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VisualElements (feature extensions schema for Windows 8.1)

Describes the visual aspects of the UWP app: its default tile, logo images, text and background colors, initial screen orientation, splash screen, and lock screen tile appearance.

Element hierarchy



<VisualElements Square150x150Logo = A string between 1 and 256 characters in length that ends with ".jpg", ".png", or ".jpeg" that can't contain these characters: <, >, :, ", |, ?, or *. In this string, the / and \ characters can't be the first or last characters. Also, the string can contain / or \ but not both.
                Square30x30Logo   = A string between 1 and 256 characters in length that ends with ".jpg", ".png", or ".jpeg" that can't contain these characters: <, >, :, ", |, ?, or *. In this string, the / and \ characters can't be the first or last characters. Also, the string can contain / or \ but not both. >

  <!-- Child elements -->
  ( DefaultTile?
  & LockScreen?
  & SplashScreen
  & InitialRotationPreference?
  & ApplicationView?



?   optional (zero or one)

&   interleave connector (may occur in any order)

Attributes and Elements


Attribute Description Data type Required Default value

A 150x150 image used as the app's square tile. For more info about how to specify the image in this attribute, see Remarks.

A string between 1 and 256 characters in length that ends with ".jpg", ".png", or ".jpeg" that can't contain these characters: <, >, :, ", |, ?, or *. In this string, the / and \ characters can't be the first or last characters. Also, the string can contain / or \ but not both. Yes

A 30x30 image used as the app's square tile. For more info about how to specify the image in this attribute, see Remarks.

A string between 1 and 256 characters in length that ends with ".jpg", ".png", or ".jpeg" that can't contain these characters: <, >, :, ", |, ?, or *. In this string, the / and \ characters can't be the first or last characters. Also, the string can contain / or \ but not both. Yes


Child Elements

Child Element Description

Describes how the app is viewed on the screen.


The default tile that represents the app on the Start screen. This tile is displayed when the app is first installed, before it has received any update notifications. When a tile has no notifications to show, the tile reverts to this default.


Describes the orientations in which the app would prefer to be shown for the best user experience. On a device that can be rotated, such as a tablet, the app will not be redrawn for orientations that are not specified here. For instance, if the app specifies only Landscape and LandscapeFlipped orientations, and the device is rotated to a Portrait orientation, the app will not rotate.

Note that on devices that can't be rotated, an app might be shown in that device's default orientation and the app's preferred orientation will be ignored. However, on a device with a rotation lock activated, your app's preferred rotation will still be honored.

These orientation preference choices apply to both the [splash screen](element-splashscreen.md) and the app UI when a new session is launched for your app. The preferences can be changed during run time through the [AutoRotationPreferences](/uwp/api/Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayInformation) property.


Defines the badge and notifications that represent the app on the lock screen, which is shown when the system is locked.


Defines the appearance of the splash screen, which is displayed by the app during launch.


Parent Elements

This outermost (document) element may not be contained by any other elements.


For more info about visual aspects for apps, see VisualElements.

The manifest performs these semantic checks for VisualElements, which aren't enforced in the schema.

Square150x150Logo and Square30x30Logo images can be given as either a direct path to an image file or as a resource. By using a resource reference, you can supply localized images to match different UI languages. For more info, see the Globalization topic.


Namespace http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/2013/manifest