Sql Vulnerability Assessment Scan Results - List
Získá seznam výsledků kontroly pro jeden záznam kontroly.
GET https://management.azure.com/{resourceId}/providers/Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/default/scans/{scanId}/scanResults?workspaceId={workspaceId}&api-version=2023-02-01-preview
Parametry identifikátoru URI
Name | V | Vyžadováno | Typ | Description |
path | True |
string |
Identifikátor prostředku. |
path | True |
string |
ID kontroly. Pokud chcete získat výsledky kontroly pro nejnovější kontrolu, zadejte "latest". |
query | True |
string |
Verze rozhraní API. |
query | True |
string |
ID pracovního prostoru. |
Name | Typ | Description |
200 OK |
Vrátí seznam výsledků kontroly. |
Other Status Codes |
Chybová odpověď popisující, proč operace selhala. |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow
URL autorizace:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | zosobnění uživatelského účtu |
List scan results |
List scan results of the latest scan |
List scan results
Ukázkový požadavek
GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/resourceGroups/Rg/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/MyMachine/sqlServers/server1/databases/master/providers/Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/default/scans/Scheduled-20200623/scanResults?workspaceId=55555555-6666-7777-8888-999999999999&api-version=2023-02-01-preview
Ukázková odpověď
"value": [
"id": "/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/resourceGroups/Rg/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/MyMachine/sqlServers/server1/databases/master/providers/Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/default/scans/Scheduled-20200623/scanResults/VA2062",
"name": "VA2062",
"type": "Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults",
"properties": {
"ruleId": "VA2062",
"status": "NonFinding",
"isTrimmed": false,
"queryResults": [],
"remediation": {
"description": "Remove database firewall rules that grant excessive access",
"scripts": [],
"automated": false,
"portalLink": ""
"baselineAdjustedResult": null,
"ruleMetadata": {
"ruleId": "VA2062",
"severity": "High",
"category": "SurfaceAreaReduction",
"ruleType": "NegativeList",
"title": "Database-level firewall rules should not grant excessive access",
"description": "The Azure SQL Database-level firewall helps protect your data by preventing all access to your database until you specify which IP addresses have permission. Database-level firewall rules grant access to the specific database based on the originating IP address of each request.\n\nDatabase-level firewall rules for master and user databases can only be created and managed through Transact-SQL (unlike server-level firewall rules which can also be created and managed using the Azure portal or PowerShell). For more details please see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-firewall-configure\n\nThis check verifies that database-level firewall rules do not grant excessive access.",
"rationale": "Often, administrators add rules that grant excessive access as part of a troubleshooting process - to eliminate the firewall as the source of a problem, they simply create a rule that allows all traffic to pass to the affected database.\n\nGranting excessive access using database firewall rules is a clear security concern, as it violates the principle of least privilege by allowing unnecessary access to your database. In fact, it's the equivalent of placing the database outside of the firewall.",
"queryCheck": {
"query": "SELECT name\n ,start_ip_address\n ,end_ip_address\nFROM sys.database_firewall_rules\nWHERE ( \n (CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 1)) +\n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 2)) * 256 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 3)) * 65536 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 4)) * 16777216 ) \n - \n (CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 1)) +\n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 2)) * 256 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 3)) * 65536 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 4)) * 16777216 )\n ) > 255;",
"expectedResult": [],
"columnNames": [
"Firewall Rule Name",
"Start Address",
"End Address"
"benchmarkReferences": []
"id": "/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/resourceGroups/Rg/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/MyMachine/sqlServers/server1/databases/master/providers/Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/default/scans/Scheduled-20200623/scanResults/VA2063",
"name": "VA2063",
"type": "Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults",
"properties": {
"ruleId": "VA2063",
"status": "Finding",
"isTrimmed": false,
"queryResults": [
"remediation": {
"description": "Remove server firewall rules that grant excessive access",
"scripts": [
"EXECUTE sp_delete_firewall_rule N'Test';"
