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Transforming to modern site pages using PowerShell


SharePoint PnP Modernization is part of the PnP Framework and is continuously evolving, checkout the release notes to stay up to date on the latest changes. If you encounter problems please file an issue in the PnP Framework GitHub issue list.

The page transformation engine can also be used from PowerShell. This allows it to be integrated in a site modernization script that besides page transformation also does other things like installing solution, connecting the site to a Microsoft 365 group and applying tenant branding. A good example of an all-up modernization script can be found in the Microsoft 365 group connect article.


Below script shows how to transform pages. It requires PnP PowerShell version 1.3.* (February 2021) or higher. There are additional sample scripts (e.g. for transforming publishing page, for transforming from on-premises SharePoint) available in our GitHub scripts location.



    Converts all classic wiki and web part pages in a site. 
    You need to install PnP PowerShell: https://pnp.github.io/powershell/

    Sample includes:
        - Conversion of wiki and web part pages
        - Connecting to MFA or supplying credentials
        - Includes Logging to File, log flushing into single log file        


    Convert-WikiAndWebPartPages.ps1 -SourceUrl "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/classicteamsite" -TakeSourcePageName:$true

    Useful references:
        - https://aka.ms/sppnp-pagetransformation
        - https://aka.ms/sppnp-powershell

param (

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Url of the site containing the pages to modernize")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Modern page takes source page name")]
    [bool]$TakeSourcePageName = $false,    

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Supply credentials for multiple runs/sites")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify log file location, defaults to the same folder as the script is in")]
    [string]$LogOutputFolder = $(Get-Location)
    Write-Host "Connecting to " $SourceUrl
        Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SourceUrl -Credentials $Credentials
        Start-Sleep -s 3
        Connect-PnPOnline -Url $sourceUrl -Interactive
        Start-Sleep -s 3
    Write-Host "Ensure the modern page feature is enabled..." -ForegroundColor Green
    Enable-PnPFeature -Identity "B6917CB1-93A0-4B97-A84D-7CF49975D4EC" -Scope Web -Force

    Write-Host "Modernizing wiki and web part pages..." -ForegroundColor Green
    # Get all the pages in the site pages library. 
    # Use paging (-PageSize parameter) to ensure the query works when there are more than 5000 items in the list
    $pages = Get-PnPListItem -List sitepages -PageSize 500

    Write-Host "Pages are fetched, let's start the modernization..." -ForegroundColor Green
    Foreach($page in $pages)
        $pageName = $page.FieldValues["FileLeafRef"]
        if ($page.FieldValues["ClientSideApplicationId"] -eq "b6917cb1-93a0-4b97-a84d-7cf49975d4ec" ) 
            Write-Host "Page " $page.FieldValues["FileLeafRef"] " is modern, no need to modernize it again" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "Processing page $($pageName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
            # -TakeSourcePageName:
            # The old pages will be renamed to Previous_<pagename>.aspx. If you want to 
            # keep the old page names as is then set the TakeSourcePageName to $false. 
            # You then will see the new modern page be named Migrated_<pagename>.aspx

            # -Overwrite:
            # Overwrites the target page (needed if you run the modernization multiple times)
            # -LogVerbose:
            # Add this switch to enable verbose logging if you want more details logged

            # KeepPageCreationModificationInformation:
            # Give the newly created page the same page author/editor/created/modified information 
            # as the original page. Remove this switch if you don't like that

            # -CopyPageMetadata:
            # Copies metadata of the original page to the created modern page. Remove this
            # switch if you don't want to copy the page metadata

            ConvertTo-PnPPage -Identity $page.FieldValues["ID"] `
                                -Overwrite `
                                -TakeSourcePageName:$TakeSourcePageName `
                                -LogType File `
                                -LogFolder $LogOutputFolder `
                                -LogSkipFlush `
                                -KeepPageCreationModificationInformation `

    # Write the logs to the folder
    Write-Host "Writing the conversion log file..." -ForegroundColor Green

    Write-Host "Wiki and web part page modernization complete! :)" -ForegroundColor Green

Options for the ConvertTo-PnPPage cmdlet

The ConvertTo-PnPPage cmdlet is the key cmdlet to modernize a given page. Below table lists the command line parameters that you can use to control the page transformation via this cmdlet.

