Security Namespaces - Query
Vypíše všechny obory názvů zabezpečení nebo jenom zadaný obor názvů.
Parametry identifikátoru URI
Name | V | Vyžadováno | Typ | Description |
path |
string |
Název organizace Azure DevOps. |
path |
string uuid |
Identifikátor oboru názvů zabezpečení. |
query | True |
string |
Verze rozhraní API, která se má použít. Tato verze rozhraní API by měla být nastavená na 7.1-preview.1. |
query |
boolean |
Pokud je hodnota true, načtěte pouze místní obory názvů zabezpečení. |
Name | Typ | Description |
200 OK |
úspěšná operace |
Osobní přístupový token. Jako heslo použijte libovolnou hodnotu pro uživatelské jméno a token.
All security namespaces |
Get the specified security namespace |
All security namespaces
Ukázkový požadavek
Ukázková odpověď
"count": 10,
"value": [
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866",
"name": "Identity",
"displayName": "Identity",
"separatorValue": "\\",
"elementLength": -1,
"writePermission": 4,
"readPermission": 1,
"dataspaceCategory": "Default",
"actions": [
"bit": 1,
"name": "Read",
"displayName": "View identity information",
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
"bit": 2,
"name": "Write",
"displayName": "Edit identity information",
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
"bit": 4,
"name": "Delete",
"displayName": "Delete identity information",
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
"bit": 8,
"name": "ManageMembership",
"displayName": "Manage group membership",
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
"bit": 16,
"name": "CreateScope",
"displayName": "Create identity scopes",
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
"structureValue": 1,
"extensionType": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.IdentitySecurityNamespaceExtension",
"isRemotable": false,
"useTokenTranslator": false
"namespaceId": "445d2788-c5fb-4132-bbef-09c4045ad93f",
"name": "WorkItemTrackingAdministration",
"displayName": "WorkItemTrackingAdministration",
"separatorValue": "\u0000",
"elementLength": -1,
"writePermission": 1,
"readPermission": 0,
"dataspaceCategory": "WorkItem",
"actions": [
"bit": 1,
"name": "ManagePermissions",
"displayName": "Manage permissions",
"namespaceId": "445d2788-c5fb-4132-bbef-09c4045ad93f"
"bit": 2,
"name": "DestroyAttachments",
"displayName": "Destroy attachments",
"namespaceId": "445d2788-c5fb-4132-bbef-09c4045ad93f"
"structureValue": 0,
"extensionType": null,
"isRemotable": false,
"useTokenTranslator": false
"namespaceId": "101eae8c-1709-47f9-b228-0e476c35b3ba",
"name": "DistributedTask",
"displayName": "DistributedTask",
"separatorValue": "/",
"elementLength": -1,
"writePermission": 8,
"readPermission": 1,
"dataspaceCategory": "DistributedTask",
"actions": [
"bit": 1,
"name": "View",
"displayName": "View",
"namespaceId": "101eae8c-1709-47f9-b228-0e476c35b3ba"
"bit": 2,
"name": "Manage",
"displayName": "Manage",
"namespaceId": "101eae8c-1709-47f9-b228-0e476c35b3ba"
"bit": 4,
"name": "Listen",
"displayName": "Listen",
"namespaceId": "101eae8c-1709-47f9-b228-0e476c35b3ba"
"bit": 8,
"name": "AdministerPermissions",
"displayName": "Administer Permissions",
"namespaceId": "101eae8c-1709-47f9-b228-0e476c35b3ba"
"bit": 16,
"name": "Use",
"displayName": "Use",
"namespaceId": "101eae8c-1709-47f9-b228-0e476c35b3ba"
"bit": 32,
"name": "Create",
"displayName": "Create",
"namespaceId": "101eae8c-1709-47f9-b228-0e476c35b3ba"
"structureValue": 1,
"extensionType": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Server.Extensions.TaskSecurityExtension",
"isRemotable": false,
"useTokenTranslator": false
"namespaceId": "71356614-aad7-4757-8f2c-0fb3bff6f680",
"name": "WorkItemQueryFolders",
"displayName": "WorkItemQueryFolders",
"separatorValue": "/",
"elementLength": -1,
"writePermission": 8,
"readPermission": 1,
"dataspaceCategory": "WorkItem",
"actions": [
"bit": 1,
