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Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider, called the Enhanced Provider, supports the same capabilities as the Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider, called the Base Provider. The Enhanced Provider supports stronger security through longer keys and additional algorithms. It can be used with all versions of CryptoAPI.

To maintain backward compatibility with earlier provider versions, the provider name, as defined in the Wincrypt.h header file, retains the version 1.0 designation. However, version 2.0 of this provider is also shipping. To determine the version of the provider in use, call CryptGetProvParam with the dwParam argument set to PP_VERSION. Version 2.0 is in use if 0x0200 is returned.

Provider Type: PROV_RSA_FULL

Provider Name: Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.

The following table shows the algorithms supported by the Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider.

Algorithm ID Description Comments
CALG_AES_128 AES block encryption algorithm Key length: 128 bits.
CALG_AES_192 AES block encryption algorithm Key length: 192 bits.
CALG_AES_256 AES block encryption algorithm Key length: 256 bits.
CALG_MD2 MD2 hashing algorithm No comment.
CALG_MD5 MD5 hashing algorithm No comment.
CALG_SHA SHA hashing algorithm No comment.
CALG_SHA1 Same as CALG_SHA No comment.
CALG_MAC MAC keyed-hash algorithm Block cipher MAC.
CALG_HMAC MAC keyed-hash algorithm HMAC computation.
CALG_SSL3_SHAMD5 SLL3 client authentication algorithm No comment.
CALG_RSA_SIGN RSA public-key signature algorithm Key length: Can be set from 384 bits to 16,384 bits in 8-bit increments.

Default key length: 1,024 bits.

Signature conforms to PKCS #1.

CALG_RSA_KEYX RSA public-key exchange algorithm Key length: Can be set from 384 bits to 16,384 bits in 8-bit increments.

Default key length: 1,024 bits.

CALG_RC2 RC2 block encryption algorithm Default Key length: 128 bits.

Default mode: Cipher block chaining.

Block size: 64 bits.

Salt length: 88 bits.

CALG_RC4 RC4 stream encryption algorithm Default Key length: 128 bits.

Salt length: 88 bits.

CALG_RC5 RC5 block encryption algorithm Key length: 128 bits.

No salt allowed.

CALG_DES DES encryption DES encryption Key Length: 56 bits.

Default mode: Cipher block chaining.

Block size: 64 bits.

No salt allowed.

CALG_3DES_112 Two-key triple DES encryption Key Length: 112 bits.

Default mode: Cipher block chaining.

Block size: 64 bits.

No salt allowed.

CALG_3DES Triple DES Key Length: 168 bits.

Default mode: Cipher block chaining.

Block size: 64 bits.

No salt allowed.

See Also

Cryptography | Microsoft Cryptographic System | Microsoft RSA Base Provider | Key Length Comparison | Certificates

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