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Version.CompareTo Method (Version)

Microsoft Silverlight will reach end of support after October 2021. Learn more.

Compares the current Version object to a specified Version object and returns an indication of their relative values.

Namespace:  System
Assembly:  mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)


Public Function CompareTo ( _
    value As Version _
) As Integer
public int CompareTo(
    Version value


Return Value

Type: System.Int32

Return Value


Less than zero

The current Version object is a version before value.


The current Version object is the same version as value.

Greater than zero

The current Version object is a version subsequent to value.


value is nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).




This method implements the System.IComparable<T> interface, and performs slightly better than the CompareTo method because it does not have to unbox the value parameter.

The components of Version in decreasing order of importance are: major, minor, build, and revision. An unknown component is assumed to be older than any known component. For example:

  • Version 1.1 is older than version 1.1.0.

  • Version 1.1 is older than version 1.1.1.

  • Version 1.1 is older than version

  • Version 1.1.2 is older than version

  • Version 1.2.5 is newer than version


The following code example demonstrates generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for several value and reference types.

' This example demonstrates the generic and non-generic versions of the 
' CompareTo method for several base types.
' The non-generic version takes a parameter of type Object, while the generic
' version takes a type-specific parameter, such as Boolean, Int32, or Double.

Class Example
   Public Shared Sub Demo(ByVal outputBlock As System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock)
      Dim nl As String = vbCrLf
      Dim msg As String = _
          "{0}The following is the result of using the generic and non-generic{0}" & _
          "versions of the CompareTo method for several base types:{0}"

      Dim now As DateTime = DateTime.Now
      ' Time span = 11 days, 22 hours, 33 minutes, 44 seconds
      Dim tsX As New TimeSpan(11, 22, 33, 44)
      ' Version = 1.2.333.4
      Dim versX As New Version("1.2.333.4")
      ' Guid = CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223
      Dim guidX As New Guid("{CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223}")

      Dim a1 As [Boolean] = True, a2 As [Boolean] = True
      Dim b1 As [Byte] = 1, b2 As [Byte] = 1
      Dim c1 As Int16 = -2, c2 As Int16 = 2
      Dim d1 As Int32 = 3, d2 As Int32 = 3
      Dim e1 As Int64 = 4, e2 As Int64 = -4
      Dim f1 As [Decimal] = -5.5D, f2 As [Decimal] = 5.5D
      Dim g1 As [Single] = 6.6F, g2 As [Single] = 6.6F
      Dim h1 As [Double] = 7.7, h2 As [Double] = -7.7
      Dim i1 As [Char] = "A"c, i2 As [Char] = "A"c
      Dim j1 As String = "abc", j2 As String = "abc"
      Dim k1 As DateTime = now, k2 As DateTime = now
      Dim l1 As TimeSpan = tsX, l2 As TimeSpan = tsX
      Dim m1 As Version = versX, m2 As New Version("2.0")
      Dim n1 As Guid = guidX, n2 As Guid = guidX

      ' The following types are not CLS-compliant.
      ' SByte, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64

      outputBlock.Text &= String.Format(msg, nl) & vbCrLf
         ' The second and third Show method call parameters are automatically boxed because
         ' the second and third Show method declaration arguments expect type Object.

         Show(outputBlock, "Boolean:  ", a1, a2, a1.CompareTo(a2), a1.CompareTo(CObj(a2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "Byte:     ", b1, b2, b1.CompareTo(b2), b1.CompareTo(CObj(b2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "Int16:    ", c1, c2, c1.CompareTo(c2), c1.CompareTo(CObj(c2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "Int32:    ", d1, d2, d1.CompareTo(d2), d1.CompareTo(CObj(d2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "Int64:    ", e1, e2, e1.CompareTo(e2), e1.CompareTo(CObj(e2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "Decimal:  ", f1, f2, f1.CompareTo(f2), f1.CompareTo(CObj(f2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "Single:   ", g1, g2, g1.CompareTo(g2), g1.CompareTo(CObj(g2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "Double:   ", h1, h2, h1.CompareTo(h2), h1.CompareTo(CObj(h2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "Char:     ", i1, i2, i1.CompareTo(i2), i1.CompareTo(CObj(i2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "String:   ", j1, j2, j1.CompareTo(j2), j1.CompareTo(CObj(j2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "DateTime: ", k1, k2, k1.CompareTo(k2), k1.CompareTo(CObj(k2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "TimeSpan: ", l1, l2, l1.CompareTo(l2), l1.CompareTo(CObj(l2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "Version:  ", m1, m2, m1.CompareTo(m2), m1.CompareTo(CObj(m2)))
         Show(outputBlock, "Guid:     ", n1, n2, n1.CompareTo(n2), n1.CompareTo(CObj(n2)))
         outputBlock.Text &= String.Format("{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:", nl) & vbCrLf
         outputBlock.Text &= String.Format("SByte, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64") & vbCrLf