"name": "Read",
"displayName": "Read",
"namespaceId": "71356614-aad7-4757-8f2c-0fb3bff6f680"
"bit": 2,
"name": "Contribute",
"displayName": "Contribute",
"namespaceId": "71356614-aad7-4757-8f2c-0fb3bff6f680"
"bit": 4,
"name": "Delete",
"displayName": "Delete",
"namespaceId": "71356614-aad7-4757-8f2c-0fb3bff6f680"
"bit": 8,
"name": "ManagePermissions",
"displayName": "Manage Permissions",
"namespaceId": "71356614-aad7-4757-8f2c-0fb3bff6f680"
"bit": 16,
"name": "FullControl",
"displayName": "Full Control",
"namespaceId": "71356614-aad7-4757-8f2c-0fb3bff6f680"
"structureValue": 1,
"extensionType": null,
"isRemotable": false,
"useTokenTranslator": true
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87",
"name": "Git Repositories",
"displayName": "Git Repositories",
"separatorValue": "/",
"elementLength": -1,
"writePermission": 8192,
"readPermission": 2,
"dataspaceCategory": "Git",
"actions": [
"bit": 1,
"name": "Administer",
"displayName": "Administer",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 2,
"name": "GenericRead",
"displayName": "Read",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 4,
"name": "GenericContribute",
"displayName": "Contribute",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 8,
"name": "ForcePush",
"displayName": "Force push (rewrite history and delete branches)",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 16,
"name": "CreateBranch",
"displayName": "Create branch",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 32,
"name": "CreateTag",
"displayName": "Create tag",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 64,
"name": "ManageNote",
"displayName": "Manage notes",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 128,
"name": "PolicyExempt",
"displayName": "Bypass policies when pushing",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 256,
"name": "CreateRepository",
"displayName": "Create repository",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 512,
"name": "DeleteRepository",
"displayName": "Delete repository",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 1024,
"name": "RenameRepository",
"displayName": "Rename repository",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 2048,
"name": "EditPolicies",
"displayName": "Edit policies",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 4096,
"name": "RemoveOthersLocks",
"displayName": "Remove others' locks",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 8192,
"name": "ManagePermissions",
"displayName": "Manage permissions",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 16384,
"name": "PullRequestContribute",
"displayName": "Contribute to pull requests",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 32768,
"name": "PullRequestBypassPolicy",
"displayName": "Bypass policies when completing pull requests",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 65536,
"name": "ViewAdvSecAlerts",
"displayName": "Advanced Security: view alerts",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 131072,
"name": "DismissAdvSecAlerts",
"displayName": "Advanced Security: manage and dismiss alerts",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"bit": 262144,
"name": "ManageAdvSecScanning",
"displayName": "Advanced Security: manage settings",
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
"structureValue": 1,
"extensionType": null,
"isRemotable": true,
"useTokenTranslator": false
"namespaceId": "4ae0db5d-8437-4ee8-a18b-1f6fb38bd34c",
"name": "Registry",
"displayName": "Registry",
"separatorValue": "/",
"elementLength": -1,
"writePermission": 2,
"readPermission": 1,
"dataspaceCategory": "Default",
"actions": [
"bit": 1,
"name": "Read",
"displayName": "Read registry entries",
"namespaceId": "4ae0db5d-8437-4ee8-a18b-1f6fb38bd34c"
"bit": 2,
"name": "Write",
"displayName": "Write registry entries",
"namespaceId": "4ae0db5d-8437-4ee8-a18b-1f6fb38bd34c"
