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Page Transformation Functions and Selectors


The default page transformation configuration (webpartmapping.xml) uses built-in functions and selectors to drive the mapping from classic web parts to modern 1st party and 3rd party web parts. This page lists all the available functions.


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Description: Returns the html encoded value of this string.

Example: {EncodedText} = HtmlEncode({Text})

Input parameters

Name Description
{Text} Text to html encode

Output parameters

Name Description
{EncodedText} Html encoded text


Description: Returns the json html encoded value of this string.

Example: {JsonEncodedText} = HtmlEncodeForJson({Text})

Input parameters

Name Description
{Text} Text to html encode for inclusion in json

Output parameters

Name Description
{JsonEncodedText} Html encoded text for inclusion in json file


Description: Simply returns the string true.

Example: {UsePlaceHolders} = ReturnTrue()

Output parameters

Name Description
{UsePlaceHolders} Value true


Description: Simply returns the string false.

Example: {UsePlaceHolders} = ReturnFalse()

Output parameters

Name Description
{UsePlaceHolders} Value false


Description: Transforms the incoming path into a server relative path.

Example: {ServerRelativePath} = ReturnServerRelativePath({Path})

Input parameters

Name Description
{Path} Path to transform

Output parameters

Name Description
{ServerRelativePath} Server relative path


Description: Returns the filename of the given path.

Example: {FileName} = ReturnFileName({Path})

Input parameters

Name Description
{Path} Path to analyze

Output parameters

Name Description
{FileName} File name with extension from the given path


Description: Concatenates 2 strings.

Example: {CompleteString} = Concatenate({String1},{String2})

Input parameters

Name Description
{String1} First string
{String2} Second string

Output parameters

Name Description
{CompleteString} Concatenation of the passed strings


Description: Concatenates 2 strings with a semicolon in between.

Example: {CompleteString} = ConcatenateWithSemiColonDelimiter({String1},{String2})

Input parameters

Name Description
{String1} First string
{String2} Second string

Output parameters

Name Description
{CompleteString} Concatenation of the passed strings


Description: Concatenates 2 strings with a pipe character in between.

Example: {CompleteString} = ConcatenateWithSemiColonDelimiter({String1},{String2})

Input parameters

Name Description
{String1} First string
{String2} Second string

Output parameters

Name Description
{CompleteString} Concatenation of the passed strings


Description: Returns an the (static) string provided as input

Example: StaticString('static string')

Input parameters

Name Description
{'static string'} Static input string

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} String provided as input


Description: Rewrites wiki page html to be compliant with the html supported by the client side text part.

Example: {CleanedText} = TextCleanup({Text},{UsePlaceHolders})

Input parameters

Name Description
{Text} Original wiki html content
{UsePlaceHolders} Parameter indicating if placeholders must be included for unsupported img/iframe elements inside wiki html

Output parameters

Name Description
{CleanedText} Html compliant with client side text part


Description: Checks if the provided html contains JavaScript

Example: {HasScript} = ContainsScript({Text})

Input parameters

Name Description
{Text} Html content to check

Output parameters

Name Description
{HasScript} True is the html contains script, false otherwise


Description: Returns the cross site collection save list id.

Example: {ListId} = ListCrossSiteCheck({ListId})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ListId} Guid of the list to use

Output parameters

Name Description
{ListId} Cross site collection safe list id


Description: Returns the server relative url of a list.

Example: {ListServerRelativeUrl} = ListAddServerRelativeUrl({ListId})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ListId} Guid of the list to use

Output parameters

Name Description
{ListServerRelativeUrl} Server relative url of the list


Description: Returns the web relative url of a list.

Example: {ListWebRelativeUrl} = ListAddWebRelativeUrl({ListId})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ListId} Guid of the list to use

Output parameters

Name Description
{ListWebRelativeUrl} Web relative url of the list


Description: Checks if an XSLTListView web part has a hidden toolbar.

Example: {HideToolBar} = ListHideToolBar({XmlDefinition})

Input parameters

Name Description
{XmlDefinition} XmlDefinition attribute of the XSLTListViewWebPart

Output parameters

Name Description
{HideToolBar} Boolean indicating if the toolbar should be hidden


Description: Detects the list view id that was used by the webpart by mapping the web part xmldefinition to the list views. If no view found the list default view id is returned.

Example: {ListViewId} = ListDetectUsedView({ListId},{XmlDefinition})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ListId} Guid of the list to analyze
{XmlDefinition} XmlDefinition attribute of the XSLTListViewWebPart

Output parameters

Name Description
{ListViewId} Id of the view to be used


Description: Does lookup a file based on the given server relative path and return needed properties of the file. Returns null if file was not found.

