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DirectShow Structures (Windows CE 5.0)

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This section describes the Microsoft® DirectShow® structures.

Programming element Description
ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES Contains the allocator's count, size, alignment, and prefix properties.
AM_MEDIA_TYPE Describes a media sample type.
AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES Describes the properties of a generic media sample.
AM_STREAM_INFO Contains start and stop information given to a pin.
AMOVIESETUP_FILTER Contains filter information for registering a filter.
AMOVIESETUP_MEDIATYPE Contains media type information for registering a filter.
AMOVIESETUP_PIN Contains pin information for registering a filter.
AMVPDATAINFO Specifies the data-specific characteristics of the VP input stream.
AMVPSIZE Specifies the width and height for a VP image.
FILTER_INFO Contains information about a filter.
PIN_INFO Contains information about a pin.
POSITION Placeholder for linked lists.
Quality Describes a quality message by indicating Flood or Famine in the renderer and specifying the percentage of frames to drop or add to optimize the renderer's performance.
REGFILTER Describes a filter in the registry.
REGFILTERPINS Contains pin information for registering a filter.
REGPINTYPES Contains media type information for registering a filter.

The following structure maintains information about graphics device interface (GDI) bitmaps and device-independent bitmaps (DIBs).

Structure Description
DIBDATA Contains information about each DIB.

The following structures maintain information about video, as well as video capture and compression.

Structure Description
TRUECOLORINFO Maintains color information.
AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS Contains information about all possible audio formats supported.
COLORKEY Communicates color key information between the renderer and another filter.
MPEG1VIDEOINFO Contains additional MPEG-1 video system information.
MPEG2VIDEOINFO Contains additional MPEG-2 video system information.
TIMECODE Contains basic timecode frame count information.
TIMECODE_SAMPLE Contains complete timecode information.
VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS Contains information about possible connections.
VIDEOINFO Contains information that specifies a video image and its color palette and bitmasks.
VIDEOINFOHEADER Describes the bitmap and color information for a video image.
VIDEOINFOHEADER2 Describes the bitmap and color information for a video image, including interlace, copy protection, and pixel aspect ratio information.

See Also

DirectShow Reference

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