"structureValue": 1,
"extensionType": null,
"isRemotable": false,
"useTokenTranslator": false
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e",
"name": "VersionControlItems2",
"displayName": "VersionControlItems2",
"separatorValue": "/",
"elementLength": -1,
"writePermission": 1024,
"readPermission": 1,
"dataspaceCategory": "VersionControl",
"actions": [
"bit": 1,
"name": "Read",
"displayName": "Read",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 2,
"name": "PendChange",
"displayName": "Pend a change in a server workspace",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 4,
"name": "Checkin",
"displayName": "Check in",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 8,
"name": "Label",
"displayName": "Label",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 16,
"name": "Lock",
"displayName": "Lock",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 32,
"name": "ReviseOther",
"displayName": "Revise other users' changes",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 64,
"name": "UnlockOther",
"displayName": "Unlock other users' changes",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 128,
"name": "UndoOther",
"displayName": "Undo other users' changes",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 256,
"name": "LabelOther",
"displayName": "Administer labels",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 1024,
"name": "AdminProjectRights",
"displayName": "Manage permissions",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 2048,
"name": "CheckinOther",
"displayName": "Check in other users' changes",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 4096,
"name": "Merge",
"displayName": "Merge",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"bit": 8192,
"name": "ManageBranch",
"displayName": "Manage branch",
"namespaceId": "3c15a8b7-af1a-45c2-aa97-2cb97078332e"
"structureValue": 1,
"extensionType": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Server.PlugIns.RepositorySecurityNamespaceExtension",
"isRemotable": true,
"useTokenTranslator": true
"namespaceId": "2bf24a2b-70ba-43d3-ad97-3d9e1f75622f",
"name": "EventSubscriber",
"displayName": "EventSubscriber",
"separatorValue": ":",
"elementLength": -1,
"writePermission": 2,
"readPermission": 1,
"dataspaceCategory": "Default",
"actions": [
"bit": 1,
"name": "GENERIC_READ",
"displayName": "View",
"namespaceId": "2bf24a2b-70ba-43d3-ad97-3d9e1f75622f"
"bit": 2,
"name": "GENERIC_WRITE",
"displayName": "Edit",
"namespaceId": "2bf24a2b-70ba-43d3-ad97-3d9e1f75622f"
"structureValue": 1,
"extensionType": null,
"isRemotable": false,
"useTokenTranslator": false
"namespaceId": "5a6cd233-6615-414d-9393-48dbb252bd23",
"name": "WorkItemTrackingProvision",
"displayName": "WorkItemTrackingProvision",
"separatorValue": "/",
"elementLength": -1,
"writePermission": 1,
"readPermission": 0,
"dataspaceCategory": "WorkItem",
"actions": [
"bit": 1,
"name": "Administer",
"displayName": "Administer",
"namespaceId": "5a6cd233-6615-414d-9393-48dbb252bd23"
"bit": 2,
"name": "ManageLinkTypes",
"displayName": "Manage work item link types",
"namespaceId": "5a6cd233-6615-414d-9393-48dbb252bd23"
"structureValue": 1,
"extensionType": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server.WitProvisionSecurityExtension",
"isRemotable": false,
"useTokenTranslator": true
"namespaceId": "49b48001-ca20-4adc-8111-5b60c903a50c",
"name": "ServiceEndpoints",
"displayName": "ServiceEndpoints",
"separatorValue": "/",
"elementLength": -1,
"writePermission": 2,
"readPermission": 0,
"dataspaceCategory": "Default",
"actions": [
"bit": 1,
"name": "Use",
"displayName": "Use Endpoint",
"namespaceId": "49b48001-ca20-4adc-8111-5b60c903a50c"
"bit": 2,
"name": "Administer",
"displayName": "Administer Endpoint",
"namespaceId": "49b48001-ca20-4adc-8111-5b60c903a50c"
"bit": 4,
"name": "Create",
"displayName": "Create Endpoint",