Example: ImageLookup({ServerRelativeFileName})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ServerRelativeFileName} Server relative file name of the image

Output parameters

Name Description
{ImageListId} Id of the list holding the file
{ImageUniqueId} UniqueId of the file


Description: Transforms the incoming path into a server relative path. If the page is located on another page the asset is transferred and url updated. Any failures keep to the original value.

Example: {ServerRelativeFileName} = ReturnCrossSiteRelativePath({ImageLink})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ImageLink} Original value for the image link

Output parameters

Name Description
{ServerRelativeFileName} New target location for the asset if transferred.


Description: Rewrite the image anchor tag url.

Example: ImageAnchorUrlRewrite({Anchor},{ImageUrl},{ServerRelativeFileName})

Input parameters

Name Description
{Anchor} Original anchor tag fetched from the source image
{ImageUrl} Original image url
{ServerRelativeFileName} New image url

Output parameters

Name Description
{Anchor} The url after url rewrite. If the anchor and original image url were the same then the anchor will be set to the new image url


Description: Extracts the client side web part properties so they can be reused.

Example: {JsonProperties} = ExtractWebpartProperties({ClientSideWebPartData})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ClientSideWebPartData} Web part data defining the client side web part configuration

Output parameters

Name Description
{JsonProperties} Json properties to configure the client side web part


Description: Does lookup a file based on the given server relative path and return needed properties of the file. Returns null if file was not found.

Example: DocumentEmbedLookup({ServerRelativeFileName})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ServerRelativeFileName} Server relative file name

Output parameters

Name Description
{DocumentListId} Id of the list holding the file
{DocumentUniqueId} UniqueId of the file
{DocumentAuthor} User principal name of the document author
{DocumentAuthorName} Name of the file author


Description: Throws an exception when link to .aspx file.

Example: {Temp} = ContentEmbedCrossSiteCheck({ContentLink})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ContentLink} Link value if set

Output parameters

Name Description
{Temp} Unused variable


Description: Loads contents of a file as a string.

Example: {FileContents} = LoadContentFromFile({ContentLink})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ContentLink} Server relative url to the file to load

Output parameters

Name Description
{FileContents} Text content of the file. Return empty string if file was not found


Description: Maps the user documents web part data into a properties collection and supporting serverProcessedContent nodes for the content rollup (= Highlighted Content) web part

Example: SiteDocumentsToHighlightedContentProperties()

Output parameters

Name Description
{JsonProperties} Properties collection for the contentrollup (= Highlighted Content) web part
{SearchablePlainTexts} SearchablePlainTexts nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node
{Links} Links nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node
{ImageSources} ImageSources nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node


Description: Maps content by search web part data into a properties collection and supporting serverProcessedContent nodes for the content rollup (= Highlighted Content) web part

Example: ContentBySearchToHighlightedContentProperties({DataProviderJSON}, {SelectedPropertiesJson}, {ResultsPerPage}, {RenderTemplateId})

Input parameters

Name Description

Output parameters

Name Description
{JsonProperties} Properties collection for the contentrollup (= Highlighted Content) web part
{SearchablePlainTexts} SearchablePlainTexts nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node
{Links} Links nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node
{ImageSources} ImageSources nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node


Description: Maps content by query web part data into a properties collection and supporting serverProcessedContent nodes for the content rollup (= Highlighted Content) web part

Example: ContentByQueryToHighlightedContentProperties({WebUrl},{ListGuid},{ListName},{ServerTemplate},{ContentTypeBeginsWithId},{FilterField1},{Filter1ChainingOperator},{FilterDisplayValue1},{FilterOperator1},{FilterField2},{Filter2ChainingOperator},{FilterDisplayValue2},{FilterOperator2},{FilterField3},{FilterDisplayValue3},{FilterOperator3},{SortBy},{SortByDirection},{GroupBy},{GroupByDirection},{ItemLimit},{DisplayColumns},{DataMappings})

Input parameters

Name Description

Output parameters

Name Description
{JsonProperties} Properties collection for the contentrollup (= Highlighted Content) web part
{SearchablePlainTexts} SearchablePlainTexts nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node
{Links} Links nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node
{ImageSources} ImageSources nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node

Description: Rewrites summarylinks web part html to be compliant with the html supported by the client side text part.