Parameter Default Supported For Description
Identity (*) All page types The page name (e.g. pageA.aspx) for wiki, web part and publishing pages or the blog title for classic blog pages. In case of classic blog pages the first blog page where the title starts with the provided Identity will be used or alternatively you can also specify the id (integer value) of the page.
Library Wiki/webpart pages The library holding the page. Use this -Library parameter when your wiki or web part page lives outside of the default SitePages library.
Folder Wiki/webpart/publishing pages When the page you want to transform lives in a folder then you can specify that folder (e.g. -Folder "Folder1/SubFolder").
WebPartMappingFile All page types Page transformation is driven by a mapping file. The cmdlet has a default mapping file embedded, but you can also specify your custom web part mapping file (webpartmapping.xml) to fit your page transformation needs (e.g. transforming to 3rd party custom web parts). You do this by specifying the path to the file via the -WebPartMappingFile parameter.
Overwrite $false All page types When you add -Overwrite then the page transformation framework will overwrite the target page if needed. By default the new page name has a prefix of Migrated_, which then implies that if Migrated_YourPage.aspx already exists (typically from a previous page transformation effort) it will be overwritten.
ReplaceHomePageWithDefault $false Wiki/webpart pages The default behavior is to transform your site's home page to a modern page like any other regular page. If you use -ReplaceHomeWithDefault then a site's home page will be transformed to a 'default' out-of-the-box modern home page, so the one you would get with a newly created modern team site.
TakeSourcePageName $false Wiki/webpart pages The default behavior is to give the created modern page a name that starts with the prefix Migrated_ and let the original page keep it's existing name. When -TakeSourcePageName is specified the newly created page gets the name of the original page and the original page is renamed with a prefix Previous_. Set this option if you're sure you want to move forward with the modern page as it will ensure that all links pointing the original page now result in the new modern page being loaded.
ClearCache $false All page types To optimize performance certain data (e.g. list of available modern web parts, calculated list of fields to copy metadata for) is cached after the first execution. This cache will stay valid during the complete PowerShell session unless you use the -ClearCache switch. Restarting your PowerShell session also clears the cache.
SkipItemLevelPermissionCopyToClientSidePage $false All page types By default item level permissions are copied over to the modern page, use the -SkipItemLevelPermissionCopyToClientSidePage to prevent this.
CopyPageMetadata $false Wiki/webpart/blog pages The default behavior is to not copy page metadata (so additional columns added to the site pages library). When -CopyPageMetadata is specified the values of the custom metadata fields of the page to transform are copied to the newly created page. As of the October 2019 release page metadata copy also works in cross site transformations.
TargetWebUrl (**) Cross site transformation If you want to create the transformed modern pages in another site collection then specify the URL to that other site collection. Consult the web part transformation list article to understand which web parts are transformed in a cross site collection transformation.
TargetConnection (**) Cross site transformation Allows for a more flexible definition of the target via a connection object. This allows for example to perform cross tenant transformation of transformation from on-premises to online.
UseCommunityScriptEditor $false All page types Use -UseCommunityScriptEditor if you've installed the community script editor and want to use it during transformation. Consult the web part transformation list article to learn more.
SummaryLinksToHtml $false All page types Use -SummaryLinksToHtml if you prefer to transform the SummaryLinks web part to HTML hosted in the text web part instead of the default transformation using the QuickLinks web part. Consult the web part transformation list article to learn more.
LogType None All page types Use -LogType to enabled logging: File will log to disk, SharePoint will create a log page in the SharePoint SitePages library, Console will output data to the console.
LogFolder All page types If LogType is set to File then you can use -LogFolder to specify the folder where the log will be created.
LogVerbose $false All page types Use -LogVerbose to generate a verbose log.
LogSkipFlush $false All page types By default each cmdlet call generates a unique log file, use the -LogSkipFlush parameter to accumulate log entries. Note that you'll have to end with a call without LogSkipFlush to persist the assembled log file entries.