      Catch e As Exception
         outputBlock.Text &= e.GetType().Name & vbCrLf
      End Try
   End Sub 'Main

   Public Shared Sub Show(ByVal outputBlock As System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock, ByVal caption As String, ByVal var1 As [Object], ByVal var2 As [Object], _
                          ByVal resultGeneric As Integer, ByVal resultNonGeneric As Integer)
      Dim relation As String

      outputBlock.Text &= caption
      If resultGeneric = resultNonGeneric Then
         If resultGeneric < 0 Then
            relation = "less than"
         ElseIf resultGeneric > 0 Then
            relation = "greater than"
            relation = "equal to"
         End If
         outputBlock.Text &= String.Format("{0} is {1} {2}", var1, relation, var2) & vbCrLf

         ' The following condition will never occur because the generic and non-generic
         ' CompareTo methods are equivalent.

         outputBlock.Text &= String.Format("Generic CompareTo = {0}; non-generic CompareTo = {1}", _
                            resultGeneric, resultNonGeneric) & vbCrLf
      End If
   End Sub 'Show
End Class 'Sample
'This example produces the following results:
'The following is the result of using the generic and non-generic versions of the
'CompareTo method for several base types:
'Boolean:  True is equal to True
'Byte:     1 is equal to 1
'Int16:    -2 is less than 2
'Int32:    3 is equal to 3
'Int64:    4 is greater than -4
'Decimal:  -5.5 is less than 5.5
'Single:   6.6 is equal to 6.6
'Double:   7.7 is greater than -7.7
'Char:     A is equal to A
'String:   abc is equal to abc
'DateTime: 12/1/2003 5:37:46 PM is equal to 12/1/2003 5:37:46 PM
'TimeSpan: 11.22:33:44 is equal to 11.22:33:44
'Version:  1.2.333.4 is less than 2.0
'Guid:     ca761232-ed42-11ce-bacd-00aa0057b223 is equal to ca761232-ed42-11ce-bacd-00
'The following types are not CLS-compliant:
'SByte, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64
// This example demonstrates the generic and non-generic versions of the 
// CompareTo method for several base types.
// The non-generic version takes a parameter of type Object, while the generic
// version takes a type-specific parameter, such as Boolean, Int32, or Double.

using System;

class Example
   public static void Demo(System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock outputBlock)
      string nl = "\n";
      string msg = "{0}The following is the result of using the generic and non-generic{0}" +
                      "versions of the CompareTo method for several base types:{0}";

      DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
      // Time span = 11 days, 22 hours, 33 minutes, 44 seconds
      TimeSpan tsX = new TimeSpan(11, 22, 33, 44);
      // Version = 1.2.333.4
      Version versX = new Version("1.2.333.4");
      // Guid = CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223
      Guid guidX = new Guid("{CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223}");

      Boolean a1 = true, a2 = true;
      Byte b1 = 1, b2 = 1;
      Int16 c1 = -2, c2 = 2;
      Int32 d1 = 3, d2 = 3;
      Int64 e1 = 4, e2 = -4;
      Decimal f1 = -5.5m, f2 = 5.5m;
      Single g1 = 6.6f, g2 = 6.6f;
      Double h1 = 7.7d, h2 = -7.7d;
      Char i1 = 'A', i2 = 'A';
      String j1 = "abc", j2 = "abc";
      DateTime k1 = now, k2 = now;
      TimeSpan l1 = tsX, l2 = tsX;
      Version m1 = versX, m2 = new Version("2.0");
      Guid n1 = guidX, n2 = guidX;

      // The following types are not CLS-compliant.
      SByte w1 = 8, w2 = 8;
      UInt16 x1 = 9, x2 = 9;
      UInt32 y1 = 10, y2 = 10;
      UInt64 z1 = 11, z2 = 11;
      outputBlock.Text += String.Format(msg, nl) + "\n";
         // The second and third Show method call parameters are automatically boxed because
         // the second and third Show method declaration arguments expect type Object.

