a new (sub)region
currentRegion = New PartialRegion()
currentRegion.Level = newLevel
currentRegion.StartLine = line.LineNumber
currentRegion.StartOffset = regionStart
currentRegion.PartialParent = currentRegion
End If
'lines that contain "]" denote the end of a region
ElseIf (text.IndexOf(endHide, StringComparison.Ordinal)) <> -1 Then
regionStart = text.IndexOf(endHide, StringComparison.Ordinal)
Dim currentLevel As Integer = If((currentRegion IsNot Nothing), currentRegion.Level, 1)
Dim closingLevel As Integer
If Not TryGetLevel(text, regionStart, closingLevel) Then
closingLevel = currentLevel
End If
'the regions match
If currentRegion IsNot Nothing AndAlso currentLevel = closingLevel Then
Dim newRegion As Region
newRegion = New Region()
newRegion.Level = currentLevel
newRegion.StartLine = currentRegion.StartLine
newRegion.StartOffset = currentRegion.StartOffset
newRegion.EndLine = line.LineNumber
currentRegion = currentRegion.PartialParent
End If
End If
'determine the changed span, and send a changed event with the new spans
Dim oldSpans As New List(Of Span)(Me.regions.[Select](Function(r) AsSnapshotSpan(r, Me.snapshot).TranslateTo(newSnapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive).Span))
Dim newSpans As New List(Of Span)(newRegions.[Select](Function(r) AsSnapshotSpan(r, newSnapshot).Span))
Dim oldSpanCollection As New NormalizedSpanCollection(oldSpans)
Dim newSpanCollection As New NormalizedSpanCollection(newSpans)
'the changed regions are regions that appear in one set or the other, but not both.
Dim removed As NormalizedSpanCollection = NormalizedSpanCollection.Difference(oldSpanCollection, newSpanCollection)
Dim changeStart As Integer = Integer.MaxValue
Dim changeEnd As Integer = -1
If removed.Count > 0 Then
changeStart = removed(0).Start
changeEnd = removed(removed.Count - 1).[End]
End If
If newSpans.Count > 0 Then
changeStart = Math.Min(changeStart, newSpans(0).Start)
changeEnd = Math.Max(changeEnd, newSpans(newSpans.Count - 1).[End])
End If
Me.snapshot = newSnapshot
Me.regions = newRegions
If changeStart <= changeEnd Then
Dim snap As ITextSnapshot = Me.snapshot
RaiseEvent TagsChanged(Me, New SnapshotSpanEventArgs(New SnapshotSpan(Me.snapshot, Span.FromBounds(changeStart, changeEnd))))
End If
End Sub
Následující pomocná metoda získá celé číslo, které představuje úroveň osnovy, tak, že 1 je levá závorka pár.
static bool TryGetLevel(string text, int startIndex, out int level)
level = -1;
if (text.Length > startIndex + 3)
if (int.TryParse(text.Substring(startIndex + 1), out level))
return true;
return false;
Private Shared Function TryGetLevel(ByVal text As String, ByVal startIndex As Integer, ByRef level As Integer) As Boolean
level = -1
If text.Length > startIndex + 3 Then
If Integer.TryParse(text.Substring(startIndex + 1), level) Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
Následující pomocná metoda přeloží oblast (definovanou dále v tomto článku) do snapshotSpan.
static SnapshotSpan AsSnapshotSpan(Region region, ITextSnapshot snapshot)
var startLine = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(region.StartLine);
var endLine = (region.StartLine == region.EndLine) ? startLine
: snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(region.EndLine);
return new SnapshotSpan(startLine.Start + region.StartOffset, endLine.End);
Private Shared Function AsSnapshotSpan(ByVal region As Region, ByVal snapshot As ITextSnapshot) As SnapshotSpan
Dim startLine = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(region.StartLine)
Dim endLine = If((region.StartLine = region.EndLine), startLine, snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(region.EndLine))
Return New SnapshotSpan(startLine.Start + region.StartOffset, endLine.[End])
End Function
Následující kód je určen pouze pro ilustraci. Definuje třídu PartialRegion, která obsahuje číslo řádku a posun začátku osnovy oblasti a odkaz na nadřazenou oblast (pokud existuje). Tento kód umožňuje analyzátoru nastavit vnořené oblasti osnovy. Odvozená třída oblasti obsahuje odkaz na číslo řádku konce osnovy oblasti.
class PartialRegion
public int StartLine { get; set; }
public int StartOffset { get; set; }
public int Level { get; set; }
public PartialRegion PartialParent { get; set; }
class Region : PartialRegion
public int EndLine { get; set; }
Private Class PartialRegion
Private _StartLine As Integer
Public Property StartLine() As Integer
Return _StartLine
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_StartLine = value
End Set
End Property
Private _StartOffset As Integer
Public Property StartOffset() As Integer
Return _StartOffset
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_StartOffset = value
End Set
End Property
Private _Level As Integer
Public Property Level() As Integer
Return _Level
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_Level = value
End Set
End Property
Private _PartialParent As PartialRegion
Public Property PartialParent() As PartialRegion
Return _PartialParent
End Get
Set(ByVal value As PartialRegion)
_PartialParent = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Private Class Region
Inherits PartialRegion
Private _EndLine As Integer
Public Property EndLine() As Integer
Return _EndLine
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_EndLine = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Implementace zprostředkovatele taggeru
Exportujte poskytovatele taggeru pro váš tagger. Zprostředkovatel taggeru OutliningTagger vytvoří vyrovnávací paměť typu obsahu "text", nebo vrátí OutliningTagger , pokud už vyrovnávací paměť obsahuje.
Implementace poskytovatele taggeru
Vytvořte třídu s názvem OutliningTaggerProvider , která implementuje ITaggerProvidera exportuje s atributy ContentType a TagType.
public ITagger<T> CreateTagger<T>(ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag
//create a single tagger for each buffer.
Func<ITagger<T>> sc = delegate() { return new OutliningTagger(buffer) as ITagger<T>; };
return buffer.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty<ITagger<T>>(sc);
Public Function CreateTagger(Of T As ITag)(ByVal buffer As ITextBuffer) As ITagger(Of T) Implements ITaggerProvider.CreateTagger
'create a single tagger for each buffer.
Dim sc As Func(Of ITagger(Of T)) = Function() TryCast(New OutliningTagger(buffer), ITagger(Of T))
Return buffer.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty(Of ITagger(Of T))(sc)
End Function
Sestavení a otestování kódu
Tento kód otestujete tak, že sestavíte řešení OutlineRegionTest a spustíte ho v experimentální instanci.
Sestavení a testování řešení OutlineRegionTest
Sestavte řešení.
Když tento projekt spustíte v ladicím programu, spustí se druhá instance sady Visual Studio.
Vytvořte textový soubor. Zadejte text, který obsahuje levou závorku i pravou závorku.
Měla by existovat osnova, která obsahuje obě hranaté závorky. Měli byste být schopni kliknout na znaménko minus vlevo od otevřené závorky a sbalit oblast osnovy. Když je oblast sbalená, měla by se nalevo od sbalené oblasti zobrazit symbol tří teček (...) a při přesunutí ukazatele myši na tři tečky by se měl zobrazit automaticky otevíraný text obsahující text .