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TUI Hardware Requirements and PC Keyboard Hotkeys (Windows CE 5.0)

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This topic discusses TUI technical requirements.

The IP phone advanced design template demonstrated in How to Create a Default IP Phone on a CEPC and How to Create a Default IP Phone on an Emulator creates an OS design that matches the following requirements on a CEPC or emulator.

  • A 240 x 320 display resolution and an 8-bit or higher color display. The TUI might require modification for use with a higher resolution display. This modification involves the MetricsAndColors.h file introduced in Modifying TUI Strings, Icons, and Other UI Elements.
  • The screen can be touch screen or standard display. If you do not use a touch screen, all user interaction happens through hardware buttons (or the keyboard on a CEPC or emulator).

The following table shows the required and optional hardware buttons to fully support the TUI with no modification of the TUI source code (you can change any required buttons by modifying the source code).

The PC keyboard equivalent column shows the corresponding keys you can use when working on a run-time image using a CEPC, emulator, or environment with a keyboard.

For a complete mapping between hardware buttons and Windows key codes, see the hotkeys.h file in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\VoIP\OAK\Phone\TUI\Inc.

Hardware button PC keyboard equivalent Required on touch screen display Required on standard display
Numeric keypad Numeric keypad or number keys Required Required
* numeric keypad key INSERT key Required Required
# numeric keypad key DELETE key Required Required
On hook and off hook switch F5

To simulate the off hook state, hold down F5.

To change the hook state without requiring that you continue to press a key, use the speakerphone key, F6.

Required Required
Speakerphone on and off hook switch F6 Required Required
Four context buttons F1, F2, F3, F4 Optional Required
Mute F7 Optional Optional
Hold F8 Optional Optional
Transfer F9 Optional Optional
Redial F10 Optional Optional
Conference F11 Optional Optional
Up and down navigation buttons UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW keys Optional Required
Up and down volume buttons PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys Optional Optional
Home screen HOME key Optional Optional
Speed Dial screen TAB key Optional Optional
Directory screen Return/Enter key Optional Optional
Voicemail screen ESC key Optional Optional
Menu screen END key Optional Optional
Shutdown application F12 Not applicable (only available during testing, with a keyboard) Not applicable (only available during testing, with a keyboard)

See Also

TUI Architecture and Functionality

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