Example: {CleanedText} = TextCleanUpSummaryLinks({Text})

Input parameters

Name Description
{Text} Original wiki html content

Output parameters

Name Description
{CleanedText} Html compliant with client side text part


Description: Maps summarylinks web part data into a properties collection and supporting serverProcessedContent nodes for the quicklinks web part

Example: SummaryLinksToQuickLinksProperties({Text},{QuickLinksJsonProperties})

Input parameters

Name Description
{Text} Original wiki html content
{QuickLinksJsonProperties} QuickLinks JSON properties blob (optional)

Output parameters

Name Description
{JsonProperties} Properties collection for the quicklinks web part
{SearchablePlainTexts} SearchablePlainTexts nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node
{Links} Links nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node
{ImageSources} ImageSources nodes to be added in the serverProcessedContent node


Description: Looks up a person from the UserInfo list and returns the needed details

Example: LookupPerson({ContactLoginName})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ContactLoginName} User account to lookup (in i:0#.f|membership|joe@contoso.onmicrosoft.com format)

Output parameters

Name Description
{PersonName} Name of the user
{PersonEmail} User's email
{PersonUPN} UPN of the user
{PersonRole} Role of the user
{PersonDepartment} User's department
{PersonPhone} Phone number of the user
{PersonSip} SIP address of the user


Description: Returns an empty string

Example: EmptyString()

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} Empty string


Description: Returns an the (static) string provided as input

Example: StaticString('static string')

Input parameters

Name Description
{'static string'} Static input string

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} String provided as input


Description: Prefixes the input text with another text. The applyIfContentIsEmpty parameter controls if the prefix also needs to happen when the actual content is empty

Example: Prefix('<H1>Prefix some extra text</H1>', {PublishingPageContent}, 'false')

Input parameters

Name Description
{'prefix string'} Static input string which will be used as prefix
{PublishingPageContent} The actual publishing page HTML field content to prefix
{'static boolean value'} Static bool ('true', 'false') to indicate if the prefixing still needs to happen when the {PublishingPageContent} field content is emty

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} Value of {PublishingPageContent} prefixed with the provided prefix value


Description: Suffixes the input text with another text. The applyIfContentIsEmpty parameter controls if the suffix also needs to happen when the actual content is empty

Example: Suffix('<H1>Suffix some extra text</H1>', {PublishingPageContent}, 'false')

Input parameters

Name Description
{'suffix string'} Static input string which will be used as suffix
{PublishingPageContent} The actual publishing page HTML field content to suffix
{'static boolean value'} Static bool ('true', 'false') to indicate if the suffixing still needs to happen when the {PublishingPageContent} field content is emty

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} Value of {PublishingPageContent} suffixed with the provided suffix value


Description: Prefixes and suffixes the input text with another text. The applyIfContentIsEmpty parameter controls if the prefix/suffix also needs to happen when the actual content is empty

Example: PrefixAndSuffix('<H1>Prefix some extra text</H1>','<H1>Suffix some extra text</H1>',{PublishingPageContent},'false')

Input parameters

Name Description
{'prefix string'} Static input string which will be used as prefix
{'suffix string'} Static input string which will be used as suffix
{PublishingPageContent} The actual publishing page HTML field content to prefix/suffix
{'static boolean value'} Static bool ('true', 'false') to indicate if the prefixing/suffixing still needs to happen when the {PublishingPageContent} field content is emty

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} Value of {PublishingPageContent} prefixed/suffixed with the provided values


Description: Returns the server relative image url of a Publishing Image field value.

Example: ToImageUrl({PublishingPageImage})

Input parameters

Name Description
{PublishingPageImage} Publishing Image field value

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} Server relative image url


Description: Returns the image alternate text of a Publishing Image field value.

Example: ToImageAltText({PublishingPageImage})

Input parameters

Name Description
{PublishingPageImage} Publishing Image field value

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} Image alternate text


Description: Returns the image anchor url of a Publishing Image field value.

Example: ToImageAnchor({PublishingPageImage})

Input parameters

Name Description
{PublishingPageImage} Publishing Image field value

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} Image anchor url


Description: Returns the image caption of a Publishing Html image caption field

Example: ToImageCaption({PublishingImageCaption})

Input parameters

Name Description
{PublishingImageCaption} Publishing Html image caption field value

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} Image caption


Description: Returns a page preview image url.

