Sdílet prostřednictvím

Ukázkový konfigurační soubor pro shromažďování souborů protokolu Linuxu


System Center Operations Manager nebude podporovat monitorování souboru protokolu založeného na fluentD při vyřazení agenta OMS, které je naplánované na srpen 2024.

Tento článek podrobně popisuje ukázkovou konfiguraci shromažďování souborů protokolu z Linuxu pomocí nástroje System Center Operations Manager.

Vzorová konfigurace

# Have a source directive for each log file source file.

    # Fluentd input tail plugin, will start reading from the tail of the log

    type tail

    # Specify the log file path. This supports wild card character
    path /root/demo/log/demo*.log

    # This is recommended - Fluentd will record the position it last read into this file. Change this folder according to your server
    #pos_file PATH /home/user1/fluent-test/demo_simple_match.log.pos

    # tag is used to correlate the directives. For example, source with corresponding filter and match directives.
    tag scom.log

    #reads the  fields from the log file in the specified format
    format /(?<message>.*)/


    # Fluentd input tail plugin, will start reading from the tail of the log
    type tail

    # Specify the log file path.
    path /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log

    # tag is used to correlate the directives.
    tag  scom.mongo.log

    #reads the  fields from the log file in the specified format

    format /(?<timestamp>[^ ]*) (?<severity>[A-Z]) (?<component>(-|([^ ]*)))\s* \[(?<context>[^\]]*)\] ((?<query>.*) (?<querytime_ms>[\d\.]+(?=ms))|(?<message>.*))/

    # Fluentd input tail plugin, will start reading from the tail of the log
    type tail

    # Specify the log file path. This supports wild card character
    path /var/log/syslog

    # This is recommended - Fluentd will record the position it last read into this file
    #pos_file /home/user1/fluent-test/demo_syslog.log.pos

    # tag is used to correlate the directives. For example, source with corresponding filter and match directives.
    tag scom.log.syslog

    format /(?<message>.*)/



    type tail

                    # Log file that needs to be monitored
    path /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log

                    # tag to correlate with filter and match directives
    tag  scom.log.mongo

    # reads the following fields from the log file
    format /(?<timestamp>[^ ]*) (?<severity>[A-Z]) (?<component>(-|([^ ]*)))\s* \[(?<context>[^\]]*)\] ((?<query>.*) (?<querytime_ms>[\d\.]+(?=ms))|(?<message>.*))/

    #type of the parsed field
    types querytime_ms:float


<filter scom.log>

    # new scom fluentd plugin for simple match - Input - Pattern A;  Action: log record = A à Send Event

    type filter_scom_simple_match

    # Input Pattern to look for. In this case looking for Invalid guest user
    regexp1 message Invalid user guest

    # Event to be generated and sent to SCOM OMED service.
    event_id1 6201

    # Event description to be sent to SCOM
    event_desc1 Failed login attempt. Invalid User guest attempted to log in


<filter scom.mongo.log>

    # Standard published Fluentd grep filter plugin,
    type grep

    # Filters the log record with the match pattern specified here
    regexp1 message AuthenticationFailed

    <filter scom.mongo.log>
    # new scom converter fluentd plugin. This plugin converts data from generic fluentd filter plugins to format acceptable by SCOM
    type filter_scom_converter

    # Event to be generated and sent to SCOM OMED service.
    event_id 6207

    # Event description to be sent to SCOM

    event_desc MongoDB Authentication Failed


<filter scom.log.syslog>

    # SCOM filter plugin for exclusive match - 2 Inputs - Pattern A and B; Action: (log record = A & log record != B) then Send Event.
    type filter_scom_excl_match

    # Example where user monitors if insertion of a record in MongoDB succeeds.
    regexp1 message Insertion of [a-z0-9]*
    regexp2 message succeeded

    event_id 6206
    event_desc Failed to insert a record in MongoDB

    <filter scom.log.syslog>
    # SCOM filter plugin for correlated match - 3 Inputs - Pattern A, B and Timer T; Action: (log record = A; within T if log record = B)  then send Event.
    type filter_scom_cor_match

    # User verifies if a particular package installation fails
    regexp1 message Starting install of package [A-Za-z0-9]*
    regexp2 message Install failed for package [A-Za-z0-9]*
    time_interval 5
    event_id 6210
    event_desc Package installation failed

<filter scom.log.mongo>

    # SCOM filter plugin for Repeated correlation - 3 Inputs - Pattern A, Timer T and Count N; Action: (within T if log record = A, N number of times) then send an Event
    type filter_scom_repeated_cor

    # If a user tries to log into MongoDB using incorrect credentials and authentication fails for 5 times, an event is generated.
    regexp1 message AuthenticationFailed:
    num_occurrences 5
    time_interval 5

    event_id 6206
    event_desc User Authentication failed 5 times. User had tried to authenticate with incorrect credentials.


<filter scom.log.mongo>

    # SCOM filter plugin for Exclusive correlation - 3 Inputs - Pattern A, B and Timer T; Action: (log record = A, within T if log record != B  then send an Event.

    type filter_scom_excl_correlation

    # If Mongo DB fails to restart, an event would be sent.
    regexp1 message dbexit:
    regexp2 message waiting for connections
    time_interval 5

    event_id 6210
    event_desc MongoDB restart failure

<match scom.log.** scom.event>

    # output plugin to use - this is a dedicated output plugin for SCOM
    type out_scom

    log_level trace
    num_threads 5

    # size of the buffer chunk. If the top chunk exceeds this limit or the time limit flush_interval, a new empty chunk is pushed to the top of the queue and bottom chunk is written out.
    buffer_chunk_limit 5m
    flush_interval 15s

    # specifies the buffer plugin to use. Here buffer type used it “file”
    buffer_type file

    # specifies the file path for buffer. Make sure fluentd has write access to the directory.
    buffer_path /var/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/state/out_scom_common*.buffer

    # If queue length exceeds the specified limit, events are rejected.
    buffer_queue_limit 10

    # Control the buffer behavior when the queue becomes full - 3 modes supported - exception, block, drop oldest chunk
    buffer_queue_full_action drop_oldest_chunk

    retry_limit 10
    # If the bottom chunk fails to be written out, it will remain in the queue and Fluentd will retry after waiting retry_wait seconds
    retry_wait 30s

    # The retry wait time doubles each time until max_retry_wait.
    max_retry_wait 9m

Další kroky

Pokud chcete nakonfigurovat agenty tak, aby shromažďovali soubory protokolu pro monitorování pomocí konfiguračního souboru, přečtěte si téma Kopírování konfiguračního souboru do agenta.