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CopyFiles (Windows CE 5.0)

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The CopyFiles key, under the [DefaultInstall] section, is required and describes the default files to copy to the target device.

Security Note   If files require protection from being overwritten on the target device by unprivileged applications, before creating the .cab file, make sure that these files are marked as System files on the desktop. The CAB Wizard examines the attributes of each file packed in the .cab file, and honors these attributes when the files are installed on the target device.



  • destination_filename
    Specifies the name of the destination file.

    Note   Use only Unicode characters that can be converted into ANSI characters without data loss. This enables backward compatibility with earlier device versions. For more information, see CAB Wizard.

  • source_filename
    Optional if this is identical to destination_filename.

  • flags
    Contains a numeric value that specifies an action to be done while copying files.

    The following table shows the values that are supported by Windows CE.

    Flag Value Description
    COPYFLG_WARN_IF_SKIP 0x00000001 Warn a user if an attempt is made to skip a file after an error occurs.
    COPYFLG_NOSKIP 0x00000002 Do not allow a user to skip copying a file.
    COPYFLG_NO_OVERWRITE 0x00000010 Do not overwrite a file in the destination directory.
    COPYFLG_REPLACEONLY 0x00000400 Copy the source file to the destination directory only if the file is in the destination directory.
    CE_COPYFLG_NO_DATE_DIALOG 0x20000000 Do not copy files if the target file is newer.
    CE_COPYFLG_NODATECHECK 0x40000000 Ignore date while overwriting the target file.
    CE_COPYFLG_SHARED 0x80000000 Create a reference when a shared DLL is counted.

The following [CopyFiles] code example renames Help.htm and warns if it is skipped, while WinGame.wav is renamed and marked as shared:

CopyFiles = CopyFilesSection

"Sample Help.htm",Help.htm,,0x00000001
"Win Game.wav",WinGame.wav,,0x80000000

See Also

Information File | CAB Wizard

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