"automated": false,
"portalLink": "ReviewServerFirewallRules"
"baselineAdjustedResult": {
"baseline": {
"expectedResults": [
"updatedTime": "2020-02-04T12:49:41.027771+00:00"
"status": "NonFinding",
"resultsNotInBaseline": [],
"resultsOnlyInBaseline": []
"ruleMetadata": {
"ruleId": "VA2063",
"severity": "High",
"category": "SurfaceAreaReduction",
"ruleType": "NegativeList",
"title": "Server-level firewall rules should not grant excessive access",
"description": "The Azure SQL server-level firewall helps protect your server by preventing all access to your databases until you specify which IP addresses have permission. Server-level firewall rules grant access to all databases that belong to the server based on the originating IP address of each request.\n\nServer-level firewall rules can only be created and managed through Transact-SQL as well as through the Azure portal or PowerShell. For more details please see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-firewall-configure\n\nThis check verifies that server-level firewall rules do not grant excessive access.",
"rationale": "Often, administrators add rules that grant excessive access as part of a troubleshooting process � to eliminate the firewall as the source of a problem, they simply create a rule that allows all traffic to pass to the affected server.\n\nGranting excessive access using server firewall rules is a clear security concern, as it violates the principle of least privilege by allowing unnecessary access to your databases. In fact, it's the equivalent of placing the server outside of the firewall.",
"queryCheck": {
"query": "SELECT name\n ,start_ip_address\n ,end_ip_address\nFROM sys.firewall_rules\nWHERE ( \n (CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 1)) +\n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 2)) * 256 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 3)) * 65536 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 4)) * 16777216 ) \n - \n (CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 1)) +\n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 2)) * 256 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 3)) * 65536 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 4)) * 16777216 )\n ) > 255;",
"expectedResult": [],
"columnNames": [
"Firewall Rule Name",
"Start Address",
"End Address"
"benchmarkReferences": []
List scan results of the latest scan
Ukázkový požadavek
GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/resourceGroups/Rg/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/MyMachine/sqlServers/server1/databases/master/providers/Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/default/scans/latest/scanResults?workspaceId=55555555-6666-7777-8888-999999999999&api-version=2023-02-01-preview
Ukázková odpověď
"value": [
"id": "/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/resourceGroups/Rg/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/MyMachine/sqlServers/server1/databases/master/providers/Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/default/scans/Scheduled-20200623/scanResults/VA2062",
"name": "VA2062",
"type": "Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults",
"properties": {
"ruleId": "VA2062",
"status": "NonFinding",
"isTrimmed": false,
"queryResults": [],
"remediation": {
"description": "Remove database firewall rules that grant excessive access",
"scripts": [],
"automated": false,
"portalLink": ""
"baselineAdjustedResult": null,
"ruleMetadata": {
"ruleId": "VA2062",
"severity": "High",
"category": "SurfaceAreaReduction",
"ruleType": "NegativeList",
"title": "Database-level firewall rules should not grant excessive access",
"description": "The Azure SQL Database-level firewall helps protect your data by preventing all access to your database until you specify which IP addresses have permission. Database-level firewall rules grant access to the specific database based on the originating IP address of each request.\n\nDatabase-level firewall rules for master and user databases can only be created and managed through Transact-SQL (unlike server-level firewall rules which can also be created and managed using the Azure portal or PowerShell). For more details please see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-firewall-configure\n\nThis check verifies that database-level firewall rules do not grant excessive access.",
"rationale": "Often, administrators add rules that grant excessive access as part of a troubleshooting process - to eliminate the firewall as the source of a problem, they simply create a rule that allows all traffic to pass to the affected database.\n\nGranting excessive access using database firewall rules is a clear security concern, as it violates the principle of least privilege by allowing unnecessary access to your database. In fact, it's the equivalent of placing the database outside of the firewall.",