"namespaceId": "49b48001-ca20-4adc-8111-5b60c903a50c"
"bit": 8,
"name": "ViewAuthorization",
"displayName": "View Authorization",
"namespaceId": "49b48001-ca20-4adc-8111-5b60c903a50c"
"bit": 16,
"name": "ViewEndpoint",
"displayName": "View Endpoint",
"namespaceId": "49b48001-ca20-4adc-8111-5b60c903a50c"
"structureValue": 1,
"extensionType": null,
"isRemotable": false,
"useTokenTranslator": true
Get the specified security namespace
Ukázkový požadavek
Ukázková odpověď
"count": 1,
"value": [
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866",
"name": "Identity",
"displayName": "Identity",
"separatorValue": "\\",
"elementLength": -1,
"writePermission": 4,
"readPermission": 1,
"dataspaceCategory": "Default",
"actions": [
"bit": 1,
"name": "Read",
"displayName": "View identity information",
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
"bit": 2,
"name": "Write",
"displayName": "Edit identity information",
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
"bit": 4,
"name": "Delete",
"displayName": "Delete identity information",
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
"bit": 8,
"name": "ManageMembership",
"displayName": "Manage group membership",
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
"bit": 16,
"name": "CreateScope",
"displayName": "Create identity scopes",
"namespaceId": "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
"structureValue": 1,
"extensionType": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.IdentitySecurityNamespaceExtension",
"isRemotable": false,
"useTokenTranslator": false
Name | Description |
Action |
Security |
Třída pro popis podrobností TeamFoundationSecurityNamespace. |
Name | Typ | Description |
bit |
integer |
Celé číslo bitové masky pro tuto akci. Musí to být mocnina 2. |
displayName |
string |
Lokalizovaný zobrazovaný název pro tuto akci. |
name |
string |
Nelokaný název pro tuto akci. |
namespaceId |
string |
Obor názvů, do kterého tato akce patří. Použije se jenom pro čtení z databáze. |
Třída pro popis podrobností TeamFoundationSecurityNamespace.
Name | Typ | Description |
actions |
Seznam akcí, které tento obor názvů zabezpečení zodpovídá za zabezpečení. |
dataspaceCategory |
string |
Toto je kategorie datového prostoru, která popisuje, kde by měly být uloženy informace o zabezpečení pro tento securityNamespace. |
displayName |
string |
Tento lokalizovaný název pro tento obor názvů. |
elementLength |
integer |
Pokud tokeny zabezpečení, na které bude tento obor názvů fungovat, je potřeba rozdělit na určité délky znaků, aby se určily jeho prvky. Tato délka by měla být zde zadána. Pokud ne, bude tato hodnota -1. |
extensionType |
string |
Toto je typ rozšíření, které by se mělo načíst z adresáře modulů plug-in pro rozšíření tohoto oboru názvů zabezpečení. |
isRemotable |
boolean |
Pokud je hodnota true, obor názvů zabezpečení je vzdálené, což umožňuje jiné službě zprostředkovat obor názvů. |
name |
string |
Toto není lokalizované pro tento obor názvů. |
namespaceId |
string |
Jedinečný identifikátor pro tento obor názvů. |
readPermission |
integer |
Bity oprávnění, které uživatel potřebuje ke čtení dat zabezpečení v oboru názvů zabezpečení. |
separatorValue |
string |
Pokud tokeny zabezpečení budou tento obor názvů fungovat, je nutné rozdělit na určité znaky, aby se určily jeho prvky, které by zde měly být zadány. Pokud ne, bude tato hodnota znakem null. |
structureValue |
integer |
Slouží k odesílání informací o struktuře oboru názvů zabezpečení přes webovou službu. |
systemBitMask |
integer |
Bity rezervované systémovým úložištěm |
useTokenTranslator |
boolean |
Pokud je hodnota true, služba zabezpečení bude pro tento obor názvů očekávat existenci modulu plug-in ISecurityDataspaceTokenTranslator. |
writePermission |
integer |
Bity oprávnění, které uživatel potřebuje k úpravě dat zabezpečení v oboru názvů zabezpečení. |