Sdílet prostřednictvím

Add, edit, or delete POPs by command line

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

To add, edit, or delete POPs by command line

  1. Do one of the following:

    • If no POP input file exists, create one by using a plain-text editor such as Notepad.

    • Export data from your existing database into a plain-text input file. Make sure that the data is formatted according to the steps in this procedure.

  2. Open the plain-text input file and do one of the following:

    • To add or edit a POP: On a new line and using the following syntax for each POP you want to add or edit, type the data for each field in the order given. Follow each data item except the last with a comma and a space. These items are described in the following table.

      [POP index], [Country/dependency ID], [Region ID], [POP name], [Area code], [Access number], [Minimum baud], [Maximum baud], [Reserved flag], [Service flag], [Dial-up entry]

      For example:

      1, 1, 0, Redmond, 425, 555-0134, 9600, 56000, 0, 120, ISP

      Field Description Data type Characters allowed Limit

      POP index

      Numerical POP identifier


      All numbers

      32,000 rows

      Country/dependency ID

      TAPI code


      All numbers

      No limit

      Region ID

      Numerical region identifier


      All numbers (A zero (0) identifies all regions.)

      No limit

      POP name

      Name given to the POP (maximum of 30 characters)


      All except comma (,) and double quotation mark (")

      30 characters

      Area code

      Area code for the access number


      All numbers, hyphen (-), space ( )

      10 characters

      Access number

      Phone number that subscribers can dial to reach your service


      All numbers, number sign (#), asterisk (*), hyphen (-), space ( )

      35 characters

      Minimum baud

      Minimum baud rate of the POP


      Typical modem speeds

      No limit

      Maximum baud

      Maximum baud rate of the POP


      Typical modem speeds

      No limit

      Reserved flag

      Unassigned flag that must always be set to zero (0)


      Zero (0)

      No limit

      Service flag

      Decimal value representing a combination of POP settings


      See Related Topics

      No limit

      Dial-up entry

      Name of the entry created in the Dial-up Networking Entries pane in the Connection Manager Administration Kit, used in the Connection Manager profile (.cms file)


      All except comma (,), ampersand (&), percent (%), apostrophe ('), acute (´), agave (`), and double quotation mark (")

      50 characters

    • To delete a POP:On a new line, first type the index number of the POP you want to delete. In each of the next nine fields, type a zero, followed by a comma. Leave the 11th field blank.

      In the following example, the POP index number is 12:


  3. Press ENTER.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each POP you want to add, edit, or delete, and then save the file with a .txt extension.

  5. Import the file.


  • If you intend to administer PBA from the command line, do not use spaces in the path to pbadmin.exe or in the path to the phone book files.


  • POPs and regions must be in separate files.

  • The ID number must be unique. If it matches the ID number of an existing POP, it overwrites that POP.

  • Phone book files saved in formats other than plain text (for example, Microsoft Word, WordPad, or Rich-Text Format) do not work properly.

  • Before you can import phone book files into a particular phone book, the phone book name must be registered in the Phone books list in Phone Book Administrator (PBA). If the phone book name does not appear in that list, you must create the phone book.

  • If you are importing POP files and region files by using separate commands, and if your POPs require region information, import your region file first.

  • The country.txt file included in the PBA directory will help you determine the required country or dependency code you will need for your POP files.

  • Phone Book Administrator (PBA) is available only in English, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. However, you can create a phone book in another language by running PBA on an operating system optimized for that language.

Information about functional differences

  • Your server might function differently based on the version and edition of the operating system that is installed, your account permissions, and your menu settings. For more information, see Viewing Help on the Web.

See Also


Import an existing POP list by command line
Service types (POP settings)
Add a new phone book by command line
Administer phone books
Use your existing database with Phone Book Administrator
Connection Point Services Troubleshooting