"queryCheck": {
"query": "SELECT name\n ,start_ip_address\n ,end_ip_address\nFROM sys.database_firewall_rules\nWHERE ( \n (CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 1)) +\n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 2)) * 256 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 3)) * 65536 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 4)) * 16777216 ) \n - \n (CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 1)) +\n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 2)) * 256 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 3)) * 65536 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 4)) * 16777216 )\n ) > 255;",
"expectedResult": [],
"columnNames": [
"Firewall Rule Name",
"Start Address",
"End Address"
"benchmarkReferences": []
"id": "/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/resourceGroups/Rg/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/MyMachine/sqlServers/server1/databases/master/providers/Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/default/scans/Scheduled-20200623/scanResults/VA2063",
"name": "VA2063",
"type": "Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults",
"properties": {
"ruleId": "VA2063",
"status": "Finding",
"isTrimmed": false,
"queryResults": [
"remediation": {
"description": "Remove server firewall rules that grant excessive access",
"scripts": [
"EXECUTE sp_delete_firewall_rule N'Test';"
"automated": false,
"portalLink": "ReviewServerFirewallRules"
"baselineAdjustedResult": {
"baseline": {
"expectedResults": [
"updatedTime": "2020-02-04T12:49:41.027771+00:00"
"status": "NonFinding",
"resultsNotInBaseline": [],
"resultsOnlyInBaseline": []
"ruleMetadata": {
"ruleId": "VA2063",
"severity": "High",
"category": "SurfaceAreaReduction",
"ruleType": "NegativeList",
"title": "Server-level firewall rules should not grant excessive access",
"description": "The Azure SQL server-level firewall helps protect your server by preventing all access to your databases until you specify which IP addresses have permission. Server-level firewall rules grant access to all databases that belong to the server based on the originating IP address of each request.\n\nServer-level firewall rules can only be created and managed through Transact-SQL as well as through the Azure portal or PowerShell. For more details please see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-firewall-configure\n\nThis check verifies that server-level firewall rules do not grant excessive access.",
"rationale": "Often, administrators add rules that grant excessive access as part of a troubleshooting process � to eliminate the firewall as the source of a problem, they simply create a rule that allows all traffic to pass to the affected server.\n\nGranting excessive access using server firewall rules is a clear security concern, as it violates the principle of least privilege by allowing unnecessary access to your databases. In fact, it's the equivalent of placing the server outside of the firewall.",
"queryCheck": {
"query": "SELECT name\n ,start_ip_address\n ,end_ip_address\nFROM sys.firewall_rules\nWHERE ( \n (CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 1)) +\n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 2)) * 256 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 3)) * 65536 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 4)) * 16777216 ) \n - \n (CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 1)) +\n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 2)) * 256 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 3)) * 65536 + \n CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 4)) * 16777216 )\n ) > 255;",
"expectedResult": [],
"columnNames": [
"Firewall Rule Name",
"Start Address",
"End Address"
"benchmarkReferences": []
Name | Description |
Baseline |
Podrobnosti směrného plánu |
Baseline |
Výsledek pravidla upravený podle směrného plánu. |
Benchmark |
Referenční informace o srovnávacích testech. |
Cloud |
Běžná chybová odpověď pro všechna rozhraní API Azure Resource Manageru pro vrácení podrobností o chybě pro neúspěšné operace (To se také řídí formátem odpovědi na chybu OData.) |
Cloud |
Podrobnosti o chybě. |
Error |
Další informace o chybě správy prostředků |
Query |
Podrobnosti dotazu pravidla. |
Remediation |
Podrobnosti o nápravě. |
Rule |
Závažnost pravidla. |
Rule |
Stav výsledku pravidla. |
Rule |
Typ pravidla. |
Scan |
Výsledek kontroly posouzení ohrožení zabezpečení pro jedno pravidlo |
Scan |
Vlastnosti výsledků kontroly posouzení ohrožení zabezpečení pro jedno pravidlo |
Scan |
Seznam výsledků kontroly posouzení ohrožení zabezpečení |
Va |
podrobnosti o metadatech pravidel posouzení ohrožení zabezpečení |
Podrobnosti směrného plánu
Name | Typ | Description |
expectedResults |
string[] |
Očekávané výsledky |
updatedTime |
string |
Směrný čas aktualizace (UTC). |
Výsledek pravidla upravený podle směrného plánu.