DontPublish $false All page types Use the -DontPublish option to not publish the created modern page.
KeepPageCreationModificationInformation $false All page types Use -KeepPageCreationModificationInformation parameter if you want to take over the Author/Editor/Created/Modified page properties. This option only works for when the source page is in the same SPO tenant as the target destination of the modern page.
PostAsNews $false All page types Use the -PostAsNews parameter if you want to post the created modern page as news on the site. This also implies that the page will be published, even if you've configured to skip publishing.
SetAuthorInPageHeader $false Wiki/webpart/blog pages Use the -SetAuthorInPageHeader parameter if you want to populate the author in the header of the created page. The author will be set the (user mapped) source page author.
DisablePageComments $false All page types Use -DisablePageComments if you want to disable the commenting option on the created page
PublishingPage $false Publishing pages Set the -PublishingPage parameter if you're transforming a publishing page. For wiki,web part and classic blog pages this parameter must be omitted or set to false.
PageLayoutMapping Publishing pages Via -PageLayoutMapping you can specify the path the page layout mapping file that you'll use for your publishing page transformations when the publishing page is using a non out of the box page layout
TargetPageName Wiki/webpart/blog pages Use the -TargetPageName parameter to override the default name for the modern page. This is for example needed to prevent overwriting the existing home.aspx page if you a cross site transformation of a classic team site home page to a modern communication site.
PublishingTargetPageName Publishing pages Use the -PublishingTargetPageName parameter to override the name for the modern page
TargetPageFolder All page types Use the -TargetPageFolder parameter to specify a target folder for the modern page. Note that if a folder was created automatically (e.g. because you were transforming from an extra wiki page library) then the folder specified by this parameter will be combined with the auto-generated folder (unless you specify -TargetPageFolderOverridesDefaultFolder). You can specify a folder like this: MyFolder or MyFolder/SubFolder when you want to create a nested folder structure. Specifying <root> as value allows you to target the root of the target sitepages library
TargetPageFolderOverridesDefaultFolder $false All page types Using the -TargetPageFolderOverridesDefaultFolder parameter you can force page transformation to use the folder specified via -TargetPageFolder, regardless whether there was an automatically created folder
UrlMappingFile Cross site transformation File with custom URL mapping definitions allow you to do more than just the default URL mapping. See the URL mapping article to learn more.
SkipUrlRewriting $false Cross site transformation During publishing page transformation URL's are rewritten to be valid in the target site collection, but using the -SkipUrlRewriting you can disable the URL rewriting. See the URL mapping article to learn more.
SkipDefaultUrlRewriting Cross site transformation When you use a custom URL mapping and you want to disable the default URL rewrite logic then set the -SkipDefaultUrlRewriting parameter.
AddTableListImageAsImageWebPart $true All page types Images living inside a table/list are also created as separate image web parts underneath that table/list. Use the -AddTableListImageAsImageWebPart parameter to stop the creation of these separate image web parts.
BlogPage $false Blog pages Set the -BlogPage parameter if you're transforming a classic blog page. For wiki, web part and publishing pages this parameter must be omitted or set to false.
UserMappingFile All page types File with user mapping information. See the User mapping article to learn more.
LDAPConnectionString All page types LDAP connection string to query active directory. See the User mapping article to learn more.
SkipUserMapping $false All page types Skips the user mapping. For SPO transformations user mapping is off unless you specify a mapping file, for on-premises SharePoint user mapping is always on unless you set this flag. See the User mapping article to learn more.
TermMappingFile Cross site transformation File with custom term mapping definitions allow you to do more than just the default term mapping. See the Term mapping article to learn more.
SkipTermStoreMapping $false Cross site transformation During page transformation terms are mapped to be valid in the target site collection, but using the -SkipTermStoreMapping parameter you can disable the term mapping. See the Term mapping article to learn more.