         Show(outputBlock, "Boolean:  ", a1, a2, a1.CompareTo(a2), a1.CompareTo((Object)a2));
         Show(outputBlock, "Byte:     ", b1, b2, b1.CompareTo(b2), b1.CompareTo((Object)b2));
         Show(outputBlock, "Int16:    ", c1, c2, c1.CompareTo(c2), c1.CompareTo((Object)c2));
         Show(outputBlock, "Int32:    ", d1, d2, d1.CompareTo(d2), d1.CompareTo((Object)d2));
         Show(outputBlock, "Int64:    ", e1, e2, e1.CompareTo(e2), e1.CompareTo((Object)e2));
         Show(outputBlock, "Decimal:  ", f1, f2, f1.CompareTo(f2), f1.CompareTo((Object)f2));
         Show(outputBlock, "Single:   ", g1, g2, g1.CompareTo(g2), g1.CompareTo((Object)g2));
         Show(outputBlock, "Double:   ", h1, h2, h1.CompareTo(h2), h1.CompareTo((Object)h2));
         Show(outputBlock, "Char:     ", i1, i2, i1.CompareTo(i2), i1.CompareTo((Object)i2));
         Show(outputBlock, "String:   ", j1, j2, j1.CompareTo(j2), j1.CompareTo((Object)j2));
         Show(outputBlock, "DateTime: ", k1, k2, k1.CompareTo(k2), k1.CompareTo((Object)k2));
         Show(outputBlock, "TimeSpan: ", l1, l2, l1.CompareTo(l2), l1.CompareTo((Object)l2));
         Show(outputBlock, "Version:  ", m1, m2, m1.CompareTo(m2), m1.CompareTo((Object)m2));
         Show(outputBlock, "Guid:     ", n1, n2, n1.CompareTo(n2), n1.CompareTo((Object)n2));
         outputBlock.Text += String.Format("{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:", nl) + "\n";
         Show(outputBlock, "SByte:    ", w1, w2, w1.CompareTo(w2), w1.CompareTo((Object)w2));
         Show(outputBlock, "UInt16:   ", x1, x2, x1.CompareTo(x2), x1.CompareTo((Object)x2));
         Show(outputBlock, "UInt32:   ", y1, y2, y1.CompareTo(y2), y1.CompareTo((Object)y2));
         Show(outputBlock, "UInt64:   ", z1, z2, z1.CompareTo(z2), z1.CompareTo((Object)z2));
      catch (Exception e)
         outputBlock.Text += e + "\n";

   public static void Show(System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock outputBlock, string caption, Object var1, Object var2,
                           int resultGeneric, int resultNonGeneric)
      string relation;

      outputBlock.Text += caption;
      if (resultGeneric == resultNonGeneric)
         if (resultGeneric < 0) relation = "less than";
         else if (resultGeneric > 0) relation = "greater than";
         else relation = "equal to";
         outputBlock.Text += String.Format("{0} is {1} {2}", var1, relation, var2) + "\n";

  // The following condition will never occur because the generic and non-generic
      // CompareTo methods are equivalent.

         outputBlock.Text += String.Format("Generic CompareTo = {0}; non-generic CompareTo = {1}",
                            resultGeneric, resultNonGeneric) + "\n";
This example produces the following results:

The following is the result of using the generic and non-generic versions of the
CompareTo method for several base types:

Boolean:  True is equal to True
Byte:     1 is equal to 1
Int16:    -2 is less than 2
Int32:    3 is equal to 3
Int64:    4 is greater than -4
Decimal:  -5.5 is less than 5.5
Single:   6.6 is equal to 6.6
Double:   7.7 is greater than -7.7
Char:     A is equal to A
String:   abc is equal to abc
DateTime: 12/1/2003 5:37:46 PM is equal to 12/1/2003 5:37:46 PM
TimeSpan: 11.22:33:44 is equal to 11.22:33:44
Version:  1.2.333.4 is less than 2.0
Guid:     ca761232-ed42-11ce-bacd-00aa0057b223 is equal to ca761232-ed42-11ce-bacd-00

The following types are not CLS-compliant:
SByte:    8 is equal to 8
UInt16:   9 is equal to 9
UInt32:   10 is equal to 10
UInt64:   11 is equal to 11

Version Information


Supported in: 5, 4, 3

Silverlight for Windows Phone

Supported in: Windows Phone OS 7.1, Windows Phone OS 7.0

XNA Framework

Supported in: Xbox 360, Windows Phone OS 7.0


For a list of the operating systems and browsers that are supported by Silverlight, see Supported Operating Systems and Browsers.