Name | Typ | Description |
baseline |
Podrobnosti směrného plánu |
resultsNotInBaseline |
string[] |
Výsledky nejsou ve směrném plánu. |
resultsOnlyInBaseline |
string[] |
Výsledky jsou ve směrném plánu. |
status |
Stav výsledku pravidla. |
Referenční informace o srovnávacích testech.
Name | Typ | Description |
benchmark |
string |
Název srovnávacího testu. |
reference |
string |
Referenční informace o srovnávacím testu. |
Běžná chybová odpověď pro všechna rozhraní API Azure Resource Manageru pro vrácení podrobností o chybě pro neúspěšné operace (To se také řídí formátem odpovědi na chybu OData.)
Name | Typ | Description |
error.additionalInfo |
Další informace o chybě. |
error.code |
string |
Kód chyby. |
error.details |
Podrobnosti o chybě. |
error.message |
string |
Chybová zpráva. |
error.target |
string |
Cíl chyby. |
Podrobnosti o chybě.
Name | Typ | Description |
additionalInfo |
Další informace o chybě. |
code |
string |
Kód chyby. |
details |
Podrobnosti o chybě. |
message |
string |
Chybová zpráva. |
target |
string |
Cíl chyby. |
Další informace o chybě správy prostředků
Name | Typ | Description |
info |
object |
Další informace. |
type |
string |
Další typ informací. |
Podrobnosti dotazu pravidla.
Name | Typ | Description |
columnNames |
string[] |
Názvy sloupců očekávaného výsledku |
expectedResult |
string[] |
Očekávaný výsledek |
query |
string |
Dotaz pravidla. |
Podrobnosti o nápravě.
Name | Typ | Description |
automated |
boolean |
Je náprava automatizovaná. |
description |
string |
Popis nápravy |
portalLink |
string |
Volitelný odkaz pro nápravu na webu Azure Portal |
scripts |
string[] |
Skript pro nápravu |
Závažnost pravidla.
Name | Typ | Description |
High |
string |
Vysoko |
Informational |
string |
Informační |
Low |
string |
Nízký |
Medium |
string |
Středně |
Obsolete |
string |
Zastaralý |
Stav výsledku pravidla.
Name | Typ | Description |
Finding |
string |
Nález |
InternalError |
string |
InternalError |
NonFinding |
string |
Nedefinování |
Typ pravidla.
Name | Typ | Description |
BaselineExpected |
string |
BaselineExpected |
Binary |
string |
Binární |
NegativeList |
string |
NegativeList |
PositiveList |
string |
PositiveList |
Výsledek kontroly posouzení ohrožení zabezpečení pro jedno pravidlo
Name | Typ | Description |
id |
string |
ID prostředku |
name |
string |
Název prostředku |
properties |
Vlastnosti výsledků kontroly posouzení ohrožení zabezpečení pro jedno pravidlo |
type |
string |
Typ prostředku |
Vlastnosti výsledků kontroly posouzení ohrožení zabezpečení pro jedno pravidlo
Name | Typ | Description |
baselineAdjustedResult |
Výsledek pravidla upravený podle směrného plánu. |
isTrimmed |
boolean |
Určuje, jestli jsou zde zadané výsledky oříznuté. |
queryResults |
string[] |
Výsledky dotazu, který byl spuštěn. |
remediation |
Podrobnosti o nápravě. |
ruleId |
string |
ID pravidla. |
ruleMetadata |
podrobnosti o metadatech pravidel posouzení ohrožení zabezpečení |
status |
Stav výsledku pravidla. |
Seznam výsledků kontroly posouzení ohrožení zabezpečení
Name | Typ | Description |
value |
Seznam výsledků kontroly posouzení ohrožení zabezpečení |
podrobnosti o metadatech pravidel posouzení ohrožení zabezpečení
Name | Typ | Description |
benchmarkReferences |
Referenční informace o srovnávacích testech. |
category |
string |
Kategorie pravidla. |
description |
string |
Popis pravidla. |
queryCheck |
Podrobnosti dotazu pravidla. |
rationale |
string |
Pravidlo je důvod. |
ruleId |
string |
ID pravidla. |
ruleType |
Typ pravidla. |
severity |
Závažnost pravidla. |
title |
string |
Název pravidla. |