Sdílet prostřednictvím

VideoTrackSupportInfo Class


Provides support information for a VideoTrack. This information includes the status of the video decoder and the status of the MediaSource with which the video track is associated.

public ref class VideoTrackSupportInfo sealed
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, 196608)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingBehavior(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingType.Agile)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Threading(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ThreadingModel.Both)]
class VideoTrackSupportInfo final
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract), 196608)]
public sealed class VideoTrackSupportInfo
Public NotInheritable Class VideoTrackSupportInfo
Object Platform::Object IInspectable VideoTrackSupportInfo

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows 10 Anniversary Edition (introduced in 10.0.14393.0)
API contract
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (introduced in v3.0)


If a failure occurs when a VideoTrack is opened, you can get detailed status and failure information by handling the OpenFailed event and checking the SupportInfo property of the VideoTrack passed into the event as the sender.



Gets the status of the video decoder that is decoding the VideoTrack, including whether the encoding for the video track is fully or partially supported.


Gets the status of the MediaSource with which the VideoTrack is associated.

Applies to