Versions - Import Lu Format
Imports a new version into a LUIS application.
POST {Endpoint}/luis/authoring/v3.0-preview/apps/{appId}/versions/import
POST {Endpoint}/luis/authoring/v3.0-preview/apps/{appId}/versions/import?format=lu&versionId={versionId}
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string (uuid) |
The application ID. |
path | True |
string |
Supported Cognitive Services endpoints (protocol and hostname, for example: |
query |
string |
The new versionId to import. If not specified, the versionId will be read from the imported object. |
Request Header
Media Types: "text/plain"
Name | Required | Type | Description |
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key | True |
string |
Request Body
Media Types: "text/plain"
Name | Type | Description |
luisAppLu |
string |
An LU representing the LUIS application structure. |
Name | Type | Description |
201 Created |
string |
The created application version. |
Other Status Codes |
Error Response. |
Successful Import Application
Sample request
POST {Endpoint}/luis/authoring/v3.0-preview/apps/bd72e8d7-62b8-48f5-9dcb-e3b0588b803a/versions/import?format=lu&versionId=0.2
"> LUIS application information\r\n> !# = Json 600 App\r\n> !# @app.desc = Json 600 App\r\n> !# @app.versionId = 0.1\r\n> !# @app.culture = en-us\r\n> !# @app.luis_schema_version = 6.0.0\r\n\r\n\r\n> # Intent definitions\r\n\r\n> !# @intent.inherits = name : Calendar.AcceptEventEntry; domain_name : Calendar; model_name : AcceptEventEntry\r\n\r\n## Calendar.AcceptEventEntry\r\n- save the date may 17 {@Calendar.Subject=pictures party}\r\n- schedule {@Calendar.Subject=appointment} for tomorrow please\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=Meeting My Manager}\r\n- The meeting will last for one hour\r\n- Add an event to visit 209 Nashville Gym\r\n- Add {@Calendar.Subject=imax theater} to my upcoming events\r\n- dunmore pa sonic sounds Friday morning please\r\n- Add a new task {@Calendar.Subject=finish assignment}\r\n- Add a new event on 27 - Apr\r\n- calendar i ' ll be at the garage from 8 till 3 this saturday\r\n- Add an event to {@Calendar.Subject=read about adam lambert news}\r\n\r\n\r\n> !# @intent.inherits = name : Communication.AddContact; domain_name : Communication; model_name : AddContact\r\n\r\n## Communication.AddContact\r\n\r\n\r\n@ intent Communication.AddContact usesFeatures simpleentity1,phraselist1\r\n\r\n> !# @intent.inherits = name : Communication.AddMore; domain_name : Communication; model_name : AddMore\r\n\r\n## Communication.AddMore\r\n\r\n\r\n> !# @intent.inherits = name : Communication.Confirm; domain_name : Communication; model_name : Confirm\r\n\r\n## Communication.Confirm\r\n\r\n\r\n## intent1\r\n\r\n\r\n## None\r\n- a\r\n- hi {@simpleentity1=guys}\r\n- Please just delete {@Calendar.Subject=my meeting}\r\n- Extend {@Calendar.Subject=lunch meeting} 30 minutes extra\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=Marketing meetings} on Tuesdays will now be every Wednesday please change on my calendar\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=Appointment with Johnson} needs to be next week\r\n- Search for {@Calendar.Subject=meetings with Chris}\r\n- I want to reschedule the {@Calendar.Subject=meeting at the air force club}\r\n- Move the {@Calendar.Subject=BBQ party} to Friday\r\n- Am i free to {@Calendar.Subject=be with friends} saturday ?\r\n- Delete {@Calendar.Subject=Helen Fred ' s birthday}\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=Call dad Mike}\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=The workshop} will last for 10 hours\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=email cloney John}\r\n- Change {@Calendar.Subject=the meeting with Chris} to 9 : 00 am\r\n\r\n\r\n> # Entity definitions\r\n\r\n> !# @entity.inherits = name : Calendar.Subject; domain_name : Calendar; model_name : Subject\r\n\r\n@ ml Calendar.Subject usesFeatures simpleentity1\r\n\r\n@ ml simpleentity1\r\n\r\n@ ml a1 hasRole role_a1\r\n - @ datetimeV2 b1\r\n - @ ml c1\r\n - @ ml d1 usesFeatures phraselist1\r\n - @ datetimeV2 e1 usesFeatures phraselist1\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n> # PREBUILT Entity definitions\r\n\r\n@ prebuilt age\r\n\r\n@ prebuilt datetimeV2\r\n\r\n\r\n> # Phrase list definitions\r\n\r\n@ phraselist phraselist1(interchangeable) = \r\n\t- why,where,when,what,how,who\r\n\r\n\r\n> # List entities\r\n\r\n@ list closedlist = \r\n\t- a :\r\n\t\t- b\r\n\t\t- c\r\n\t\t- d\r\n\r\n\r\n> # RegEx entities\r\n\r\n\r\n> # Composite entities\r\n\r\n@ composite compositeentity1 usesFeatures simpleentity1,Calendar.Subject = [simpleentity1, datetimeV2]\r\n"
Sample response
Error response when invoking an operation on the API.
Name | Type | Description |
errorType |
string |