(*) Mandatory command line parameter / (**) Mandatory when the -PublishingPage or -BlogPage parameter was set (either -TargetWebUrl or -TargetConnection)


How do I transform publishing pages

Above shown sample shows in-place page transformation, for transforming publishing pages you need a slightly different syntax. Below sample shows how to modernize the mypage.aspx page and create a modern version of it in a communication site. During this transformation the page transformation will either use the built-in page layout mapping if the page is using an out of the box page layout or it will generate a page layout mapping on the fly for custom page layouts:

Connect-PnPOnline -Url https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/portaltomodernize -Interactive

ConvertTo-PnPPage -PublishingPage -Identity mypage.aspx -Overwrite -TargetWebUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/moderncommunicationsite

If you're using custom page layouts it's highly recommended to tweak the used page layout mapping file before using it. To do so follow these steps:

Generate a custom page layout mapping file

Use PnP PowerShell to analyze your existing page layouts and generate a mapping file:

Connect-PnPOnline -Url https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/portaltomodernize -Interactive

Export-PnPPageMapping -CustomPageLayoutMapping -Folder c:\temp


PnP PowerShell is an open-source solution with active community providing support for it. There is no SLA for the open-source tool support from Microsoft.

If you want to generate the mapping files for OOB page layouts then specify the AnalyzeOOBPageLayouts switch.

Tune the generated mapping file

Open the created mapping file and review each mapping:

  • Set the row and column values correctly for web parts, web part zones and fixed web parts so that content shows up on the right spot on the modern page. You can have as many rows as you want, each row will be a section on the modern page. Column values are restricted to 1, 2 or 3 which translates to the possible column options in a modern page
  • Define the fields that need to be transformed as metadata
  • Review the generated mapping of fields to web parts
  • Review the generated mapping of fields to header

Use the custom mapping file

Using the cleaned custom mapping file is simple via the PageLayoutMapping parameter:

Connect-PnPOnline -Url https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/portaltomodernize -Interactive

ConvertTo-PnPPage -PublishingPage -Identity mypage.aspx -Overwrite -TargetWebUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/moderncommunicationsite -PageLayoutMapping c:\temp\mypagelayouts.xml

Sample scripts for transforming (on-premises) publishing pages to modern pages in SharePoint Online

Check out the scripts in https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-modernization/tree/dev/Scripts/PageTransformation to get started.

Read publishing page in on-premises SharePoint and create the modern page in SharePoint Online

When you want to bring over your classic on-premises publishing portals you could first move the complete portal from on-premises to a classic portal in SharePoint Online and then do the modernization work. However, often it's easier to directly read the classic publishing page from your SharePoint on-premises portal and create the modern version in SharePoint Online. To do this you need to use PnP PowerShell for SharePoint Online to connect to your on-premises portal like shown in below script:

# Setup connection the target site - must be SPO and must be a modern site
$target = Connect-PnPOnline https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/moderncommunicationsite -ReturnConnection

# Connect to your on-premises portal
$source = Connect-PnPOnline https://portal2013.pnp.com/sites/classicportal -TransformationOnPrem -CurrentCredentials -ReturnConnection

# Convert a classic page living in the on-premises portal to a modern page in SharePoint Online. Dependent images and videos are copied as well from on-premises to online during this process.
ConvertTo-PnPPage -Identity "page1.aspx" -PublishingPage -TargetConnection $target -LogVerbose -LogType File -LogFolder c:\temp -Connection $source


  • This feature supports SharePoint 2013, 2016 and 2019 as a source environment. Target environment is always SharePoint Online. Transformation from SharePoint 2010 is possible, but then this requires the legacy PnP PowerShell version
  • The machine running the PowerShell script needs to be able to connect to both the on-premises SharePoint server as the SharePoint Online environment
  • This approach can also be used for page transformation across tenants (whenever that would make sense)

Use the logging features

Connect-PnPOnline -Url https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/portaltomodernize -Interactive

# Convert a series of pages, logs are not yet written
ConvertTo-PnPPage -PublishingPage -Identity mypage.aspx -Overwrite -TargetWebUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/moderncommunicationsite -LogSkipFlush -LogType SharePoint -LogVerbose
ConvertTo-PnPPage -PublishingPage -Identity mypage.aspx -Overwrite -TargetWebUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/moderncommunicationsite -LogSkipFlush -LogType SharePoint -LogVerbose

# persist the log data from all previous page transformations to the defined log

Transform a page that lives at the root of the site (so outside of a library)

Some older sites might have web part pages living outside of a library. If you want to modernize these you need to indicate that the page lives in the root of the site via -Folder "<root>" as shown below:

Connect-PnPOnline -Url https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/sitetomodernize -Interactive

ConvertTo-PnPPage -Identity pageinroot.aspx -Overwrite -Folder "<root>"

Modern site pages don't work on the site I want to transform pages in

By default the modern site page capability is enabled on most sites but maybe it was turned off afterwards. If that's the case the SharePoint Modernization scanner will tell you which sites have turned off the modern page feature. To remediate this use below sample PnP PowerShell script:

Connect-PnPOnline -Url "<your web url>" -Interactive

# Enable modern page feature
Enable-PnPFeature -Identity "B6917CB1-93A0-4B97-A84D-7CF49975D4EC" -Scope Web

See also