
Sdílet prostřednictvím


Declares a package extension point of type windows.comServer. The comServer extension may include four types of registrations: ExeServer, SurrogateServer, ProgId, or TreatAsClass.

Element hierarchy









  <!-- Child elements -->



{}   specific range of occurrences

Attributes and elements



Child elements

Child element Description
com:ExeServer Registers an ExeServer with one or many class registrations.
com:SurrogateServer Registers an SurrogateServer with one or many class registrations.
com:ProgId A programmatic identifier (ProgID) that can be associated with a CLSID.
com:TreatAsClass A registration that corresponds to a CLSID registration with the TreatAs subkey.

Parent elements

Parent element Description
com:Extension Provides functionality to expose COM registrations to clients outside of the app package.


In multi-application packages, it's important to place the COM server registration under the correct Applications/Application manifest element, because COM server processes will run with the identity of the ancestor Applications/Application element.

COM servers registered in the manifest always get Activate As Package (AAP) behavior, which means the COM server runs with the user session default token with package and application claims added. This is different from the default activation behavior of classically registered COM servers, in which the COM server runs with the client's token. For most applications, this difference will not be noticeable because clients typically run with the user session default token. Other activation behaviors, such as RunAs, are not supported.


Any registrations in comServer that depend on another registration (e.g. a ProgId references a Class) must be in the same comServer extension.

It is possible to have multiple comServer extensions under the Applications/Application element, but that is neither necessary nor recommended.


Item Value
Namespace http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/com/windows10
Minimum OS Version Windows 10 version 1703 (Build 15063)