Exercise - Set up Commerce chat with Omnichannel for Customer Service
You're a developer at a company and want to set up Commerce Chat with Omnichannel for Customer Service. You've already generated the script that you need from setting up the chat feature in the Omnichannel for Customer Service Administration widget, and you've already navigated to the site builder for your site.
To set up Commerce Chat with Omnichannel for Customer Service, follow these steps:
Go to Fragments.
Select New.
In the Select a fragment dialog, select the Commerce Chat with Omnichannel for Customer Service module, enter a name for the fragment, and then select OK.
In the Outline view, select the Msdyn365 cs chat connector slot.
On the right is a Chat properties pane, where you'll need to enter the following information:
In the Script source field, enter the src value from the script.
In the Data application ID field, enter the data-app-id value from the script.
In the Data organization ID field, enter the data-org-id value from the script.
In the Data organization URL field, enter the data-org-url value from the script.
Select Save > Finish editing to check in the fragment that you created.
Select Publish to publish the fragment.
In the Default container slot, select the ellipsis (...) and then select Add fragment.
In the Select modules dialog, select the chat fragment that you created and then select OK.
Select Save > Finish editing to check in the fragment that you created.
Select Publish to publish the fragment.