Example: ToPreviewImageUrl({PreviewImage})

Input parameters

Name Description
{PreviewImage} A publishing image field value or a string containing a server relative image path

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} A formatted preview image url


Description: Looks up user information for passed user id

Example: ToAuthors({PublishingContact})

Input parameters

Name Description
{userId} The id (int) of a user

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} A formatted json blob describing the user's details


Description: Populate a taxonomy field based upon provided term id's. You can configure to optionally overwrite existing values

Example: DefaultTaxonomyFieldValue({TaxField2},'a65537e8-aa27-4b3a-bad6-f0f61f84b9f7|69524923-a5a0-44d1-b5ec-7f7c6d0ec160','true')

Input parameters

Name Description
{Taxonomy Field} The taxonomy field to update
{'term ids split by |'} List of term id's to set, multiple values can also be used when the taxonomy field is configured to accept multiple terms
{'static boolean value'} Static bool ('true', 'false') to indicate if the default term values have to be set in case the field already contains terms

Output parameters

Name Description
{return value} String with term information needed to set the taxonomy field



Description: Allows for option to include a spacer for empty text wiki text parts.

Example: TextSelector({CleanedText})

Input parameters

Name Description
{CleanedText} Client side text part compliant html (cleaned via TextCleanup function)

Output values

Name Description
Text Will be output if the provided wiki text was not considered empty
Spacer Will be output if the provided wiki text was considered empty


Description: Analyzes a list and returns the list base type.

Example: ListSelectorListLibrary({ListId})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ListId} Guid of the list to use
{ViewXml} Definition of the selected view

Output values

Name Description
Library The list is a document library
List The list is a document list
Issue The list is an issue list
TaskList The list is an task list
DiscussionBoard The list is a discussion board
Survey The list is a survey
Undefined The list base type is undefined


Description: Analyzes sourcetype and return recommended mapping.

Example: ContentEmbedSelectorSourceType({SourceType})

Input parameters

Name Description
{SourceType} Sourcetype of the viewed page in pageviewerwebpart

Output values

Name Description
WebPage The embedded content is a page
ServerFolderOrFile The embedded content points to a server folder or file

Description: Content editor can be transformed in various ways depending on whether a link was used, what file type was used, if script is used or not...

Example: ContentEmbedSelectorContentLink({ContentLink}, {Content}, {FileContents}, {UseCommunityScriptEditor})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ContentLink} Link value if set
{Content} Content embedded inside the web part
{FileContents} Text content of the file. Return empty string if file was not found
{UseCommunityScriptEditor} The UseCommunityScriptEditor mapping property provided via the PageTransformationInformation instance

Output values

Name Description
Link If the link was not empty and it was an aspx file
NonASPXLink If the link was not empty and it was not an aspx file but the file contents did contain JavaScript
NonASPXLinkNoScript If the link was not empty and it was not an aspx file and the contents did not contain JavaScript
NonASPXUseCommunityScriptEditor Use the community script editor to host the content
Content If no link was specified but content was embedded and it contains JavaScript
ContentNoScript If no link was specified and the embedded content and it does not contain JavaScript
ContentUseCommunityScriptEditor Use the community script editor to host the content


Description: Analyzes a list and returns if the list can be transformed.

Example: ContentByQuerySelector({ListGuid},{ListName})

Input parameters

Name Description
{ListGuid} Guid of the list used by the CBQ web part
{ListName} Name of the list used by the CBQ web part

Output values

Name Description
Default Transform the list
NoTransformation Don't transform the list


Description: Uses the SummaryLinksToQuickLinks mapping property provided via the PageTransformationInformation instance to determine the mapping

Example: SummaryLinkSelector({SummaryLinksToQuickLinks})

Input parameters

Name Description
{SummaryLinksToQuickLinks} The SummaryLinksToQuickLinks mapping property provided via the PageTransformationInformation instance

Output values

Name Description
UseQuickLinks Transform to the QuickLinks web part
UseText Transform to the formatted text


Description: Uses the UseCommunityScriptEditor mapping property provided via the PageTransformationInformation instance to determine the mapping

Example: ScriptEditorSelector({UseCommunityScriptEditor})

Input parameters

Name Description
{UseCommunityScriptEditor} The UseCommunityScriptEditor mapping property provided via the PageTransformationInformation instance

Output values

Name Description
UseCommunityScriptEditor Transform to the community script editor web part
NoScriptEditor Don't transform as there's no script editor


Description: Checks if the passed value is a user or not

Example: UserExistsSelector({PersonEmail})

Input parameters

Name Description
{PersonEmail} Account of the user

Output values

Name Description
InvalidUser User is invalid
ValidUser User info is valid